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Hazleton Art League to open April exhibition:
March 31-April 30
The Hazleton Art League (HAL) is honored to have Dominicanborn, internationally recognized poet/artist Pedro Gris’ exhibition Partículas que piensan, [Particles That Think], for the month of April. Gris’ style can be compared to cosmic abstraction, with controlled chaos of color and form.
The opening reception Friday, March 31, from 6-9 p.m., is a departure from HAL’s usual First Friday opening, in consideration of Good Friday. Coffee Talk with the artist is Sunday, April 2 from 1-3 p.m.
Sunday, April 23 from 1-3 p.m. is Acoustic Jam, with a special Empty Bowls fundraising event to help local charities fight hunger from 124 p.m.
Partículas que piensan exhibition runs through Sunday, April 30.
Admission is always free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m.; closed Mondays.
A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the Art League welcomes donations from companies and individuals. Membership in the Art League is only $25 for the year. For more information on classes, programs, and Summer Art Camp for children ages 6-14, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Hazleton Art League, Hayden Family Center for the Arts, 31 W. Broad Street, Hazleton, 570-455-3333 www.hazletonartleague.org
Final Lenten service in Weatherly
Salem United Church of Christ’s Worship Service begins at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29.
A time of fellowship and light refreshments will follow. In case of inclement weather, the host church will decide whether to cancel services.
WAHSAA PRESENTS CHECK TO WEATHERLY FBLA: The Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association recently presented the Future Business Leaders of America (FLBA) with a donation of $1,000 towards their competition at the State Leadership Conference to be held at the Hershey Conference Center in April. Twelve high school students will be competing at the state level. Pictured are Owen Broskoskie, Madisyn vonFrisch, FBLA Adviser Janet Gettig, Nate Tripp, WAHSAA vice-president Sue Ann Gerhard, Emma Kane, Jacob Parker, Juliette Bartel, and Weatherly High School principal Anthony DeSpirito.

Weatherly Area Museum benefit dinner returns
The Weatherly Area Museum is pleased to kick off its museum hours for 2023 on Saturday, April 22 and Sunday, April 23 from 1 – 4 p.m. The museum will continue to be open Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. through spring, summer and fall.
To help our residents and friends treasure our community’s history including the Schwab School, current and past businesses and archival records, the Lehigh Valley railroad and more, you are invited to attend a benefit dinner and raffle basket event. The Weatherly Area Museum Benefit Dinner returns on Saturday, April 22, at 6 p.m.; doors open at 5:30 p.m. at the L&L Rural Volunteer Fire Company, 390 South Lehigh Gorge Drive, Weatherly.
Menu will include bacon wrapped tenderloin, vegetarian entree, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet treats, and assorted drinks. Tickets are $20. Chicken tenders and French fries will be available for children 5-12 years old at $8; 4 and under free. Due to licensing, beer and wine will not be available for purchase. Raffle Baskets will feature attraction passes, garden baskets, gift cards, local wines & spirits and more. For tickets, see committee members Ruth Sabol (570-427-8173), Dan Dargay, Shane Moran, Ryan Schertrumpf, Irv Richie, Alicia Richie Quinn, or Sara Lukacs-Nagy, or on Facebook at @Weatherly AreaMuseum or email WeatherlyArea Museum@gmail.com.
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The Journal-Herald is for sale at: White Haven Market and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder, Weasel’s in Dennison, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.
The Pysanky Ukrainian Egg Workshop has been rescheduled to March 25. It will be taught by instructor Paul Corinchock. The $40 fee for the workshop, which includes all supplies, will be donated to the United Ukrainian Relief Committee (UUARC.org ).
The next White Haven Area Community Library Board meeting will be held on Tuesday April 11, and will be immediately followed by the library’s Annual Meeting. Both are open to the public.
The WHACL Book Club will meet on April 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the John Murphy Room. The book choice for April is The Silent Patient, a firsttime novel by Alex Michaelides. This book is among our most enthusiastic asked-for reads, and we are excited to have it as our April choice. Get your copy anywhere books are sold. It is also available at the library. Bring a friend or make new ones at this fun event.
Plans are underway for The White Haven Trout Festival, hosted by Western
Pocono Trout Unlimited. Mark your calendar for this great event, which will include exhibits, vendors, and exciting programs. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from noon to 5 p.m.
As a reminder, our nonprofit library receives no direct state or federal funding. We rely on grants, donations, and fundraising to support our mission of providing facilities, resources, and programs to benefit the community. We encourage all community members to check with their employers to see if they will match donations made to nonprofit organizations. The WHACL is a 501(C)3 nonprofit and donations are tax deductible. If you are interested in volunteering at the library, we would love to meet you. There are a variety of opportunities available for you to share your skills and experience. Please call 570-443-8776 or stop in during library hours. Please remember to check The Library Corner as well as the library Facebook page to see what we’ve got planned for our community to enjoy.