October Action Newsletter 2010

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ystark! takes over ACTION this month with special announcements galore! Welcome to a very special issue of our monthly Action Newsletter – ystark! has taken over this month to bring you important updates on new programs – and a very special launch of their social media website at www.ystark.org. Earlier this year, ystark!, the Canton Regional Chamber’s young professional initiative, did a soft launch of their new website. Organizations launch new sites all the time, you say? What’s the big deal? Well, the ystark! site isn’t your average information portal! It’s one of the best online sources for YP networking in Stark County (and beyond!) and a great resource for more seasoned professionals who are looking to enhance their teams with the addition of new staffers. To date, more than 400 area YPs are represented at ystark.org and more are joining daily. YP members (continued on next page)

Get featured online as ystark!’s New Member of the Month! Each month, ystark! will reward its members by selecting a NEW MEMBER OF THE MONTH to profile online! With this honor comes a month-long feature on the ystark.org homepage – complete with a link back to your online profile. This is a great opportunity to spend sometime in the spotlight! Want to be featured? Go online to ystark.org and sign-up for your free profile and make sure to be detailed (you’ll want to make it count!) Remember to be sure to add a profile picture! No picture, no chance at being selected! Visit ystark.org each month to check out our newest featured member along with other great content.

ystark! Take over Action...

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can meet fellow YPs, learn about important upcoming networking and social events, as well as professional development opportunities, participate in online forums, join committees and recreation leagues, and share professional and personal info via a dynamic online profile. Even if you joined ystark! before the web launch, please be sure to go online now and build your profile to ensure that you have total access to all things ystark!

name, age, company, title and industry, interests, education and career background.

“The organization has really grown since we started using this tool. It is an easy way to connect with a lot of people your own age and it helps to broaden your social network, making it easier to discover opportunities you may have missed,” says Aimee Belden, director of ystark! Businesses and local organizations can tap into the directory of ystark! members online to find potential employees, volunteers and board members. You can search for members by

Creating your online profile is easy, just go to ystark.org and click on “Sign-Up,” then fill out the required information. The service is completely free and takes just minutes to build your profile – you can even link out to more detailed professional information stored in your LinkedIn account, and connect your other social media profiles from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Don’t forget to add a profile picture and read on in this newsletter to learn how to become our next New Member of the Month! Don’t wait! Go online and start building your profile now to see and be seen.

Wellspring provides a steady stream of personal & professional development ystark! has been dedicated to attracting, retaining and engaging local YPs since its inception. Ask the 1,250 YPs who have joined us over the past five years, and you’ll see that they agree – the organization offers exciting networking and socializing opportunities, where members can hobnob with fellow YPs as well as with more seasoned professionals. But as the organization grows in size and prominence, we are dedicated to seeking unexpected and unconventional ways to really make an impact in the professional development of our members. To that end, last issue we unveiled Wellspring ToGo, an article series that provides well-being essentials written for YPs, by YPs. Wellspring ToGo’s bite-sized online articles are the perfect way to tune up personally and professionally, and to learn some great tips from young professionals who are living


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and learning in our community. Today’s hyper-connected, digital world is swarming with “experts.” We’re offering you a way to cut through the information overload and read genuine, thought-provoking articles from YPs who share your community and have intriguing insights and expertise to offer! Topics in the Wellspring ToGo series include Financial Fitness, Marketing Magic, Entrepreneur Insight, Technology Tips, Good Health and Around Town. We’ve got a list of YP partners lined up to share their thoughts on these topics, but if you’re interested in participating in the program, contact ystark! director Aimee Belden at aimeeb@cantonchamber.org or (330) 458-2302. You’ll receive your first Wellspring ToGo E-Digest this month via email – and once you do, please let us know what you think! For more information, visit www.ystark.org.

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October 2010 issue

vol. XLII no. 10

Business Takes Flight this month at Stark B2B Expo NEW spotlight event for Stark County businesses – the first annual Business to Business EXPO. This daylong tradeshow will feature products and services from more than 100 area businesses, as well as rich networking opportunities and educational programs for regional business professionals. Large and small businesses alike will showcase products and services to thousands of attendees on Thursday, Oct. 21, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Canton Memorial Civic Center, 1101 Market Ave. N in downtown Canton.

Networking, enticing programs and the best in B2B exhibitions – all in one place on Oct. 21! On Thursday, Oct. 21, the Canton Regional Chamber and The Repository will present a

i n s i d e : Andrews Retires STIR After Hours

5 7

Community Salute Awards Hot Business on the Burner!

