©2025, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 2025 • Volume 44 – No. 19 (USPS 277440)

WHITE HAVEN FAMILY DINER OPEN AGAIN: The period in between Christmas and New Years was quiet in White Haven, with one exception the White Haven Diner opened its doors again on Friday, December 27, following the sudden death of Stephen N. Curry on December 6. Steve had managed his family’s business at the diner since 2000, and worked with his grandparents there from age 11. Everyone at the diner is very thankful for the support received from the whole community, such as a Go Fund Me campaign that raised money to assist the waitresses during the closure. The diner is back to being open every day except Thursday, starting at 7 a.m. with last seating at 2:45. JH: Ruth Isenberg
Monday busy day for area townships
by Ruth Isenberg
Monday, January 6, is going to be a busy day for township supervisors and officials. State law requires them to hold an annual reorganization meeting on the first Monday of January. (Boroughs are only required to reorganize every other year, after a local election.)
Here is the schedule for the townships in the JournalHerald coverage area:
Dennison Township
6 p.m. in the Dennison Township Municipal Building at 76 Walnut Street, White Haven. The regular monthly meeting will follow right after reorganization.
Foster Township
6:30 p.m. in the Foster Township Municipal Building at 1000 Wyoming Avenue, Freeland. The regular monthly meeting will follow.
Kidder Township
5 p.m. at the Kidder Township Municipal Building, 10 Lake Harmony Road (State Route 1003), Lake Harmony. Monthly meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.
Lausanne Township
6 p.m. at River Run Center for the Healing Arts Building, 3907 Buck Mountain Road,Weatherly, which is the new location for See REORGANIZATIONS, page 3

