The Journal-Herald, Thursday, March 30, 2023

Page 12






Truist Bank closes as scheduled

ANNUAL DONATION: Aqua PA made its annual donation to the White Haven Volunteer Fire Company recently. Pictured from left are Kira Hoch, an operator trainee with Aqua’s White Haven division as well as Lieutenant for the White Haven Volunteer Fire Company; Dean Raudenbush Jr., Fire Chief; Holly Arnold, field supervisor for Aqua’s White Haven division; and Dave Hoogstad, Area Manager, Northeast PA for Aqua.

Business was moderately busy at Truist Bank on Tuesday, its last day in Weatherly. The truck at left was one of the last through the drive-thru, while Arnie Rinker, right, was one of the last inside before the noon close of business. By 3 p.m. all signage was removed. JH: Seth Isenberg

Aqua PA also made a donation to the White Haven Area Community Library for their Food and Fun program. This is a program for school-age kids from first grade through twelfth grade which provides a summer program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for 8 weeks over the summer. In 2022, the program averaged 33 kids a day, and they are anticipating 45 kids a day in 2023. This is a partnership with the Greater Wyoming Valley YMCA, the library, and the surrounding municipalities. Pictured from left are WHACL board member Charlotte Carter, Jill Rosenstock, who is Food and Fun program supervisor, WHACL board president Lois Hammer, Dave Hoogstad who is the Area Manager, Northeast PA for Aqua, and Holly Arnold, who is the Field Supervisor for Aqua’s White Haven division.

• Volume
31 (USPS 277440) ©2023, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved



Telephone (570) 215-0204



211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)

Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Steve Stallone, Sports Editor Member,


Patch job not enough

The road between White Haven and Route 115 is in terrible shape. There have been many complaint voiced at Penn Lake borough council meetings, and attempts to pin down PennDOT about planned repairs.

Senator David Argall’s office provided the following information received from PennDOT to Penn Lake council member David Longmore about the White Haven - Bear Creek Road (officially SR2041).

S.R. 2041 is on our list of roads this year for surface treatment seal coat.

Department Forces will be performing mechanized patching (full lane width), base repairs and crack sealing operations in preparation for the seal coat operation.

The work is scheduled to start the week of April 10, 2023. Please see the tentative schedule and quantities for work to be performed on S.R. 2041:

• April 10th through April 21st - Mechanized Patching operations (full lane width) – 3,200 ton.

• May 9th through May 24th – Base/Subbase repairs –5,150 ton.

• May 16th through May 31st - Crack Sealing – 21.7 lane mile.

• Surface Treatment/Seal Coat– August 8th through August 11th.

In addition there is also side dozing, pipe flushing, inlet cleaning and brush cutting operations planned for White Haven Road. Please understand that the schedule is tentative and may be affected by weather.

That repairs are coming is good news, but a recent ride out past Francis Walter Dam made it clear that road reconstruction is probably needed. That’s a longer process, and officials should start working now to get the road added to PennDOT’s long-range plan.

From The Journal-Herald

Issue of April 1, 1993

Editors & Publishers Jay and Clara Holder

The White Haven Municipal Authority decided to paint WHITE HAVEN on the new water tower.

Daylight savings time starts Sunday, April 4.

A special session of East Side Borough Council to prepare a request for proposals to have a comprehensive plan done failed to get a quorum. Those who did attend completed the work…

The front page photo is of doctor Emilia Secheresciu, director of the Weatherly Satellite of St. Joseph’s, with her son Paul, and St. Joseph’s C.E.O. Bernard Rudegair.

Sports writer Steve Stallone joined The JournalHerald and penned his first columns.

Ed Gower writes of the White Haven Area Sports Association 11 and 12 yearold all-stars who won their first game in the Freeland YMCA tournament versus Frackville 42-29. White Haven plays next against West Hazleton–St. Mary’s.

The White Haven 9 and 10 all-stars were eliminated but played well in their two games.

Phil Engman’s Ramblin’ On was mainly about NCAA basketball, with lots of quips thrown in.

Alberdeen Golf in Mountain Top is open for its season.

Ruth and Seth wrote this week’s review of the Water’s Edge at the Lake Harmony Lodge in Lake Harmony. It was the final week before renovation promising both a new look and new menu… and a new name.

Pete Chapla reviewed the Michael Douglas/Robert Duvall film Falling Down.

Grand Central advertised a huge 8-hour sale this Saturday.

From The Journal Issue of April 1, 1943

Publisher W. C. Taylor

Among the first forest fires of the season was 100-acres at Hickory Run National Park…that threatened East

Side Borough for a time Sunday. There were a couple of other fires, at Tunnel, and at Rita…Fire towers in the Weisser District are manned 24-hours daily.

Honoring ten of their fellow students, members of the White Haven High School will tender a banquet farewell at the Hotel Sterling in Wilkes-Barre this Thursday. The young men have volunteered to enter the service of their Uncle Sam. All but two were processed and will leave Monday morning.

They are: Russell Shupp, David Hosier, John Quigg, Jack Driggs, Ted Grunert, Arthur Wheeler, Kermit Gueiss, John Klem, John Rabe, and Joe Labelle.

George Bushman, another member of the Senior Class, joined the Navy last Thursday.

Fairview Elementary 6th Grade Honor Roll listed

Kevin Seyer, Principal, has announced the following sixth grade students have achieved Principal’s Honors at Fairview Elementary School for the 2nd Quarter of the 2022-2023 school year. The Crestwood School District Elementary Honor Roll (6th Grade) reflects that the student has attained an A in all courses offered. Inclusive are English Language Arts, Math, Social

Studies and Science.

Named to the honor roll are Tyler Barker, Jacob Bechtel, Isla Centak, Ava Coltrane, Reina Coulter, Alexander Dobash, Olivia Fritz, Autumn Grauel, Caden Hoban, Irelyn Iracki, Sophia Kwarcinski, Jacob McLaughlin, Lillian Michael, Lillie Nealon, Cali Oravic, Isabella Smolenak, Mia Turner, and Rocco Zaremba.

