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crescendo on Sunday for the Pocono 400 Cup Series race, featuring all the stars of NASCAR.

For tickets or racing information, go to poconoraceway.com.


I was stunned when I heard of the passing of Ray Provizzi last month at the young age of 52. When I first came to Northeastern Pennsylvania in 1988, working for the Times-News in Lehighton, one of my earliest assignments was covering the Weatherly basketball teams. My first experience with the Wreckers was in that 1988-89 season. Mr. A was the coach, and it was Ray’s senior year.

Ray was an athletic player in high school, a slashingtype who could drive to the basket or pull up for a soft jumper. And, although he was probably only about 5-foot-9 or thereabouts, he was a good leaper and could mix it up inside.

I also covered Ray’s younger sister Susie, who was a standout basketball and softball player at Weatherly.

As time went on, Ray did a really good job coaching our son Aaron on the seventhand-eighth grade basketball team at Weatherly and assisted Cory Gerhard with the undefeated ninth grade team during that time.

As I approached my 50s and Ray his 40s, we would battle one another on the Eurana Park basketball court, playing in the annual summer league together for a number of years. As each of us added a few more pounds to the waistline, got

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a step slower, and stayed a few more inches closer to the ground, we would lean on each other, hold when we could, and definitely talk some trash to each other.

It was all in good fun, and we would always leave with a handshake and a good laugh. Always greeted each other that way, too.

God speed, my friend. My deepest condolences to the Provizzi family and Ray’s circle of friends.

The Weatherly Area School District has an opening for a Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach. Send a coaching resume to Scott Zoscin, Athletic Director, Weatherly Area School District, 601 Sixth Street, Weatherly, PA 18255-1598.

Applicants need to have all clearances (Act 34, Act 114, Act 151 and Act 24). For more information, contact the Athletic Office at (570) 427-8521 ext. 5105 or email zoscins@weatherlysd.org

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