(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Telephone (570) 215-0204
Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance. $45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.
Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address changes to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)
Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales
Ruth Isenberg, Editor
Steve Stallone, Sports Editor
Member, Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce Carbon County Chamber of Commerce
Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce © Copyright 2025, The Journal-Herald
Enough nostalgia, already
by Ruth Isenberg
Looking back over the past year is a traditional New Year pastime. Remembering the highs and lows, thinking of friends near and far, and sometimes gone, comparing where we are now to where we were then—all worth some consideration.
Reviewing what music I listened to, or what news stories I read, TV shows I streamed, or websites I visited…not so much. That’s just filling up space.
The need to generate “content,” as it’s now called, means that there has to be something going on every moment, either visually or aurally. Quiet, stillness, peace…hard to come by in a world that’s always streaming, always on.
New Year should be just that—new. A glance in the rearview is good, but concentrating on what is behind us can keep us from noticing what is coming our way. Resolutions are more in keeping with looking forward, but they too can tie us down, hold us in one place.
New Year is a social construct, just one day out of many. At the same time, it gives us an opportunity to set our sights on living the best we can in the future—as individuals, as families, as communities and as a world. Will 2025 be the year we get unstuck from unproductive ways of living and move ourselves forward?
On December 31, 2025, may we look back with pride on all we’ve accomplished.
Letters to the Editor Policy
Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. They may be mailed to 211 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661 or e-mailed to Letters must include a signature, which will be published, and a phone number for verification purposes, which will not. Topics of local interest are preferred, and form letters will not be published. Perference will be given to letters sent exclusively to this publication. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity. Letters which could be considered slander or libel will not be published, nor will personal attacks.
From The Journal-Herald January 5, 2005
Clara R. Holder, Publisher
White Haven Borough Council changed engineering firms at the first meeting of the year, switching from Pennoni Engineers to Alfred Benesch and Associates. Donald Karpowich was retained as solicitor, and Elizabeth Altero was reappointed as secretary/ treasurer.
The front page featured a photo of a full moon rising over the lake behind the Francis E. Walter Dam. The lake was high, and sported a fresh coat of ice, which reflected the moon’s light at dusk.
Weatherly Area School Board considered appointing special ed teachers and aides retroactively, and as new hires. They also made appointments to the maintenance staff.
The editorial warned people about scams relating to the tsunami along the Indian Ocean on December 26. Less than a week after the disaster, bogus fund drives had been reported. The American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia was recommended as a proven and trusted organization that was already dispensing funds on the ground to provide doctors.
In Seth’s Sightings, he noted that the lower road at the Francis Walter Dam had been reopened. Over six inches of ice had covered the area, and people gathered to take pictures of the unusual sight.
He also reported gas prices of $1.63.9 in Mountain Top, due to a price war resulting from the opening of the new Turkey Hill store.
The Verizon Luge Challenge was scheduled for Big Boulder Ski Area, free to spectators.
Scott A. Kew-Goodale of Weatherly graduated from basic military training at Lackland
Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
Matthew L. Tierney of Weatherly also graduated from basic military training at Lackland.
Easter Seals of Eastern Pennsylvania chose Morgan Mengle, age 6, as the inspiration for the first of five “In the Game” posters to help raise awareness of the non-profit’s local programs and services for people with disabilities. She posed in her T-Ball gear.
Dining Out was a visit to Denny’s on Route 940 at the Turnpike, open 24 hours and serving comfort food (and ice cream treats).
From The Weatherly Herald January 6, 1955
R.V. Faust, Publisher
One-way traffic is now in use over the Black Creek where a new bridge is being constructed by Pennsylvania State Highway Department.
Weatherly Branch of the Hazleton National Bank advertised its Christmas Club deposit weekly amounts from 25¢ to $10 and receive $12.50 to $500 in 50 weeks and a Vacation Club depost similar amounts and receive half as much in 25 weeks. No interest earned in either case!
Ritz Theatre advertised Spencer Tracy and Richar Widmark in Broken Lance, and Marilyn Monroe and Robert Mitchum in The River of No Return.
Burgesses at Lehighton and Weissport have issued proclamations declaring 1955 as Founders’ Year, in observance of the 200th anniversary of Gnaden Hutten (sic) Massacre which took place November 25, 1755. Special observances of this 200th anniversary in these two towns will take place from time to time during the year.
Public Notices
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Tina Biasi, of Hazle Twp., Pennsylvania, in the Estate of Carole Ann Palermo a/k/a Carole Palermo, late of Hazle Twp., Pennsylvania, who died on September 24, 2024. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named or to: Alexis C. Falvello, Esquire THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C.
641 State Route 93 Sugarloaf, PA 18249 1/2
Penn Lake Park Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing January 13, 2025, 6:00 pm at Penn Lake Borough Community Building, 1744 Lakeview Drive, Penn Lake, White Haven, PA 18661 to consider application by Kevin and Karen DiPipi for 1327 Lakeview Drive, White Haven, PA 18661 (R-1 Zoning District) for dimensional variances and variance approval approval for construction of an accessory structure (carport) as the principal use on the lot across from the Owner/ Applicant’s home. The application is available to the public by contacting Barry Jacob, Zoning Officer (570-899-7149).
Mark P. McNealis Esq., Solicitor for Zoning Hearing Board 1/2
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Leadership Hazleton brings the Christmas Spirit to Head Start
It was a Christmas pajama party with no grinches in sight as JLH students and Head Start children celebrated Christmas together on Wednesday, December 4th at Hazleton Head Start. The JLH team visited all five classrooms and children sat on Santa’s lap for a photo and let him know their Christmas wishes. Everyone enjoyed Christmas music as the children were given Christmas pictures to color, cards, and plenty of snacks and treats.
Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for low income children and families in Luzerne and Wyoming Counties with early childhood education and family development.
Junior Leadership teens on the project team were: Shaniece Brown, Noemi Taveras Garcia, Natalie Verbonitz-Hazleton Area High School; Darren Paulino, Margaret Zeiler-Marian Catholic High School; Eliesel Lazala Gomez, Elainel Morel-Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences;
Roosivelt Fernandez-Hazleton Area Career Center and Kelly Reiner-Weatherly Area High School.
In addition to helping teens learn about community needs, opportunities, problems, and resources by attending the monthly sessions, these young people are also required to be a member of one of three community service project teams. This helps them to learn planning and leadership skills,
Continued from page 1
all supervisors’ meetings on the first Monday of the month.
Lehigh Township
1 p.m., Lehigh Township Municipal Building, 1741 S. Lehigh Gorge Drive, Weatherly. The regular meeting will follow.
Packer Township
6 p.m., Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly. The
as well as team spirit all of which are tools for their own lives and which they can contribute to others in the future.
Junior Leadership Hazleton is a program administered by Leadership Hazleton, an affiliate of the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce. Funding for the program is provided, in part, by the CAN DO Community Foundation.
regular meeting will follow. Auditors
Auditors are required to hold a reorganization meeting on the first Tuesday of January. In Packer Township, they will meet at 6 p.m., in Lehigh Township they will meet at 7:30 p.m., and in Dennison Township they will meet at 7 p.m.
Because they are boroughs, East Side, White Haven, Weatherly and Penn Lake Park do not need to reorganize, and will meet at their regular times.
John Kudlick, 95 years of age of East Main Street, Weatherly, passed away on Saturday, December 28, 2024, as a guest of Forest Hill Nursing & Rehabilitation in Weatherly, Pennsylvania.
Born Wednesday, September 25, 1929 in Sandy Run, Luzerne County, he was the son of the late John and Mary (Stebnisky) Kudlick. John was also predeceased by beloved wife, Edith (Becker) Kudlick March of 1999; sisters, Mary Timko and Anna Pavlick; brothers, Fred Kudlick and Michael Kudlick.
Surviving are sons John R Kudlick and his wife Patricia of Frankford, DE, and Mark R. Kudlick of Dover PA; grandchildren Chris, Beth, Maggie, Paul, Becca, and Michael; 13 greatgrandchildren; 1 great-greatgrandchild; brother, George Kudlick; cousin Nancy Hudock; and extended family.
A graduate of Foster Township High School, John received his bachelor’s degree in education from Bloomsburg University, and his master’s degree in administration from Scranton University.