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Letters to the Editor Policy Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. They may be mailed to 211 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661 or e-mailed to Letters must include a signature, which will be published, and a phone number for verification purposes, which will not. Topics of local interest are preferred, and form letters will not be published. Perference will be given to letters sent exclusively to this publication. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity. Letters which could be considered libelous will not be published, nor will personal attacks.

Public Notices


The Packer Township Supervisors have rescheduled their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 to 4:00 p.m. at the Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, PA, 570427-8969 www.packertownship. com


IN RE: ESTATE OF CHRISTINE M. SKWIERZ, a/k/a CHRISTINE SKWIERZ, Deceased, late of the Village of Tresckow, County of Carbon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of Christine M. Skwierz, a/k/a/ Christine Skwierz, who died on the 5th day of December 2022. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to the Executor, Jeffrey J. Skwierz, 53 Hamilton Street, West Wyoming PA, 18644, or his attorney:


121 Carbon Street Post Office Box 49 Weatherly PA 18255


NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been issued to Jerome D. Perch of PO Box 295, 372 King Arthur Road, Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, Executor of the Estate of Thelma E. Perch, deceased, late of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, who died on January 22, 2023. All creditors are requested to present their claims and all persons indebted to the decedent will make payment to the aforementioned Executor, C/O the attorney for the estate: Stacey Acri, Esq. 273 E. Northampton St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 (570) 826-5554


NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been issued to Kimberly Davis of 21 Ash Tree Lane, White Haven, Pennsylvania 18661, Executrix of the Estate of Alberta Jane Fox, also known as Alberta J. Fox, deceased, late of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, who died on January 17, 2023. All creditors are requested to present their claims and all persons indebted to the decedent will make payment to the aforementioned Executrix, C/O the attorney for the estate:

Stacey Acri, Esq.

273 E. Northampton St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

(570) 826-5554

White Haven for ambulance service

The Lausanne Township supervisors selected White Haven Ambulance as the primary medical response team for Lausanne Township. Other options were discussed but White Haven Ambulance is the closest service to the township.

Spring Cleanup is scheduled for Monday, May 22, during the regular weekly collection. Inserts


should be included in all tax bills.

No tires or construction materials will be accepted. Refrigerators/Freezers must be free of Freon and properly tagged. There will be a limit of three large items, and a limit of 20 bags. Please place items in bags or containers where possible. Work continues on collecting delinquent garbage account fees.

THURS. 9:30 PM


Atty. Cindy Yurchak Carbon County Law Office since 1991 •Family Law •Real Estate •Civil Law •Criminal Defense Carbon, Luzerne & Schuylkill Counties 570-427-9817 121 Carbon St., Weatherly
Lausanne selects
HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock



George B. Madigan, 74, of White Haven, died on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at Geisinger Wyoming Valley.

Born in WilkesBarre, he was the son of the late George and Beatrice Scott Madigan and was a graduate of Crestwood High School.

He worked for Mountain Top Container as an assistant plant manager prior to retirement.

He enjoyed fishing, and was involved with White Haven Presbyterian Church.

George started his fire rescue career when he was 16 years old at the Mountain Top Hose Company on their forest

Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services

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A new approach to funeral and cremation care Looking forward to serving White Haven, Dennison, Lehigh, and Foster Townships

All arrangements and consultations from the comfort of your home Guiding families through difficult times.

fire warden crew. He was a life member of the White Haven Volunteer Fire Company #1, where he served in many capacities, and was an active member of the Dennison Township Volunteer Fire Department.

George was a past board member and EMT at the White Haven Ambulance, and served on the White Haven borough council for several years, as well as the White Haven recreation board.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brother, Harry Madigan.

Left to cherish his memory, is his loving wife, Ann Marie Slyconish Madigan; son Chris Madigan of White Haven; sister, Jenn Hashagen of Mountain Top, and many friends.

A private graveside funeral service will be held in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, White Haven.

Arrangements are under the direction of the Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. White Haven.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions, in his name and honor, may be made to the Dennison Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Monica M. Stallone, 57, beloved wife, mother and grandmother, of Hazle Township, passed away on Saturday, March 25, 2023, at Lehigh Valley Hospital Hazleton Campus, following a long illness.

Born June 19, 1965 in Bethlehem, she was the daughter of the late Andrew and Barbara (Ladner) Bankus.

Surviving are her husband of 37 years, Stephen A. Stallone; sons, Salvatore “Sal” Stallone and his wife Ashley, Aaron Stallone and his wife Erin, Brett Stallone and his wife Dominique; and grandchildren Mia, Emery, Beckett and Gabriella.

A 1983 graduate of Panther Valley High School, Monica attended Alliance College in Cambridge Springs, PA, before earning her Associates Degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management. She worked at numerous hotels, restaurants and resorts throughout the Pocono region, including Hershey Pocono Resort, Split Rock Resort, Mountain Laurel Resort, Pocono Raceway, Hanna’s Ugly Mug and Forks Club & Bistro, rising

Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice,



to management levels at many of those stops. She also helped launch and manage Drifters Restaurant in Seaside Heights, NJ.

Monica then transitioned to a career in home health care, finding a great love in tending to the needs of the sick and elderly for Comfort Keepers, R&L Helpmates, and ultimately as a private contractor. She also volunteered for the “Be My Eyes” program.

Growing up in Lansford, Monica enjoyed sports, competing in flag football in her youth. While at Panther Valley, she competed in both swimming and volleyball, and was a member of the ski club. She also performed with the marching band as a member of the flag team.

An avid skier from her youth, Monica enjoyed being out on the mountain, skiing both competitively and for fun, and introducing her sons to the sport. She ultimately became a ski instructor at Big Boulder and Jack Frost Mountain.

Monica also loved to dance, and followed her passion of dancing with her parents as a member of the Anthracite Polka Association, and performing as a folk dancer with the nationally-renowned Kukawiaki folk dance ensemble while at Alliance College.

