2 minute read
Seth’s Sightings
by Seth Isenberg
We enjoyed a late supper outdoors on a restaurant patio watching the Stanley Cup game after the play. We’ll be back to DeSales U later this week to see the PSF’s presentation of In the Heights a musical. This show runs through July 2 on the nicely air-conditioned main stage.
We went out to find some local strawberries on Sunday afternoon after finishing a shift helping raise money at the HillClimb in Weatherly, and then seeing the Weatherly Rotary’s duck derby.
Our strawberry run found some at Gould’s east of Brodheadsville just before they closed at 6. Having some daylight still to burn, we decided to drive south to look at the other side of the hill and found signs to the Blue Ridge Winery. Curious, we followed them, only having to backtrack once. On arrival, we discovered an impressive winery in full summer swing. The place is very appealing. Our plan is to plan to come on some special event weekend day.
Sightings this week include a full Mountain Laurel bloom hereabouts with fine stands on the north side of the Broad Mountain on Route 93, and along Route 534 through Hickory Run State Park.
I sighted a pair of hummingbirds above our house and am now waiting for their return to our back yard.
Monday’s rain finally got the soot out of the air and knocked down the local fire danger.

I’ve attended Houser auctions for over 30 years including one this past Saturday in Weatherly. There’s a certain nostalgic feeling to be in the audience with a numbered card, listening to the auctioneer’s patter. I bought one box lot and a piece of electronics. From the auction, I stopped by the Trail Festival in White Haven nicely done and then went on to my assigned work, taking photos at Crestwood’s graduation. I was able to get tickets for Henry IV, Part 2, at the PA Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University, so we spent the evening there enjoying the complex plot, and the various good performances of the actors including the rude/crude pub scene. The PSF claims it is close to how performances were produced in Shakespeare’s time.

This week will be the remaining Stanley Cup games. Congratulations to the Denver Nuggets on their basketball championship. Next up perhaps some football in a few weeks. This is the weekend of the Great Tastes of PA Winefest. We will attend on Saturday. Sunday afternoon the 18th is the FREE performance of Midsummers Night’s Dream at 2 p.m. on Big Boulder behind the main lodge on the lawn. Ruth and I are hosts to the show. Come join us, bring a lawn chair. Parking is nearby, access is easy, and the show will go inside in case of bad weather. The show lasts about an hour.

Here’s to clean air, a bit of Shakespeare for spice, and a healthy week to all.