PhilipJ.Jeffries FuneralHome &CremationServices
ABranchofHolmes–GriffithsF.H.,Inc. 211FirstStreet,Weatherly,PA18255 570-427-4231
Anewapproachtofuneraland cremationcare.Lookingforwardto servingWhiteHaven,Dennison, Lehigh,andFosterTownships. Allarrangementsandconsultations fromthecomfortofyourhome. Guidingfamiliesthrough difficulttimes.
He retired from the United States Air Force in 1970 after serving 21 years. In addition to his stateside duty in California, Vermont, and New York, John served overseas in England, Germany, Korea and Turkey. In 1974 John became a member of the Weatherly School District faculty as a teacher in the Middle School where he taught until 1985 when he was appointed Principal of the Elementary/Middle School, retiring in January of 1999. Funeral Services have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.
An Office of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 14, from St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 643 Fern Street, Freeland, Father Scott Boghossian to officiate. Interment with Military Honors will be in Union Cemetery, Weatherly. Memorials in John’s honor to:
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
501 St. Jude Place Memphis, TN 38105 Or
St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church
Online condolences may be made to the family at www.
Richard W. Carter, 90, of White Haven, passed away peacefully on Saturday, December 28, 2024 in Gino Merli Veterans Center, Scranton.
Arrangements are being finalized under the direction of the Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. White Haven for services on January 11, 2025.

Melvin R. Tyrrell, husband, father, grandpa, 86 years of age of Morrisville, Pennsylvania passed away peacefully on Thursday, December 26, 2024, at Jefferson Bucks Hospital in Langhorne.
Born Thursday, April 14, 1938 in Bristol, he was the son of the late William and Pearl (Strang) Tyrrell. Melvin was also predeceased by sisters Virginia Tyrell, Doris Faras, and Flora Boyle; and brothers Charles, and William Tyrrell.
Surviving are; his wife of 70 years, Harriet (Funk) Tyrrell; daughters, Ramona Maziarz wife of Howard, Harriet Guze wife of Brian; son, Timothy Tyrrell and his wife Kathy; grandchildren, Victor Guze, Brian Guze, Dillion Maziarz, Shane Maziarz; great grandchild, Jeremiah Hoagland. Many nieces and nephews also survive Melvin.
A graduate of Bristol High School, Melvin served honorably in the United States Army during the Korean War. Melvin retired from US Steel, and in retirement taught welding at Mercer County Technical School. A member of Masonic Lodge #427 of Newton, Korean War Veterans, and Korean War Tour of Honor.
LehmanFamily FuneralService, Inc.
ServingWhiteHaven,Weatherlyandsurroundingcommunities BranchofLehmanFamilyFuneralService,Inc. (570)443-9816
Mechanically inclined, Mevin was a welder, builder, and proficient mechanic. Melvin enjoyed building bird houses, flying his drone, and deep sea fishing. His love of dogs and infectious sense of humor will be greatly missed.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.
A Funeral Service will be held on Friday, January 3, at noon from the funeral home. Friends may call from 10:30 a.m. until the time of services.
Interment with Military Honors bestowed will be in Union Cemetery, Weatherly. Memorials in Melvins name to: Wounded Warriors Project 4899 Belfort Road Suite 300 Jacksonville FL 32256 Online condolences may be made to the family at www.
In Memory of
Michael E. Dias
January 7, 2022
Your gentle face and patient smile
With sadness we recall,
You had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all.

The voice is mute and stilled the heart, That loved us well and true, Ah, bitter was the trial to part
From one so good as you.
You are not forgotten loved one
Nor will you ever be As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.
We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by we miss you more, Your loving smile, your gentle face No one can fill your vacant place.
Love, Your Family
Leopoldo M. Ramos, 82 years of age of Weatherly, passed away on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, as a guest of Forest Hill Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Weatherly.
Born Wednesday, December 2, 1942 in Puerto Rico, he was the son of the late Antonio and Honoria (Melendez) Ramos. Leopold was also predeceased by his beloved wife, Juanita (Cintron) Ramos on Sept. 10, 2019; step-daughter, Jenny Hernandez; sister, Carmen Ramos; brothers, Edward Moran and Sustino Ramos.
Surviving are daughter, Rachel Ramos and her companion David Feliciano of Weatherly; sons, David Ramos, Louis Ramos, and Leopold Ramos; brother, Antonio Ramos; 7 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren.
Catholic by faith, Leopoldo retired after 25 years working for the New York Housing Authority as a supervisor. Leopoldo was an ardent New York Mets fan.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of. Funeral services were held December 30, from the funeral home, Father Neftali Feliz-Sena officiating. Private interment will be in The Evergreens Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
Online condolences may be made to the family at www.
ALA 360 spreads holiday cheer
American Legion Auxilliary Unit 360 members delivered Christmas presents to 10 veterans at Heritage Hill and 23 veterans at Forest Hills in Weatherly.
Each Christmas bag contained a blanket, socks, a pen, deodorants, body wash, two treats and a Christmas card.