Monica also loved music,

and while in high school and college was a contributor to local band Fallacy. Later in life, she worked sound and lighting for the popular beach bandLove Seed Mama Jump” in and around Dewey Beach, Delaware. Monica also enjoyed traveling, and loved the beach.

Her family, her three boys and four grandchildren were the love of her life, and her many friends from her youth and high school days, through to college and professional life, were like extended family. She will be greatly missed, but her beautiful soul will shine on in her family forever.

Funeral arrangements are entrusted to the E. Franklin Griffiths Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Inc.

Following a 10 a.m. visitation period, a Memorial Mass will be held on Friday, March 31, at 11 a.m. from St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, 411 Allegheny St., White Haven.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be made in Monica’s name and honor to: The American Nurses Foundation; American Cancer Society for cancer research; or to the new Cancer Treatment Center at Lehigh Valley Hospital Hazleton Campus. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.

A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

(Never known to fail)

White Haven, PA



Ser ving White Haven, Weatherly and surrounding communities

Branch of Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice, Inc.

(570) 443-9816

O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother.

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand your power O, show me herein you are my Mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (say 3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (say 3 times) Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day, the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted.




Shirley Roberts, 86 years of age of Camp Hill, passed away on Friday, March 24, 2023 as a guest of Cumberland Crossings in Carlisle. Born, July 2, 1936 in Hazleton, she was the daughter of the late James and Margaret (Woodring) Romig. Shirley was also predeceased by her beloved husband, George H. Roberts, Jr. on July 5, 2004: sisters, Alverna Reimold and Esther Koehler.

Surviving are son, Mark A. Roberts and his wife Donna of Camp Hill: grandchildren, James Roberts and his wife Allison and Jessica Roberts: great-grandchildren, Kara

Dale A. Fey, 59, of Mountain Top, died suddenly at home on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

Dale is the son of Jack and the late Faith Fey. Dale graduated from Crestwood High School and Lincoln Technology. He started his career in the construction industry, then at Air Products for 15 yrs. After that, together with his wife Cindy, he acted on a dream to own and operate a bar/restaurant, which they started in 2005, the beginning of Wheel’s Bar and Grill in Nuangola.

Dale’s love for racing ran through his blood. Either local track racing, NASCAR or anything with wheels he was involved. He will live on in the race world through his

and Grace Roberts. Many nieces and nephews also survive Shirley.

In her youth Shirley worked at Tung-Sol in Weatherly, and then in the restaurant field after raising her family. She was a member of Salem U.C.C. of Weatherly.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.

A funeral service will be held on Thursday, March 30, at the funeral home at 11 a.m. Friends may call from 9:30 a.m. until time of services.

Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Weatherly.

Online condolences may be made to the family at www.griffithsfuneralhomes. com


William F. “Bill” Newman, Jr. 90, of White Haven, died on Wed., March 22, 2023. Born in Rochester, NY, he was the son of the late William and Edna Newman of Hammondsport, NY. Bill graduated from the Hammondsport High School, majoring in music and social studies. He was chosen for the New York State All State Choir twice. He was also active in sports, swimming, tennis and volleyball. In his senior year, he was offered two scholarships, one at East Manhattan School of Music and one at Cincinnati School of Music, but instead chose to attend Philadelphia Bible College, where he was elected freshman class president, offered another scholarship by University of


driver Micah Adams in the Dale Fey Motorsports #7. He was a track champion in 1990 at Evergreen Raceway. Dale and his team worked nightly together to make all his racing dreams come true. They were his most memorable times with his buddies in the garage.

Air Products provided him with a whole other family. He actually enjoyed going to work and seeing his extended family every day.

Dale was very competitive. He enjoyed pool and shuffleboard along with darts. He was a part of many teams and leagues over the years. He continued to support these teams as a bar owner and would donate and contribute to anyone who asked. He was a part of

Pennsylvania to run in their track squad but refused it. He left school to join the United States Army Security Agency (Division of N.S.A) and served his country in the Korean Conflict where he earned the Korean Service Medal; Good Conduct Medal; UN Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal.

After leaving the military, Bill was employed for 35 years, closing his career working in customer service. He was an avid collector of books, glass, antiques and military artifacts. He enjoyed traveling from sea to sea with his loving wife.

Bill is survived by his loving wife, Carol Searfoss Newman; nieces and nephews.

A funeral service was conducted March 28, from the Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc., White Haven. Military Honors and interment followed in Laurel Cemetery, White Haven.


Joseph M. Klem Sr. 81 of Freeland passed away Sunday, March 26, 2023 at St. Luke’s Hospital, Easton.

Born in White Haven, he was the son of the late George and Anna (Baranyak) Klem Sr.

He was a member of the former St. John’s Nepomucene Church and a member of the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception parish, Freeland.

Joe was an honorably discharged Army Veteran. He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather, master gardener who enjoyed hunting, fishing, and being outdoors.

Before retiring he was an assembler for the former Garland Industries- Freeland. Preceding him in death in addition to his parents were brothers Frank and Bernie.

many benefits, memorials and generated thousands of dollars in support.

Dale enjoyed just riding on his Kobota and cutting grass on warm sunny days; spending time with his granddaughter Ilithyia; having a few Miller lights with his friends and family and fur kids Sampson, Lilly, Mufasa and Simba.

He was preceded in death by his uncle Carl Fey and aunt Lou and uncle Vic Malunic and nephew Zack Fey.

Left to cherish his memory is his father Jack Fey of Wapwallopen; aunt Jean Ann Fey of Mountain Top; his wife, Cindy Fey; stepson, Robbie Piccarreta; granddaughter, Ilithyia Piccarreta; brothers, Robert

(Karen) Fey of Mountain Top, JB (Kerri) Fey of Mountain Top; brotherin-law Glen Hamersley of Kingston; and sister-in-law Holly Gallagher of TN; along with many nieces, nephews, cousins and two godchildren, Samanatha Fey and Molly Truzskowski; and his many dear friends that became family. Dale you will be deeply missed and truly loved by so many.

