The Journal-Herald, Thursday, October 31, 2024

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2024 • Volume 44 – No. 10



A White Haven Halloween ghost story

White Haven Borough Manager Linda Szoke told a ghost story during the October 28 borough council meeting of a prominent White Haven citizen of years ago who wanted to be remembered. When he felt he’d been forgotten, Abraham Peters may have taken steps to regain the community’s attention.

When White Haven began renovations to the borough building on Main Street, the former White Haven Savings Bank, strange things started to happen. There were computer glitches and electrical issues. Employees mentioned “creepy feelings” when going into the basement, as though someone was watching them.

During the borough’s

The Peters Mausoleum in Laurel Cemetery, where Abraham Peters was buried on July 24, 1896. JH: Ruth Isenberg

Packer to re-bid Grist Mill project, OKs fire pact

A project to improve drainage on Grist Mill Road in Packer Township has hit a snag, but the fire protection agreement with Weatherly is nearly done.

Meeting in special session at 9 a.m, on Saturday, October 16, the Packer Township Supervisors voted to reject the single bid they got for work to install new storm sewers on Grist Mill Road. The bid received was a lot more than the township has funds to pay for.

The new set of bids that will be minus materials, which the township will obtain on its own will be due for the next supervisors’ meeting on Monday, October 11, said

supervisor’s chair Robert Selert.

The new fire protection agreement, which will be for five years, will have a renew clause at the end of each year.

Selert said the new contract will require a raise in the township’s fire protection millage from .00097 mills to .001151 mills.

The tentative township budget will be ready for the October 11 meeting, Selert said. If the tentative budget is approved October 11, Selert said the final township budget can be considered at the supervisors’ December meeting.

Editor’s Note: Weatherly Borough approved the fire agreement at its October 28 meeting. Details next week.

bicentennial block party this summer, members of the newly re-formed White Haven paranormal group talked to Szoke, and asked if they could conduct an investigation. On September 29, several members checked out the building, including the basement. Szoke reported that there they identified two entities, one male and one female. The female was quiet, and when told she could leave, reportedly did so.

The male, on the other hand, had quite a bit to say. They had a lengthy conversation with Abraham Peters, the founder and first president of the White Haven Savings Bank. Peters believed he would be remembered as an important part of the town’s history.

PRE-K PUMPKINS were a big hit in the Halloween Parade in Weatherly on Saturday. For more pictures, turn to page 5 and visit pocononewspapers. com. JH: Ruth Isenberg

See GHOST STORY, page 6


(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

Telephone (570) 215-0204

Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance.

$45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.

Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address changes to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD

211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)

Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Steve Stallone, Sports Editor

Member, Greater White Haven Chamber of Commerce

Carbon County Chamber of Commerce

Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce © Copyright 2024, The Journal-Herald

editoriAl Burn bans best

Burn bans are usually issued in the spring. But this unusually dry autun has caused several area fire departments and municipalities to issue burn bans until further notice.

Even though not every community has a burn ban in place yet, it’s a good idea to refrain from open burning when conditions are dry and windy wherever you are. A bonfire on a chilly autumn night is great fun—until it gets out of control, or a spark relights embers that were incompletely extinguished. And while many people like the smell of burning leaves, the smell of burning woods filled with dry tinder is far from appealing.

Vote…but don’t veto

Tuesday is Election Day. Many of us don’t think November 5 can come soon enough. We are very tired of the texts, flyers, commercials and endless news stories about this election.

Please do vote, but please don’t let the divisiveness this season has created follow you past the polling place. The election materials you’ve been receiving try to make the issues simple. The problem is, the issues are complex. There are pros and cons and complications with the proposals and platforms that have been put forth.

Despite what you’re being told, the United States will not cease to be a republic, or a democracy, no matter which candidate wins. But you and I will continue to be neighbors, family and friends. Your candidate may lose. My candidate may lose. Whoever wins will have a hard job ahead of them. Wish them luck, and take care of each other and our communities.

From The Journal-Herald Thurs., November 4, 2004

White Haven Borough Council named Chris Madigan as Street Commissioner, and Mike Radjavitch as full-time street department employee.

Weatherly School Board also made personnel changes, among them naming John McGee as a long-term substitute for sixth grade math for the second semester.