At Hertiage Hill, above, members Judy Desrosiers and Georgia Farrow present veteran Clinton Zimmerman with Christmas presents while Denise Kuls from Activities looks on front of the Christmas bags for the remaining 9 veterans at Heritage Hill.
At left, Keira Smith, Activities Aide accepts Christmas packages for the 23 veterans at Forest Hills from unit members Georgia Farrow and Judy Desrosiers.

Freeland looking to get land; holds line on taxes
by Jim Dino
Borough council wants to obtain property where the Freeland Fire Department may build a new home.
At their last meeting of 2024, council voted to direct the borough solicitor to prepare the necessary documentation and engage with the Freeland Industrial Development Authority (FIDC) to obtain additional property at Johnson and Birkbeck streets.
Council president Josh Richie said the property, the site of the former Herbener’s gas station, is near the Freeland Elementary School.
It’s at the rear of the Freeland Municipal Authority (FMA)
building, and will create an emergency complex with the Freeland Northside Community Ambulance across Johnson Street.
“We are looking to purchase the property for the fire company,” Richie said. “A portion of the property will go to the FMA, and a portion for future development by the FCRA (Freeland Community Redevelopment Authority).
No tax hike
Property taxes will not rise in Freeland in 2025.
Borough Council approved a $2,618,887.01 budget that calls for the same 5.72-mill tax rate as in 2024.
While the budget has a
Do you sell firewood? Plow snow? Fix decks?
Advertise in our all-new Service Directory for $5 per week (minimum 6 weeks). If you’re willing to work a little farther out into the Poconos, ask about Lake News and/or Journal Pocono insertions. E-mail or call 570-215-0204 xt2
$48,111.21 deficit – with $2,570,775.80 in estimated revenue and the $2,618,887.01 in estimated expenses – the borough will carry over $488,664.67 in savings, $32,145 in the general fund, and $50,000 in the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust fund.
The expected expenses exceed the expected revenue in the following funds: administration, $54,500 ib revenue and $209,078.23 in expenses; DPW, $6,000 and $337.084.68; fire department, $0 and $61,104; EMS, $0 and $37,912.87.
However, five funds are over: taxation, $1,040,7775.59 in expected revenue and $15,650 in estimated expenses; storm water, $450,399.97 and $351,038.87; garbage, $772,500 and $ 708,402,71; liquid fuels, $158,100.24 and $125,882.10, and code enforcement and zoning, $66,000 and $43,600.
Looking for help
Meanwhile, the borough is looking for a few good people.
At the meeting, council accepted the resignation of
councilwoman Marilyn Calderon Cruz. Richie said one letter of interest has been submitted for her seat.
“But we are still asking interested parties to submit a letter,” Richie said,
Council appointed Fire Chief Joseph Stepansky to the post for another two years.
Appointments were also made by council to the borough recreation board, the recreation auxiliary and 150th Anniversary Committee.
Therese Morrison and Agnes Brill were appointed to the recreation board. There are six more seats to fill. Catherine Maloney and Alba Perez were appointed to the auxiliary. There are three more seats to fill on the auxiliary.
Council appointed the following people to the 150th Anniversary Committee: Greg Cappozelli, Sarah Evancho, Jonathan Veet, Maya Veet, Joseph Murmello, Michael Stower, Justin Paul Blanyar, Bobby Maso III, Robert Maholik, Mary Lloyd and Barbara Tulanowski.

The Weatherly Area Interact Club held i ts yearly holiday tradition for the residents of Forest Hills. They collected items that will be used as gifts during the holiday season and beyond. Members of the Interact Club and the greater school community coordinated with the activity director of Forest Hills to gather i tems for several weeks to help make the holiday season brighter. The Interact Club and Forest Hills thank all those who donated to this great cause.