Funeral service were conducted on March 27, from the DesiderioLehman Funeral and Cremation, Mountain Top with interment in Albert Cemetery, Mountain Top. Visit www. for additional information or to view a video tribute.

Surviving are his wife of 58 years, the former Joan McCarro; son; Joseph Jr. and his fiancé Carol; daughters, Joyce and her husband Thomas Grimes, and Jeanne and her husband, Carl Bakitas; brother, George Klem Jr.; sister; Ellen Day; grandchildren, Allison and Emily Klem. Many nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral will be held Friday at 9:30 a.m. from the McNulty Funeral Home, Freeland, with Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, 898 Centre St., Freeland. Friends and family may call at the funeral home Thursday from 6 to 8 pm. Burial will follow in Calvary Cemetery, Drums. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting


Key dry hydrant on Lake Harmony soon to be reality in Kidder

Installing a dry hydrant into Lake Harmony at Wood Street has been a years-long effort. Kidder Township supervisors approved the agreement between the Lake Harmony Estates Property Owners Association, Lake Harmony Association, and the township. The next step is buying the parts and finding an excavating company to install it. If all of the next steps go well, this fire safety enhancing device will give local fire companies access to water direct from

Lake Harmony (possibly by May).

Kristina Heaney of the Monroe County Conservation District spoke about stormwater management and updating the township’s Act 167 by May 22. She noted that the Tunkhannock Creek flows from Monroe County into Kidder.

Kara Edmonds of the Dimmick Memorial Library gave a presentation on what the library gives back to the community and the programs it offers. She asked supervisors to consider a

$2,500 donation towards the Penn-Kidder Library’s operating expenses.

Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company chief Ralph Lennon said that he and other fire company members went to Sioux Falls to inspect the new fire truck. They were able to see it and drive it. It will soon ship to New Jersey for finishing, and should arrive here in early April, Lennon said. Supervisors voted to approve the contract for the township to make payments toward the cost of the new fire trucks. Albrightsville VFD has a truck on order, with possible delivery date late this year.

Supervisors approved participating in a police regionalization study with Penn Forest Township. The study is to explore operations, costs, and steps toward a potential regional police department for both townships. Also on police items, officer Mason Moran completed his probationary period and is now a full-time patrolman with the Kidder Police Department.

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Beastie Treats

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409 Route 940 in Blakeslee PA 18610

Crystal Butler submitted a letter of interest to fill the vacancy as an alternate on the zoning hearing board. She was approved unanimously.

A sewage facilities

planning module was approved for the Preservation Graystone development near Albrightsville.

The bridge replacement project on Old Stage Road is to start March 20, reported police chief Matt Kuzma. The work is planned to take six months and is to be completed no later than October 3. The road will be closed with detour signs in place.

Township solicitor Robert Yurchak reported the property owners of the nuisance property on Laurel Lane in Albrightsville reached a settlement with

the township over multiple violations of codes on that property. The settlement was offered just before the issue came up before District Judge Joseph Homanko. The owners paid $2,000 towards township expenses, and made a firm promise to have the property cleaned up within 45 days. They told Yurchak that the property will be offered for sale. Township manager Suzanne Brooks announced there will be an electronics recycling day on April 22 from 9 to 11 a.m. (or until the truck is full) at the municipal building.

ALA promotes Purple Up!

Military children face unique challenges and make sacrifices. To recognize them, April is designated as the Month of the Military Child and April 15 is the Purple Up! Day. On Purple Up! Day, everyone can wear purple to show support for military children and raise awareness of their sacrifices. Purple symbolizes a combination of the colors of each branch of the U.S. military: Army green, Navy blue, Air Force blue, Marine red, and Coast Guard blue.

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360 in Weatherly will host a breakfast Friday April 14, at the Weatherly Middle School Cafeteria from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Military children from third grade to eighth grade can invite a parent actively serving in the military to eat breakfast with them that Friday. Please R.S.V.P. by APRIL 5, if you plan on attending. Contact Georgia Farrow 570-427-4527 to make your reservation.


Seth’s Sightings

It was a week spent indoors with Ruth having broken her leg and me continuing my recovery from surgery. Ruth’s leg break was Friday night the 17th, and the surgery to repair her bones was the following Wednesday. She spent the next couple of days hobbling around the house. I was able

to get out, so ran errands within my limits.

By this past Friday, Ruth was self-sufficient and so I located a hockey buddy and we went down to Allentown for the NCAA tournament games at the PPL Center. Ahead of the game, there was just enough time to stop by the Allentown

Coming Events


1—Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m., Lehigh Park, White Haven, register on White Haven Police Department’s Facebook page


1—Food Truck Frenzy, 12-6 p.m., Crestwood High School Parking Lot


BSA/Venturing Crew Fish Fry, 12-7 p.m., American Legion Post 781, Mountain Top, 570-436-6276

SATURDAY, APRIL 8— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SUNDAY, APRIL 9— Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, VFW Post 6615, White Haven


11—Library membership meeting, 6:30 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12—Book Club, 6 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library


14—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. & 4-7 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


14—Storytime, 4:30 p.m.,

Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


15—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


22—Weatherly Area Museum Benefit Dinner, 6 p.m., L&L Fire Company Banquet Hall, 570-427-8173


29—College Planning

101, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


12—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 13— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven


13—Yoga with Amanda

Neidlinger of River Run

Healing Arts, 9 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 20— White Table Program by American Legion Auxiliary, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


28—Memorial Day Parade

Farmers’ Market for a bite to eat and some quick shopping Polish foods, Mediterranean salads, cake and artisan bread. The Market meal meant we had time to select some good eats at the arena.

A kind box office staffer found seats for us with nearly no stairs to navigate.

They were away from any crowd all the much better.

The games themselves were blowouts. Most of the fun came when the pep bands played and the fans cheered. While it was good to be there, there wasn’t enough good hockey.

each other’s news at a TexMex restaurant. The time of the meal was just enough so that we caught only the tail end of rush hour.

