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Expansion of Foster Twp. CALO facility OKed

by James Hunter

An organization that provides counseling to abused teens has received conditional permission to expand its operation in Oley Valley.

The PUC met with White Haven and East Side Borough officials, and representatives of the Lehigh Gorge State Park to discuss I-80 bridge construction recently. Representatives of the Reading-Blue Mountain Railroad were not able to attend. Construction will start in April of 2024, with completion in 2029. Trail closures are possible, but if possible will happen off-season. Construction equipment is slated to come down Main Street and enter the park behind the Aqua building, which may impact the area. Regarding the current D&L Trail closure, the steel beams for the trail’s bridge are being installed, and the project is still on schedule for a spring opening.

At its meeting March 8, the Foster Township Supervisors granted conditional permission to Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks (CALO), headquartered in Lake Ozark, Missouri, which has had permission to operate a residential treatment center in Foster Township since December 1, 2017, for its plans to build a 14,000 square-foot addition to its center that will include offices, counseling rooms, classrooms, nursing rooms and 16 beds for females between 12-19.

According to its website, CALO works exclusively with adopted teenagers who have behavioral and emotional challenges resulting from abuse and neglect. Atty. Donald Karpowich, the Foster Twp. solicitor, said the present facility also works exclusively with teenage girls, and the new structure will be built “when they have the money to do it.”

The township approved the plans contingent upon the approval of a soil erosion and sedimentation plan by the Luzerne County Conservation District. Visit helpourteen.com or caloprograms.com for more information.

Liquor License transfer

A convenience store at the entrance to Freeland has received conditional permission to get a liquor license.

See FOSTER, page 5

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