7 9

Fall Network


AultCare Fast Break Breakfast 11 Diversity Conference CVB Photo Contest Winner

12 13

Leadership Encounter Bus Tour Directory Updates Due

14 15

PerplexCIty! Recap CEO Mulleet&Eat

16 17

HOFEF Photo Contest Winner Fire Prevention Breakfast

18 19

Safety Council Luncheon Great Pumpkin Race

21 21

New Members BizBitz October Calendar

22 23 26

In addition to the exhibit floor, attendees can attend excellent business programs – with topics including marketing, sales and more – along with networking events like the B2B breakfast and luncheon. And be sure to stop by the Social Media Café, brought to you by The Karcher Group, Morris Office Environments and ystark! The Business to Business EXPO is sponsored by the Akron-Canton Airport, Mercy Medical Center and The Corporate University, Kent State University at Stark. (continued on page 25)

Maximize Your ROI: Return on Intern! AN INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP FOR NORTHEAST OHIO EMPLOYERS Find them here • Hire them here • Keep them here This is a workshop, with the emphasis on work. At the end of the four-hour session, participants will have learned how to create an Internship Program Plan that specifically meets their business needs and that can be immediately implemented. This workshop will be facilitated by NOCHE staff and is built on years of experience working with employers, managing NEOintern.net, and extensive market research with Northeast Ohio businesses and college students. In addition, The Corporate University, Kent State University at Stark will present information about their internship program. This is the perfect session for any Northeast Ohio employer interested in starting an internship program or improving an existing program. We especially encourage small business owners and entrepreneurs to attend—if you don’t have (continued on page four)


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an HR staff, this can be the fastest, easiest way to develop an internship program based on best practices specifically designed for Northeast Ohio employers. Oct. 2010 • Vol. XLII • No. 10

The Return on Intern workshop is co-sponsored by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and The Corporate University, Kent State University at Stark. For more information, visit www.noche.org/124 or contact Sean McKinniss at (216) 420-9200 x234 or smckinniss@noche.org.

Friday, Nov. 12 8 a.m. Registration and Networking 8:30 a.m. to Noon Workshop Canton Regional Chamber Community Room 222 Market Ave. N Downtown Canton Cost: $50 Limited Seats! Register online at www.noche.org/124 Parking is FREE! Park on the deck behind the building then take the bridge from the deck to lobby level. Please bring your ticket inside for validation.

Thomas E. Cecconi Chairman Dennis P. Saunier President & CEO Jessica Bennett Editor & Director of Marketing Denise Burton Director of Membership & Sales Advertising Sales/Action (330) 458-2067 Sarah Bhatia Graphic Designer


is published monthly for the

members of Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership. Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to: Editor,

Action, Canton

Regional Chamber of Commerce, 222 Market Ave. N., Canton, OH 44702, or call (330) 456-7253, or fax (330) 489-6005. Advertising rates are available for Chamber members. Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.


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Longtime employee retires from Canton Regional Chamber Nancy Andrews, longtime receptionist ºfor the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and its departments, retired in August after 19 years with the organization. Her tenure, among the longest in Chamber history, was celebrated at a staff going away party on Aug. 28. “Nancy is one of the most dedicated employees we’ve ever had. Her kind welcome to our visitors will be greatly missed,” said Denny Saunier, president & CEO. Nancy has retired to spend more time with her daughter and grandchildren. Brenda Smith took over as full-time receptionist for the Chamber in September. Please be sure to welcome her the next time you stop or call in!

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman of the Board - Thomas E. Cecconi Mercy Medical Center Sr. Vice Chairman - George W. Lemon Retired President, Technical Products Group Vice Chairman - Rick L. Haines AultCare Vice Chairman - Kevin Kampman The Repository Vice Chairman - Dean L. Olivieri Fred Olivieri Construction Co. Treasurer - D. William Allen Pro Football Hall of Fame Immediate Past Chairman Ronald D. Becker Hilscher-Clarke Electric Co. President & CEO - Dennis P. Saunier Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Corporate Secretary - Steven J. Katz Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S Michael S. Armbrester Marathon Petroleum Co. LLC

Richard L. Jusseaume Walsh University

James T. Batchelder The M.K. Morse Co.

Geoff Karcher The Karcher Group

Karen Brenneman Hall, Kistler & Company LLP

Tim Maloney Canton Chair Rental

Timothy M. Burke, Jr. FirstMerit

Rick McQueen Akron-Canton Airport

William R. Cook Chase N.A.

John A. Murphy, Jr. Day Ketterer Ltd.

Darryl J. Dillenback DNS Insurance, Inc.

John O’Donnell Ph.D. Stark State College of Technology

Philip D. Fracassa The Timken Company Jerry Gilin Diebold Inc. Derek Gordon Canton Jaycees

Thank you to our ADVANTAGE CANTON funding partners: AEP Ohio,

Greg Harbert CharterOne Bank

AultCare, Aultman Health Foundation, Charter One Bank, Chase

Jason F. Haupt Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A.

Bank, The City of Canton, Dominion East Ohio, Fifth Third Bank, FirstMerit Bank, Hilscher-Clarke Electric Company, Huntington Bank, KeyBank, Mercy Medical Center, PNC and The Timken Company.

