ournal-Herald J
THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2020 • Volume 41 – No. 3 ©2020, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved
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Packer Supers okay SALDO update, defer Zoning changes by Seth Isenberg
Lemonade stand raises dollars for White Haven Volunteer Fire Co. #1 by Ruth Isenberg Kali Karnatski couldn’t have picked a better day to open her lemonade stand. Saturday was hot and humid, and cold lemonade and pink lemonade really hit the spot. The 6 year-old was raising money for the White Haven Volunteer Fire Co. #1 at the
stand set up in front of her home on Towanda Street, across from the White Haven Post Office. And raise money she did—over $1,200. The money is much appreciated by the fire company, as COVID-19 has eliminated many of their usual fundraisers, and the new fire station means the money is needed.
The stand was open from 10 to mid-afternoon, and lots of people stopped by, Kali’s mom said. She made gallons of lemonade, and cookies. Donations were generous. WNEP-16 featured the lemonade stand on their evening newscast, highlighting the fire company’s appreciation and the community’s spirit.
his comments, he asked if there would be added regulations to include a host municiMonday evening, August 10, Packer Township supervi- pal fee for power plants. There was discussion of sors held public hearings on Grega’s ideas and concerns. the extensive revisions and updates made to the Subdivi- As things wrapped up, with no other comments by voice sion and Land Development or e-mail, text or chat, there Ordinance — SALDO, and on were questions enough on the Zoning Ordinances. The meeting was via Zoom on the these issues, plus a spot in one internet, with provisions for section where a couple of lines socially distanced attendance were missing, so supervisors in person. decided to table action on the No citizen attended in perZoning Ordinance. A new date son — just this reporter, along for a hearing and any addiwith supervisors Robert Selert, tions will be advertised. Cory Gerhard and Terry Davis, On the SALDO, supervisors township solicitor Robert approved the revisions unaniYurchak, and secretary/treamously. The SALDO was first surer Stephanie Stolpe, who adopted in 1989, then revised ran the Zoom meeting. Online, in 2003, so this update was there were five citizens, Atty. timely. Brian Stahl who represents Packer Township expects to Broad Mountain Power Comhost a continuing hearing on pany, and another reporter. the Broad Mountain Power Of those online, only Gerry application for a windmill Grega spoke. Grega made two farm on August 31, starting at points: that under definitions, 6, at the township building in the Zoning ordinance lacks one Hudsondale. The meeting can for “electric power plant” and be attended in person, with possibly a second definition for limited seating available. A “hydro-electric power plant;” Zoom meeting for the hearand then questioned if these ing is likely, with details to be should be added “by special ex- announced. ception” into the I-1 industrial and B-1 business zones (only). In a note he sent to follow-up
THE JOURNAL-HERALD (USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 Telephone (570) 215-0204
From the Archives From The Weatherly Herald, Thursday, August 13, 1970 James Faust and Cletus Milan, Publishers Weatherly Borough Council, at their Monday meeting, authorized the purchase of the Marusak property on East Third Street as a possible well site. A study will be done to determine the quality and quantity of water available.
ber 9. The cost of the licenses are $1.15, and don’t forget to Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, include 12 cents for return payable in advance. postage. All envelopes must be $45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance. Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. marked “Doe (or) Antlerless POSTMASTER, send address change to: Deer applications.” 358,500 THE JOURNAL-HERALD licenses were authorized for 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 last season. (JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014) An evening of softball was Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales enjoyed by 30 men this week. Ruth Isenberg, Editor Three teams were picked, and Steve Stallone, Sports Editor three 5-inning games played. Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce Men are invited to come out Carbon County Chamber of Commerce again to the Little League Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce White Haven Economic Development Association field on the 16th, starting at Surveying and grading of THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint. 5:30hei p.m. the site for the new Carbon © Copyright 2020, The Journal-Herald In memory of Garber, who County Home were subjects of this week’s front page photos. passed away this past October. The 13th annual Allison famCoaches Jesse Tom and ily reunion was held Sunday at Andy Kotch announced that Eurana Park with 55 persons Knee-Hi football will be getin attendance. ting underway for its second season here. Registration The family of Robert G. by Ruth Isenberg Weatherly of Apollo, PA, visit- forms are at Kathy Koehler’s ed Weatherly on Tuesday and store, Cunningham’s, Bill Hinkle’s Market, and at Eurana When an accident happens on Interstate 80, people in White took a liking to our commuHaven find out about it pretty quickly. Traffic volume on Route nity. He is a native of Sumter, Park. The first practice session is Monday, the 17th, at the 940, a/k/a Berwick and Church streets, increases dramatically. South Carolina. Eurana Park field. Boys ages 9 Drivers take the “local” road, rather than wait for the interstate to 13 are eligible to play. to be cleared. The same thing happens when there is construcThe efforts of the Lehigh The cheerleading squad tion activity. Cell phone apps alert drivers to possible slowand Lausanne Sportsmen’s will also begin practice soon. downs, and direct them to alternate routes. Club in fixing up the rural Contact Mrs. Ethel Tom at her The increased traffic can cause problems. Sometimes, it’s cemeteries in Lausanne and difficult for local drivers to make turns onto or off of Berwick Lehigh Township earned a let- home on Hudsondale Street Street, because the steady line of traffic just doesn’t let up. ter of praise from U.S. Senator or call her at 427-x. Both groups are reminded Hugh Scott. People who live in East Side have it even worse, because the that all uniforms used last speed limit on Route 940 in that community is set at 45 miles year have not been returned per hour, reducing to 35 miles per hour (though right now the From the Sidelines, yet. by Don Garber 35 mph sign is partially hidden by overhanging branches), and Wrecker gridders will be in finally 25 miles per hour right before the bridge. Just pulling From The Journal-Herald the pads shortly. Coach Pete out of a driveway there can be dangerous. August 16, 1990 Trucks, including doubles, take the route through town, and McMonigle expects a good Clara and Jay Holder, number of boys to turn out. have to negotiate the left turn uphill from Berwick Street onto After about two weeks of prac- Publishers Church. Sometimes they have no problem. Other times, they Front page photos are of a tice, the team will travel to drive over the sidewalk and cause damage. food delivery truck that split Kingston to have an informal Drivers don’t understand the STOP signs on Church Street, open when being towed into or the fact that there isn’t a STOP sign on Berwick Streets. Con- scrimmage with West Side the White Haven Shopping Tech. fusion causes delays, and sometimes accidents. Center a week ago, WednesIn a few weeks, county Local officials will be meeting with PennDOT soon to talk day. The truck had suffered treasurers will begin acceptabout what will happen when construction begins on replaceing applications for this year’s a flat tire, and was being ment of the I-80 bridges over the Lehigh River. We need to towed off Route 940. The load help them communicate the dangers and frustration bad traffic doe licenses. They will start spilled onto the parking lot, issuing licenses on Novemplanning can bring to our community.