& Gathering in the Park, 1 p.m., White Haven


2—Graduation, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area High School


3—Trout Festival, 12-5 p.m., Railyard Park, White Haven Area Community Library


10—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven


11—Weatherly HillClimb

SATURDAY, JULY 8— Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Car Show, Lehigh Park, White Haven

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 10—Weatherly HillClimb


13—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction preview night, 6-8 p.m., Packer Township Building


OCTOBER 14—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Packer Township Building

The level of hockey played at the AHL level versus college is faster. Ruth and I went to this past weekend’s local games and saw some great hockey, though sadly two losses for the locals. There’s a home game this Wednesday, then another on April Fools Day.

Sightings this week include heron, red tailed hawks, migrating geese, local foxes and the usual of deer standing in the road, and by it.

On Monday, I had a trip into Philadelphia to see surgeon and oncologist. As usual, it was a long day, but we have a plan for attacking the cancer. After the doctors, we collected a friend who lives nearby and went out for dinner. We caught up on

While in Philly, we sighted a variety of flowering trees, cherries, magnolias, and others we could not identify, plus forsythia bushes, daffodils, and other early spring flowers. It’s early for these but nice to see, though here’s hoping the weather holds out.

Back here, my forsythia is ready to bloom, but there are frosty nights ahead. I am getting more crocuses, purples and pale blues. I sighted some delicate little blue flowers in White Haven. Looking ahead, there’s more hockey and lots of sports on TV to enjoy. There are also plans to be made ahead of the Easter and Passover weekends. I see tax day coming up I’m not ready.

Springtime sunny good wishes and good health to everyone.

Breakfast at VFW Post

VFW 6615 of White Haven will sponsor an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday, April 9, from 8 a.m. to Noon.

The menu includes eggs (made to order), pancakes, French toast, waffles, potatoes, sausage, bacon, toast (white, wheat or rye),

orange juice, coffee, and tea. The price is $11 for adults, $10 for veterans and seniors, and $5 for children 12 and under. Take-outs are subject to 50¢ extra charge and are not all-you-can-eat. For information call 570-4433333 after 2 daily.

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The Journal-Herald is for sale at: White Haven Market, and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder, Weasel’s in Dennison, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.


Blakeslee UMC Choir & Friends prepare two performances of

Joseph M. Martin’s “The Celtic Choir”

The Blakeslee United Methodist Church Choir & Friends invite you to enjoy

Joseph M. Martin’s Acoustic Praise Choral Collection:

“The Celtic Choir” at two performances. The first will be on Palm Sunday, April 2, at 4 p.m. at the Blakeslee United Methodist Church, 5693 PA-115 in Blakeslee. The second will be at the Pocono Lake Wesleyan

Church, 203 Spur Road in Pocono Lake on Sunday, April 16, at 4 p.m.

The choir is under the direction of Julie Kerrick.

Stephanie Kerrick is the featured soloist, George and Marlies Kerrick narrate the cantata, and Joy Waltz provides the amazing audiovisual presentation. The Rev. Joseph Healey is the Pastor of the Blakeslee United

Centenary lists services

Holy week services at Centenary United Methodist Church, Carbon St. in Weatherly:

Palm Sunday

Come begin the Holy Week celebrating the glory of Jesus Chris, on Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, April 2. Palms will be distributed at our regular service time of 8:30 a.m.

Holy Thursday

Come, break bread with us on April 6, Holy Thursday at 7 p.m.

Good Friday

Join us for a service of Tenebrae on April 7, Good Friday at 7 p.m. On this most holiest of nights, we will hear the proclamation of the Passion, and mourn the death of our Savior.

Easter Sunday

Celebrate the Risen Savior on Easter Sunday, April 9 at regular service time of 8:30 a.m.

Everyone is welcome at all services, please come as you are.

Methodist church. The Rev. Stephen Gray is the Senior Pastor of the Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church.

The folk music of the British Isles has long inspired the imagination of musicians everywhere for centuries. Indeed, Celticstyled music has emerged as

one of the most influential forces in contemporary popular music. Modern sacred music has also been influenced by this great treasury of music and poetry. Filled with rich style and purpose, these timeless tunes have the power to animate our churches

with jubilant praise and to touch our hearts with quiet comfort and hope.

Please plan on attending one or both of the choir’s performances, especially to enjoy Celtic-styled music. For more information, call the Blakeslee church office at 570-646-7727.

PAGE 8 THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2023 White Haven IHOP Exxon Travel Plaza, I-80 & Exit 274 2550 Route 534, White Haven PA 18661 570.443.7443 Open 6am–9pm

Read Across America success in Weatherly Area School District

due to comunity input

Weatherly Elementary and Middle School’s Read Across America celebration was held during the week of February 27-March 3. Throughout the week students dressed up for theme days such as Lorax Day-where PTA donated mustaches for each student, Green Eggs and Clothes Day, and Crazy Hat Day. Students participated in grade level reading and drawing contests all leading up to our event with guest readers on Friday. Thing 1 & 2 (Michael Berger and Dylan Buck) and Cat in the Hat (Ian McLaurin) made a guest appearance causing some silly fun in each classroom. Guest readers included parents, Weatherly Police Officers (Sofia Hantz and Jon Yaskiewicz), high school students Madison vonFrisch and Emma Kane, school board member Nancy Mulvaney, Principal Mr. Tony DeSpirito, Superintendent Mr. Daniel Malloy, Supervisor of Special Services, Dr. Pipech, and

as a special guest in our Pre-k classroom, Miss Philadelphia and Miss Heart of Lancaster, Elaine Ficarra.

The American Legion Auxiliary ladies, Georgeann Herling and Theresa D’Andrea, chose the contest winners and helped greet and pass out thank you bags with cupcakes.

One winner from each grade level contest was chosen by the American Legion: Emma Druding, Jenna Covey, Myah Makowiec, Ruby Torgersen, Emma Posser, JeAnna Wenner, Piper Grover, Martin Torgersen, Cameron Michael, Chase Bachert, Jessica Antolick, Natalie Nelmes, Denna Stellar, Julie Knight, Dani Zellers, Baylee Kane, Jessa Donadi, Madison Makowiec, and Jaycie Donadi.

