The Journal-Herald, Thursday, April 6, 2023

Page 6


THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 • Volume 42 – No. 32 (USPS 277440) ©2023, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved




Let the fishing begin; Chamber Derby underway

STOCKING TEAM: Volunteers and friends helped the Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce stock trout into the Lehigh River on the morning of Saturday, April 1, to kick off the GWHCoC’s annual all-season prize trout fishing derby. By that afternoon, prize fish tags were being turned in for prizes.

Names of winners and corresponding sponsors of winning fish will be published in upcoming editions, when available. People who catch tagged fish are reminded to take the tags to the White Haven Market to claim their prizes. Tags from previous years’ contests will also be honored.

No VFW Breakfast

VFW Post 6617 in White Haven will not hold a breakfast on Easter Sunday. Next breakfast is May 14.

White Haven VFW 6615 Home Association will meet on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Anyone associated with the White Haven VFW (Veterans, Social Members, Marine Corp League, Scouts) should attend.

Living Stations this Friday

This Friday, April 7, starting at 7 p.m., the youth of Saint Patrick’s Parish will present The Living Stations of the Cross at the church grounds on Allegheny Street in White Haven. All are welcome to attend.



Telephone (570) 215-0204


From The Journal-Herald


211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)

Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Steve Stallone, Sports Editor

Shop local, shop fun

This Saturday, White Haven’s Main Street will host its first open-air market. There will be crafts and sales booths, produce for sale, and food vendors most by local businesses. The location is on the lawn in front of the Depot Building (between the bank building and former Ugly Mug). Parking is nearby on Main Street.

The event, organized by local businesspeople under the auspices of the Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce, is planned to be held the second Saturday each month, into the fall depending on its success. The Market day is likely to get much bigger by June but come out this week to help it get started.

As it grows, it is hoped that it will attract people to come into White Haven’s business district from Mountain Top, Lake Harmony and the near Poconos.

With new Main Street stores, this monthly Market, and the coming of weekend railroad stops, White Haven should have a very good year. The Market is one more attraction to be enjoyed by both residents and visitors.

Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. They may be mailed to 211 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661 or e-mailed to journalnews@ Letters must include a signature, which will be published, and a phone number for verification purposes, which will not. Topics of local interest are preferred, and form letters will not be published. Perference will be given to letters sent exclusively to this publication. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Editor reserves the right to edit for clarity. Letters which could be considered libelous will not be published, nor will personal attacks.

Issue of April 8, 1993

Editors & Publishers

Jay and Clara Holder

The photo on this week’s front page features the rising waters behind the Francis Walter Dam.

The front page also featured an article about the membership drive for the White Haven Ambulance Association, complete with a form to complete (members were asked to pay $10 for one person, or $20 for a family).

The newly formed Democratic Club of White Haven will meet April 14 at Mercedes Café. Everyone is welcome.

During this year’s blizzard, Packer Township road crew member Joseph Meyers fired up the old Oshkosh truck for plowing snow at the peak of the storm. Supervisors discussed training others to drive the truck in an emergency.

East Side Borough Council, at their regular meeting, put out the word that “Everyone must pay the garbage fee, whether or not they put out garbage for collection.” That includes part-time residents and vacation home owners. East Side council members are setting up a meeting to see if it would be possible to buy the Old Schoolhouse on Center Street from current owner First Eastern Bank.

Kidder Township #1 Fire Company will hold its Easter Flower Sale this Friday and Saturday at Steve’s Mobil in White Haven.

Crestwood’s FBLA is sending 19 students to the state competition, held this year at Split Rock Resort from April 14 to 16.

The Rev. Mark Fultz of God’s Missionary Church wrote an Easter sermon as his Pastor’s Corner.

Caster’s Floral & Gift Shop ran a cute ad a drawing of an Easter Basket with its offered items in the eggs… balloons & candy, gifts, FTD, and of course, flowers.

Ken DeVito created a wonderful Kid’s Corner half page for this issue.

A list of locals called for Jury Duty in Carbon County was printed. In other County news, commissioners will pay $316,168 for the 160 acres where the new county prison and 911 communications center will be built. The next step is meeting with Nesquehoning Borough to work out a connection to their sewer plant.

Sports writer Steve Stallone filled the sports page with columns about the Wreckers’ baseball and softball teams and the first games of their seasons, plus a column about the death of stock car driver Alan Kulwicki.

Tryouts for the WHASA baseball teams are April 12.

Phil Engman’s Ramblin’ On column reviewed to upcoming NCAA basketball mens’ final pitting North Carolina’s Tar Heels against Michigan’s Wolverines. The game was after press time for this issue. He also

reviewed the high school boys’ basketball tournament.

Angelo’s Italian House in Hazleton offered a $3.95 pasta lunch special with salad.

Ruth and Seth took a ski trip to Stratton in Vermont to enjoy some fine spring skiing.

From The Journal Issue of April 8, 1943

Publisher W. C. Taylor

The members of the local Victory Garden Committee are J.R. Ward chairman, William Sommers, Mrs. Rudolph Feist, Clarence Williams and Charles Warren. They are interested in seeing that every available plot be planted. Anyone wishing a plot to plant is asked to make an application to a committee member “Or, should you have a piece of ground to loan for such a purpose, please notify the chairman or any member of the committee.”

The local Red Cross Fund Drive exceeded its quota of $1,500 with a total collection of $1,970.70 to date, and more contributions still being received.

The 2nd War Loan starts April 12 13 billion dollars needs to be raised.

42 more names were added to the Honor Roll published last week, (and) this week another 18, making for a grand total of 235. The list will be published again on the back page (of the April 8, 1943 issue).

277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance.
$45 per
Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address change to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD
Pocono Mountains Chamber of
White Haven Economic Development Association
JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint.
Copyright 2023, The Journal-Herald
Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce
County Chamber of Commerce

Public Notices


NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary have been issued to Jerome D. Perch of PO Box 295, 372 King Arthur Road, Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, Executor of the Estate of Thelma E. Perch, deceased, late of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, who died on January 22, 2023. All creditors are requested to present their claims and all persons indebted to the decedent will make payment to the aforementioned Executor, C/O the attorney for the estate:

Stacey Acri, Esq.

