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Bye-bye Truist Bank

by Seth Isenberg

The Weatherly branch of Truist Bank will be no more by next Tuesday afternoon. It will become another number in that bank’s drive to close 800 branches in a massive costsaving effort which they launched in 2022 after the BB&T Bank completed its merger with Sun Trust Bank. At the time of the merger, Truist had nearly 3,000 branches across 15 states and in Washington, D.C.

The combined bank looked to save $1.6 billion through branch closures and office consolidations, mostly done in 2022.

We see the result of that here, a few months later than their goal.

We also see an end, at least temporarily, of locally offered banking for Weatherly, a decades-long run that started when Weatherly locals came together to get a bank charter for the Weatherly Savings & Loan.

With a banking crisis stewing, it is unlikely that a “white knight” bank will swoop into Weatherly this spring. Optimists see a possible new branch for Weatherly in the near future. I am with the optimists Weatherly, and White Haven, deserve to have their banks again. As to how that will come about, locals are going to need to step up to make both our communities attractive to a newcomer. More about this in a future editorial.

From The Journal-Herald

Issue of March 25, 1993

Editors & Publishers

Jay and Clara Holder

“DÉJÀ VU” is the start of this week’s front page photo caption, this time showing a PennDOT plow truck on its side, having crashed off Bear Creek Road between Penn Lake and White Haven –photo by Roger Schoch.

On Tuesday, about 50 concerned parents met with Crestwood School District administrators and school board members, school bus company owner Edward Deets, and the driver of the school bus that overturned. As the meeting opened, two sets of opinions emerged one faulting the driver, the other faulting the school administration for having bus out on such bad roads.

A study commissioned by East Side Borough Council about whether the Bishline Creek sewage treatment plant could be used to treat all the borough’s sewage, and the answer was that while it is not large enough now, it could be expanded. Council would need to find out costs…Mayor Earl Kresge is opposed to going with Bishline Creek, and in favor of going in with White Haven on its new plant. Borough resident George Wood wondered if the old East Side School House could be bought, since the deal by the rafting company to buy it has fallen through. Council will invite the current owners, First Eastern Bank, to meet…

Ruth Isenberg penned the editorial this week, encouraging the name of White Haven to be painted on the water tower as a matter of civic pride, and suggesting that perhaps the borough tree logo could be added to create a work of art, and pride.

Kidder Township has spent all of its 1993 snow removal budget, and has now spent over $10,000 more, with the rest of the spring and all of the fall to come. This led to supervisors arguing about using contractors versus having their own township truck. No decision was made.

The new Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association is already making plans for the parade float it will show in the Sesquicentennial Parade in Weatherly on June 12.

Carbon County is proceeding to buy the Nesquehoning property near the borough’s sewer plant for the new prison. According to Commissioner Tom Gerhard, plans are to use less than nine acres of the site for the prison, with nearly all of the rest being set aside for conservation. There may be other county buildings built on the land in the future.

The city of Hazleton recently celebrated its 100th anniversary, according to an article penned by Grace Ecker.

U. S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White has announced his retirement.

Bill Chapman of state representative Keith McCall’s office will keep office hours in the First Eastern Bank conference room on Main Street in White Haven, next Tuesday, March 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Casale and Clemente Cheese Co. on McNair Street in Hazleton advertised its “Doorbusters Sales” for March 26 and 27.

Phil Engman wrote about NCAA basketball brackets and the upsets so far. He’s still predicting North Carolina vs. Michigan in the finals.

Marian’s boys’ basketball team opened its first game of the PIAA Class A playoffs with a win over Susquehanna 64-57.

White Haven Boy Scout Troop 25 will assist the staff at Eckley Miners Village with a restoration project April 3 and 4. Other plans include participating in a Spring District Event at Camp Rotowanis on backpacking, and to help with this year’s Lehigh River Cleanup.

Ruth and Seth wrote a review of diners along Interstate 84, including Elmer’s near Milford, and the Lexus in Newburgh, NY. The review was mainly about the Lexus, which features some very good Greek food. Also of note on the diner list were the Olympic on Route 17 one exit north of I-84, and Bickford’s Pancake Houses – found at several locations throughout New England.

See ARCHIVES, page 5

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