A program in conjunction with Gnaden Huetten Hospital provided free prescription glasses to 18 Weatherly Area School District students, thanks to the coordination of school nurse Rebekah McFadden.

The editorial by Ruth Isenberg celebrated the end of the election season, in particular the political commercials on radio and television, as well as celebrity phone calls (taped) endorsing presidential candidates. As of press time, the contest (between George W. Bush and John Kerry) was considered too close to call.

State Representative Todd Eachus presented the White Haven Area Community Library with a check for $5,000 toward the rehabilitation of the historic Engine House repair shop into a state-of-the-art library facility and visitor’s inforation center.

Eckley Miners’ Village hosted a lecture and multimedia presentation about Pennsylvania’s role in the American Civil War by Dr. Brian Bower of Kings College in Wilkes-Barre.

The Crestwood Comets field hockey team found itself back in the state playoffs, by defeating Lackawanna Trail 4-0 in the District 2 Class 2A playoffs. This clinched a return trip to state playoffs to defend their PIAA Class 2A title they achieved by defeating Oley Valley 1-0 in four overtimes in 2003.

From The Weatherly Herald November 4, 1954

R.V. Faust, Publisher

George M. Leader, 36, of York was elected Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, defeating Lloyd H. Wood, his Republican opponent, to bcome the first Democratic governor of the state in twenty years. Congressman Francis E. Walter, D, was re-elected in this, the 15th Congressional district. Flood, D, defeated Bonin, R, in Luzerne County for Congress.

The (Weatherly) Water Company has been pumping water from the Marusak springs on East Third Street to supplement the local water supply.

From The Journal, White Haven November 4, 1954 Jay & Clara Holder, Publishers

Eurgene F. Shupp of White Haven, a driver in the truck department of the Atlas Powder Company for the past 24 years, was given a farewell at the Elks Club, Tamaqua, prior to his retirement on Monday. George P. Teel was toastmaster.

Fowler, Dick & Walker, the Boston Store, of Wilkes-Barre advertised the grand opening of the first unit of a $5 million modernization and expansion program. The new structure featured roof and second floor parking. (The building, still in use, is now part of the Boscov chain. The parking is still in use.)

And from FIFTY (now 100 then, so now 120) YEARS AGO

“The White Haven Fire Company announced that it had arranged to receive the presidential election returns by special wire in their parlors over Sackett’s store. The (male) public was invited to attend for the admission of 25¢, but no boys under the age of 18 were allowed.”

Public Notices


SEALED PROPOSALS will be accepted by the Board of Supervisors of Packer Township until 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 11, 2024, at the Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, PA 18255 for the following Contract:

‘Grist Mill Drive Storm Sewer Improvements’ Packer Township, Carbon County, PA

The project includes the design and construction for replacement and retrofit of existing storm sewer systems, roadside swales, and cross pipes at several locations along Grist Mill Drive. The work includes demolition, excavation & backfill, grading, pipe, inlet, and endwall installation, erosion and sedimentation controls, as well as roadway trench and surface restorations.

All materials must meet PennDOT Pub. 408 Specifications. Bidders do not need to be PennDOT prequalified. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024 at the Packer Township Municipal Building for the purpose of reviewing the project scope and a field view of the project sites for prospective bidders.

Proposals must be delivered only by United States Postal Service to the Municipal Building at the above address unless prior arrangements are made with Stephanie Stolpe, Secretary, by calling 570-427-8969 for hand delivery. Proposals must be on forms provided by the Township and shall be marked ‘Grist Mill Drive Storm Sewer Improvements’.

Proposal forms, specifications, and bid information can be obtained at the Municipal Building upon scheduling pick up with the Secretary, or at the office of the Engineer, Carbon Engineering Inc., 350 N. Pine St., Summit Hill, PA 18250 upon scheduling pick up through email at

All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid made payable to Packer Township. The successful bidder will be required to provide a Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the contract price within twenty (20) days of the award of the Contract.

All bids will be opened and read publicly during a Board of Supervisors Meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 11, 2024 at the Municipal Building as soon as the agenda allows.

The Packer Township Board of Supervisors reserve the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals or portions thereof, and to delete projects and/or portions of the project depending on budgetary constraints and also to waive any technicalities deemed to be in the best interest of the Township.

