1 minute read
Packer taking garbage delinquents to court
by James Hunter
Nine Packer Township residents who together owe $35,000 on their garbage collection bills are going to have to appear before Magisterial District Justice Joseph Homanko.
On Tuesday June 6, the Packer Township Supervisors voted to take the nine to the magistrate instead of placing a lien on their properties and waiting for their money when the property eventually changes hands, said Supervisor Bob Selert.
“If they don’t pay at the magistrate’s office, then we will hold a sale and sell the contents of their homes,” Selert said. “Why should 420 people pay and these people don’t?”
Last month, the supervisors made an offer of a 10% discount for anyone who owed a large amount to pay in full, and a 5% discount for anyone who agreed to pay $100 per month. But if they failed to live up to the payment plan, the 5% offer was off the table.
There was only one taker, Selert said.
“The solicitor (township lawyer) sent letters out to everyone,” Selert said. “One woman who owed $3,000 who had asked for a break came in, and paid the $3,000 she owed.”
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