Weatherly Area School District held a district-wide toy drive, coordinated by Amy Sweeney and Sarah Hamm, to benefit the Schuylkill-Carbon Marine Corps League’s Toys for Tots program. New, unwrapped toys were donated from November 18 to December 9. Pi ctured are Logan Yutko, Korah Gilbert, Lilly Miletto, Karlee Bachart, Jacob Thomas, Mrs. Sweeney, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Daniel Malloy, Rachel Rosenlund, Aisha Zuberi, Kiley Holman, Miss Hamm, Eva Eroh, and Elementary School Principal Mr. Christopher Kimmel.

librAry corNer
The White Haven Area Community library volunteers would like to welcome you to 2025. We hope you will join us at the library for some of our planned activities for January.
The original Book Club will meet on January 8, and the chosen read is The Boys of Riverside by Thomas Fuller. It is the inspiring story of a deaf high school football team and it is one of the top books of 2024.
The Romantasy Book Club (over 18 years of age please) will meet on January 22, and their chosen read is New York Times #1 bestseller Quicksilver by Callie Hart. Both clubs begin at 6:30 p.m. The books are available in the library in hardcover, or if you prefer, you can borrow a preloaded Kindle.
The Scrabble Club will meet on January 2 and 16 at 6 p.m. Both novice and experienced
players are welcome to attend. The Fiber Arts Group will meet on January 9 and 23 from 10 a.m. to Noon.
There will be free play and Lego Club for children on Saturday, January 4 and Saturday, January 18 from Noon to 2 p.m.
The library welcomes residents of the greater White Haven Community as well as visitors to our area. Computers

and free wi-fi are available to everyone.
If you are interested in volunteering at the library, we would love to meet you. There are a variety of opportunities available for you to share your skills and experience. Please call 570-443-8776 or stop in during library hours.
We would also like to remind everyone that the library follows the Crestwood School District for weather related closings. If the school is closed, the library is closed. For weather events on days when school is not in session, the decision to close the library will be made at least one hour prior to its scheduled opening and posted on the library Facebook page.
Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Weatherly Area Elementary School’s Students of the Month for November: First row from left, 1st grade, Laila Kochin and Finn Titus; 2nd grade, Karlee Bachart and Nolan Baker; back row, 3rd Grade, Reya Gregory and Ella Hinkle; 4th grade, Kyle Gaydoscik and Adam Feliciano; and 5th grade Isabella Durham and Joseph Delman.
Lehigh Gorge Notary

Liz Berger has been providing Tag & Title, DCNR, Boat and Fish Commission, and general Notary services in White Haven for over 30 years. As the local community Notary Public with years of experience, there is no question she can’t answer. Find her at Lehigh Gorge Campground, 4585 State Street in East Side, or under the More tab at:
Carbon County property transfers through Nov. 29
Beaver Meadows
Joseph J. Matyas Jr. to Alice Jones, Drums, two transactions, properties on New Street, $1 each.
East Side Borough
Lee Mitchell to Lee Mitchell, 761 Centre St., White Have n, property at 761 Centre St., $1.
Kidder Township
Robyn B. Maitoza to Donald J. Clarke, Audubon, New Jersey, property at 4 Cherry Hill Terrace, White Haven, $185,000.
Powley, LLC, to Philip Brackett, Delanco, New
Jersey, property at 188Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $217,000.
Edward R. Gower Jr. to Ryan Gaunner, 76 Turkey Path Trail, White Haven, property at 76 Turkey Path Trail, $450,000.
Black Creek Junction Enterprises, LLC, to Donald L. Eifert Jr., Pittston, property at 4421 State Route 534, White Haven, $161,000.
Thomas Gilbert to Brett Masterson, Williamstown, New Jersey, Lot 563, Block 500, Section C, Holiday Poconos, $1,000.
James Edward Bertoldi to Gregory Shesh, West Islip, New York, property at 20M Lennon Circle, Lake Harmony,
Barbara A. Kulwich to Michel Anthony Sorace, North Cape May, New Jersey, property at 10 Deer Trail, Albrightsville, $275,000.
Melissa A. Napoletano to Robert Henry Freeman Jr., 67 Tallwood Drive, Albrightsville, property at 67 Tallwood Drive, $165,000.
John J. Martinoli Jr. to Barbara Dougherty, Norwood, property at 41 Midlake Drive, Unit 202, Lake Harmony, $374,000.
Jane L. Stettler to Pocono Villa, LLC, Plainsboro, New Jersey, property at 68 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1,200,000.
Packer Township
Melissa Ann Kessel to Cory Granville Gerhard, 2261 Grist Mill Road, Weatherly, property at 2168 Grist Mill Road, $1.
Dmitriy Guzheyedov to Ian D. Haslam, 132 Lauderburn Ave., Weatherly, property at 132 Lauderburn Ave., $190,000.
Joshua A. Yarnall to Scott Andrews Jr., 27 Franklin St., Weatherly, property at 27 Franklin St., $215,000.
Gerard E. Grega to Theresa Roldan, 647 Rockport Road, Weatherly, vacant lot at 230 Fifth St., $29,000.
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1. Half of half-andhalf
6. *Gratuity
9. Remain unsettled
13. Pita, alt. sp. 14. Uncle Sam wants whom?
15. Played violin, e.g. 16. “Encore!”
17. Young canine 18. Amber warning 19. *Entice 21. *Agreement 23. “____ Te Ching” 24. Goose egg
25. Antonym of keep