The Weatherly Alumni Association presented Read Across America with a donation for supplies and prizes for our event. Without their help, our event would not be what it is today.


Library Corner


With the return of Spring to Northeast PA, the WHACL welcomes back the White Haven Garden Club. The club will meet Thursday, April 20 at 1 p.m. All are welcome to join us as we discuss tips, topics and road trips planned for the spring and summer growing seasons.

Our annual library membership meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and hear about our committee work during the past year, the annual fiscal report, the Engine House Project, and the election of our new board members.

The WHACL Book Club will meet on April 12 at 6 pm in the John Murphy Room. The book choice for April is The Silent Patient, a first-time novel by Alex Michaelides. This book is among our most enthusiastically asked-for reads, and we are excited to have it as our April choice. Get your copy anywhere books are sold. It is also available at the library. Bring

a friend or make new ones at this fun event.

Plans are underway for the first ever White Haven Trout Festival, hosted by Western Pocono Trout Unlimited. Mark your calendar for this great event, which will include workshops, displays, presentations, guest speakers, activities for kids, and of course, food. Admission will be free. Tents with displays and vendors will be outside in the Rail Yard Park with more activities inside too. Lots of family fun is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from noon to 5 p.m.

If you like to play Scrabble, come join us every first and third Thursday at 6 p.m. New members are always welcome.

Are you more into doing handiwork with yarns, threads, materials?

The Fiber Arts group might be for you. The group meets every second and fourth Thursday at 10 a.m.

We always have lots of children’s programs scheduled. Be sure to check out the White Haven Library

Facebook page for events and sign ups. Please remember to check The Library Corner as well as the library Facebook page to see what we have planned for our community to enjoy.


Here are the upcoming events at the Weatherly Area Community Library in April. To register for events, call the library at 570-427-5085.

April 14, Storytime - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Our book sale will be open for parents to buy books at $2 a bag. Please register for Storytime

to assure enough crafts will be available.

April 14 & 15 - Book Sale, $2 a bag, 9 a.m. to noon on both days with additional evening hours on April 14 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

April 29 - College Planning 101, 10 a.m. Thrivent Financial will host this free workshop, presented by financial advisor Susan Lovejoy. This event will answer key questions including:

• How choices made in high school can affect admissions and financial prospects

• The basics of college

financial aid

• Why it’s not too late to have a plan

This program is limited to the first 20 registered due to space. The deadline to register is Monday, April 24.

Events at the Library in May:

May 12 - Storytime - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

May 13 - Yoga with Amanda Neidlinger, River Run Healing Arts - 9 a.m.

May 20 - White Table Program by American Legion Auxiliary, for children and families - 10 a.m.

Where & When Pennsylvania hosts PA

Family Travel Fair in time for vacation season

Where & When Pennsylvania is proud to present the 5th Annual PA Family Travel Fair on Saturday, April 15, at Calvary Church, Lancaster. This one-of-a-kind event is designed to showcase fun and affordable vacation opportunities in Pennsylvania.

Exhibitors from Pennsylvania destination marketing organizations, museums, historical sites, amusement parks, great outdoors locations, and unique lodging will be on hand to answer questions and give out free information to visitors. The event is set up like an expo, but with no pressure to buy or book anything.

All the exhibitors will have information for visitors to take along, and most will be raffling off getaways,

admission passes, and other goodies at their booths.

The goal of the PA Family Travel Fair is to bring destinations and attractions together in one location to help families plan their next vacation in Pennsylvania. Wendy Royal, editor of Where & When Pennsylvania remarked, “It’s amazing how little we know about the vacation destinations in our own state. We may live here, but we certainly haven’t experienced all that PA has to offer.”

In addition to the exhibitors, the PA Family Travel Fair will feature children’s activities, including a Passport to PA involving the exhibitors, live entertainment, and mascots. FM 90.3 WJTL Kid’s Cookie Break will be broadcast live from 9 am to

12 pm. Everything is free and open to the public. Food will be available to purchase at one of the food trucks on site.

The PA Family Travel Fair will be held rain or shine from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 15 at Calvary Church, 1051 Landis Valley Road., Lancaster, PA 17601. More information can be found on www.

About Where & When Pennsylvania: The quarterly travel guide features hundreds of events, destinations, and things to do throughout Pennsylvania. Where & When is published by Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. of Lancaster, PA, and has been in print since 1965. www.


Faith Church to celebrate with Easter services

Please join Faith Church in Weatherly on Friday, April 7, at 7 p.m. for Good Friday Service, and Sunday, April 9 at 10 a.m. as we celebrate all that Jesus has done for us.

Faith Church Weatherly is located at 202 Carbon Street, right next to Enzo’s Pizza in the shopping plaza. Services are at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays. Join us for live worship music in a welcoming atmosphere. The Kids Clubhouse is open at the same time for all kids ages Pre-K - 5th grade.

The Youth Group meets Sunday evening at 6 for ages 6th-12th.

Mom’s group is every first Monday from 12:301:30; small children are welcome. Young Adults meet the last Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

On Tuesdays at 10 a.m., there is a study on Prayer.

Life Groups meet Wednesday evenings at 7. Men, Women, Children and Youth all meet separately for fun, fellowship and learning.

Women’s Refit, an exercise group, meets Thursdays at 10 a.m., and Celebrate Recovery is at 6 p.m. (doors open 5:30) for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Men meet for breakfast every third Saturday.

Couples Date Night is scheduled for April 15.

Saturday, April 22, is ManTour, a day retreat for the men. For more information, reach out to Pastor Sal.

For more information on anything going on at Faith, please contact Lori at 570-578-8005.

A very good crowd attended the Sportsmen’s and Outdoor Expo sponsored by Rep. Doyle Heffley on Saturday, March 25 at Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Company #1. State agencies and county departments, along with some local businesses, and even the Girl Scouts selling cookies took party. A Hunter/Trapper Education Course was conducted by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

April Food Distribution for Shepherd House

Weatherly’s Shepherd House food distribution will be held on April 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at Zion’s Evangelical Church in Weatherly, located at 335 Third Street. Please use the side entrance to the church on Fell Street to pick up food.