Packer Township Board of Supervisors

Stephanie Stolpe, Secretary 2234 Hudson Drive Weatherly, PA 18255


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration have been granted in the Estate of Barbara Ann Yothers, a/k/a Barbara A. Yothers, a/k/a Barbara Yothers late of Lehigh Township, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, who died on September 17, 2024. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands against the Estate are to present the same without delay to: Theresa Nace, Administratrix c/o Peter O’Donnell, Esquire 1402 N. Church St. Hazle Township PA 18202 10/31


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Zoning Hearing Board of Dennison Township willconduct a public hearing on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. at the Dennison Township Municipal Building to act on the following item:

1.The application of Clarence & Darlene Fisher, 320 Middleburg Road, White Haven, PA, for Parcel ID# 13012 00A02H000 c/o Aqua Pennsylvania Wastewater, Inc. The applicant is requesting a Special Exception Use From Section 502 Use Table & Variances from Section 317 Fences and Walls, Section 501 Front Yard Setback, and Section 1110 Parking Yard Area of the Zoning Ordinance for Unattached Accessory Structures. The subject property is located in the C-1, Conservation District. All public comments must be submitted in writing to the Zoning Officer prior to the hearing by mail at the address below or by email to Only public comments submitted in writing before the hearing will be read and considered.

BY ORDER OF: Tim Dow, BCO#5305 Zoning Officer Dennison Township 76 Walnut Street White Haven, PA 18661 10/31


Penn Lake Park Borough is accepting bids for trash pickup in the borough. The request for bid is available at the Penn Lake website at For Proposals/2024 RFPs/Penn Lake 2024 Trash Pickup. The last date for accepting bids is 12/18/2024. Direct any questions to the borough secretary at 570-443-8017, or

Penn Lake Park Borough Council


Estate of Timothy M. Fleming a/k/a Timothy Fleming a/k/a Tim M. Fleming

Late of Albrightsville, PA

Letters Testamentary in the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay to:

Brian T. Fleming 314 Route 94 Warwick, NY 10990

Or to his Attorney: Megan A. Nanovic, Esquire Nanovic Law Offices 57 Broadway, P.O. Box 359 Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 11/7


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted by the Register of Wills of Luzerne County, PA, on October 9, 2024, in the Estate of Paul J. Kobus, late of White Haven Borough, who died August 28, 2024, to Barbara Kasabo, Executrix. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present them immediately to:


James V. Senape, Jr., Esquire

Catherine A. McGovern, Esquire

Michael B. Senape, Esquire 612-614 Main Street, P. O. Box 179 Freeland PA 18224-0179 570-636-3133 11/7


Joyce M. (Weston) Knepper, RN, 83 years of age, of Weatherly, passed away peacefully on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at St. Luke’s Miners Memorial Medical Center in Coaldale

Born Saturday, February 15, 1941, in Weatherly, she was the daughter of the late William and Marian (McLaughlin) Weston. Joyce was also predeceased by her beloved husband, Earl William “Bill” Knepper on Nov. 21, 2021; granddaughter, Sarah Jane Moyer; sister, Ruth Morgan; brother, Billy Weston. Surviving are daughter, Lisa J. Moyer and her husband William, with whom she resided; son, William D. Knepper and his wife Melissa, both of Weatherly; brother, Donald Weston; sisters, Shirley Ann Hinkle, wife of Henry of Weatherly, and Marian David of Arizona; grandchildren, William Moyer and his fiancée Samantha Snyder, Rebecca Ormiston, wife

of Christian, Samantha Knepper and her fiancé Joseph Moreira; great-grandchildren, Oliver and Archer Ormiston. Many nieces and nephews also survive Joyce.

A Weatherly High School graduate, Joyce matriculated to St. Luke’s School of Nursing. She had worked as a nurse for over 40 years, spending much of her tenure at Weatherwood.

A member of Centenary United Methodist Church of Weatherly, Joyce was a talented musician who enjoyed playing the piano and organ.

Joyce loved going on family fishing trips to Canada. Joyce was a terrific baker and took great pleasure in sharing her cookies, and cakes with friends and family. Joyce also enjoyed crocheting.

Joyce also served as team mom during her husband Bill’s successful tenure as Weatherly High School basketball coach.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.

A Funeral Service was held on October 29, from Centenary United Methodist Church in Weatherly, the Rev. Ed Unangst officiating.

Interment was in Union Cemetery, Weatherly.