28. *Affection
30. Open wine, e.g.
35. Frosts a cake
37. Leave in a bucket
39. *Parlor
40. Coating of aurum
41. Like many bathroom floors?
43. Border pass
44. Full of emotion (2 words)
46. Opposite of talker?
47. Tel ____, Israel
48. Auto____ website
50. *Module
52. Compass point between NE and E
53. *Insane
55. Old-fashioned before
57. *Prevent
60. *Ditch
63. Peninsula of 38th parallel fame
64. Single-____ plastics
66. Donkey + horse, pl.
68. All told (2 words)
69. ‘80s band “____ At Work”
70. Bay window
71. Chapter 11 issue
72. Mouse turf
73. Email option

1. Tax pro, acr.
2. Capital of Latvia
3. Bibliographical abbr.
4. Not upright
5. Instructions handbook
6. Use an Underwood
7. Promissory note letters
8. Cocoon dwellers
9. Horse and mallet sport
10. *Pitcher
11. One ridiculed for studiousness
12. Banned insecticide, acr.
15. Kevin ____ and Sir Francis ____
20. Resting spot for a chicken
22. French vineyard
24. *Avid
25. *Correct
26. *Slipperier
27. 4th letter of Greek alphabet
29. *Nothingness
31. Spanish sparkling wine
32. Martini garnish
33. Violinist’s pine resin
34. *Rogue
36. Wall support
38. It often precedes “eye”
42. Laundry room appliance
45. Correspondence friend
49. Feel remorse
51. Seismic shake
54. Card game move
56. Accustom
57. *Sharpen
58. A in UAE
59. Cheesy patty
60. Be inclined
61. Paper holder
62. Dog command
63. Baby goat
65. Pirate’s turf
67. “Rocky” creator

Comets win 58th McGrane Holiday Tournament championship
The holiday season became a little brighter for the Crestwood boys’ basketball team, which added a championship trophy to the presents under the tree this year.
On Friday night, the Comets shook off a slow start before rebounding to edge Holy Redeemer 44-41, capturing the 58th annual McGrane Holiday Tournament title to take an 8-4 record into the new year.
Trailing 20-17 after a threepoint second quarter, the Comets regrouped to outscore the Royals 18-14 in the third to inch out to a two-point lead (35-34) heading to the fourth.
Tournament MVP Ryan Sechleer scored 11 of his game-high 16 points in that pivotal third quarter, which he and his teammates closed on a 17-5 run
to come from behind.
The Comets limited the Royals to seven fourth-quarter points to eke out the three-point win and raise the championship trophy at the Wyoming Valley CYC court in Wilkes-Barre.
Ayden Agapito added 13 points to the winning total, and Brady Grevera chipped in with a pair of 3-pointers for Crestwood.
David Popson and Brayden Sock each scored nine points to lead Holy Redeemer. Evan Licari added eight.
Crestwood opened the twoday tournament last Thursday, overwhelming Hanover Area 67-35 in the semifinal round.
The Comets return to action this Friday night at Dallas for a key Wyoming Valley Conference Division 1 contest in the Back Mountain.
CRESTWOOD (44) Sechleer 5 1-2 14, Feisel 0 2-2 2, Barna 1 1-2 3, Wagaman 1 0-2 2, Scotti 0 0-0 0, Grevera 2 0-0 6, Agapito 5 3-4 13, Edwards 1 1-2 4, Biscotti 0 0-0 0. Totals 15 8-14 44.
HOLY REDEEMER (41) Quaglia 2 0-0 5, McLean 1 0-0 3, Licari 3 0-0 8, Hurst 2 0-0 4, Shrader 0 1-2 1, Sock 3 1-2 9, Drayton 1 0-0 2, Stilip 0 0-0 0, Popson 4 1-2 9. Totals 16 3-6 41.
Crestwood........... 14 3 18 9 — 44
Holy Redeemer......9 11 14 7 — 41
3-pointers: Sechleer 3, Grevera 2, Edwards. Licari 2, Sock, Quaglia, McLean.
Crestwood 73, Pleasant Valley 13 — The Lady Comets jumped the visiting Lady Bears from the get-go on Saturday, outscoring Pleasant Valley 32-4 over the first eight minutes to take complete control.
The Lady Comets did not allow more than five points in any one quarter in overwhelming Pleasant Valley, improving to 6-2 on the season.
Jackie Gallagher topped four Crestwood players in double figures with 15 points, just ahead of teammates Charlie Hiller (14), Kendall Petrosky (13) and Cameron Vieney (10).
Annalisa Lanigan had a pair of 3-points for six of PV’s 13 points.
The Lady Comets host Dallas on Friday in a WVC Division 1 contest.
VALLEY (13) Annalisa Lanigan 3 0-0 6, Ella Rothrock 0 0-0 0, Alexia
1 0-0 3, Keegan
The Crestwood boys’ wrestling team went 2-1 while competing in the Bob Rohm Memorial Holiday Tournament Saturday at Bloomsburg University. The Comets earned decisions over Danville (63-5) and host Bloomsburg High School (5221), and dropped a tough 41-30 verdict to Huntingdon Area. Crestwood returns to the mats on Saturday, taking part in the Wyoming Valley Conference one-day tournament at WilkesBarre Area High School.
The Comets’ next dual meet is set for next Wednesday, Jan. 8, part of a boys-girls doubleheader at Nanticoke Area High School.