If there is a food emergency, please contact Charlie Hettler at 570-427-8981.

Upcoming Food Distribution Dates: May 27 June 24

Holy Week at Salem UCC

Holy Week services at Salem United Church of Christ, 330 First Street, Weatherly are as follows:

April 2, Palm Sunday 9:30 a.m. with Holy Communion,

blessing of palms, and the Sunday school children will be singing.

April 6, Maundy Thursday Service, 7 p.m. in the church social hall.

April 9, Easter Sunday 9:30 a.m. with Holy Communion.

Art honored

Ralph Herling, son of former Weatherly resident Jeff Herling, won second place in an art contest at Knickerbocker Elementary School in Watertown, NY. that will be used in their school yearbook.Herling’s artwork will be featured on the back cover.

JH: Seth Isenberg

Phil Knight began running as a youth and never stopped

Phil Knight, the founder/ face of Nike, the worldfamous athletic shoe manufacturer, was born in Portland, Oregon. His dad, Bill Knight, was an attorney who became a newspaper publisher. The younger Knight wanted to work at his dad’s newspaper, The Oregon Journal, but his father thought it would be better if his son found a job

independently. Knight did… at his dad’s newspaper rival, The Oregonian, where he worked the morning shift. Every day after work, Phil ran home, a distance of seven miles.

Running soon became more than a recreational option. Knight ran track and field at the University of Oregon under the guidance of Coach Bill Bowerman, who later joined Knight as a Nike co-founder. He was

Sam Lux seeks election as Carbon County Controller

Sam Lux is announcing his candidacy for Carbon County Controller. Born and raised in Carbon County, he is the son of Tom Lux, a local business owner, and Lisa Lux, a school teacher. Lux has experience providing financial planning solutions for municipal and county governments across the United States. He is excited for the opportunity to use his experience to improve financial operations and the budgeting process for Carbon County.

Lux’s experience includes a degree in finance from West Chester University, working in financial operations at JP Morgan Chase, and helping governments create longterm budgeting solutions

a middle-distance runner at Oregon his best mile time was 4 minutes, 13 seconds and he won three varsity letters in 1957, 1958, and 1959.

While Knight is best known for Nike, I wonder where his college track experiences fall on his “most successful” list. One item on that list is surely his contributions over the years to college athletics, not only at the University of Oregon but well

beyond. For example, The Phil Knight Invitational is a national college basketball tournament played in his honor. Knight was inducted into the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame and the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.

Knight and his spouse Penny, prolific philanthropists, have contributed at least $1 billion to causes, including to various colleges and

universities, and to support medical research.

Now in his mid-80s, Phil Knight is one of a kind, a person who started running as a youth and never stopped.

Mathew Paris specializes in writing human interest stories for The Sports Column.

Bach and Handel Chorale continues 38th season

at PFM - Public Financial Management.

As Controller, Lux will use his experience to oversee auditing county business, and ensure the county is responsibly managing taxpayer funds. Lux is committed to eliminating redundant and costly processes that slow down our government; as well as, creating sustainable budgets that will balance not just over 1 year, but create stability for 3, 5, 10 years and beyond.

Lux is already deeply involved in our community, coaching the Jim Thorpe high school tennis team, substitute teaching at our area schools, and actively enjoying the natural beauty of our county.

Sam Lux would love to hear from you. Please reach out to electsamlux@gmail. com with any questions, concerns, or priorities for Carbon County that are important to you.

The Bach and Handel Chorale, based in the town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, continues to present concerts during its 38th year. The chorale, conducted by Maestro Randall Douglas Perry, will perform two concerts in April 2023:

Palm/Passion Concert on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, beginning at 4:00 pm in the Lutheran Church of St. John in the Heights, 319 South Avenue in Jim Thorpe. The Chorale will present a short cantata with readings entitled “Lenten Canticles” by John Leavitt. The Rev. William Thompson,

Co-Pastor at St. John’s, will be the reader. A free will offering will be accepted.

On April 16, 2023, the chorale will perform an Easter Concert as part of the concert series at Jerusalem Lutheran Church, 252 Dock Street in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania, beginning at 3:00 pm. Maestro Perry will accompany and lead the chorale in a concert of various anthems for the Easter and spring seasons. A freewill offering will be accepted.

The final concert of their 38th season will be held in Historic St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 21 Race Street in Jim Thorpe, beginning at 3:00 pm on Saturday, June 3rd. Maestro Perry and the chorale will be joined by the 21 member Bach and Handel Festival Orchestra in presenting choruses from cantatas and oratorios of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel. Please consult the chorale website at www.bhchorale. org for information on admission and tickets.

416 Main Street, White Haven 570-443-7000 Take-Out or Delivery Jireh’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Jireh’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Open 11 a.m. Mon.-Sat., Closed Sun.

Top NFL Quarterback requests trade

It has not been as crazy an offseason this year as it was for the NFL last season (so far). That is until Lamar Jackson decided to shake up the league on Monday afternoon. Jackson declared he would not be returning to the Ravens and wants to be traded. Jackson is a former MVP and arguably a top 5 quarterback in the NFL. Some teams to keep an eye on are the New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts, Atlanta Falcons, Washington Commanders, and the New York Jets.

Jackson is most recently coming off a season where his team barely eked into the postseason, losing in the

wildcard round. Jackson missed 6 games towards the end of the season with a knee injury, including the wild card game, and Baltimore was not able to contend without him. The Ravens only averaged about 15 points without him on the field.

So, what team will benefit from trading for Jackson the most?

The Ravens could deal Jackson to the New England Patriots. If they were to send him across conferences the most likely destination would be Washington.