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Rick L. Hull Premier Bank & Trust Terrance L. Jones Multi-Development Services of Stark County

Mark J. Samolczyk Stark Community Foundation William C. Shivers Huntington Bank Paul E. Siegfried Siegfried Enterprises Inc. Randolph L. Snow Black, McCuskey, Souers & Arbaugh LPA Alice C. Stephens The Employment Source Vicky L. Sterling Pinnacle Press Inc. David M. Wheeler AEP Ohio


Networking at 30,000 Feet Stir After Hours at Akron-Canton Airport Come to October’s Stir After Hours at the Akron-Canton Airport for three times the networking potential! Once again, we’re teaming up with our Green and Akron chamber counterparts to bring you diverse networking opportunities at one of the fastest-growing airports in the country. This month’s installment of Stir After Hours, sponsored by NEOTEC, will be hosted inside CAK’s main terminal and will feature fabulous door prizes, including AirTran Airways tickets along with other great prizes. Tabletop exhibits are available for $250. Contact Denise Burton, membership and sales director, for more information at deniseb@cantonchamber.org or (330) 458-2067. Don’t forget that one Stir attendee at this month’s event will be selected as our Hot Business of the Month and receive a feature article in the December issue of Action Newsletter. What better way to reach our 2,800 members than to have your business in the limelight? Thursday, Oct. 28 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Akron-Canton Airport 5400 Lauby Rd., Green FREE to all members of the Canton, Green and Akron Chambers of Commerce RSVP by Oct. 26 Note: Please park in the long-term parking area. Tickets will be validated.

Celebrate our greatest community asset at the annual Community Salute Awards Outstanding civic volunteerism and community service will be recognized during the Chamber’s annual Community Salute Awards dinner on Nov. 10 at The University Center at Kent State at Stark. Attend the dinner to help us recognize exceptional community stewards – individuals, businesses and organizations who will be honored with the Award of Merit and the Award of Appreciation. Following the awards dinner, honoree’ names will be recognized on CantonChamber.org, and full coverage of the recipients will be featured in November’s ACTION newsletter. C a n t o n

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Wednesday, Nov. 10 5:30 p.m., social 6:30 p.m., dinner The University Center at Kent State at Stark 6000 Frank Ave. NW North Canton $50 per person RSVP by Nov. 4 Register online at CantonChamber.org. Contact Nancy Leffler, event manager, at (330) 458-2073 or nancyl@cantonchamber.org for more information.

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Charlie Courier Service October HOT BUSINESS ON THE BURNER Charlie Courier Service has 15 years experience in quality delivery service throughout the State of Ohio. The company, owned and operated by Carla Belt, takes customers to the highest level of service with fast, same-day service expedited with the greatest care!

tain regular deliveries, Charlie Courier Service will exceed expectations in all of your delivery needs. Charlie Courier Service is located at 6222 Strausser NW in North Canton. For more information, contact Carla Belt at (330) 494-3338 or jbelt@neo.rr.com.

“We are dedicated, honest and hung up on service, service, service for our customers,� said Belt about her company.

Want to see your business featured here? Come to our monthly Stir After Hours Small Business Networking series for your chance!

The company has two dedicated employees and employs a network of contract delivery staffers to ensure statewide service is efficient. Whether you have a onetime delivery need for an important client, or an ongoing schedule to main-

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Change What You Think and Improve Today; Change How You Think and Improve Every Day OCTOBER AULTCARE FASTBREAK BREAKFAST Charles Darwin said it best almost 150 years ago - the key to surviving (and thriving!) is adaptability. At the AultCare Fast Break Breakfast on Oct. 8, you will hear an uplifting Paul Meschanko presentation from Paul Meschanko as he uncovers the “mental mechanics” necessary to successfully manage change in our professional and personal lives. Thinking determines attitudes, behaviors and habits, and Meschanko explains the mechanics of thinking better than anyone! Meschanko spent more than a decade in the corporate trenches, surrounded by attitudes and practices that often kept good people – and good organizations –

from reaching their full potential. Working in sales and new product development for a Fortune 50 company, Meschanko refused to succumb to the excuses, finger-pointing and hidden agendas that crippled so many of his peers. It was often a tough road, but it was always the right road. Today, with more than a decade of successful presentation experience to his credit, he is recognized throughout North America as an authority on improving organizational culture and productivity. He understands organizational culture from the inside and has a phenomenal record for affecting long-term cultural change. Beyond this important segment of the program, Fast Break attendees have the opportunity to obtain business leads through enjoyable networking activities at an event that has built a reputation as one of the most energetic lead-producing sessions around. Bring a door prize

valued at $15 or more and receive 30 seconds at the microphone to promote your business. Friday, Oct. 8 7 a.m. registration 7:30 a.m. program Courtyard by Marriott 4375 Metro Cir. North Canton, OH Cost: $18 members; $21 members less than 48 hours in advance; $25 non-members RSVP by Oct. 6

Save your seat; register in advance at www.cantonchamber.org or call (330) 458-2085. In order to better accommodate guests at Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce events, we ask that you be sure to register in advance for each event. This will ensure that we have accurate counts for food service and seating. Please register online at www.cantonchamber.org. Please call (330) 458-2085 to register with Rosie Kurtz. Cancellations made less than 48 hours before the beginning of an event are not eligible for refund. No-shows will be billed. In order to reduce operation costs, registration for all major Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce events – such as Annual Dinner or awards dinners – must be paid in advance of the event. Guests may pay for monthly programs in advance or at the door by check, credit card or cash.