On the Sly
Eagles clinch division crown; Barkley closes in on NFL record
by Steve Stallone Sports Editor
No starting quarterback? No problem.
Philadelphia Eagles fans had to be feeling a bit anxious going into Sunday’s NFC East matchup with the rival Dallas Cowboys.
The Eagles would clinch the division title with a win, but were playing without injured starting QB Jalen Hurts, who sustained a concussion in the team’s previous loss to Washington.
Hurts was replaced in the lineup by Kenny Pickett, who fizzled out in two seasons as the starter in Pittsburgh, and his first start in an Eagles’ uniform lasted barely one half. Pickett was knocked out in the third quarter following a big hit to the ribs from former Penn State star Micah Parsons.
Fortunately for the Eagles, third-stringer Tanner McKee was ready for his opportunity. After Pickett departed, McKee came in and threw for a pair of scores, sparking the team to a 41-7 rout that clinched the division title and assured the Eagles (13-3) a home game in the upcoming playoffs.
Even though the Eagles have clinched the division, there is still more to play for in their Week 7 finale at home against the New York Giants. They have wrapped up the No. 2 seed, but could still get the top seed if the Detroit Lions (13-2) were to lose to San Francisco in this week’s Monday night game, and then would defeat Minnesota (14-2) in Week 17.
The other thing the Eagles will surely be focused on this Sunday is getting their first-year running back Saquon Barkley into the record books. And he could do it at the expense of his former team, the Giants.
Against the Cowboys, Barkley rushed for 167 yards to top 2,000 for the season — becoming just the eighth back in league history to do so. With 105 yards against the Giants, Barkley would eclipse Eric Dickerson’s 40-year-old single-season rushing record of 2,105 yards set in 1984 with the Los Angeles Rams.
Although Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson and Buffalo Bills QB Josh Allen are getting most of the attention, Barkley should be strongly considered for the NFL’s Most Valuable Player award.
NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION? Penn State could be celebrating the new year in the desert, and that would suit the Nittany Lions just fine.
Penn State, the sixth seed for this year’s new 12-team College Football Playoff format, was to take on third-seed Boise State Tuesday night in the Vrbo Fiesta Bowl, a CFP quarterfinal game.
If the Nittany Lions prevail, a matchup with either No. 7 Notre Dame or No. 2 Georgia awaits in the semifinal round. The Irish and Bulldogs were to face off in the Allstate Sugar Bowl on New Year’s Day.
The other two CFP semifinal matchups on Jan. 1 were No. 5 Texas against No. 4 Arizona State in the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl, and No. 8 Ohio State vs. top-seeded Oregon in the Rose Bowl Game Presented by Prudential.
The semifinals are slated for Jan. 9-10 in the Orange and Cotton bowls, with the championship game set for Jan. 20 in Atlanta.
NFL greats O.J. Simpson, Roman Gabriel and Joe Schmidt all passed this year, as did NASCAR Hall of Fame drivers Bobby Allison and Fred Lorenzen.
NBA fans mourned the loss of Jerry West, Dikembe Mutombo and Al Attles, while the gymnastics community lost long-time USA Gymnastics coach Bela Karolyi.
Award-winning journalists were also taken from us too soon in 2024. Chris Mortensen, 71, was an NFL analyst for nearly four decades, while Greg Gumbel, 78, was super smooth in the NFL booth and at the March Madness studio desk for many years.
And then there was the colorful Bill Walton, who passed away in May at the age of 71. Walton enjoyed legendary status as a college basketball and NBA player, and as a fun-loving TV analyst long after his retirement from the game he loved.
I had the pleasure of watching many of these greats perform their magic in the athletic arena, some even in person (Rodriguez, Allison). Like their countless numbers of fans, I treasure the memories they left behind.

TOUGH YEAR FOR OUR SPORTS HEROES — The year 2024 was a difficult one for sports fans as they mourned the loss of some legendary athletes and sports figures.
The year was particularly tough for our baseball stars. Willie Mays, Pete Rose, Fernando Valenzuela, Carl Erskine, and just last week, Rickey Henderson all passed in 2024.
The college basketball world lost coaches Lou Carnesecca and Lefty Driesell. Golf lost the colorful Chi-Chi Rodriguez along with Jack Burke Jr., who at 100 was the oldest living Masters champion.