273 E. Northampton St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

(570) 826-5554


Penn Lake Park Boro is accepting bids on the following scope of work: Fixed price for 5 months of grass cutting on and around the baseball field at 2 cuts per month, maintenance of the playground as necessary, 3 cuts of the dam area and roadside late May, early July, and late August. Cutting of weeds and grass on Lakeview, Horseshoe, and Hollenback as needed. Please quote an hourly rate for additional work requested by the Penn Lake road master. Bids will be accepted until 5/11/2023. Bids can be mailed to Penn Lake Park Boro, PO Box 14, White Haven, Pa 18661 or emailed to


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dennison Township Zoning Hearing Board hearing previously scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2023, has been continued and will now be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Dennison Township Municipal Building, 76 Walnut Street, Dennison Township (White Haven), PA. 18661. The hearing shall be to consider an application by Laura & Michael Bolinsky for the property located at 16 Norman Lane, Dennison Township (White Haven), PA 18661, which is located in a R-A District. The applicant seeks to construct a 26′ x 50′ single family home. The following variances are sought by the applicant.

A rear setback variance from the required distance of 25 down to zero (0) feet.

A variance from the maximum lot coverage of 7% to 18%.

A variance from the maximum height of 35 feet to 36 feet.

A copy of the full text of the application and supporting material are on file and available for public inspection by appointment at the Dennison Township Municipal Building by contacting Township Secretary, Kathleen Stortz at (570) 4438190 or an electronic copy may be obtained by email by contacting John Varaly at (

WHITE HAVEN BOROUGH RESIDENTS ARE REMINDED that they are no longer receiving trash bills from the Borough. Please stop all automatic drafts from bank accounts for trash fees. This amount is now included in your real estate tax bill.


Late of East Side Borough, Carbon County, Pennsylvania Letters Testamentary in the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay to:

Lisa A. Jones, Executor c/o Nanovic Law Offices

Attention: James R. Nanovic

57 Broadway P.O. Box 359 Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 4/20

Jonathan Darraugh II is March Senior of the Month at WAHS

Jonathan Darraugh II, son of Jonathan and Kerisa Darraugh, Weatherly, has been named Senior of the Month for March at Weatherly Area High School.

Jonathan is a member of the Weatherly Area High School chapter of the National Honor Society, and serves as the head of ceremonies chairman. He is also a member of the high school band, FBLA, and the Interact club.

In the community, Jonathan has volunteered his time with the Weatherly Museum and the CEO Food Drive. He has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout within the Boy Scouts organization, and is a member of the Order of the Arrow. Jonathan is employed by the White Haven Market and Big Boulder.

Sponsor for the month of March is Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services, in Weatherly.

PLUMC seeks market vendors


Vendors are now being accepted for the 19th Pocono Lake United Methodist Church Community Flea Market to be held rain-orshine on Saturday, June 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. $15 will reserve your table/space on the Green in front of the church, located at 1188 Route 940.

Please contact the church office at 570-646-2650 to reserve your table or for more information.



Earl A. “Bounce” Titus, husband, father, brother, Pap, 88 years of age, of Quakake Road, Packer Township, passed away on Friday, March 31, 2023, as a guest of Schuylkill Center Pottsville.

Born Saturday, September 29, 1934 in Tamaqua, he was the son of the late Albert and Edna (Woodring) Titus. Earl was predeceased by son, Todd Titus; sisters, Thelma Billig and Myrl Dietrich; brothers, Albert Titus and Tom Titus.

Surviving are his beloved wife of 66 years, Rosalie S. (Knepper) Titus; daughter, Sandra E. Snyder, wife of Edward; sons, Albert J. Titus and his wife Donna, Earl A.

Titus and his wife Michele, Kyle G. Titus and his wife Allyson; brother, William D. Titus and his wife Barbara, all of Weatherly; 13 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Prior to retirement, Earl worked as an auto parts salesman for Lehighton Automotive. A longtime member of St. Matthews UCC Church of Packer Twp., Earl was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting, fishing and galavanting the area in his jitney. Earl was a member of Paradise Fishing & Hunting Club. He also enjoyed traveling with his wife on motorcycle roadtrips and other cross-country vacations. He looked forward to all family events and gatherings.

A celebration of Earl’s life was held April 5 with Pastor Sharon Frye officiating from the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services. Interment will be at the convenience of the family.

In lieu of flowers, memorials in Earl’s memory may be made to: St. Matthews UCC Church, in care of Cindy Bizarre, 2879 Quakake Rd, Weatherly PA 18255. Condolences may be made to the family at www.


Ann Marie Madigan, of White Haven, passed away on Friday, March 31, 2023.

Born in WilkesBarre, she was the daughter of the late John and Tillie Slyconish. She was a graduate of Crestwood High School. She enjoyed spending time with her family, going to Bingo, gardening, and camping, and was an active member of St. Patrick’s Church.

Ann Marie was preceded in death by her parents and beloved husband, George, just a few days ago. She is survived by her loving son, Christoper Madigan; brother John “Whitey “ Slyconish; and sister-in-law Jen Hashagen.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated April 5, in St. Patrick’s Church, White Haven, with the Reverend Michael Kloton officiating. Interment followed for both Ann Marie and George, with Military Honors for him in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Tunnel Road, White Haven. Arrangements by Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. White Haven.


Nelson Lee Clymer, 82, passed away peacefully on April 1, 2023 at the Gino J. Merli Veterans Center in Scranton. He was a lifelong resident of White Haven, where he shared his life with his loving family and many friends. He and his kind and beautiful wife, Maryanne (Heiney), who predeceased him, raised their two daughters, Tina and Cindy (Michelle) together. Nelson went on to help raise his beloved granddaughter, Autumn. He played a big role in the lives of his daughters, his granddaughter and the lives of his great-grandchildren and great-greatgrandchildren. His family and his pets were his life.

He was a LCp E3 Rifleman in the US Marine Corps where he earned numerous commendations and marksmanship awards. Following his military service he worked for White Haven Borough. He spent most of his career as a custodian and grounds keeper for the Crestwood School District until retirement after 31 years.

Nelson was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting, fishing, gardening, and his dogs. He loved all children and animals and they were drawn to his playfulness and kindness.