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Canton•Stark County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau announces Tourism Photo Contest award winner The Canton/Stark County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau hosted their annual Tourism Photo Contest in August and received over 120 entries. The goal of the contest is to encourage guests, local tourism venues and even local residents to celebrate the wonderful tourism opportunities that exist in Stark County and to share their photos with the world. “It was amazing to see all of the fantastic photos come in from every corner of Stark County. It was incredibly difficult to narrow these entries down!” said John Kiste, executive director for the Canton/Stark County CVB. The entries were narrowed down to 12 finalists, and the photos were voted on by the public via the CVB’s website in late August. All told, more than 1,700 votes were cast in this exciting competition. The winner of the 2010 CVB Photo Contest is James Rudick (North Canton) who submitted a photo entitled “Kayak Morning.” Rudick will receive a $200 gas card as a prize for the winning photo, as well as have his photo featured in the CVB’s marketing pieces, including the 2011 Official Visitors’ Guide, which is distributed annually to over 125,000 people. The photo will also be incorporated into the CVB’s website www.VisitCantonStark.com and has the potential to be included in the many regional advertising campaigns designed to increase tourism to our region. You can view the winning photo and all 12 finalists online at www.visitcantonstark.com/photocontest.

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Give your top employees the ticket to a ‘FRESH VISION’ of Stark County What better way to reward your top performers than by sending them on an excursion to learn about the history and resources that our community has to offer? Stark County employers use the Leadership Stark County Encounter Bus Tour to reward top employees, educate future leaders and acclimate new hires to our region. They have found the daylong tour to be an invaluable tool for training associates at all levels about the history, geography, economy, opportunities and people of Stark County. Don’t miss the next tour, departing this October! “The Encounter Bus Tour is a great educational experience, both for newcomers to Stark County as well as to the seasoned Stark County resident or business person. At Affinity Medical Center, we use the opportunity to attend the Encounter Bus Tour as a reward for our ‘top-performing leaders.’ They get to relax and learn in a very fun environment, and their return is always heralded by rave reviews! Thank you to Leadership Stark County for making this resource available in our community!” Elizabeth Pruitt, vice president operations, Affinity Medical Center 2010 ENCOUNTER ITINERARY Experience public/private partnerships and government collaboratives

Encounter Bus tourists enjoy a unique view of Stark County.

Learn first-hand about Stark County growing businesses Hear about Stark County’s past with local Canton and Massillon historians Discover how to become involved with local nonprofits Network with community leaders and business professionals Enjoy lunch at The Corporate University at Kent State University at Stark. Thursday, Oct. 21 7:30 a.m. Encounter Bus Tour Downtown Canton Cost: $59 per person, includes lunch Register now for yourself and your staff! Visit LeadershipStarkCounty.org and click on “Encounter Bus Tour.”


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Get your updates in for the 2011 Chamber Membership Directory! Calling all Chamber Members! The annual Chamber Membership Directory is your comprehensive guide to local business and provides information about the Chamber. The Chamber is now preparing the 2011 edition of this important publication, and your assistance is needed to update the directory. Please submit changes to your contact information – name, address, e-mail, phone and fax number – that appear in the main listing or in the Classified Buyers’ Guide. Act quickly! All member updates to the directory must be received by Friday, October 15.

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If you’re looking to enhance your presence in the directory, consider placing a display ad highlighting your company’s goods and services. The Chamber’s 1,600+ members and their staffers will see the directory throughout 2011. The Chamber has advertising rates designed for all budgets, and the directory advertising prices begin at $180. Contact Denise Burton, (330) 458-2067, deniseb@cantonchamber.org, or Terri Fullmer (330) 458-2077, terrif@cantonchamber.org to update your contact information or to purchase an ad in the 2011 Chamber Membership Directory.

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PerplexCity part deux takes downtown by storm!

Team Spinal Tap, made up of worthy competitors Eric and Cathie Belden, John and Becky Falconer and Angelina Colbert, conquered ystark!’s second annual PERPLEXCITY game in downtown Canton and the vicinity on Aug 28. A total of 13 teams took to the streets, solving challenging clues and racing from location to location – 18 in all – to the finish line at Picciano’s Martini Bar downtown. “Everyone on our team had an absolute blast – and it was bigger and even more challenging this year. We can’t wait for next year’s game!” said Eric Belden, executive director of Pathway Caring for Children and captain of Team Spinal Tap. Belden’s winning team finished in just under two hours, with the runners up finishing right on their heels. Didn’t participate this year? Don’t make the same mistake next year. Stay tuned for details on this fun, downtown scavenger hunt from ystark!


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CEO Meet Mulleet&Eat After 5 at The Karcher Group Holy mullet*, get ready to party ‘cuz The Karcher Group is hosting the next ystark! CEO Meet&Eat After 5. It’s all happening on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and we’re going to great lengths to make sure this is one CEO Meet&Eat you won’t soon forget.

*Also known as the Neck Warmer, Kentucky Waterfall, Mississippi Mudflap, 10/90 Compromise, Yes-No, etc. Usage: “Dude, that guy’s got a wicked Neck Blanket!”

Geoff Karcher, president of TKG, will kick off the Mullebration at 5:30 p.m. with a brief welcome explaining the upfront workings (a.k.a.“the business”), then you’ll head toward the back (TKG’s creative epicenter) to experience “the party” and rock out to some REO Speedwagon & Skynard.