Last season Mac Jones was visibly frustrated with Matt Patricia and the Patriots style of offense. It is almost as though they did not trust Mac enough to give his team

chances to win. Multiple times on third down and long you would see the Patriots try screen passes, usually not much past 5 yards downfield. Jackson would give Bill Belichick a quarterback to completely let loose and run an offense that we are not used to out of the Patriots. This is a guy who has been one of only two to win a league MVP unanimously, the only other player to do that - Tom Brady as a member of the Patriots in 2010.

Jackson is looking to go to a team with weapons and the Patriots have added that this offseason acquiring Juju Smith-Shuster, fresh off a super bowl run with the Chiefs, and Mike Gesicki,

The Journal-Herald costs $45 per year outside of Carbon and Luzerne Counties; $40 in Carbon & Luzerne Counties—less than buying at the store. Send the form below with your check, or call 570-215-0204 xt304 to order and pay with a credit card. Make check payable to: CANWIN

Mail to: 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661

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who came over from rival Miami Dolphins to play tight end.

Now what would it look like to get a deal done for Jackson? Probably trading Mac Jones, two or three first round picks, and three mid round picks.

Looking at the Washington Commanders, they seem to be the perfect fit. This team is a quarterback shy of taking the next jump. Washington features plenty of weapons on both sides of the Ball with offensive weapons like “Scary” Terry Mclaurin and Jahan Dotson who was taken in the first round by Washington in last year’s draft. This pairs a stout defense with a great defensive line and linebacker core. The Commanders could use some help at safety on defense but trading for Jackson they may be able to mask that issue if they can manage to keep the offense on the field.

Last season, Washington barely missed the playoffs when they finished 8-8-1. The sad thing for Washington fans was that they were in prime position

for the playoffs behind QB Taylor Heinickie but he was pulled mid game with three games left to go in the season in favor of Carson Wentz and would lose his following game.

Officially knocked out of the playoffs after the loss, the Commanders would start rookie Sam Howell who would defeat the Cowboys in his only start of the season. That means three quarterbacks manned the helm for the Commanders at some point last season. The old saying goes “if you have two starting quarterbacks, you really don’t have one,” what would that say for a team with three? How to solve this inconsistency at QB? Trade for an established superstar and former league MVP. Now for Washington to get this deal done they would probably sacrifice one of their many defensive line pieces, most notably D’aron Payne and also two to three first round picks and probably only two mid round picks – (Payne holds a bit more value than Mac Jones).

If a gift, sign the card from:

G e t y o u r J o u r n a l-H e r a ld i n t h e ma i l e ach we e k . Or send it to a f r iend.

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ACROSS 1. Saucepan 4. Manhandle 8. Celebrity 12. Wood chopper 13. And 14. Be sympathetic 15. Ballpoint, e.g. 16. Mementos 18. Responds 20. Fold 21. Rustic shelter 22. Modernize 23. Bird’s noise 26. Failure 27. Oath 30. Mom’s sister 31. Dense mist 32. Slangy assent 33. Through 34. Derby, e.g. 35. Catch ____ winks 36. Unlatch 38. Often-dried fruit 39. More skilled 41. Tropical fruits 45. Applaud 47. Bitter anger 48. Scoundrel 49. Important times 50. Quiche, e.g. 51. Terminations 52. Sensed 53. Depressed DOWN
Farm animals
Perfect scores
Burn with hot water
Gain control: 2 wds.
Hastened 19. Hone 22. Floor covering 23. Beret, e.g. 24. Tinge 25. Registered 26. Speck 28. Type of bran 29. Common question 31. Loyal admirer 32. Type of exercise 34. Thyme, e.g. 35. Best 37. Pares 38. Deadly 39. Feel pain 40. “Since You’ve ____ Gone” 41. Naked 42. Nibbles 43. Opera feature 44. Garden starter 46. Game official, for short
1. Mama’s

Hockey – Hockey – Hockey and a bit of basketball

Michigan takes on a very good Quinnipiac team in the first of the Frozen Four games, then Minnesota, the favorite to be champion, will play an excellent Boston University team. These will be games worth watching.

The rest of my hockey weekend was spent watching the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins at the arena in Wilkes-Barre losing in overtime to the LV Phantoms, then losing again in regulation to the Hartford Wolfpack. The Penguins need to win most every game to make the playoffs. The final home games are April 1, 5, and 15.

Local baseball will have its home-opening homestand March 31 to April 2. Dress warmly if you go.

seed, is paired San Diego State U., a #5 seed. Opposite is a surprising team from the U. of Miami, up against a good UConn squad neither of these picked by many to make it to the final four.

For the women, the Final Four sadly doesn’t include my cheering favorite, the UConn Lady Huskies who were defeated by Ohio State (OSU) in a Sweet 16 matchup. For the big games, it’s Virginia Tech (who defeated OSU) versus Louisiana State U. AND most everyone’s favorite, South Carolina, versus fan favorite Iowa. Here again is TV worth watching. So happy hockey and also our best to you basketball fans.

This weekend was hockey Friday, Saturday and Sunday as I went to Allentown with a friend to see the NCAA hockey playoffs regional at the PPL Center. One ticket covered two playoff games. We arrived and located our seats as the Penn State/ Michigan Tech game started. Each team brought a pep band, and a cheering squad, and these provided special energy in the building. As you’d expect, there were LOTS of Penn State fans.

The PSU fans had LOTS to cheer about, as the Nittany Lions shut out the MT Huskies 8-0.

The next game up was a huge school versus a small one. The University of Michigan student enrollment of over 50,000 students, was to take on a

very good team from Colgate University, enrollment just over 3,000 students. (Colgate is one of my alma maters.) Colgate recruits internationally. At the start, it looked like Colgate would make a game of it, playing Michigan close with the first period ending with the Wolverines ahead by a goal, to the Colgate Raiders 0. In the second period, Michigan

goals came in waves, seven of them. Fan or no, it was time to head home. On our way, we learned the Raiders did get one goal, and let by another three, for an end score of 11-1.

We did not return for the Sunday showdown between Michigan and Penn State. That game went into overtime before Michigan advanced.

Puzzle Answers

As for basketball, for the men’s tournament final four, it is the year of Cinderella. Florida Atlantic U., a #9

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