Editorial Traffic troubles
and it took most of the day to clean it up. The Senior Citizens Friendship Club is holding its annual corn roast today in Weatherly. Bring a table cover, table service, pitchers for birch beer and cups. Games begin at 1:30 and the corn is expected to be ready at 4. The Family Picnic Day weekend will be August 17 to 19 at White Haven Center. A huge fireworks display will highlight Saturday night, and the public is invited to visit the grounds and enjoy the display. The picnic will begin at 11 a.m. on Sunday with a Hawaiian themed luncheon under the outdoor tent. Entertainment will include a magician, live music, game booths, a book sale, and a craft and plant stand. United to Serve is planning to hold a Fall Fashion Show and Tea on September 5 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Parish Hall. Chairman Betty Morrisette is coordinating the event with Terry’s Toggery of Mountaintop and Lookin’ Good Dress Shop of Freeland. The newest in fall colors and accessories will be featured by local models. Proceeds benefit the men and women of White Haven Center. With a picture — “Odd Fellows Lodge 457 of White Haven has a new and spiffy sign erected last week in front of its Main Street Building, believed to be the second oldest in town.” Last week, we reported sighting Canadian Geese flying south as perhaps a sign of See ARCHIVES, page 6
Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dennison Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, at 5:45 p.m. local time at the Dennison Township Building, 76 Walnut Street, Dennison Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18661. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider public input for proposed amendments to the Dennison Township Zoning Ordinance. The new uses to be defined, included and regulated within the Dennison Township Zoning Ordinance include: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Medical Marijuana Growing and Processing Facilities Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Short Term Rentals In addition to the above uses, a separate ordinance titled ShortTerm Rental Ordinance shall also be considered at this public hearing. A copy of the text for the above amendments and ShortTerm Rental Ordinance are on file and available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Dennison Township Municipal Building, 76 Walnut Street, Dennison Township (White Haven) Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18661, the Luzerne County Law Library, 200 North River Street, at the Luzerne County Courthouse and the Journal-Herald Newspaper, 212 Main Street, White Haven, Pennsylvania or an electronic copy may be obtained by contacting John Varaly at jvaraly@ptd. net. Notice is also given that the Dennison Township Board of Supervisors shall consider adoption and enactment of the above summarized zoning amendments and Short-Term Rental Ordinance on September 2, 2020 at the close of the public hearing. Kathleen Stortz, Township Secretary 8/20
White Haven Brough Council has scheduled a Zoom meeting: Topic: White Haven Borough Council Meeting Time: August 24, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81305971156 Meeting ID: 81305971156 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Linda Szoke Borough Manager
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Philip Engman, Esq. of Wellington, Florida in the Estate of PHILIP DAVID ENGMAN, A/K/A PHILIP ENGMAN, late of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania who died on June 24, 2020. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named: PHILIP ENGMAN, ESQ. 9134 DUPONT PLACE WELLINGTON, FL 33414 8/13
The Packer Township Zoning Hearing for the application of Broad Mountain Power, LLC to construct and operate a Wind Farm is continued to August 31, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. and will be located at the Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly. The public may also attend this meeting remotely via Zoom at https://us02web. zoom.us/j/84603454155 or by dialing 1 929 205 6099. Enter Meeting ID 846 0345 4155. Visit www. packertownship.com for more information. If you cannot attend but would like to have public comment read into the record, mail to Packer Township Zoning Hearing Board, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, PA 18255. Please call 570-427-8969 with questions or to obtain meeting minutes. Stephanie Stolpe Secretary
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters Testamentary were issued in the Estate of Patricia R. Gerhard a/k/a/ Patricia Gerhard a/k/a Pat Gerhard, late of 220 Pine Tree Lane, Weatherly, Packer Township, Pennsylvania who died on the 30th day of June, 2020 by the Register of Wills of Carbon County to Executor, John Austin Gerhard, 1710 W. North Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to: Daniel A. Miscavige, Esquire Gillespie, Miscavige & Ferdinand, LLC 67 North Church Street Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18201 8/27
Atty. Cindy Yurchak
Carbon County Law Office for 29 Years
•Family Law •Real Estate •Civil Law •Criminal Defense Carbon, Luzerne & Schuylkill Counties
570-427-9817 121 Carbon St., Weatherly
Weatherly Area’s construction project nearly complete by Seth Isenberg
to go. The project is on target to be done before the 21st. So, A regularly scheduled meet- the crews will be done and the ing with the construction proj- work area cleaned well ahead ect manager Jerry Bonanno of when any on-site teaching of the Quandel Construction would start. Company about the WeathItems remaining to be erly Area Schools project was done after the 21st will be held with administrators and placed onto a punch list that some school board members will be completed with apduring the last week in July. propriate speed, likely after They got an overview of the another month. For example, one room was waiting on project, and were told that it counter tops that had been will be substantially compete delayed by their manufacturby the planned finish date of er, as reported in a previous August 21. meeting. A generator for the Due to the COVID-19 shutdown in the spring, the project High School is due to arrive had to be shut down. Since the to be installed in September. A date of September 17 was restart, the contractors have given for the punch list items caught up, and hope to finish up a couple of days early. to be done. There was still a lot to be As of this late July meeting, finished in late July, but that the total costs for the project was with about three weeks are $8,231,611.
