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East Side asks for fire protection quotes

by Ruth Isenberg

East Side Borough decided at their June 1 meeting to ask for quotations for fire protection from three companies, voting to send letters to White Haven Volunteer Fire Company, who presently provides the borough with fire protection, Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company, and Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company.

moneyfor the construction. Lenahan noted there is talk of “clawing back” unspent ARPA money, so it is important to keep moving forward.

Council president Lou Esa has talked with borough resident Frank Migneco, who is trying to keep them informed about grant opportunities.

BEGINNING MONDAY, JULY 10, residents of Northumberland Street in White Haven will no longer be able to place their garbage cans in front of their homes for pickup. Garbage hauler GFL has informed the borough it will no longer pick up garbage on Northumberland Street from the 200 to 400 blocks (Post Office and Ambulance corner west to Church Street). Residents of the 200 block will have to put their cans on Chemung or Towanda Streets, while residents of the 300 and 400 block will need to put their cans on Maple or Oak Streets behind their homes, marked in green on the map at right. Borough officials are concerned about safety, noting that if fire trucks and ambulances cannot get down the street, the winter one side of the street parking ordinance may have to become permanent.

JH: Ruth Isenberg

Solicitor James Nanovic noted the borough currently has a fire agreement with White Haven. The letters are being sent to see who would be interested in providing service, and at what cost. Answers will be requested back for the August borough council meeting.

Two architects have been recommended through the borough’s engineering firm Alfred Benesch and Co. for drawing up plans for a community building.

Secretary Carol Lenahan identified another firm with experience in community buildings in Wilkes-Barre.

She will prepare a letter to send to seek proposals from architects for the project. The borough plans to used American Rescue Plan

Street committee chair Rudy Schoch reported he had cut grass twice, and cleaned bridges on Vine Street. Debris that washes down Route 940 is pushing into the last storm drain box at the north end of Vine Street, clogging it up. He cut in a temporary swale so water should go right into the creek, but the drain and pipe need to be cleaned. Mayor Eric Siglin was not present, but sent information about signs, suggesting the borough put up “No Trucks, Local Delivery Only” signs. Lenahan will check prices through Co-Stars.

Zoning officer Allan Hollrigl asked who should sign a building permit for See EAST SIDE, page 5



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