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Windy Gallagher named to Dennison Twp. Planning Commission

by Suzanne Winters

Dennison Township Board of Supervisors accepted Windy Gallagher as the new Planning Commission member, replacing Bill Bauersfeld, who is resigning. Supervisor Bruce Thomas thanked Bill for all of his contributions to the township over the years.

Township secretary Kathleen Stortz reported the township received an email from Community Development reminding the supervisors it is time to file for grants for 2024. The township is not aware of any projects they need to complete, but will discuss this again next month as grant requests are due by September 8.

The tar and chip project had been rebid, with only one bid received from RC Young at $202,964.90.

Thomas felt this was a reasonable bid for the project and that this company has done good work in the past. Supervisor Sheila Weaver suggested they accept the bid or the work will not get done this year. The board accepted the bid.

The tree trimming project is ongoing. Ramblewood and Fawnridge are complete, as is Ice Lake. Red Shale Pit and Stolpe Roads are about 80 percent complete. Several more trees needed to be cut down. The trimming company is billing by road. Supervisors voted to pay for work completed thus far, and will pay for the extra trees, but would like to be made aware of any additional trees requiring cutting in the future.

Supervisor Mike Mack felt the company has been doing a good job with the project. Middleburg and Peat Moss Roads still need to be done.

Zoning Officer Jack Varaly reported five new zoning permits were issued. The Deep Woods project plans have just been submitted to Luzerne County. Varaly asked if the Planning Commission’s next meeting could be pushed to July to ensure the county’s input would be received for review.

Varaly also reported ongoing issues with the property owner at 57 Walnut Street, and he would like to file with the district justice. The property has still not been cleaned up. Varaly will suggest a fine of $1,000, plus attorney fees and filing fees. The cost for filing is $130.25. This was approved. Varaly has advised the property owner there can be no storage of trailers on the property.

Jim Yackiel gave the roads report, indicating culvert cleaning and grading on Red Shale Pit Road, a replaced stop sign, and several episodes of equipment failure. He reported needing to replace two rims and tires as well as batteries on the truck, and a battery for the loader. He also said the Lake Francis gate looks good, and he has been cutting and trimming grass. Stortz asked if the township needs more salt, as they are contracted to purchase one more load of salt by the end of July, or they have to pay for storage. Yackiel said he can make room for it.

The Dennison Township Volunteer Fire Company reported 33 ¾ hours of service this past month. They also have two new members now certified and ready to serve. A resident complained about the property owners at 57 Walnut Street who are wandering around late at night and sleeping in cars and allegedly threatening to shoot the neighboring property owners. White Haven Police have been called several times. The board said there are ordinances, but the property owner does not comply, and therefore the legal processes must be followed including a filing with the local district justice.

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