1 minute read
Continued from page 6 returning to the Poconos just in time for me to cover an evening supervisors’ meeting.
Sightings were the beautiful flowers, and beautiful variety of people in Philadelphia. Dinner was in the University City area, and we watched as two young ladies pulled a rolling laundry bin of belongings past us between the tables on the sidewalk, and us out on the street. They did this twice as we ate.
Our lunch the next day had us walking from our parking space through a flow of Drexel students. The restaurant was on a street where all the opposite buildings were fraternities, and it was a tenant in an old mansion that Drexel had preserved.
Back home, we are looking to attend the opening performance the PA Shakespeare Festival, Henry IV Part 2, before it closes this Sunday. Saturday, we’ll be busy with the White Haven Main Street Market, and other activities including Crestwood’s ceremony in the arena in Wilkes-Barre. On Sunday, we’ll be helping at a booth at the Hill Climb (event goes Saturday & Sunday) before going to the Weatherly Rotary’s Duck Derby.
The following weekend is worth mentioning in that it’s the PA Great Tastes of PA wine festival at Split Rock both days, and then on Sunday, Ruth and I will host a free performance of A Midsummers Night’s Dream at Big Boulder Ski Area. If you can come, bring a lawn chair. We’ll be supporting local emergency services, and the PA Shakespeare Festival’s youth program.
As an aside the Calder Cup will feature the AHL’s oldest team, the Bears of Hershey, versus its newest, the Firebirds of Palm Springs.
And also on a sports note, after all the badmouthing between sides, the rival ‘professional’ golf organizations will merge. Emotions led to some unkind words over these few months so there will be some feud burying to be done.
And one more weather note, I am hoping we do get enough rain soon as I am hoping for a good local strawberry season. Good health to you all.
Library Corner
The White Haven Area Community Library is hosting a concert on Friday, June 23. Gracie Johnson will perform in the Rail Yard Park from 7 to 10 p.m. The concert is free. Bring your own lawn chair and come enjoy the concert.
If you are interested in volunteering at the library, we would love to meet