ON A LOCAL NOTE — Area athlete Deanna Pugh, a sophomore point guard for Marian Catholic, poured in six 3-pointers and finished with 18 points, helping the Fillies edge New Hope-Solebury 47-44 to win the inaugural Marian Christmas Tournament. Pugh also scored eight points in a 59-21 semifinal win over Jim Thorpe one day earlier…Kudos also go out to former Weatherly Area High School All-State basketball player Emily Zoscin, who has joined the coaching ranks. Zoscin is the junior varsity girls’ basketball coach at Jim Thorpe High School. Zoscin played collegiately at Lycoming…The 2025 Weatherly Area High School Sports Hall of Fame induction ceremonies will be held Feb. 1. More on the 2025 inductees in the coming weeks.
As we close the calendar on another year, here’s wishing the area athletes, coaches, cheerleaders, fans and the Journal-Herald readers a healthy and happy new year!
JourNAl-herAld sPorts
Scholastic Schedule
Friday, Jan. 3
Girls Basketball
Dallas at Crestwood
Boys Basketball Crestwood at Dallas
Saturday, Jan. 4
Boys Wrestling
Crestwood at Wyoming Valley Conference Tournament, at Wilkes-Barre Area H.S.
Boys Basketball
Weatherly Area at Lincoln Leadership Academy
Girls Basketball
Weatherly Area at Lincoln Leadership Academy
Monday, Jan. 6
Boys Basketball
Tri-Valley at Weatherly Area
Girls Basketball Crestwood at Loyalsock
Tuesday, Jan. 7
Girls Basketball
Weatherly Area at Tri-Valley
Wednesday, Jan. 8
Boys/Girls Wrestling Crestwood at Nanticoke Area
Thursday, Jan. 9
Boys Basketball
Weatherly Area at Williams Valley
Girls Basketball
Williams Valley at Weatherly Area
Wyoming Valley West at Crestwood
Friday. Jan. 10
Boys Basketball Crestwood at Wyoming Valley West
Boys Wrestling
Crestwood at Mid-Winter
Mayhem Tournament, at IUP
Saturday, Jan. 11
Boys Basketball
Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech at Weatherly Area
Girls Basketball
Weatherly Area at Bethlehem Christian
Culture shift in Washington? Absolutely! It’s
by Baylor Adams

From woe-are-we to whoawe’re-good is the storyline for a once hapless football team. Let’s face it: it has been a long time since anybody took the Washington Commanders (Football Team and Redskins before that) seriously.
The franchise hasn’t won a playoff game since the 2005-06 season when Mark Brunell was their starting quarterback and Joe Gibbs was their head coach. In the nearly 20 years following
College Notebook
Crestwood grad Hopkins coaching at PSU Hazleton
Former Crestwood High School and Penn State Hazleton basketball standout Robbie Hopkins is in his first season as the head men’s basketball coach at his college alma mater.
Hopkins served as an assistant under former PSU Hazleton head coach Jeff Rush. He also was the starting point guard on several of Rush’s PSUAC playoff teams.
The local Lions gave their new head coach a special present in his first game as head coach, as
they defeated Berkeley (N.Y.) College 104-97 in their home and season opener.
Hopkins is being assisted by his father, former Crestwood High girls’ head coach Don Hopkins, along with Ron Cann.
The Lions (4-7 overall, 1-5 PSUAC), who are 3-1 at home so far this season, will be back in action Jan. 14 at home against Penn State York. It is the first game in a five-game homestand at the Highacres Gymnasium.
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NFL’s Commanders
that playoff win, Washington has made only four postseason appearances.
That was then. In 2024, Washington has a different vibe. Following Sunday night’s electrifying OT win over the Falcons, Washington enters Week 17 with an 11-5 record and, more importantly, has secured a playoff spot. Hurray!
Averaging 390 yards of offense per game, the Commanders have found their spark, and it’s Heisman-winning rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels, the second overall pick of the 2024 NFL Draft. Daniels brings more than just talent to the Commanders; he also brings positive energy, constant optimism, leadership, and hope.
The change from then to now
began when long-term owner Daniel Snyder sold the franchise to Josh Harris, an investor from Maryland who also owns the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers and the NHL’s New Jersey Devils. Harris’s first order of business was to change the team’s mentality, and one way he did that was to bring in players

from winning college programs who had collegiate success individually. Daniels (LSU) and DB Mike Sainristil (Michigan) are examples.
After years of cheering against nearby nemises, the Eagles and Ravens, Washington fans now have something to cheer for: the home team. What a welcome relief!
Alabama-based Baylor Adams wrote this article for The Sports Column.