Tuesday, Oct. 19 5:30 - 7 p.m. The Karcher Group 5590 Lauby Road, Suite 8 North Canton, OH 44720 Cost: Free! RSVP online at ystark.org

No decent mullet-fest would be complete without good grub, so they’ll be serving up BBQ pork sliders and other tasty snacks from Peter Shears — not to mention an open bar — on the deck out back. They’ll have plenty of cornhole, video games and other stuff to keep you entertained, too. Nascar races on the Wii, anyone? And no worries, you won’t have to sport a mullet to get in on the action. But if you want to try out the most ‘teased’ yet functional hairstyle of all time, just drop by the photo booth and there will be some extra Camaro cuts waiting for you. So, mullet this over and join TKG and ystark! for an evening of fun, games and bad hair. We promise to keep the business short and the party growing ...er, going.

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HOF Enshrinement Festival 22nd annual Photo Contest award winners announced

Snapshots from the Balloon Classic Invitational/Jackson-Belden Food Fest and Fireworks taken by professional photographer Bob Rossiter of Canton won a first place award and the coveted “Best of Show” in the 22nd annual Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival Photo Contest, sponsored by the Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography. The annual photo contest was open to amateur and professional photographers alike, and any photos of outdoor Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival events qualified for entry. The photos were judged based on creativity, clarity, depth and color, overall composition and print quality. Twelve photographers won a total cash purse of $1,450.

Rossiter also won two additional first place awards for the 2-Mile and 5-Mile Races and Concert and Fireworks, for a total personal prize package of $550. Other $100 first place winners in the professional category included Tedd Perkins of Canton (Drum Corps International Competition), Denny Valentine of Louisville (Timken Grand Parade) and Scott Heckel of North Canton (Ribs Burnoff ). Ernie Aranyosi of Uniontown and William Green of Louisville took home $25 honorable mentions. The non-professional category was led by Andy Smith of Canton who received $200 for two first place-winning photos from the 2-Mile and 5-Mile Races and the Ribs Burnoff, as well as one $25 hon-

orable mention. Other award-winners in the non-professional category were Doug Perry of Canton with a $100 first place win for the Balloon Classic Invitational, and Roger Sommer of Barberton with a $100 first place win for the Timken Grand Parade as well as two $25 honorable mentions. Other honorable mentions went to Christina Wine of Massillon, Lindy Anastis of Canton and Gorman Findley of Centre Hall, Pa. The winning photos will be on display at the Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography, at 520 Cleveland Ave. NW in downtown Canton, from Oct. 8 through Oct. 30, and on the Enshrinement Festival’s Web site at www.profootballhofef.com.

Best of Show Photograph by Bob Rossiter, taken at the Balloon Classic Invitational/JacksonBelden Food Fest and Fireworks

Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews attorneys at law Telephone: (330) 499-6000 Telecopier: (330) 499-6423 400 SOUTH MAIN STREET NORTH CANTON, OHIO 44720 www.bakerfirm.com


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Smoke Detectors & Thermal Imaging Devices: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe - Stark County Safety Council Luncheon a Ladder Captain at Central Station. Bertram is a certified instructor in both fire and EMS, and is certified in homeland security and emergency preparedness. He is the department chair of emergency services for Stark State College, where he has been employed for over 20 years. Fred Bertram At the October Stark County Safety Council Luncheon, Fred Bertram will discuss the importance of smoke detectors and thermal imaging devices when it comes to safety in fire service.

Thursday, Oct. 14 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meyer’s Lake Ballroom 3218 Parkway St. NW Canton, OH 44708 Cost: $16 RSVP by Oct. 11

Bertram has been with the Canton Fire Department for 32 years and is currently

Spotlight Company:

CORRECTION In the September issue of ACTION Newsletter, we indicated that all Safety Council members are eligible for the $1,000 Safety Council Business Grant application. Please note that only members of the Stark County Safety Council are eligible to apply for this grant. Our apologies for any confusion! For more information, visit: StarkCountySafetyCouncil.org or contact Connie Cerny at (330) 458-2061 or conniec@cantonchamber.org.

Get ready, get set, for the 13th annual Great Pumpkin Race! Start your Halloween weekend with the annual Great Pumpkin Race, co-sponsored by the Stark County Safety Council, on Saturday, Oct. 30. As a sponsor, the Safety Council receives 10 slots to participate in the race. Want to represent your company? Contact Connie Cerny at conniec@cantonchamber.org or (330) 458-2061 for a race entry form. The registration deadline is Oct. 15. Companies can also enter a one-mile “fun run,” kicking things off at 8:45 a.m.

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All proceeds from the race will benefit Stark County DD Special Olympics! Want to get involved but don’t want to join the race to the finish? We are seeking race day volunteers from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Contact Connie Cerny for details.

Saturday, Oct. 30 8:45 a.m. 1-mile Fun Run 9:15 a.m. 4-Mile Run Start and finish lines located at the Whipple-Dale Center 2950 Whipple Ave NW, Canton Contact Connie Cerny at conniec@cantonchamber.org to register by Oct. 15.

