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From the Geek Desk Computer Shopping Part II

by Jeremy dePrisco

In my last article, I suggested that when buying a new computer, it’s best to consider what you want to do with it first, then find the machine that will fit the requirements of any programs you want to use. Now we’ll look at some of the most important specs to consider.

The most important specs to consider are:

CPU (Centralized Processing Unit)

Processor speed

These days, for most applications, the CPUs on the market are pretty amazing. Both PC and Mac machines have blazing fast CPUS now, so your choice largely comes down to what you can afford based on your budget, and what is recommended by the program requirements.

Memory RAM (Random Access Memory)

If it’s within your budget, buy as much as possible. Most machines come standard with 8-16 GB of RAM these days. If you are working with audio or video you’ll want more. Again, refer to your application requirements.

Storage (hard drive space)

Today I suggest a minimum of 1 TB to start, with the caveat that you’ll want a backup option in place for that same amount of space. We’ll cover backups in a separate column.

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Historically, graphics have often been handled by the CPU, but it is now common to have a separate processor for graphics. You’ll find this spec called out on gaming machines. For business machines, this is less of a requirement. For multimedia (including audio, video editing), it’s essential to have a dedicated GPU the fastest you can afford.

When I buy a new computer, I will spend a few weeks researching the latest machines that are available. I’m typically in no hurry, because there are always sales.

Arguments over whether to buy a Mac or PC are unproductive. I use both. Both have their pros/cons. I’ve done great work with both. Do your own research and find the fit that is right for you, with as little hype as possible.

If you are fortunate to live by a major computer outlet, take advantage of the opportunity to see machines up close. But don’t feel that you have to purchase anything there. Buying online is usually more cost effective, even with shipping.

Sales people have a motive: they want to sell you something. That doesn’t always mean that they have your best interests in mind. Salespeople at big box stores may or may not have the training or experience required to truly guide customers through a purchase.

The nice thing about online shopping is that you can focus on the task at hand with little interference from a sales person.

What about Chromebooks? They can be a great option for some people, but will not completely satisfy many people given their limitations. As we saw in the application requirements of my last article, Chromebooks were not even mentioned. That is because they generally do not have the specs needed for anything beyond basic business use. To be fair, that is changing every year, and I really enjoy our Chromebook. My wife uses it almost exclusively for all of her lesson planning and teacher work when working from home.

What about Linux?

According to a recent count, Linux makes up less than 5% of the global computer market.* I’m going to admit that I have very little experience with Linux, so I’d steer folks toward any number of great tutorials on YouTube that cover the ins and outs of that operating system. Anecdotally, I have found most Linux users to be folks who already have significant experience with Macs and PCs.

*SOURCE: https:// gs.statcounter.com/ os-market-share/desktop/ worldwide

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