Memorials in Joyce’s name to: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 4550 Montgomery Ave. Suite 1100 North

Bethesda MD 20814

Online condolences or a fond memory of Joyce may be made to the family at www.

Public Notices


The Dennison Township Board of Supervisors will hold a work session on November 6, 2024, at 5:30 pm in the Dennison Township municipal building, 76 Walnut Street, White Haven, PA prior to their regular scheduled monthly meeting.


The Packer Township Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:00 p.m for a re-organization meeting at the Packer Township Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly.

A meeting to review Hinkle II Minor Subdivision Lot Line Adjustment Plan will immediately follow.

Stephanie Stolpe Secretary Packer Township Planning Commission


White Haven Borough Availability of Proposed 2025 Budget Notice is Hereby given that the White Haven Borough 2025 proposed budget is available for public inspection during normal business hours, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the White Haven Borough offices, located at 312 Main Street, or by appointment at The Journal-Herald, 211 Main Street, 570-215-0204 xt2. Linda Szoke Borough Manager


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted by the Register of Wills of Luzerne County, PA, on October 15, 2024, in the Estate of Candida R. Boyle, late of Hazleton City, who died September 29, 2024, to Patrick J. Shannon and Thomas C. Shannon, Executors.

All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present them immediately to:


James V. Senape, Jr., Esquire

Catherine A. McGovern, Esquire

Michael B. Senape, Esquire 612-614 Main Street, P. O. Box 179 Freeland PA 18224-0179 570-636-3133


The Songbird Trio in concert

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas and the beauty of winter in song with The Songbird Trio’s Saturday, November 16 concert at Faith Lutheran Church in Pocono Lake at 3 p.m.

E.FranklinGriffithsIIIF.D. PhilipJ.JeffriesF.D./Supervisor

Anewapproachtofuneraland cremationcare.Lookingforwardto servingWhiteHaven,Dennison, Lehigh,andFosterTownships. Allarrangementsandconsultations fromthecomfortofyourhome. Guidingfamiliesthrough difficulttimes.

Lead vocalist and longtime resident of Lake Naomi- Kathy Knittel, Pianist/Arranger- Joan Bujacich, and Guitarist- Joe Bilotti, will perform a lovely mix of holiday favorites and seasonal tunes that will surely warm your heart. The Songbird Trio will lift your spirits with their unique arrangements and fine musicianship. You may even find yourself singing along in the audience participation numbers.

This is a return visit of The Songbird Trio to Faith Lutheran. They have also performed at other venues around New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Faith Lutheran Church is located at 550 Route 940, Pocono Lake. For more information call the church office at 570-646-0309. The Rev. Jami Possinger is the pastor.

Photos by Ruth & Seth Isenberg. Find more at

Lehigh says no to garbage exoneration

A request for an exoneration from garbage bills was denied by the Lehigh Township Supervisors at their meeting of October 7. The property in question was purchased at sheriff’s sale in April as a mortgage foreclosure. A lien on the property for past garbage bills was paid by the county, but was sent to the other Lehigh Township first. The new owner requested exoneration for 2024; the supervisors said no.

L&L Fire Chief Tim Rossman reported 3 calls in September, 1 in Lehigh, and 2 medical assists

in Weatherly. The fire company is collecting items for Hurricane Helene relief, and a member will be using the fire company trailer to take the items down there, with his personal truck. More deliveries are scheduled for later.

Rossman also noted that Verizon was granted permission to install a 170´ tall communications tower on L&L property. Wireless internet should be available off that tower.

In his report, zoning officer Bob Selert took issue with the Zoning Hearing Board decision granting the variance to put

the tower up, saying the ZHB has set a precedent by granting a variance where there was no hardship.

Chairman Larry Skinner marked the passing of residents Earl Hoffman, Barbara Yothers, Richard Hammershock, and Theresa and George Davis. The first veteran picture has been received for the memorial wall.

Comments on the Indian Run Dam removal were due to DEP by October 12.

The new bridge to the state park in Rockport is open, and the temporary bridge removed.

Lehigh Asphalt was due to start paving on Grist Mill Road.

Ghost story

Continued from page 1

The removal of the old clock that had hung in the bank when renovations started was a sore point, but not as significant as the fact that his contributions were not noted during the town’s 200th birthday celebration.