He was a big kid at heart and enjoyed singing, dancing, and goofing around. He was loved by everyone who met him and will be remembered for his loving nature and for being the life of the party. He was preceded in death by his parents, Raymond Clymer, Sr. and Anna (Casper) Clymer, and siblings Marshall and Melvin Clymer, Alma Hendricks, Emma Fritzinger, Dorothy Baker, and Grace Tiglio. He is survived by his daughters, Cynthia Michelle Bower and Tina Clymer and partner Mark Strohl; granddaughter, Autumn (Bower) Cousins and husband Scott Cousins; great-grandchildren Maddie Hite and partner Robert Engler, Logan Hite, Harper Cousins, and Zhane Hite and partner Josh Sheetz; and great-great-grandchildren

Myles Engler and Adrianna Sheetz; siblings Anna Sue Stewart, Raymond Clymer, Jr., and Martin Clymer; and many nieces and nephews. Services will be held on Thursday, April 6, at 4 p.m. from the Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc., 403 Berwick St., White Haven with Military Honors. Friends are invited to join the family for a visitation from 2 p.m. until time of service.

In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Gino J Merli Veterans Center or the Alzheimer’s Association. Visit www. for additional information.

Obituary Policy: The Journal-Herald does not charge for the publication of obituaries. They are treated as news articles, and edited to fit our requirements, as are all news items. Pictures may be included when available. Obituaries with special wording may be published as Tribute advertising, at regular rates. Call 570-215-0204 xt2 for more information.

Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services A Branch of Holmes – Griffiths F.H., Inc. 211 First Street, Weatherly, PA 18255 570-427-4231 E Franklin Griffiths III F D Philip J Jeffries F D /Supervisor www griffithsfuneralhomes com A new approach to funeral and cremation care Looking forward to serving White Haven, Dennison, Lehigh, and Foster Townships All arrangements and consultations from the comfort of your home Guiding families through difficult times
Ser vice, Inc. White Haven, PA PATRICK M. LEHMAN, PRESIDENT RUSSELL C TETER, JR , SUPERVISOR Ser ving White Haven, Weatherly and surrounding communities Branch of Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice, Inc (570) 443-9816
Lehman Family Funeral



Allen Hoffman, 68 years of age of Weatherly, passed away on Saturday, April 1, 2023, at Weatherwood Nursing & Rehabilitation Ctr. in Weatherly.

Born Wednesday, February 16, 1955 in Hazleton, Pennsylvania the son of the late Allen and Agnes (Husser) Hoffman. Allen was also predeceased by a son, Nathan.

Surviving are son, Justin Hoffman; brother, Timothy Hoffman and his wife Arcelyn; sister, Anne Marie Jennings, wife of Joe; grandchildren, Dylan and Abigail Hoffman; nieces and nephews.

A truck driver, Allen was an avid outdoorsman.

Arrangements were entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.

Graveside services and internment will take place Thursday, April 13, at 1 p.m. at St. Nicholas R.C.C. Cemetery, 318 Plane Street, Weatherly.

Online condolences may be made to the family at www.griffithsfuneralhomes. com


Shirleyan Mondero, 88 years of age, beloved mother and grandmother, of East Main Street Weatherly, passed away peacefully on Sunday, April 2, 2023, at the home of her daughter Camille in Douglassville, PA.

Born Sunday, December 9, 1934 in Hazleton, she was the daughter of the late Edward and Mary (Gallagher) Vozar. She was also predeceased by her husband of 55 years, Nicholas Carl Mondero, who passed away on April 19, 2014; and sisters, Marie Scatton and Joan Patt.

Surviving are daughter, Camille Hayes wife of Thomas; sons, Carl E. Mondero, Chris H. Mondero, and Colin J. Mondero; grandchildren, whom she adored and doted on, Brady, Sydney, and Dani.

She was a graduate of Hazleton High School, and a longtime member of Our Lady of Lourdes R.C.C. of Weatherly.

She was an avid Notre Dame football fan and reveled in following her grandchildren’s sporting endeavors, especially her granddaughters’ Villanova

Need an Extra Copy of this issue?

The Journal-Herald is for sale at: White Haven Market, and 040 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder, Weasel’s in Dennison, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.

and Stanford University softball teams. Always the life of the party and known for her love of action and adventure, Shirleyan always kept a suitcase packed and absolutely loved traveling with her family to exciting places.

In addition to her children and grandchildren, she loved spending time with her nieces who meant the world to her.

Pinochle was a favorite pastime and she loved playing for hours with her children when they were all together.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on April 5, from Our Lady of Lourdes R.C.C., Weatherly. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Weatherly. Memorials in Shirleyan’s name to Our Lady of Lourdes R.C.C.


Spyridon Mouzakitis of White Haven passed away early

Thursday morning, March 30, 2023.

Spyridon was born April 14,

1959 in AvliotesCorfu in Greece. He was the son of the late Leonidas and Zaharenia Mouzakitis. Spyridon was preceded in death by sisters, Eleni and Eirini.

Spyridon was a passionate pastry chef in New York City. He took pride in preserving his ancestral home for his kids and grandkids alike. He loved spending as much time as he could with his family. Spyridon was a an enthusiastic Olympiacos fan.

Spyridon is survived by his two children Zaharenia Victoros and Stamati Mouzakitis; mother of his children, Vasiliki Mouzakitis; son-in-law,

Tony Victoros; daughterin-law, Michelle Cervantes; grandkids Evangelos Victoros and Vasiliki Victoros; and siblings

Theodoro, Maria, Katerina and Xrisanthi.

Spyridon had a bright and energetic personality and he was known for his charismatic attitude. He touched the lives of family, friends and all who knew him. He will be deeply missed and will be forever in our hearts.

Funeral service was held April 1, at Holy Protection Monastery, White Haven with interment in Holy Protection Monastery Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Holy Protection Monastery in memory of Spyridon Mouzakitis.

Arrangements are under the direction of the Lehman Family Funeral Service, White Haven. www.


Library Corner

The WHACL Annual membership meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 11, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and hear about our committee work during the past year, the annual fiscal report, the Engine House Project, and the election of our new board members.

The Book Club will meet on April 12 at 6:00 pm in the John Murphy Room. The book choice for April is The Silent Patient, a first-time novel by Alex Michaelides. This book is among our most enthusiastic asked-for reads, and we are excited to have it as our April choice. Get your copy anywhere books are sold. It is also available at the library. Bring a friend or make new ones at this fun event.

The White Haven Garden Club returns on Thursday, April 20 at 1 p.m. All are welcome to join us as we discuss tips, topics and road trips planned for the spring and summer growing seasons.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the

first ever White Haven Trout Festival, hosted by Western Pocono Trout Unlimited. This great event will include workshops, displays, presentations, guest speakers, activities for kids, & of course, food. Admission will be free. Tents with displays and vendors will be outside in the Rail Yard Park with more activities inside too. Lots of family fun, it is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from noon to 5 p.m.