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Death Roll
THERESA C. KUDLICK Theresa C. Kudlick, beloved wife, mother, 90 years of age, of Quakake GEORGE I. WOOD JR. ANNA W. RAVINA Road, Weathing for the Veteran’s Hospital George I. Wood, Jr., 90, Postal Service in White HaAnna W. Ravina, R.N., of erly, passed a resident of White Haven, ven and was a member of First Street, Weatherly, passed in Philadelphia. She and Doc away on Satcame to Weatherly where he passed the National Letter Carriers away sudurday, August began his practice of dentistry away on Association. Being an avid denly on 8, 2020, at and they raised their famiSaturday, outdoorsman, he enjoyed Friday, home. ly. In 1972 Anna returned to August 8, hunting, fishing and was a August 7, Born Friday, nursing at Weatherwood until January 31, 1930 in Weather2020, at member of Lehigh Sportsman 2020, in home with Association. He loved to travel her home at she retired in 1985. ly, she was the daughter of the Anna was a member of Our late George and Blanche (Fox) family by especially to Lancaster and the age of Lady of Lourdes R.C.C. of his side. Western United States. 89 years. Bretsky. She was also predeWeatherly. She was an active ceased by sisters, Elizabeth Born in In addition to his parents, Born member of the Community East Side George was preceded in death Sunday, Eroh and Catherine Younker. Chest, served on the board of Borough by his brothers, Harold, November 30, 1930 in FreeSurviving are her beTweedle Park Association, and loved husband of 62 years, on August 15, 1929, he was Robert and Clyde Wood, and land, she was the daughter volunteered with the Amerithe son of the late George and sister, Jeanette Zehner. George Kudlick; son, who she of the late John and Anna Florence Prutzman Wood adored, Dana G. Kudlick and He is survived by his loving (Balyo) Wursta. She was also can Cancer Society. Family was foremost in and was a graduate of White wife Marcy, Weatherly; brothwife of 63 years, Mary Chasar predeceased by her beloved Haven High School. He was husband Dr. William T. “Doc” Anna’s life. She enjoyed time ers, Ted Bretsky and companWood; sons, George Wood spent with her children and a member of White Haven ion Ann Brown of Weatherly, and his wife, Renee of Penn Ravina, D.D.S. on June 16, United Methodist Church, Lake, Gary Wood and his wife, 2010; sisters, Helen Morinich, grandchildren and she will be and Frederick Bretsky and greatly missed by all. Besides wife Marie of Weatherly. a 72 year member of the and Mary Kostick; brothers, Karen of Mountain Top, and her family, she had a great A graduate of Weatherly Independent Order of Odd Todd Wood and his wife, Michael, George, John and love for playing cards — you High School, Theresa worked Fellows, and served on the Patricia of White Haven; Stevie Wursta; and four sibas a monitor in the flasher Weatherly Area Joint School granddaughter, Megan Rose lings who passed away in early didn’t want to mess with her at Pinochle or Poker! division of Tung-Sol. She was Authority. Kebles Wood; and several childhood. Funeral arrangements have an active member of Our Lady Surviving are son, William George worked as a letter nieces and nephews. been entrusted to the Philip J. of Lourdes R.C.C. of WeathPrivate funeral service will T. Ravina, Jr. of Hollywood, carrier for the United States be held on Saturday, August FL; daughters, Laura Wagner Jeffries Funeral Home & Cre- erly, having taught catechism. mation Services of Weatherly. Theresa was a member of of Quakake, Cindy Hart, wife 15, in White Haven United A Mass of Christian Burial Chapter 13 AFSCME SubMethodist Church, 900 Buffa- of Bill of Sewell, NJ, and will be celebrated on Friday, chapter 8701. She enjoyed lo Street, White Haven. Nancy Hadzick, wife of Ed of August 14, at 10 a.m. from Our gardening and doing puzMemorial donations in Peachtree City, GA; 11 grandLady of Lourdes R.C.C., 318 zles. Theresa worshiped the memory of George can be sent children; and 19 great grandPlane Street, Weatherly, folcompanionship of her Golden children. to the White Haven United Retriever Misty, and missed Methodist Church. A graduate of Freeland High lowed by interment in Union deeply her deceased dogs; Arrangements are by LehSchool, Anna earned her R.N. Cemetery, Weatherly. Philip J. Jeffries Memorials to : from the Temple School of Ginger, Cassie and Sadie. man Family Funeral Service, Funeral arrangements have Inc. White Haven. Visit www. Nursing in Philadelphia. After Weatherly Police Department Funeral Home 10 Wilbur Street been entrusted to the Philip J. LehmanFuneralHome.com graduation, Anna worked at & Cremation Services for additional information. Jeffries Funeral Home & CreTemple Hospital, before work- Weatherly, PA 18255 A Branch of Holmes – Griffiths F.H., Inc. or mation Services of Weatherly. 211 First Street, Weatherly, PA 18255 Our Lady of Lourdes R.C.C. A Mass of Christian Burial will 570-427-4231 Online condolences or a be celebrated Monday, August fond memory of Anna may be 17, at 11 a.m. from Our Lady E. Franklin Griffiths III F.D. made to the family at www. of Lourdes R.C.C., Weatherly. Philip J. Jeffries F.D./Supervisor griffithsfuneralhomes.com Private interment will follow in www.griffithsfuneralhomes.com Union Cemetery, Weatherly. White Haven, PA A new approach to funeral and Memorials in her name to PATRICK M. LEHMAN, PRESIDENT cremation care. Looking forward to Carbon County Animal Shelter serving White Haven, Dennison, RUSSELL C. TETER, JR., SUPERVISOR Lehigh, and Foster Townships. 77 West 13th Street Visit our website at Serving White Haven, Weatherly and surrounding communities All arrangements and consultations Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 pocononewspapers.com from the comfort of your home. Online condolences to the for in-between-issue Guiding families through Branch of Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. family may be made at www. stories and events difficult times. (570) 443-9816 griffithsfuneralhomes.com
Lehman Family Funeral Service, Inc. www.LehmanFuneralHome.com
THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2020 — PAGE 5 ROBERT “BOB” REYNOLDS Academy of Broadcasting. Prior to his career at WNEP he was employed for six years at radio stations in PA and NJ and was a reporter for WDAU (WYOU-TV). Bob loved his family, especially getting lots of hugs from his grandchildren. Bob and Paula enjoyed cruising, especially during the better days of his illness. Bob was thrilled when he got permission to transmit from the “radio room” on one trip and always took his HAM radio with him whenever they traveled. To all of his amateur radio friends: WB3DYE may now be a is a Silent Key but pay attention to the bands, you never know when you might hear him sending 73’s. Preceding him in death in addition to his parents was his Commentary by John Kearns, USCG Ret., chiefk@pa.metrocast.net son, David Reynolds. Surviving is his loving wife VETERANS AND additional veteran benefits are of 27 years and “chief caregivdebates among democratic being opposed in Congress. er angel,” Paula Deignanpresidential candidates from ELECTION 2020 While the Choice Act was Reynolds, by whom he is across the country, veterans passed in the past adminisalready greatly missed; son paying attention would have When asked my opinion Adam Reynolds and his wife noticed the lack of discussion tration, it was