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Continued from page 5 and April 30, 1-8 p.m.; the Booster Club to use the middle school gym April 1, 5-9:30 p.m. for the seniors vs. teachers and alumni basketball games; Weatherly Wellness Council for a Trauma Safety Fair in partnership with St. Luke’s using the middle school media center, cafeteria and LGI room May 2, 58:30 p.m.; and the Weatherly PTA for the 8th Grade Farewell Program/Dance May 26, 2:15 to 10 p.m.
The board approved the 2023-2024 Intergovernmental Agreement for Special Education Services between the Weatherly Area School District and the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21.
The board approved the 2023-2024 Weatherly Area High School Program of Studies, and the 2023-2024 school calendar, revisiting built-in snow days and instruction-at-home days.
The board also approved a resolution calling for Charter School Funding Reform.
In the business manager’s report, the discount, base and penalty periods for collection of taxes this year were set: Discount Period - July 15 through Sept. 15 for a 2% discount; Sept. 16 through Nov. 15 for taxpayers to pay the face amount; and a Penalty Period from of 10% more from Nov. 16 through Dec. 31.
The board approved the property tax installment plan for three installments for Homestead/Farmstead eligible properties, on August 15, Oct. 15, and Dec. 15.
Bills of $1,284,115 were approved, along with $51,205 from the cafeteria fund, and $3,273 from the athletic fund.
Committee reports started with athletics. On that night, the girls’ basketball team was away to play Mountain View, so there were no administrators’ reports as they went to the game. Thanks were given about the fan bus to the game, as it was so far away. There was a little complaining about our team traveling to play on the home court of the opponent when normally in the playoffs, the game would have been on a neutral court. Athletic committee chairman Matt vonFrisch reported “good turnouts” for the spring teams softball, baseball, and track & field, with some kids playing multiple sports. There won’t be a junior high girls softball team, though they should be able to form a Little League U-14 team in which more girls can be included, explained member Ken Jacoby III. Member Tom Connors would like to see a company prepare the fields this year.

There was also a question on the progress to re-do a soccer field, to which business manager Kachurak replied that the district is “gathering information.”
Jeanine Snyder, Director of Food & Nutrition, reported a success with “Breakfast with Someone You Love” that drew nearly 200 participants. She noted the building was nicely decorated for Read Across America, and the cafeteria was involved with green eggs and ham served. She also gave thanks for the three new picnic tables outside the high school cafeteria. Those tables were bought with money from the Pasco Schiavo grant the district received this year.
During the CCTI (county vo-tech) report from member Connors, the budgeting decisions of the CCTI administration continue to be questioned. The board will ask for another visit from CCTI’s business manager to ask more questions. Among the concerns are that some CCTI policies have not been updated for nearly 20 years.
During the CLIU #21 report, it was noted that the CLIU also keeps a lot of money after a year’s expenses.
The board will meet on April 12 to go over the latest numbers needed to build the 2023-2024 budget, towards setting taxes. (An increase is likely.)