Scrabble Club meets every first & third Thursday at 6 p.m. and the Fiber Arts group meets every second and fourth Thursday at 10 a.m. New members are always welcome.

There are always lots of children’s programs scheduled. Be sure to check out the White Haven Library Facebook page for events and sign ups.

Please remember to check The Library Corner as well as the library Facebook page to see what we have planned for our community to enjoy.


Seth’s Sightings

What gorgeous Spring days … sunny and near 70, how wonderful. Daffodils are beginning to bloom, and the forsythia that gets the most sun has yellow buds all ready. Now if the weather will keep from frost at night, this will be a great show. We had some funky weather blow through last weekend, toppling trees and dropping branches. Our area was lucky, as that storm had tornadoes including some sighted in Pennsylvania.

I was at Carbon County St. Luke’s for a blood draw and met Heisenberg the therapy dog (named after the Breaking Bad character). She’s a Bernese Mountain Dog and was in the hall with her handler as I went to

and from the room where bloodwork was done. As a therapy dog, she visits the hospital twice a week.

The local Penguins are winding down their season. Ruth and I attended two of the recent home games, cheering the guys but watching them lose. There’s one more home game … then in two weeks, Knoebels opens.

Arriving home one night after work, I backed the car in to park. Before we could get out of the car, we saw a rabbit come up the alley. Nothing unusual here, but as it comes past, one of the neighborhood’s feral cats appeared, clearly stalking the rabbit. We watched as the cat stealthily kept the

rabbit in its sights, keeping low, as the rabbit hopped into a neighbor’s back yard and then out of sight.

Other sightings include some more hawks, and what Ruth thinks was an owl –she got the best look at it.

Gas prices are going up a bit and threaten to rise more just as we have some road trips. Ruth and I will be visiting family for the holiday weekend and will write about that next week.

It’s supposed to snow again this Friday at the Donner Ski Ranch in California, literally inching toward an all-time record of near or over 700 inches of snowfall – then turn warm which may be the start of a big melt. Their weather

turns cooler next weekend, with another bit of snow predicted. Congratulations to the Louisiana State U women’s basketball team, and UConn’s men’s team as winners of the national championships. I followed the women through to the amazing final. It’s no surprise the games drew record audiences … such good basketball.

We plan to be at the first White Haven Main Street Market this Saturday to do some shopping and support the event. The outdoor Market will continue on the second Saturday of each month, through the summer. Happy Easter and Passover to all who celebrate. Best wishes for fun and healthy gatherings.

Coming Events

FRIDAY, APRIL 7—BSA/Venturing Crew Fish Fry, 12-7 p.m., American Legion Post 781, Mountain Top, 570-436-6276

SATURDAY, APRIL 8—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

TUESDAY, APRIL 11—Library membership meeting, 6:30 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12—Book Club, 6 p.m., White Haven Area Community Library

FRIDAY, APRIL 14—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. & 4-7 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

FRIDAY, APRIL 14—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, APRIL 15—Booksale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, APRIL 22—Weatherly Area Museum Benefit Dinner, 6 p.m., L&L Fire Company Banquet Hall, 570-427-8173

SATURDAY, APRIL 29—College Planning 101, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, APRIL 29—Dead Serious…About Life performance, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area Middle School, 513-459-7268

SUNDAY, APRIL 30—Dead Serious…About Life performance, 3 p.m., Weatherly Area Middle School, 513-459-7268

FRIDAY, MAY 12—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 13—Main Street Market, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 243 Main Street, White Haven

SATURDAY, MAY 13—Yoga with Amanda Neidlinger of River Run Healing Arts, 9 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MAY 20—White Table Program by American Legion Auxiliary, 10 a.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, 570-427-5085


Weatherly Area students win awards from D.A.R.

The Daughters of the American Revolution’s Junior American Citizens Committee sponsors a competition each year for students Pre-K to 12, which includes categories in artwork and creative writing. In the art contest, students may submit a poster, stamp design, photo essay, banner or digital picture. Creative writing could be a poem or a short story. The 2022-2023 theme for the contest was, “The 200th Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail: Moving the Stars and Stripes Westward”.

Weatherly Area School District had many students participate in this competition. Winners at the DAR Wyoming Valley chapter level were Miranda Otero, Chase Grier, Brandon Nelmes, Hailey Rosado, Nicole Schertrumpf, Kolton Reiner, and Maddie Heister. State winners were Mikayla Haraschak, Rebecca Caldwell, Evan Perez, Ben Kropp, Rebecca Alfieri, and Wade Eroh.

Eastern Division winners

National award winners, from left: Lydia Zink, Liorah Madden, Abby Guth. Picture at right, Good Citizen Senior, Jonathan Darraugh II.

were Aiden Slovik, Brayden Gill, Odin Eckhert, Dominick Kokinda, Chance Stauffer, Matthew Adler, Bradlee Connors, Willem Grant, Mya Binder, Aiden Foley, Isiah Cruz, and Preston Culp. Three students won national awards. Liorah Madden won 3rd place for

Good Friday services in Weatherly

her poem, and Lydia Zink and Abby Guth won first place for their creative stories.

The Good Citizen Senior Award was given to Jonathan Darraugh II. This award honors an outstanding member of the Senior class.

The Weatherly Area Ministerium will not be hosting a community Good Friday Service this year. The following churches in Weatherly will each be having their own Good Friday Service. : St. Matthew’s Union Church (Quakake Road) at 6 p.m.

Centenary United Methodist Church (Carbon Street) at 7 p.m. Faith Church - Weatherly (Weatherly Plaza) at 7 p.m. Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church (Plane Street) at 7 p.m. Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church (Third Street) [Service of Tenebrae] at 8 p.m.

PAGE 8 THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023 Also representing... Insurance �� Home �� Auto �� Life �� Business URENOVICH INSURANCE AGENCY Tel: 570-636-0680 Fax: 570-636-0197 606 E. Butler Drive, Freeland (Freeland-Drums Highway)

ALA to honor Poppy Poster winners

American Legion

Auxiliary Unit 360 in Weatherly will hold their monthly meeting Monday, April 10, starting at 6 p.m. at the post home. The Poppy Poster winners at the unit level will be recognized at this time. All members are urged to attend this important meeting.