a failure for and choice for the 2020 elecveterans seeking needed care Kim; daughters who were anon the debate stage relative tion from a veteran’s point outside the VA. The Missions gels to Bob and Paula during to veterans’ benefits and isof view, I thought about this Act that fixed all the problems his care, Christina Reynolds and by my own policy will not sues. Even with veteran Pete of the Choice Act was passed Buttigieg on the stage, veteranswer. My vote and my reaand enacted by the current ans’ benefits never seemed to sons are my own - not vetermake it to the forefront of the President. an news, or veteran advice. I I think that if a national powill instead answer with some progressive issues debated litical party supports defundtime and time again… almost facts. anything other than veterans, ing the police, they will also I use the VA for all my have no reservation about deveterans’ benefits and/or the medical except for oncolomilitary was ever discussed on funding military and veteran gy treatment. I can say for a programs, and would not want fact, the past 4 years has seen the debate stage. a strong military to be backup This is significant in two sweeping improvements in for police when needed. the VA system. In the news, it ways, it shows the party’s Voting is a personal choice; is a fact that the “long waiting mission does not support or promote the US Military, and your vote is your vote. But you lines of death” for veterans seeking care has disappeared. cares little about the veterans. need to know all the issues and just what and who you In contrast to that, just In our local VA, I can say for are voting for. The last fact is about every public appeara fact that the quality of care it is proven major news media ance, the sitting President is particularly good and wait is not trustworthy to deliver makes it a point to acknowltimes have changed to favor the truth from either party. edge, promote, and reaffirm the veterans. promises being kept to the We need to look at the actions It is a fact that you nevveterans of our nation. He just taken and delivered, not made er hear one side speak of or once every 4 years at election added an updated benefit to promote veteran issues, an time. care for blind veterans while example is: After numerous BARBARA ANN HUMENICK Barbara Ann Humenick, 66, daughter, Nicole Marie Huof Hudsondale passed away menick, Riverview, FL; and Thursday, August 6, 2020 in one aunt, Pauline Kovalcik, Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Sheppton. Crest. A private Mass of Christian She was born in HazleBurial was celebrated for famton, the daughter of the late ily members and close friends Michael and Stella (Slenzak) in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Kowalchick. Parish at the Church of St. JoBarbara, before her reseph, Hazleton. tirement, was employed at Internment with the Rite Spaulding’s Bakery in Valof Committal was in Calvary mont Industrial Park. Cemetery, Drums. She was a member of Ss. In lieu of flowers, the famCyril and Methodius Parish ily requests that memorial at the Church of St. Joseph, donations be made to Carbon County Friends of Animals, 77 Hazleton. W. 13th St., Jim Thorpe, PA Surviving are her husband, 18229. Leo L. Humenick Jr.; one
Robert “Bob” Reynolds Jr., 67, of White Haven, a 33-year journalist for WNEP-TV 16, passed away August 2, 2020 surrounded by his 3 angels at Hospice of the Sacred of Heart, Dunmore. He was a fighter over the many years he dealt with Parkinson’s Disease and heart issues. Born in Wilkes-Barre on April 26, 1953, he was the son of the late Robert and Irene (Palka) Reynolds Sr. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Church, White Haven. Bob was a graduate of Brick Twp. High School New Jersey and studied at the American
Veterans Corner
and her fiancé Rick Rogers, and Melissa Reynolds-Appel and her husband, Joe; brothers Marty and his wife Jen, and Eddie and his wife Jean. And of course those who were more than grandchildren… they were his Best Buddies and Princesses, Brianna, Tyler (Tabby), Caroline, Shaylene, Jayden, Koa, Kingston, Syx, Gia, and Edie; niece, Maddy; nephews, Max and Chase. Bob leaves behind many friends and his guardians Pookiscammer and Mia (at home). Paula would like to thank all the medical professionals who took great care of Bob during his illness, especially the compassionate staff of Hospice of the Sacred Heart in Dunmore both at home and as an inpatient. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, White Haven, with graveside services in Calvary Cemetery, Drums. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Hospice of the Sacred Heart, 100 William St., Dunmore Pa. 18510 or online at hospicesacredheart.org
Archives… Continued from page 2
an early winter, but it seems the flock has established residence on and near the Pocono Hershey Golf Course. At The Canal Deport, the Lechauwak Outdoor Store has Abdominizers for $15.95; and Dr. Larry Skinner has moved his chiropractic office to the Depot from 300 Laurel Street. Amy Warnagiris of Weatherly, a student at Marian High School, attended the 32nd annual International Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation Leadership Conference, held July 27 to August 3 at the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota among 250 high school students from 29 countries.
COMING EVENTS AUGUST 14–16, Friday– Sunday — White Haven Fire Co. #1 Catfish Derby, Linesville Park AUGUST 17, Monday—Wild Water Adventure Day, sponsored by Faith Church, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Weatherly Area Middle School AUGUST 22, Saturday— Kid’s Clothing Swap, 12-3 p.m., Eurana Park, Weatherly AUGUST 23, Sunday—Faith Fest music night, 6 p.m., Eurana Park Amphitheater, Weatherly SEPTEMBER 20, Sunday — LOWLPA Clay & Block Shoot, 1 p.m., Dennison Twp OCTOBER 4, Sunday— Dennison Township Volunteer Fire Co. Block Shoot, 12-8 p.m., LOWLPA grounds
THEME: LABOR DAY ACROSS 1. Delivery org. 5. *U.N. workers’ grp. 8. Pressure unit 11. Prune, previously 12. Congregation’s echo 13. Lusitania’s destroyer 15. Samoan money 16. Enthusiastic review 17. Police informers 18. *More than 40 hours 20. First Nation nation 21. Not these 22. Paper or plastic? 23. Lads’ girlfriends 26. Meal 29. Morsel 30. *Labor Day, always 33. International Civil Aviation Org. 35. She turned to stone, Greek mythology 37. Quaker grain 38. Same as gnarls 39. Toothy wheel 40. Capital of Canada 42. Homer Simpson exclamation 43. Russia’s plain 45. Zoroastrian archives 47. Simon & Garfunkel member 48. Sheik’s bevy 50. Goes with sushi 52. *Part of labor force 56. Jewish folklore creature 57. European sea eagle 58. Millimeter of mercury 59. Impolite dinner sound 60. “Dark” movie 61. Armor chest plate 62. Cupid’s action 63. Type of evidence 64. “By ____ of” or “by means of” DOWN 1. “____ ____ no good” 2. Bohemian, e.g. 3. Whimper 4. “That ____!” and hurts 5. Mosque officials 6. Don McLean: “Drove my chevy to the ____”
7. Comes before first Mississippi 8. Minute opening 9. “For Pete’s ____!” 10. Belonging to it 12. Not aria nor recitative 13. Open a beer bottle 14. *Union responsibility 19. *Labor Day is this puzzle’s ____ 22. BeyoncÈ, a.k.a. Queen ____ 23. *Like Labor Day weekend 24. Ovine sign of the zodiac 25. Type of weasel 26. “Pro” follower 27. Oodles 28. Fortune-teller’s card 31. Sol, or la, or ti 32. Digital audiotape, acr.