Promote your company by donating a door prize! Donate a door prize for our racers, and we’ll announce your company during the race!

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WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in August. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would benefit from Chamber membership, please contact the Membership Department at (330) 458-2067.

Anthony Roofing (ROOFING) Tony Garman 708 Snyder NE Canton, OH 44721 (330) 412-6590 AtNetPlus, Inc. (COMPUTERS - SYSTEM DESIGNERS & CONSULTANTS) Susan Hudik 1000 Campus Dr., Ste. 700 Stow, OH 44224 (330) 945-5685 www.atnetplus.com Canton Drop Forge, Inc. (MANUFACTURERS) Todd Gray 4575 Southway Ave. SW Canton, OH 44706-0902 (330) 477-4511 www.cantondropforge.com CopyRight, Inc. (OFFICE EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE) Randy Muntean 4880 Hills & Dales Rd. NW Canton, OH 44708 (330) 479-8020 Creative Rehab, Ltd. (EMPLOYMENT SERVICES) Don Holley PO Box 197 New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 388-0141 EMS Sentry, Inc. (MEDICAL ALARM SYSTEMS) Larry Parker 435 Applegrove Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 433-1040 www.emssentry.com Eureka Machine (FABRICATORS MACHINE SHOPS) Mike Sigman 112 S Broadway St. Sugarcreek, OH 44681 (330) 852-2912 www.eurekamachineshop.com Glenbeigh Center of Canton (ALCOHOL AND DRUG REHABILITATION) Max D Burkins 4661 Belpar NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 492-2600 www.glenbeigh.com


Gold Ribbon Gourmet Catering & Pastries (CATERERS) Maria Paxos PO Box 2216 North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 361-9306 www.goldribbongourmet.com Grant Street Creative The Tradeshow Stores (ADVERTISING - AGENCIES) Dave Ramsell 315 East Broadway Dover, OH 44622 (330) 243-0651 www.grantstreetcreative.com Gutter Helmet of Eastern Ohio (GUTTERS & GUTTER PROTECTION) Debbie Smith 347 Front Ave. SE New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (877) 360-6333 www.gutterhelmet.com Hanover House Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (NURSING HOMES) Rebecca Samblanet 435 Avis Ave. NW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 837-1741 www.communicarehealth.com J.D.T. Investments (CONSULTANTS - HOSPITALITY) J. D. Tzangas PO Box 9760 Canton, OH 44711 (330) 316-7534 Kohler Coating (MANUFACTURERS) Richard Linc 10995 Wright Rd. NW Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 499-1407 www.kohlercoating.com Legends Care Center (NURSING HOMES) Diane Richmond 2311 Nave Rd. SE Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 837-1001 www.consulatehc.com

Robert J. Events & Catering (BARTENDING SERVICE CATERERS) Bob Pacanovsky 251 25th St. NW Canton, OH 44709 (330) 452-2766 www.RobertJEvents.com Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems (ENERGY SERVICES) Mark Fleiner 6065 Strip Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 491-4800 The Selling Pro, division of Direct Selling Academy, Inc. (TRAINING SERVICES) Jeffrey M. Zalewski 9247 Pheasant Valley Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 499-3050 www.TheSellingPro.com Software Assassin (INTERNET SERVICES SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT WEB DESIGN) Chris Green 401 W. Tuscarawas St. NW Canton, OH 44709 (330) 846-1885 www.softwareassassin.com The Tradeshow Stores (ADVERTISING - AGENCIES TRADESHOWS) Dave Ramsell 315 East Broadway Dover, OH 44622 (330) 243-0651 www.thetradeshowstores.com G. Vlahos & Associates LLC Safe Money Solutions (INSURANCE & FINANCIAL PLANNING) Greg Vlahos 9262 Bletchley Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 417-9950 www.gvlahos.com

Maxim Enterprises (PROPERTY PRESERVATION) Steve Maxim 5080 Aultman Road North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 499-9289 www.maximent.com

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Whitemyer Advertising has announced the hiring of Dan Mehling as art director and Alexandra Ross as administrative assistant. Mehling’s responsibilities include the development of creative materials for print and electronic based marketing efforts, including the design of websites, print ads, e-mail marketing tools and trade show booth designs. He earned a bachelor’s degree in visual communication from Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids, Mich. Ross’ responsibilities include maintaining agency job flow, securing quotes from vendors, updating agency and client social media, copywriting, editing and assisting in public relations tasks. Ross earned a bachelor’s degree in communication studies with a focus in interpersonal communication from Kent State University in 2009. For more information about the agency, visit www.whitemyer.com. AultCare has announced that it has been awarded an Accreditation status of Excellent from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for its Medicare Advantage and HMO products. NCQA is an independent, non-profit organization that assesses and reports on the quality of the nation’s managed care plans. AultCare’s Accreditation status – the highest possible level – is based on a voluntary review of how a health plan ensures that its members are receiving high quality care. The NCQA Accreditation process evaluates how well a health plan manages quality throughout every part of its delivery system – physicians, hospitals, affiliated providers and administrative services – to continuously improve health care for its members. Edward Jones branch in Canton recognized as Top 10 Client Service Provider in the region. Canton-based Edward Jones Financial Advisor Adam Olenick and Branch Office Administrators Barb Fricke and Brenda Trachsel were recently recognized among the top client service providers within the firm. Edward