Pizza Sale

American Legion Unit 360 will be holding an unbaked pizza sale Friday, April 21. Deadline to order is Friday, April14.

A regular pizza is $11, plus $2 per extra topping. Toppings include extra cheese, 3 cheese, mushroom, sausage, and pepperoni.

Contact Georgia Farrow to order your pizza at 570427-4527. Pick up will be from 4-6 p.m. at the post home.

Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Kelly Michaels named NHS scholarship semi-finalist

Since the National Honor Society (NHS) was founded in 1921, members have been making a difference in their schools and communities.

The NHS Scholarship is the National Association of Secondary School Principal’s way of recognizing the most exceptional of these student leaders. Recipients are chosen based on their demonstrated work to support the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, leadership and character.

This year, for the first time in the Weatherly Area High School Chapter’s history, a member has been selected as an NHS Scholarship Semifinalist

and will receive a $3,200 scholarship.

Kelly Michaels is the chapter vice-president, captain of the girls’ varsity volleyball and softball teams and cheer squad, president of the Student Government Association and the Kindness Club, vicepresident of the Interact Club and a member of the Envirothon and Science Olympiad teams.

Kelly has committed to DeSales University and was accepted into their accelerated Physician Assistant Program, where she will pursue her dream of a career as a physician assistant in the fall of 2023.

Haven IHOP
Travel Plaza, I-80 & Exit 274 2550 Route 534, White Haven PA 18661
Open 6am–9pm
Kelly Michaels and National Honor Society advisor and teacher Timothy Shiplett.

Is there any panic yet?

Is there any panic yet?

The MLB season is now four games old as of Monday April 4th. There were a lot of huge hopes for Phillies fans coming into the season after the Fightins were fresh off a World Series run in which they lost to the Houston Astros.

The Phillies are currently winless, with Rhys Hoskins out for the foreseeable future and still no official word on NLCS MVP. The Phillies went out and made some major offseason


acquisitions including Trea Turner and Taijuan Walker, who like the rest of the team has shown flashes but cannot pull it all together just yet. Are fans already starting to worry about the state of the team for this year?

So far, the Phillies have been outscored 36-12, this includes ‘Ace’ Aaron Nola being beat up for 5 earned runs and Zach Wheeler who also gave up 4 runs. It was clear in Monday night’s Yankees versus Phillies game that this team is still building chemistry. Taijuan

Walker got the nod to start the game and in the first inning loaded the bases and gave up two runs. Star Trea Turner was seen missing a throw down from baseball’s number one catcher J.T. Realmuto, bouncing in front of his glove and then over as the runner was safe at second. This was just the beginning of another rough night for the Phils, as they would lose 8-1. There is still plenty of hope and optimism for this team though. Young guns like Alec Bohm have consistently found a way on

base. Game one against the Yanks he went 3 of 4 and is also currently batting .467 through the first four games. Is there really any reason to be concerned about this Phillies team? No. The MLB season is 162 games for a reason and a team can catch fire at any moment. After last season the Phillies proved that after starting out 21-29, firing Joe Giradi and then making the World Series after finishing above .500 in win percentage. Chemistry will build over time. It will probably really show when Harper returns

and he reunites with Turner. The bullpen needs to pull it together a bit but that is nothing new for the Phillies. Pitchers are still settling in, but that doesn’t mean fans aren’t restless and waiting for what MLB considers one of their top teams to get the bats going and their starters thriving.

Will the Phillies be able to build up chemistry in time? Was last season’s run truly just a Cinderella story? Only time will answer these questions, but Phillies fans will wonder.

the new film about Jordan and Nike, is worth seeing

Last week, I was invited to the Houston premiere of Air. It’s Ben Affleck’s new movie about Nike pursuing basketball great Michael Jordan. I was a kid in the 90s, and many of my friends wore Air Jordans, and I had shirts and hats with the Air Jordan logo. What I didn’t know then, but do now, is how all that came to be.

Nike was a smaller company in 1984 that branded itself on track shoes. That made sense because founder Phil Knight ran track in college (University of Oregon). Nike wanted to expand the brand by adding a line of basketball shoes, so Knight hired Sonny Vaccaro, a streetwise basketball guru, to grow the basketball division. Vaccaro did just that, and his first step was to seek talent for Nike’s line of basketball shoes. Jordan, though, was an unlikely target.

Yes, Jordan had won an NCAA championship playing

for the North Carolina Tar Heels, but he was not the superstar we know today. The conventional route would have been for Nike to pick an established NBA star and build a shoe around a brand name. The timing screamed for that option because Nike struggled on the sales front. Nike had another tall hill to climb - it had to go up against the leading shoe competitor, Converse, the official shoe of the NBA, which already had Magic Johnson and Larry Bird under contract. Besides, Jordan was leaning toward a third company, Adidas. He had worn Adidas shoes in college.

While we all know how the story ended up – Jordan signed with Nike. The film does a terrific job of exploring the backstory of how it all came about. It’s a story about the people involved, their personalities, and their relationships.

Affleck directed the film, and he also plays Phil Knight. Matt Damon, who

plays Sonny Vaccaro, is a standout, as is Viola Davis, who plays Deloris Jordan, Michael’s mother. Her role is central to what happened in the mid-1980s, “the backbone of all of it,” her son has said. There’s a particularly great scene in the film where Vaccaro tells Mother Jordan that he believes her son is unique and that he’s going to achieve greatness.

Another great scene takes place in the Nike board room. Vaccaro speaks emotionally to the Jordan family about why Nike needs him. Who knew at the time that Vaccaro would be so spot on?

Let me add that the supporting actors are outstanding, too. Chris Messina plays David Falk, Jordan’s agent with an ego, a man who would do anything for his client at the right price. Comic relief comes from Chris Tucker, who plays Nike executive Howard White. Jason Bateman, who

plays Rob Strasser, the head of Marketing for Nike, is excellent.

The soundtrack includes many great tunes from the ’80s that I fondly remember from my youth.

From where I stand, this film is about greatness. It’s a story about a time, a person, and a relationship that has indelibly impacted our culture. What else

would you expect from someone known worldwide as “Michael” and a company with a compelling brand, “Just Do It!”?

Screenwriter/ director Matthew Paris writes about sports films at The Sports Column.


Baseball Previews Comets looking to make noise on baseball diamond

The Crestwood High School baseball team is looking to surprise a few people this season, and climb up the Wyoming Valley Conference Division 1 standings in the process.