34. *Health and safety org. 36. *Strike____ 38. Courtroom silencer 40. Choose 41. One who bends out of shape 44. Groom one’s feathers 46. Used an emoji, technically 48. Long-necked wader 49. Embryo sacs 50. One-pilot flight, pl. 51. Reunion attendee 53. Jellystone Park denizen 54. Joanie of “Happy Days” 55. At a previous time, archaic 56. Geological Society of America 57. *Unofficial ____ of summer
Seth’s Sightings We were lucky last week that we didn’t bear the full brunt of the Tropical Storm rains and winds as T.S. Isaias blew through on its way to upstate New York. Ruth and I took a drive to Lehighton for the damage to our car to be looked at, finding wind-driven rain with gusts at our destination on Route 209. The drive was not too bad, but that’s why we bought another Subaru. So within a couple of weeks, that Subaru will be patched up. Kudos to the teams of electric repair crews that went out to help New Jersey put their power back on after Isaias shredded some of the electrical system there. A lot of tree
Out en Op TV in the
20th ANNIVERSARY on Blue Ridge TV 13
HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock THURS. 9:30 PM
Replays: FRI. 8:30 AM & 9:30 PM SAT. 12:30 PM • SUN. 1 AM & 11:30 AM MON. 12 AM & 6 AM
by Seth Isenberg
and power teams from all over the East went out to fix them. With the COVID shutdowns making for few events, we’ve gone online to find them. This would have been the week for Bethlehem’s Musikfest, and they presented online some of the talent that would have been performing live. On Friday, Scythian performed their set from one of their living rooms, and then we found Thursday’s shows for a set of Igor and the Red Elvises, who did their set outdoors at a marina. We donated to Musikfest to support these shows, and help keep things together until next year. Also online have been ice hockey games, and we followed the Penguins through their unfortunate series versus a very good Montreal team, who beat our guys 3 games to 1 and so move on into the Stanley Cup playoffs. Our guys, who didn’t muster much offense, and were weak on defense, packed up and headed home from Toronto — where the games were held. At Ruth’s urging, we’ve shifted
to cheering for the Flyers and Golden Knights and will watch their games via NHL TV. I am enjoying reading the sports pages again. There’s something going on to read about. In the NBA, the Sixers were doing some winning, but lost a key piece of their team when Ben Simmons injured his knee. As I write this Joel Embiid has an injury too. I don’t think the team can go very far without the two of them. As always though… go Celtics. In baseball, at least the Phillies are back to playing. I’m increasingly concerned about college Division 1 football. I really hope that the major colleges find a way to play this fall in empty stadiums if
they must. Whenever Penn State plays, we’ll follow them on the internet, radio or T.V. Given the finances, it is important to get out there for the Nittany Lions as the school would be out upwards of a hundred million dollars if they don’t play — too much to fundraise, and not something our state is going to write a check for. My understanding is that the money funds almost all of sports budget for the school, so if there’s no football this fall, they’d better play in the spring. We were out into the Poconos on Saturday and Sunday. During our sweep through on Saturday, we saw that traffic had backed up nearly a half
Governor’s Youth Council seeking members The Pennsylvania Governor’s Youth Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation looks for ways to engage younger generations in resource conservation and appreciation of the commonwealth’s hunting and fishing heritage. The Council is composed of twenty individuals, ages 14 through 18, and there are cur-
rently several open seats. Members not only expand their resumes with real world leadership and legislative experiences, but network with industry professionals on conservation issues. If you are or if you know a teen interested in serving, email Council advisor Robb Miller at: Robmille@pa.gov
mile on Route 903 from the Route 115 intersection. The new traffic light there cannot get installed soon enough. Saturday, I took advantage of the cool morning to do some yard work. Ruth also led a house-cleaning detail. As I write this today, it’s too darn hot again to do more, but next week looks bearable. I’ve been thinking that we’re lucky that we received as much rain as we did. This extended hot weather could have dried our woods out, and put our area into fire danger. We’re looking for activities. This weekend there’s the White Haven Catfish Derby at Linesville Park in White Haven which supports the White Haven Volunteer Fire Co. #1. This is also likely to be the weekend for our winery trip, as my uncle Slater is spending some time in an in-patient rehabilitation facility. As for sightings, last Wednesday, I was in Weatherly in the late afternoon when things were quiet. As I got out to deliver last week’s paper, I could hear the ‘skree, skree’ of a hunting bird. It was way up above town, circling - and down below, part of the usual flock of vultures was also flying.
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ALA Post 360 installs officers At Monday night’s American Legion Auxiliary Post 360 meeting in Weatherly, officers for the 2020-2021 administrative year were seated. They are Georgeann Herling, president, Donna Thomas, secretary, Georgia Farrow, treasurer, Theresa D’Andrea, chaplain, Betty Henry, historian, Carol Eroh, sr. sgt-at-arms, and Karen Andrews, jr. sgt-atarms.
Unit 360 recently received the following awards: 1. American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Award for outstanding support of the Americanism program through promotion of patriotism and responsible citizenship. 2. 1st Place in the Eastern Division in Americanism. 3. 1st Place in the Eastern Division in the Children and Youth Program. 4. 1st Place in the Eastern Division in the Education Program. 5. 1st Place in the Eastern Shown from left are Carol Eroh, Sr. Sgt-at-Arms, Donna Thomas, Secretary, Division in Public RelaGeorgeann Herling, President, Georgia Farrow, Treasurer, Betty Henry, Historitions. an, Theresa D’Andrea, Chaplain. Missing from the photo was Karen Andrews, Jr. Sgt-at-Arms.
