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WASB talks finances, coaches in March

by Seth Isenberg

Weatherly Area School District received high praise from Ed Ebling of Jones & Company at the March 1 caucus meeting. Jones & Company audited the 20212022 school year’s finances. Ebling noted that the district had “a very good year,” due to a variety of grants, ending with $638,000 in revenue over expenses (though a deficit when counting capital debt expenses, and deeper when you count pensions).


Continued from page 2

Journal-Herald Issue of March 25, 1993

The Cheese Factory of Hazleton advertised a fine selection of cheeses, “Lasagne Kits,” and pizza kits.

Motor Transportation advertised their bus tours – the Ozarks, Cape Cod and Nantucket, Nashville…

Big Boulder Ski Area offered a coupon for a special night of skiing on Friday for only $15 – lift ticket and rentals included.

From The Journal Issue of March 25, 1943

Publisher W. C. Taylor

“You are doing a very good job,” regarding spending of federal money, he said. The report provided the board was over 70 pages, plus 33 pages more of footnotes.

The board, guided by business manager Robert Kachurak, went over details of bringing regular Weatherly Borough police officers into school as School Resource Officers (SRO), a practice which began on February 24. The officers, who have already been given SRO training, will rotate through weekly this school year. There is still money in WASD’s SRO grant to pay for this through June.

Club and Atlas Powder Company, whose employees have donated all time and materials.

On Thursday, March 18th, over 200 friends and parishioners of Rev. W. M. Geiger of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, of White Haven and Albrightsville, gathered in the Parish House to surprise him on his birthday.

A shipment of fingerling trout was received here last Friday morning, and a consignment of legal size brown trout for Linesville Creek was received on Monday afternoon. Local high school boys helped in planting same.

In regular business at the March 8 meeting, school board members approved appointing Andrew Ray as assistant baseball coach for $2,100, and Antonio Colecio as a volunteer baseball assistant coach; Ryan Kately as Junior High Track & Field Coach at $1,680, and Emily Zoscin as volunteer assistant Track & Field Coach; Kyle Michaels, Jenna Bartel and benefit of the Red Cross.

The program is:

Amanda Colecio, volunteer asst. varsity Softball Coaches (pending all necessary clearances and paperwork).

Courtney Delman was hired as a part-time (5.75 hours/day) special education/student support secretary at $12.19 per hour per the WAESPA contract, effective March 9. Also, Shelene Witchen was hired as a substitute cafeteria aide on a as-needed basis. The Board approved the second reading of policy updates for:

• Principles for Governance and Leadership

• Enrollment of Students

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

Our community is building an Honor Roll for those who are serving in World War #2 from White Haven and vicinity. This is being done through the efforts of Wilmot Engineering Company, the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Lions

Robert Faylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Faylor of town, has been advanced to the grade of First Lieutenant. He is stationed in Whitehorse, off the new Alcan Highway.

On Tuesday, March 30th at 8 p.m., a variety program of local talent will be presented at the Lutheran Parish House, sponsored by the Dorcas Class, for the

Vocal solo, Nancy Akers; Piano solo, Bertram Knaus; Instrumental music, Mary and John Lawson; Novelty skits, Mrs. Pearl Kocher and Mrs. Louis Schafer; Vocal solo, Mildred Kocher; A one act play, 5 scenes – “How the Story Grew,” characters – Mesdames Mary Becker, Emma Huseman, Marian Dotter, Mary Haas, Edith Lawson; Misses Ethel Zehner, Jennie Earnhart and Isabel Forsey; Vocal solo, Mrs. Ellena Sheaman; The Parade of the Girl Scouts – Nancy Akers, Arlene Yohey, Mary Lawson, Dorothy Akers, Marylin Feist, Betty Maustellar, Alma Wheeler, Bernice Wheeler and Marian Stiller.

Tickets are 20¢ for adults plus tax, and 10¢ for childred. Refreshments on sale.

(Editors Clara and Jay Holder make a note that they had some doubts about the spelling of some of the names, but copied then as they were printed in 1943.)

• Student Classifications for Enrollment

• Eligibility of Nonresident Students

• Attendance

• Compulsory Attendance/ Unexcused Absences Graduation

• Dress and Grooming

• Suspension and Expulsion

• Homeless Students

• Procedural Safeguards Notice of Denial of Enrollment and Transportation

Cub Scout Pack 007 was approved to use the high school gymnasium, chairs, bleachers, tables, projector and screen on March 17 from 4 to 9 for the Pinewood Derby. March 24 would be the snow date.

Other approvals included the National Honor Society for the high school gym, cafeteria and kitchen on March 27 from 6-8:30 p.m. for NHS Induction ceremony; Mish, Inc. for a production entitled “Dead Serious About Life” using the high school gymnasium, lobby, and three classrooms on April 29 from 10 to 10

See WASB, page 6

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