After winning their first three non-league games this spring, the Comets of fifthyear head coach Sean Foley are well on their way.

Foley is expecting big things from returning players Nick Miscavage (sr., inf), Joseph Moratori (sr., 1b-p), Nathan Stortz (jr., c), Chaz Wright (jr.,

ss), Trevor Dean (jr., dh-p), Mason Czapla (jr., of), Chris Litchkofski (soph.,

p), Braiden Wanchisen (jr., 1b) and Trevor Miller (jr., of).

The Comets were slated to open the WVC portion of their schedule this week.

Wreckers have new coach, renewed optimism

Armed with a new head coach and a host of returning players, the Weatherly Area baseball team is looking to make strides in 2023. Firstyear head coach Steph Yurchak, who starred for the Wreckers a few short years ago, takes over the

helm of the program. After going 1-18 a year ago, the Wreckers want to turn things around. They’ll look to do that behind a veteran group that includes returning players Nathan Tripp (sr., cf), Dylan Buck (sr., 1b), Ismail Zubari (sr., c-inf), Tanner Hinkle

(sr., of), Tucker Hollowell (sr., 1b-of), Jonathan Hoffman (sr., inf-of), Wyatt Higgins (sr., inf), Ian McLaurin (sr., inf), Jack James (jr., ss), Klaus Eroh (jr., c) and Michael Davies (soph., of).

Yurchak will also be looking for contributions

from key newcomers Brandon Fisher (jr., inf), Ivan Wilkinson (soph., of), Ryan Breslosky (soph., inf) and Raymond Montz (fr., inf).

Weatherly Area Baseball

Wreckers drop two in division play

The Weatherly Area baseball team came up against a pair of heavy hitters over the past week, falling to undefeated Panther Valley 18-0 and unbeaten Tri-Valley 15-0 Panther Valley 18, Weatherly Area 0 - The Panthers needed just three innings to finish off the Schuylkill League Division III win in Weatherly.

Brad Hood led PV with two singles and two RBI. Brody Breiner and Hayden Goida also drove in two runs for the Panthers, who took advantage of seven walks and six Weatherly errors.

Tanner Hinkle singled for

the Wreckers’ lone hit.

Tri-Valley 15, Weatherly Area 0 - On Monday in Weatherly, Jake Tietsworth went 3-for-4 with two RBIs and three runs scored as Tri-Valley topped the Wreckers in a Division II-III crossover game.

Braxton Schwartz, Layne Yoder and Lucas Scheib each added a double for the unbeaten Dawgs (4-0, 2-0), who scored seven times in the first inning, then finished off the five-inning win with an eight-run fifth.

Jack James had a single for the Wreckers’ lone hit.

THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023— PAGE 11 Does your dog need grooming to be ready for Spring? We’re here to help. Call today for an appointment. And ask about our Home-Made Treats for your furry companions Beastie Treats Pet Supplies & Grooming 409 Route 940 in Blakeslee PA 18610
WVC SCHEDULE April: 3 - Wyoming Valley West; 5 - at Dallas; 10 - at Pittston Area; 12 - at Tunkhannock; 14 - Dallas; 18Wilkes-Barre Area; 20 - Hazleton Area; 24 - at Berwick; 26 - at Hazleton Area; 28 - Pittston Area. May: 2 - at Wilkes-Barre Area; 4 - Tunkhannock; 7 - at Dallas; 10 - at Wyoming Valley West
SCHUYLKILL LEAGUE SCHEDULE March: 28 - Weatherly; 30 - Panther Valley April: 3 - Tri-Valley; 4 - Shenandoah Valley; 6 - at Mahanoy Area; 13 - at Schuylkill Haven; 19 - at Williams Valley; 24 - Nativity; 26 - Marian. May: 2 - at Panther Valley; 4 - at Shenandoah Valley; 8Mahanoy Area; 10 - at Minersville.
Panther Valley...... 62(10) — 18 8 1 Weatherly Area..... 000 — 0 1 6 Black and Orsulak, Jewells; Zuberi, Mcaurin (3) and Montz. W — Black. L —Zuberi.
Tri-Valley..............700 08 — 15 18 0 Weatherly Area.....000 00 — 0 1 4 Schwartz and Nye; James and Eroh. W — Schwartz. L — James. Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Crestwood Sports Roundup

Comets sports teams get early victories

The Crestwood baseball team improved to 3-0 last week with a 5-3 non-league win over visiting Honesdale.

Joseph Moratori had two hits and four RBIs to lead the Crestwood offense. Nick Miscavage had two hits and scored twice for the Comets.


Crestwood 10, Honesdale 9 - Last week at Crestwood, Madison Mendrzycki had three hits, including a double, a run and two RBIs as the Lady Comets rallied past visiting Honesdale for the nonleague win.

Victoria Butler had a single and a double, two runs and two RBIs for Crestwood, which scored six runs in the bottom of the seventh to erase a 9-3 deficit. Sekiyah Dutton homered and drove in three for Honesdale. Maria Maglione had a single and a double,

Weatherly Area Softball Roundup Lady Wreckers win twice, vonFrisch reaches 400 strikeouts

Last week in Weatherly, senior pitcher Madisyn vonFrisch tossed a one-hit gem with 10 strikeouts to power the Lady Wreckers to an 11-1 Schuylkill League softball win over Panther Valley.

In the process, the King’s College recruit notched her 400th career strikeout, ending the game with 405 whiffs over the last threeplus seasons.

Juliette Bartel had two singles, two RBIs and one run scored for the Lady Wreckers. Kelly Michaels and vonFrisch each had a single and two RBIs.

Panther Valley........000 10 — 1 1 3 Weatherly Area...... 323 3x — 11 8 0 Alabovitz and Yuricheck; VonFrisch and Paulino-Diaz. W — VonFrisch. L — Alabovitz.

Weatherly Area 18, Lincoln Leadership 0 - Kelly Michaels tossed a one-hit shutout in the Lady Wreckers’ non-league victory over Lincoln Leadership last Friday. Michaels struck out four in the three-inning game. At the plate, she went 2-for-3

with four runs scored and two RBIs.

Madisyn vonFrisch had a 4-for-4 day with a triple, three runs scored and two RBIs for the Lady Wreckers (3-1). Juliette Bartel was 3-for-4 with three runs and three RBIs; Ava Sahaida went 2-for-3 with two runs and two RBIs; and Raynessa Paulino-Diaz was 2-for-4 with a double,. one run and one RBI.