Mountain Top native serves aboard USS Ronald Reagan
Mountain Top, native and Crestwood High School graduate Michael Jarmiolowski, shown above, is serving aboard USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), which is continuing to conduct operations in the Indo-Pacific region. Jarmiolowski is a Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Petty Officer, working on the computer network for 5,000 Sailors, ensuring communications from Sailors to their families stay operational and connected. “I am a military photojournalist and graphic designer,” said Jarmiolowski. “ I document historical events and tell the story of the crew to the American public.” Since the ship’s Yokosuka departure in June 2020, the Ronald Reagan continues to operate in the Indo-Pacific alongside allies and partners to demonstrate the United States of America’s commitment to defense agreements, as well as provide security and stability in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. In early July 2020, USS Nimitz (CVN 68) and USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Groups started conducting dual carrier operations in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. These carrier strike groups incorporate the capabilities of embarked fixed and rotary wing aircraft, Aegis guided-mis-
sile cruisers and destroyers, and attack submarines. This opportunity for two carrier strike groups to train and operate together in the region provides combatant commanders with significant operational flexibility and capabilities that only the U.S. Navy can bring. Most recently, Ronald Reagan completed a trilateral naval exercise with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) and Australian Defense Force (ADF). Australia and Japan have both fostered long-standing alliances with the United States. This year also marks the 60th anniversary of the treaty of mutual cooperation and security between the United States and Japan. The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group is the Navy’s only forward-deployed strike group and one of America’s most visible symbols of resolve. The Ronald Reagan CSG, consists of Carrier Air Wing 5, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG 54), and Arleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89). Visit the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) photo gallery for more photos and information regarding past and current operations at www.dvidshub. net/unit/CVN76
Lehigh Supervisors look at ambulance reponse by Ruth Isenberg At the Lehigh Township Supervisors meeting on August 3, an item in Lehigh & Lausanne Fire Chief Tim Rossman’s report led to a discussion about the response time of Mahoning Valley Ambulance. A motor vehicle
sought for auditor, and a Zon- ship of their application to ny is supposed to be keeping DEP withdraw 2.5 to 5.0 miling Hearing Board alternate. an ambulance available in lion gallons per day as needThe roadmaster report inWeatherly Borough. Rossman added that they have been out cluded clearing a tree downed ed to facilitate shortages to refill reservoirs. Concern was of service more than they have on Leslie Run Road. Weston expressed about moving water said he will be patching holes been in. from the Delaware River waand cutting trees over the At previous meetings, sunext week. Township resident tershed into the Susquehanna pervisors discussed contactRiver watershed. Joe Barna complained about ing White Haven Ambulance A letter was sent by solicitor brush overhanging North to see if they would consider covering Lehigh Township. No Church Road; Weston said he Jim Nanovic to DCNR askwould get to it, but the road is ing about status of transfer of action was taken. Rossman also reported that the lowest priority of those in Leslie Run Road to the Commonwealth. No response was the township since there are the Weatherly Police Departreceived as of the meeting. no residents on it. ment has been responding to Present at the meeting were The supervisors hired SteL&L calls, although they have Our extended family holds supervisors Larry Skinner, ven Sparrow, a roofer from not been requested. Weston a reunion every year at the Weston and Wayne Wagner, Albrightsville, as a part-time volunteered to look into the L&L Fire House and in 2007 secretary-treasurer Carol Lenlaborer. matter. we held the 50th consecutive ahan, Rossman, two citizens Supervisors will obtain a The township’s declaration reunion. Part of that celebra- of emergency was extended and this reporter. The next quote for tree removal on tion was that we held a church again to Tuesday, September meeting is Tuesday, SeptemGrist Mill Road from a Pennservice in the old church. The 8, the date of the next supervi- DOT-certified contractor. ber 8, at 1 p.m., a day later church was packed and the than usual because of Labor A letter from Hazleton City sors’ meeting. overflow spilled out into the Day. Authority notified the townCandidates are still being road in front. We determined that the total capacity of the church was about 65 people. I also remember the old pump organ in the church as well as the outhouse behind the building. The altar in church (I asumme it is still there) was built by my father The Journal-Herald costs $45 per year outside of Carbon and Luzerne in the 1950s. I remember the Counties; $40 in Carbon & Luzerne Counties—less than buying at the store. same pew that we sat in for worship. Send the form below with your check, or call 570-215-0204 xt304 to order It would be great if Mr. and pay with a credit card. Make check payable to: CANWIN Skinner would be able to refurbish the interior to make Mail to: 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661 the project complete and efforts should be made to raise the funds necessary to complete the project. Jerry Hittinger
accident on Stagecoach Road was witnessed by supervisor Len Weston. He reported that the Lehighton Ambulance was first on the scene, arriving before Mahoning Valley. Weston has questioned the designation of Mahoning Valley as first reponder in the past, even though the ambulance compa-
Letter to the Editor To the Editor: I would like to offer a special thank you and kudos to Dan Shields for taking on the project of refurbishing the old Rockport church. To be mmore specific, I believe it was St. John’s Reformed Church. The church holds a special meaning and nostalgia for me. I attended the church, along with my brothers and sister and my parents (Henry & Grace Hittinger). I have vague remembrances of Rev. Clarence Moyer and vivid remembrances of Rev. Fred Sandrock. We lived in White Haven but made the trip to Rockport every Sunday to attend services. Our grandfather (Grant Hittinger) lived next to the church and our uncle Bob lived in the next house down the road. There is a stained glass window in the church in memory of our grandfather.
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Lake Harmony lot owner wants to add three homesites by Seth Isenberg
explained that those decisions on road paving. It is noted are made at the Zoning Board. that any of this depends on approval of the Lake HarmoKidder Township’s PlanThe developer, Ledgestone ning Commission heard the Properties, proposes to build application from the owner the 700 foot-long road, and of a large lot in Lake Harmopave the first 50 feet to make a ny that sits on a paper street safe entry onto the state road. in the Lake Harmony Estates There would be stormwater development at their meeting detention features, and at the August 5. The owner wants to end of the road, a wide turnconstruct the street, and diaround big enough for a fire vide the lot so that it can host engine to use. three more homes. The Planning Commission Concerns from an audience heard the plans and asked member were raised over the plenty of questions. Waivers new homes to be built, fearing were granted for map issues, they would be large. Township and water-draw issues. No recommendation was made engineer David Walasavage
ny Estates Property Owners Association. The proposal, conditioned on the LHEPOA
approval, was approved to be sent to the Carbon County Planners for their comments.