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Jones provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. The local Edward Jones branch is located at 4663 Dressler Road NW in Thursday’s Plaza. For more information, call (330) 493-0047 or visit www.edwardjones.com. PPI Graphics’ graphic designer, Jackie ZIncon, won a Gold Ink Award for her design of the 2010 Aultman Angel Auction materials. Now in its 23rd year, the Gold Ink Awards competition has earned the respect of the industry’s most important producers of printed work. The competition is open to all creators and producers of printed materials, including printers, publishers and agencies. This is the sixth Gold Ink award for the company. For more information about PPI Graphics, visit www.ppi-graphics.com. The Stark County District Library, Center for Nonprofit Excellence, and the Association of Fundraising Professionals, North Central Ohio Chapter are sponsoring a series of fundraising seminars at the library throughout the rest of 2010. For nonprofit professionals, these workshops will guide you through the fundamentals of establishing and strengthening fundraising programs. All workshops are from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and attendees are invited to bring a lunch. Although the workshops are free, separate registration for each program is required. Register at www.cfnpe.org and click on the calendar tab to select the classes and dates you would like to attend. Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC)’s Customer Interaction Solutions® Magazine has named Ameridial as a recipient of a 2010 CRM Excellence Award. Customer Interaction Solutions has been the premier publication in the CRM, call center and teleservices industries since 1982. Based on hard data, The CRM Excellence Award relies on facts and numbers, demonstrating the improvements that the winner’s product has made in a client’s business. Winners were chosen based upon their product or service’s ability to help extend and expand the customer relationship to become allencompassing, covering the entire

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enterprise and the entire lifetime of the customer. Ameridial is a leading global provider of contact center services and employs more than 800 professional service and sales representatives in seven Ohio locations. Visit www.oksameridial.net for details. The Law Firm of Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce that its annual “Samuel Krugliak Legal Student Scholarship” has been awarded to Connie Porter. The scholarship is awarded annually to assist law students who exemplify the firm’s ethics and who intend to practice law in any one of the geographic regions served by the firm. Porter graduated summa cum laude from the Honors Tutorial College, Ohio University and is currently attending The University of Akron School of Law. She is employed by the Stark County Department of Job and Family Services, is a recipient of the Liberty Bell Award by the Stark County Bar Association, and is actively involved in the community, serving on the Stark County Children Services Political Action Committee. For more information, visit www.kwgd.com. The Corporate University, Kent State University at Stark, in partnership with the Small Business Development Center, is offering a unique learning and growing opportunity for all entrepreneurs. Join entrepreneurial peers in frank, provocative discussions about managing your strong suits to build a professional organization designed for growth and smooth succession planning – now and in the future. Two unique sessions will be held on Oct. 7 and Oct. 20 from 7:30 9:30 a.m. Each program is $165 per person or $295 for both (a savings of $35). The fee includes all materials and lunch in The University Center’s Dining Room. The programs will be held at The University Center at Kent State at Stark, 6000 Frank Avenue NW in Jackson Township. Visit www.YourCorporateU.com and click on the programs page learn more. Submit Biz Bitz articles to jessb@cantonchamber.org. Deadline is five weeks prior to publication.


B2B Expo

(continued from Action cover)

Here’s a complete overview of the conference lineup:

manager, The Huntington National Bank’s Greater Akron/Canton Region


Mixing and Managing Different Generations In the Workplace Willie Shoemaker, public program coordinator, The Corporate University at Kent State University at Stark

7:30 - 9:15 a.m. BREAKFAST SESSION Sponsored by The Huntington National Bank Creating an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem John Dearborn, President, JumpStart Inc.

Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch Sponsored by Akron-Canton Airport

8:30 a.m. Exhibition Hall Opens

AirTran Airways and Akron-Canton Airport: A True Economic Development Partnership Robert Fornaro, president & CEO, AirTran Airways

9:30 – 10:15 a.m. SESSION SERIES #1 Offense Is Your Best Legal Defense to Gain Market Share Kevin R. Caudill, business attorney, Day Ketterer, Ltd.

2 – 2:45 p.m. SESSION SERIES #3 We Won’t Bite: Working with the Media Jeff Gauger, executive editor of The Repository

Driving Revenue with Art Robb Hankins, president & CEO, ArtsinStark

Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Lehman’s Story Glenda Lehman Ervin, vice president of marketing, Lehman’s

Simple Steps to Small Business Marketing Success Todd Locke, president, WRL Advertising 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. SESSION SERIES #2 Taking It Digital: Search Engine Optimization & Web Marketing Geoff Karcher, The Karcher Group Managing Your Cash In Tough Economic Times George Glasser, senior vice president, business banking

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Go Green, Save Green Mercy Medical Center “Green Team” — Richard Regula, director of market outreach, Elaine Campbell, grant & development director, and Nick Bagnola, vice president of construction management

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3 – 3:45 p.m. SESSION SERIES #4 Looking In the Mirror, Where to Begin Building “Next-Level Capacity” for Your Business. Ken Weber, executive director, Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio Smart Social Media – How Will It Help My Business? Sue Grabowski, president, Grabowski & Company 4 – 6:30 p.m. The Art of Business After Hours Event – sponsored by Day Ketterer Ltd. 6:30 p.m. Exhibition Hall Closes For a full, up-to-the-minute schedule, please visit www.StarkB2BExpo.com. Get your tickets for the exhibit floor and breakout sessions for just $2! Tickets to attend the breakfast, lunch or after hours networking programs are additional. Customize your attendee ticket package online at StarkB2BExpo.com!