Weatherly Area........(11)25 — 18 14 1

Lincoln Leadership.....000 — 0 1 6 Michaels and Paulino-Diaz; Maldonado and Vasquez. W — Michaels. L — Maldonado.

Marian 7, Weatherly Area 1 - Last Tuesday in Hometown, the Marian girls rode the pitching and hitting of Morgan Kelly to a Schuylkill League Division III win over the Lady Wreckers.

The defending divisionchampion Fillies (3-0, 1-0) jumped out to an early lead in the home first as Alise Heisey worked a one-out walk, Kelly laced a line-drive home run to right-center field for a quick 2-0 lead.

two runs and two RBIs. Boys’ Tennis Crestwood 5, Hazleton Area 0Crestwood players dropped a total of six games over four contested matches on the way to a shutout win over Hazleton Area in a WVC match last week.

In singles, Tommy Biscotti defeated Mateo Feola 6-1, 6-0; Noah Ceklosky beat Jacob Narrow 6-1, 6-0; and Scott Lenio was a 6-1, 6-0 winner over Josh Strohl.

their only match point at first singles, where Michael Hamel shut out Tommy Biscotti 6-0, 6-0.

From there, it was all Comets.

Noah Ceklosky eased past Amir Samadian (6-4, 6-1) at second singles, while Comets’ teammate Scott Lenio won by forfeit at third singles.

Gracie Gallagher singled and stole second base, and Julia Meiss and Heisey delivered RBI-singles to make it 4-0 after two innings.

The Lady Wreckers cut it to 4-1 in the sixth, finally getting to Kelly. Madisyn vonFrisch, who finished 3-for-3 with a stolen base, singled, took second on a groundout, stole third and scored on Raynessa PaulinoDiaz’s RBI double over the center fielder’s head.

VonFrisch struck out 10 Marian batters and kept the Lady Wreckers in the game until Kelly delivered again in the bottom of the sixth, ripping a two-run triple and scoring on a wild pitch to cap the 7-1 victory.

Kelly went 4-for-4 with a triple, a homer, four RBIs, two runs scored and two stolen bases for Marian. In the circle, she allowed just five hits and struck out 14.

Weatherly Area..... 000 001 0 - 1 5 0 Marian...................310 003 x - 7 9 1 vonFrisch and Paulino-Diaz. Kelly and Grabosky.

W - Kelly. L - VonFrisch.

In the only doubles match that was played, Crestwood’s Spencer Young and Braiden Fallbright blitzed Jase Mumie and Ed Yanac 6-0, 6-3. Tyler Furedi and Anthony Lettieri picked up a forfeit win for the Comets in the other doubles match.

Crestwood 4, Wilkes-Barre Area 1The Comets improved to 3-0 on the season with Monday’s WVC victory at Wilkes-Barre Area.

The host Wolfpack got

Crestwood also took both doubles matches. At first doubles, Spencer Young and Braiden Fallbright topped Luis Vanagas and Harold Stella; while Aaron Kogoy and Will Savner beat Robert Ashford and Miguel Garcia at #2 doubles. Both match scores were 6-1, 6-0.

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

Crestwood Girls’ Lacrosse Roundup

Crestwood laxers reach milestones during 3-0 week

As victories continued to pile up last week, so did milestones for the Crestwood High School girls’ lacrosse team.

Isabella Caporuscio scored her 300th career goal, Julia Glowacki recorded her 200th point, and Morgan Koons made her 200th career save as the Lady Comets went 3-0 during the week.

Crestwood 19, Holy Redeemer 3Caporuscio scored six

goals, including the 300th of her high school career, as Crestwood downed visiting Holy Redeemer in a Wyoming Valley Conference match last Tuesday. The senior standout also contributed two assists.

Glowacki added three goals and three assists for Crestwood; Grace Pasternick chipped in two goals and two assists; and Hannah Ziegler had two goals. Teammates

Crestwood Softball Preview

Kennedie Huber, Aubrey Macri, Brooke Lapinski and Mia Costello each scored a goal, while Ella Panzik and Jordan Andrews each had an assist.

Koons made 10 saves in goal for the winners

E. Fenstermacher scored two goals and M. Fine had one for the Royals.

Crestwood 22, Southern Lehigh 17Caporuscio poured in

Lady Comets have eyes on playoff

After going 11-6 during the 2022 regular season,


Crestwood’s reward was a first-round playoff game

with Pittston Area. The Lady Comets lost that District 2/4 Class 5A subregional quarterfinal game to the Patriots, who went on to win both the subregional and PIAA championship.

With some firepower returning from that team, the Lady Comets and fifth-year head coach David Koptcho are hoping a return to the playoffs is in the cards this spring.

Koptcho is banking on returning players Allison Babula (ss), Victoria Butler (3b) and Kayla Wisniewski (p-2b) to help lead the way and is hoping for big things from newcomers Brooke Lenahan (p-2b) and catcher Jorja Snyder.

14 goals and assisted on two others, and Glowacki contributed five goals and nine assists as Crestwood outlasted visiting Southern Lehigh in a non-conference girls’ lacrosse game Saturday.

Huber chipped in two goals and Pasternick had one for the Lady Comets, while Hannah Ziegler had two assists and Pasternick and Macri each had one.

Koons made 13 saves in goal for the winners.

R. MacIntosh led the Spartans with nine goals and five assists. J. Mantz had four goals and S. Tesche and D. Haflex added two apiece.

Crestwood 19, Lakeland 1 - Koons recorded her 200th career save and Glowacki posted her 200th career point as Crestwood routed Lakeland, last Thursday in Wright Twp. Glowacki, Caporuscio and Ziegler each scored three goals for the Lady Comets; Caporuscio and Glowacki added two assists apiece; while Pasternick and Andrews both chipped in two goals.

Huber, Olivia Jardine, Macri, Lapinski, Costello and Panzik all netted one goal.

Jillian Contorno scored the Chiefs’ only goal.

Insert numbers 1 through 9 in each block; no repeats in row or column.
WVC SCHEDULE April: 4 - Tunkhannock; 6 - at Wyoming Valley West; 13 - Wilkes-Barre Area; 17 - at Hazleton Area; 19 - Pittston Area; 21 - Dallas; 25 - at Tunkhannock; 27 - Wyoming Valley West. May: 3 - at Wilkes-Barre Area; 5 - Hazleton Area; 9 - at Pittston Area; 11 - at Dallas.