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The work to replace one of three small bridges on Honey Hole Road in Butler Township over tributaries to the Nescopeck Creek is nearly done. The Don E. Bower Construction crew has completed placing the pre-cast concrete bridge, and has a gravel base laid atop it ahead of asphalt work and the installation of guide rails. The road was opened to traffic in an unofficial way over the weekend. The official completion is expected shortly. The Bower crew will move west to the next small stream crossing and begin to process of removing the old stonework ahead of moving another pre-cast concrete bridge into place. Honey Hole Road will again be closed to through traffic. The Dennison Township side of this road has been open all the way to the Butler Township line. With this new bridge done, the road will be open a little farther west, to the site of the next project. The third stream crossing will get its pre-cast replacement well ahead of the end of paving season. Honey Hole Road is owned by Luzerne County. The $644,243 project is paid for by a federal block grant and impact fees from gas drilling. Photo by Ruth Isenberg
Cutline story by Seth Isenberg
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Real Estate Auction ESTATE SETTLEMENT AUCTION COMPLETE SELL OUT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 RAIN OR SHINE ON THE PREMISES 242 UPPER LAKE VIEW DRIVE EAST STROUDSBURG, PA 18302 MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP MONROE COUNTY, PA 7 P.M. REAL ESTATE consists of a Log Style Home on Public Road with 1+ Acre Wooded Lot offering a Beautiful View. Home has Kitchen, Dining Area, 1 ½ Baths, Living Room with Stone Fireplace, Screened Patio, 2 Bedrooms (one with Fireplace) and Attached 2 Car Garage. Also Storage Shed. 5:30 P.M. PERSONAL PROPERTY consists of Furniture, Antiques, etc. Personal Property Auctioneer: Rob Reinhardt AU5161L TERMS: CASH, No Buyer’s Premium. For Complete List Call Rob Reinhardt at 570-856-4666. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: $ 7,500 BANK CASHIER’S CHECK (payable to Jack Muehlhan Auctioneer Escrow) AT SALE. BALANCE WITHIN 30 DAYS. Insurable Deed provided. No Buyer’s Premium, No Back Taxes. INSPECTIONS: THURSDAY, AUGUST 27TH 5 - 7 P.M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH 12 Noon - 2 P.M. DIRECTIONS: from Stroudsburg take Business Route 209 North toward Bushkill at Turkey Hill turn left onto Winona Falls Road to next left onto Lower Lake View Road to right onto Upper Lake View Road. Property on your left. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Rare opportunity to BUY an older country home with large 1 Acre+ Lot on a Public Road (No Dues), Beautiful View, Near Skiing, Golf, River Canoeing. Perfect 1st Home, Vacation Home or Investment. Must be SOLD to Settle Estate. Your Bid may BUY. SALE ORDERED BY: Estate of Ralph J. Wheatley JACK MUEHLHAN AUCTIONEER The Name You Can Trust” 601 MAIN STREET # 2 STROUDSBURG, PA 18360 570-421-8333 AU000643L Remember: You are only going to pay one more bid than someone else was willing to pay.
How to eat to feel strong while sheltering in place (StatePoint) With social distancing orders in place in many areas across the country, you may be doing your grocery shopping with shelf stability in mind. But this factor should not be your only priority. Right now, it’s especially important that the foods you eat also support your health and longevity. Here are three things to know about eating to feel strong while sheltering in place: 1. Empty Calories Should Get the Boot. Many products designed to last a long time don’t contain the vital nutrients your body needs, and instead, contain artificial ingredients that lead to quick energy and crash
Fuel your body right and give empty calories the boot. (c) Yuliya Apanasenka / iStock via Getty Images Plus
cycles. While empty calories will keep you alive, they won’t allow you to thrive, promoting fat over muscle and actually weakening your body’s ability to defend itself. 2. Nutrients Ignite Your Body’s Natural Power to Defend. The COVID-19 crisis highlights the fact that those with compromised immune systems and those with chronic disease are often the most vulnerable to viral infection. Fortunately, you can help to boost your immunity and defend against certain chronic diseases with a nutrient-packed diet. Why? Nutrients nourish your cells, defend against free radicals, give you energy, and aid muscle growth and repair. 3. Eating to Thrive is Easier Than it Sounds. Getting the “Big Five” -- protein, vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and fiber -- doesn’t have to be a challenge during difficult situa-
tions. To get all your essential nutrients in every meal, consider stocking up on products supported by research, such as Nutrient Survival, a line of nutrient dense foods and drinks that are simple to make. Developed by a team of food scientists, researchers, chefs, outdoorsmen, survivalists and adventure athletes who were frustrated with the lack of effective emergency food options, these non-perishable snacks, drinks, entrées and even coffee are high in protein and contain 14 vitamins and 14 minerals, so you can provide your body with what it needs throughout the day. To learn more, visit NutrientSurvival. com. Social disruption should not stop your ability to survive and thrive. In these challenging times, fueling your body right is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself.
My picks for recent pro sports dynasties by Justin Levine
pionship every ‘even’ year during that stretch. Buster A friend and I had a discus- Posey and Madison Bumgarsion recently about recent pro ner were the team leaders, and the supporting cast was sports dynasties. “Pick one in equally strong. Brandon Belt, each sport,” my friend asked, “in baseball, football, and bas- Brandon Crawford, and Pablo Sandoval were mainstays. ketball.” I did. Posey won the team’s only San Francisco Giants MVP award of the decade (2010-14): The Giants are in 2012, and Bumgarner the only dynasty on my list became known as an allthat (well) didn’t dominate. time great for his postseason They averaged 87 wins per prowess. season in those five years, New England Patriots and -during the interregnum season of 2013- they finished (2014-18): If you go to the beginning of the Belichick and 4th in the NL West with a Brady era, the Patriots would 76-86 record. They also just barely snuck into the playoffs be #1 on my all-pro sports in 2014, earning a Wild Card dynasty list. But it’s also important to point out that berth. Nevertheless, the Giants managed to win a cham- the Pats had a dry spell from
2005 to 2014. Then, starting with the 2014-15 campaign, New England averaged 12 wins per season and won three Super Bowls in four tries. They won the AFC East each of those five seasons and never had to play a game in the Wild Card-round. What’s more, those teams triumphed against teams with incredible quarterbacks. They defeated a young Russell Wilson, who was fresh off of his first SB win. After that, they erased a 28-3 deficit against MVP Matt Ryan. Finally, they took care of Jared Goff, who was coming off a 4700 yard-32 TD season. Golden State Warriors (2014-18): What a 5-year
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run! The Warriors averaged 64 wins per season and made the NBA Finals in each season. In the first matchup with Cleveland (2014-15), the Warriors dispatched LeBron and his teammates in six games and went 16-5 overall in the playoffs. Then they got even better. GSW followed up the first championship in the Kerr/Curry era with a record-breaking 73-9 season. Of course, that performance led to the infamous blown 3-1 lead. But true dynasties are also dominant in the regular season. In this case, Curry won his first of consecutive MVP awards, and they erased that 3-1 deficit against OKC. A certain 7-foot lanky sniper
joined the ensuing season, and, once KD came on board, the Warriors had four allstars. They ho-hummed their way to a 16-1 playoff record. Golden State would repeat the season after, officially claiming the 4-game series from LeBron and the Cavaliers. They likely would have won another last season had it not been for injuries to Durant and Klay. The Warriors changed the game of basketball. _______ A native New Yorker, Justin Levine is entering his senior year at the University of Georgia. He writes for The Sports Column.