October 1

First Friday – Passport to the World Look abroad and set your sails to celebrate a sampling of lands afar, dance to the beat of a different drum and see some local culture. Celebrate diversity – this festival of many nations arrives downtown for one night only. Don’t miss this downtown trip around the world!


ystark! Monthly Meet-Up: Learn ‘n Burn Walsh University is pleased to invite the members of ystark! and the Canton Jaycees to join Walsh Alumni and associates for a unique night of networking and noshing. For the pros, you’ll warm up at the fire pit while toasting your s’mores to perfection. There will be plenty of time to enjoy hot chocolate, beer and cider! For the newbies, you’ll have the chance to learn a bit more about the kinds of activities that ystark! and the Canton Jaycees host each year.


Change What You Think and Improve Today; Change How You Think and Improve Every Day: September AultCare Fast Break Breakfast Charles Darwin said it best almost 150 years ago - the key to surviving (and thriving!) is adaptability. At the AultCare Fast Break Breakfast on Oct. 8, you will hear an uplifting presentation from Paul Meschanko as he uncovers the “mental mechanics” necessary to successfully manage change in our professional and personal lives.

Friday, Oct. 8 7 a.m. registration 7:30 a.m. program Courtyard by Marriott 4375 Metro Cir. North Canton, OH Cost: $18 members; $21 members less than 48 hours in advance; $25 non-members RSVP by Oct. 6


Diversity Conference 2010: Creating a Culture of Inclusion in 21st Century Business Canton’s first-ever diversity conference will bring together in one engaging conference & exhibition the tools and resources needed to define diversity and inclusion within the workplace and demonstrate how these important business practices can influence the strength and prosperity of both your business and the community at large.

Thursday, Oct. 14 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The University Center Kent State University at Stark 6000 Frank Ave NW North Canton, OH 44720 Cost: $99 Chamber/SHRM members; $119 non-members Register Online at CantonChamber.org/diversity


Smoke Detectors & Thermal Imaging Devices: Stark County Safety Council Luncheon At the October Stark County Safety Council Luncheon, Fred Bertram will discuss the importance of smoke detectors and thermal imaging devices when it comes to safety in fire service.

Thursday, Oct. 14 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meyer’s Lake Ballroom 3218 Parkway St. NW Canton, OH 44708 Cost: $16 RSVP by Oct. 11


ystark! CEO Mulleet&Eat After 5 at TKG Holy mullet, get ready to party ‘cuz The Karcher Group is hosting the next ystark! CEO Meet&Eat After 5. It’s all happening on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and we’re going to great lengths to make sure this is one CEO Meet&Eat you won’t soon forget.

First Friday, Oct. 1 6 – 10 p.m. Downtown Canton FREE!

Thursday, Oct. 7 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Hoover Park 2020 East Maple Street North Canton, Ohio Cost: FREE RSVP by Oct. 4

Tuesday, Oct. 19 5:30 - 7 p.m. The Karcher Group 5590 Lauby Road, Suite 8 North Canton, OH 44720 Cost: Free! RSVP online at ystark.org Thursday, Oct. 21 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Canton Memorial Civic Center 1101 Market Ave. N Downtown Canton Cost: $2 for exhibit hall and programming; $18 breakfast tickets; $25 lunch tickets, $5 after-hours networking tickets


Stark B2B Expo Presented by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce and The Repository, the B2B EXPO will offer small to large businesses an opportunity to showcase their products and services while participating in valuable networking and educational sessions. Register online at StarkB2BExpo.com


Leadership Stark County Encounter Bus Tour What better way to reward your top performers than by sending them on an excursion to learn about the history and resources that our community has to offer? Stark County employers use the Leadership Stark County Encounter Bus Tour to reward top employees, educate future leaders and acclimate new hires to our region. They have found the daylong tour to be an invaluable tool for training associates at all levels about the history, geography, economy, opportunities and people of Stark County.

Thursday, Oct. 21 7:30 a.m. Encounter Bus Tour Downtown Canton Cost: $59 per person, includes lunch Register Online at LeadershipStarkCounty.org

Networking at 30,000 Feet STIR AFTER HOURS AT AKRON-CANTON AIRPORT Come to October’s Stir After Hours at the Akron-Canton Airport for three times the networking potential! Once again, we’re teaming up with our Green and Akron chamber counterparts to bring you diverse networking opportunities at one of the fastest-growing airports in the country.

Thursday, Oct. 28 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Akron-Canton Airport 5400 Lauby Rd., Green FREE to all members of the Canton, Green and Akron Chambers of Commerce RSVP by Oct. 26

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