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Toward the stern 4. Discontinue 8. Begone, cat! 12. Mushy stuff 13. Time of day 14. Traveler Marco
Be in the wrong 16. Years long past 17. Exclusively 18. Tightly packed 20. Large containers 22. Robin Hood, e.g. 25. Subside 28. Take a sharp breath 31. Beep 32. Bread grain 33. Astounds 34. Cereal grain 35. Baker 36. Feather accompaniment 37. Land measure 38. “The ____ Wing” 39. View closely 40. Pamper 42. Christmas word 44. Not a child 48. Swing loosely 50. A ways off 53. Neither here ____ there 54. General’s assistant 55. Army vehicle 56. Twosome 57. High-school student 58. Finishes 59. Weird DOWN 1. Grew older 2. Fairway cry 3. Tattered 4. More retiring 5. Overly 6. “____ House” 7. Barred 8. Notice 9. Manage wisely 10. Full amount of 11. Doll, e.g. 19. Drains 21. Noah’s transport 23. Ice-cream flavor 24. Stockpile 26. Quick farewells 27. Inclination 28. Entrance 29. On vacation 30. Romantic ballad 35. Was in the red 37. Head of a suit 41. Certain songbirds 43. Store sign 45. Remove fasteners from 46. Rowdy 47. Walked 48. Chew the ____ (gab) 49. Whopper 51. Cooling device 52. Abbott ____ Costello

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Moses All-Star Classic marks 54th year

Team Lunger outlasted Team Guido 129-120 Friday night to win the 54th Dr. George P. Moses Boys’ Senior All-Star Classic, while Team Grant rolled to a 93-40 victory over Team Casper in the Girls’ Senior All-Star Classic, played at Wilkes-Barre Area High School.

Madisyn vonFrisch has committed to King’s College softball and has been accepted into the 5-year Health Sciences, Physician Assistant Masters program. Shown in the back row, from left, are Weatherly Area High School principal Anthony DeSpirito, Rise Above Angels travel team head coach Duane Ford, WAHS head coach Will Bartel, Pocono Pride Red travel team head coach Bob Triano, and WASD athletic director Scott Zoscin. In the front row are father Matt vonFrisch, Madisyn vonFrisch, and mother Deana vonFrisch.

In the opener, Team Grant knocked down 13 3-pointers, racing to a 24-7 first-quarter lead on the way to the lopsided win. Wyoming Seminary’s Maddie Olshemski led the way, scoring nine of her game-high 17 points in the first half, on her way to earning team MVP honors.

Crestwood’s Julia Glowacki (3 points), Cadence Hiller and Kaitlyn Bozinko all suited up and played for Team Casper.

At halftime of the game, Wyoming Area’s Morgan Janeski defeated Valley West’s Claudia Siegfried to win the 3-point shootout. The preliminary rounds were held Monday with the two finalists shooting off on game night.

In the high-scoring nightcap, Wyoming Seminary’s Isiah Stull rimmed 20 points and knocked down six 3-pointers for MVP honors as Team Lunger outlasted Team

Guido 129-120. He received plenty of help from Crestwood seniors Drew Sechleer (11 points) and Brandon Burbank (5). Holy Redeemer’s Zach Perta poured in 28 points, including five triples, to lead Team Guido and win team MVP honors. At halftime, Jack O’Donnell won the 3-point shootout over Crestwood’s Burbank. The two qualified following Monday night’s preliminary round.

Boys’ Game

TEAM LUNGER (129) Murphy 3 0-1 6, Macko 2 0-0 5, Walker 3 0-0 7, Chilson 3 0-0 6, Brown 1 2-2 4, Wallace 7 0-0 17, Bufalino 3 0-0 6, Mateus 6 0-1 16, Stull 7 0-0 20, Sechleer 4 0-0 11, Burbank 2 1-2 5, Konopke 6 0-0 13, Lewis 4 0-0 11. Totals: 51 3-6 129.

Halftime score:

Team Lunger 64, Team Guido 55 3-pointers: Perta 5, Long, Noe 3, Kozerski, Jordan-Thomas 1, Benjamin 5, Macko, Walker, Wallace 3, Mateus 4, Stull 6, Sechleer 3, Konopke, Lewis 3.

Girls’ Game

TEAM CASPER (40) — Iddings 2 0-2 4, Booth 2 0-0 4, Bozinko 0 0-0 0, Corby 1 0-0 3, Glowacki 1 0-0 3, Kranson 1 2-2 5, Callahan 1 0-0 3, Rome 0 0-0 0, J.Williams 2 0-0 5, Putnam 1 0-0 2, Stephens 2 0-0 4, Hiller 0 0-0 0, Baiera 0 0-0 0, Janeski 2 0-0 4, A. Williams 0 0-0 0, Wisniewski 1 0-0 3. Totals: 16 2-4 40.

TEAM GRANT (93) — Kline 5 0-0 10, Skoranski 2 0-0 5, Olshemski 6 0-0 17, Whitenight 2 0-0 4, Reed 2 0-0 6, DelBalso 2 0-0 4, Lukowski 2 0-0 4, Salwoski 1 0-0 3, Aiken 2 0-0 4, Oliphant 4 0-0 10, Siegfried 1 1-2 4, Ashton 2 1-2 6, Ardo-Boyko 2 0-0 4, Heffron 1 0-0 3, Kennedy 3 0-1 7, Keefe 1 0-0 2. Totals: 38 2-5 93.

TEAM CASPER................. 7 9 12 12 — 40

TEAM GRANT................ 24 17 28 24 — 93

3-pointers: Corby, Glowacki, Kranson, Callahan, J.Williams, Wisniewski, Skoranski, Olshemski (5), Reed (2), Salwsoki, Oliphant (2), Siegfried, Ashton, Heffron, Kennedy.

TEAM GUIDO (120) — Perta 11 1-2 28, Wright 1 0-0 2, Long 2 0-0 5, Oseni 7 0-4 14, McCoy 1 0-0 2 Little 0 0-0 0, Hunter 3 0-0 6, Petrucci 0 0-0 0, Noe 5 0-0 13, Catrone 1 0-0 2, Beasley 4 0-0 8, Kozerski 1 0-0 3, Cencetti 1 0-0 2, Jordan-Thomas 6 1-1 14, Benjamin 8 0-0 21,
Collins 0 0-0 0. Totals: 51 2-7 120.
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