The Sand Lot elicits memories of good times, a simpler time by Mathew Paris
ing ball with neighborhood friends on a patch of grass Social media connects peocalled ‘the sandlot.’ ple in ways that we couldn’t So you can imagine how imagine years ago. That’s good excited we were when we in some ways, but I’m not as learned that a film by that very sure in other ways. When I name was coming to our local was growing up in Houston, theatre. The year was 1993. TX, we didn’t have advanced We all went down to see The technologies that kids have Sand Lot. We could relate to today. Yes, there were video what we saw on the screen. games, but those were more As the years have passed of a diversion than an occupa- by, I haven’t forgotten about tion. Instead of fiddling with those days of my youth. They an iPhone, we spent a good were memorable times, good share of our leisure time play- times. So I wondered what it
would be like watching the film again, nearly 30 years later. It was an enjoyable experience! It reminded me of simpler times when ‘fun’ was meeting up with friends to play ball, mostly football or baseball. Many of my friends back
then are still my friends today. And re-watching the film made me realize just how important that is. One of the most enduring things I’ve done in life has been sustaining those friendships. If you’ve never seen the film, you can find the full-length
version on YouTube. It’s a good watch and, perhaps, it might be a better conversation piece. __________ Author and screenwriter Matthew Paris lives in Austin, TX, and writes for The Sports Column.
Journal Sports
Fall sports season on hold for at least two weeks by Steve Stallone Sports Editor
On the Sly
One of the PIAA’s concerns on moving things to the spring is the quick turnaround for football athletes into next fall. Although I spent last week school’s approval while adher- that brings people together “That is a concern,” Lombarvacationing, I still had my eyes ing to safety guidelines during is going to help that virus get on Twitter following the latest the two-week pause. The PIAA us. We ought to do everything di said. “However, I guess it’s one of those things that (if) we can to defeat that virus. developments of the coronawill reconvene Aug. 21. we would be ordered to do, we virus and its impact on sports. While the fall sports season Anytime we get together for would take a very serious look any reason, that’s a problem, By week’s end, Pennsylvania’s remains alive for now, it was at it and try to make some because it makes it easier for student-athletes took another another setback to the athmodifications possibly to the punch to the gut compliments letes who have been preparing that virus to spread. So the guidance from us, the recom- season, to get the support of of COVID-19, with some help for the startup of the season mendation, is that we don’t do our Sports Medicine commufrom Governor Tom Wolf and with voluntary workouts. nity to carry those activities any sports until Jan. 1.” the PIAA. Tennis and golf were origiout in the most optimal fashLater Thursday, the state’s On Thursday, the governor nally scheduled to start this ion.” recommended the shutdown coming Monday, the 17th, and departments of health and Locally, District 2 and of scholastic and youth sports cross country, volleyball, field education issued a joint stateDistrict 11 officials have been until Jan. 1 to help curb the hockey and soccer were set to ment clarifying that Wolf’s comments were a recommen- meeting to discuss plans of a spread of the virus. One day open Aug. 24. Football’s heat dation and not a mandate, and potential fall sports season. later during an emergency acclimatization was to begin The Wyoming Valley Conthat ultimately, local adminmeeting, the PIAA voted 30-2 this past Monday, with pracference was also set to meet to delay the start of the fall tice slated to open Aug. 17 and istrators and school boards early this week to talk about sports season by two weeks opening night set for the 28th. should make decisions on a potential 10- or 7-game sports. while it seeks a dialogue with The governor’s recommenWVC-only football schedule, Lombardi said he received Gov. Wolf on how -- or if -dation to halt fall sports until support for sponsoring sports if and when fall sports season sports should resume. at least the first of the year begins. in the fall from a number of Immediately following the hit student-athletes like an While the local focus has state legislators. “We are goteleconference, PIAA Execuunannounced tornado. Many been on youth and scholastic ing to reach out to the govtive Director Robert Lombardi of these same kids had the sports, the fall sports season ernor’s office and see if we winter sports season halted addressed the decision with on the collegiate level continduring the state tournaments, can meet with either staff or the media. “We have spoken himself and see if we can have ues to be affected by the virus. and had the spring sports to some staff members and Several colleges and universisome discussion about what we seem to be going back and season completely wiped out ties have already either postby the coronavirus pandemic. was stated (Thursday. That forth with the impetus of the poned or cancelled their 2020 statement came at the end of Some have been involved in request to meet to ask the fall sports seasons, or scaled a meeting and there was no governor to reconsider his po- youth sports during the sumfollow up. So, we need to have back on the schedule. As of sition,” he said. “Our intention mer and voluntary workouts some dialogue where the date this writing, football and fall with their high school teams, is to give as many opportusports was still on in the Powwhich received the green light came from and those type of nities to our student-athletes er Five conferences - The Big things.” in mid-July to proceed with as possible. We believe there While the PIAA is still hope- Ten, ACC, Big 12, Pac-12 and caution. are a lot of fall sports that fit Wolf’s recommendation for ful to play a fall sports season, SEC - although that appeared into that ability to be run. We no sports until January 1 came Lombardi did not dismiss the to be on shaky ground. Dan would like the opportunity to Patrick reported Monday that idea of moving fall sports to at the end of last Thursday’s have some discussion. the spring in order to save the the Big Ten presidents had press conference in response “As an athletic association, voted 12-2 to not play this fall, season. “If we can’t (have fall to a question regarding banwe are giving our best efforts and the Pac-12 will follow suit ning spectators at high school sports), what can we do is to to advocate for our stuas early as Tuesday. hopefully have three sports dent-athletes, and their fami- sporting events. “The guidIf the Big Ten and other seasons in some fashion ance is we ought to avoid any lies and their community.” Power Five conferences pull before the end of the school congregate settings,” Wolf Teams may also continue the plug on the fall sports year,” he said. voluntary workouts with their said. “That means anything
season, it would mirror those decisions already made by the Ivy League and several Division II and III schools. The NCAA’s Division II and Division III announced last week that they wouldn’t have fall sports championships, and more than half of the conferences at the second-tier FCS level of college football have said they won’t play in the fall, including the 12 teams in the Mid-American Conference and the Mountain West Conference. Major League Baseball is already finding out the difficulties of trying to play through a pandemic. Last week, the St. Louis Cardinals had more than a dozen players and staff members test positive for COVID-19, causing MLB to postpone the team’s four-game series at Detroit and a three-game set against the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Cards haven’t played since July 29, had have had 13 games postponed already. The Cardinals’ situation comes on the heels of an outbreak in the Miami Marlins organization that sidelined half of their players and forced a ripple affect across baseball’s already condensed 2020 schedule. On the other hand, the “bubbles” set up by NBA, WNBA and NHL appear to be working. Few cases have been reported as each league tries to finish out their season that was interrupted by the coronavirus back in March. Basketball is being played in Orlando, and hockey is going on in Toronto and Edmonton north of the border.