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Seth’s Sightings
As I finish this column on Tuesday, there is a smoky haze in the air around White Haven. The haze is thick enough to dull the bright sun. Red Flag warnings are out regarding the threat of brush fires, and the weather looks dry for days to come. Our local firefighters will
by Seth Isenberg
likely be busy keeping us safe.
I am also readying for my photo assignment at Crestwood’s graduation. I’ve not heard from any parents of class of ’23 Crestwood graduates but there’s time right up to Saturday afternoon. Families of college grads are invited to send photos for our upcoming graduation pages.
This past Friday, there was the Weatherly Area High School graduation to cover. Both of us could attend, and we each picked our spots. The photo results will be seen in the graduation issue. My regular work day plus the evening of grads tuckered me…
Saturday, we enjoyed the Trout Fest in White Haven at the Library. I learned a few things, and enjoyed the fish fry supporting a good cause, the YMCA Food & Fun program to be held again this summer at the White Haven Area Community Library for local kids.

Sunday, we drove to Philadelphia ahead of my medical day on Monday, and stayed at a friend’s home. Another long-lost friend, found again, was in from the west coast to see his family, so we got together for dinner two couples sitting in an outdoor space literally on the street (with a wall between us and traffic). It was a good meal, and fun to reconnect.
Sleeping over was nice, and we got a good start CT scan first then a surgeon visit. Things are stable, no growth, which is good news. Ruth and I celebrated with our Philly host with a mid-afternoon lunch before
See SIGHTINGS, page 7