To rectify the situation, on Monday council placed a plaque with a copy of Abraham Peters’ obituary next to the clock, which is now hanging back where it belongs next to the vault. Szoke hopes this gesture will soothe the spirit’s spirit, and ensure that borough electronics operate smoothly from now on.

Council did conduct other business at the meeting, which will be reported next week.

New bridge to Lehigh Gorge State Park at Rockport.
JH: Ruth Isenberg


It’s time to set our clocks back to Eastern Standard Time, or Early Darkness. Sunday, November 3 is the day we lose an hour. We’ve not been a fan in these pages of the twice-a-year clock changing, but the fall one is particularly hard to take.

Migrating birds continue to make their stops here in our

area. Flocks of geese have been passing overhead regularly.

Election Day is Tuesday. We will finally be free of all the ads, including tons of competing mail.

Individual trees are extending the foliage season, although most of the bright colors are


State Representative 122nd District

One of Us!

Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Doyle Heffley

done. Red berries, however, are beginning to show themselves as the leaves fall off their plants.

We went out to Hickory Run again on Sunday, and unlike previous visits, the park was quiet. There was only one other vehicle at the Sands Springs Day Use Area, and we enjoyed an easy walk.

It’s a big football weekend. Penn State puts its unbeaten record on the line against Ohio State. And the Eagles keep winning. Stay tuned for this week’s adventure against the Jaguars.

Usual wishes of good health to all of you, and enjoy a fun Halloween.

Local author launches first

children’s picture book

Author Lori Floyd of Weatherly launched her first children’s picture book on October 17. The Adventures of the Explorers’ Club in New York City

is the first book in a series for young explorers emphasizing family-friendly places to visit across all 50 states in the USA. Readers will learn fun facts about the featured attractions and identify some great phototaking opportunities throughout the city. The book is currently a #1 Top Release on Amazon in Children’s Architecture.

Join the adventures of Skye and Sydney, two young friends who enjoy taking photos and exploring new places. On a trip to New York City with their mothers, the girls discover exciting attractions such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the American Museum of Natural History, and even the Museum of Ice Cream.

Lori is a world traveler who has visited all 50 states and 26 countries to date. She enjoys planning trips, capturing photographic memories, and

discovering delicious food and exciting adventures along the way. She holds an M.B.A. from Alvernia University.

“I’ve been working on this book for the last year and I’m proud to share it with many young readers and their families. I hope they are inspired to discover new adventures and capture many photographic memories as I did traveling throughout the USA,” said Floyd.

The book can be purchased on Amazon (https://tinyurl. com/ExplorersClubNYC). A portion of the book proceeds sold throughout 2024 will be donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (alexslemonade. org), the largest independent childhood cancer charity in the U.S., focused on funding critical research and supporting childhood cancer families.

Need an Extra Copy of this issue?

The Journal-Herald is for sale at: White Haven Market, Soapy Bee and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder, Weasel’s in Dennison, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.

WeAtherly AreA school NeWs


PERIOD: The end of the first marking period will be on Tuesday, October 29.

Lehigh Gorge Notary

Liz Berger has been providing Tag & Title, DCNR, Boat and Fish Commission, and general Notary services in White Haven for over 30 years. As the local community Notary Public with years of experience, there is no question she can’t answer. Find her at Lehigh Gorge Campground, 4585 State Street in East Side, or under the More tab at: 570-443-9191

REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be coming out on Friday, November 1.


The Middle School Halloween dance was this past Friday, October 25. The costume contest winners for the middle school Halloween dance were Katie Knock and Maci Kane as the Wet Bandits for best overall costume; Ava Zimmerman, Elizabeth DiGennaro, and Jillian Esposito as Alvin and the Chipmunks for most original costume; Emma Posser, Jameson DeLauretis, Levi Aneskevich, and Ryley Jacoby as Toy Story for best group costume; Derek Moyer as Barney for the silliest costume. Zachary Hayes was an alien for the scariest costume.


PROGRAM: On November 11 the school will hold a Veterans Day program starting at 9.

SENIORS: Senior pictures and baby pictures for the yearbook are due November 1.

Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Library Corner WHACL open for voting

The library continues to be closed while we work on repairs to the electrical system. Be assured however, the library WILL be open for voting on

November 5. Please check our Facebook page for the most recent updates. We hope to see you all again soon.

Lions list parade winners

Microphotography class offered at HAL

The region’s first ever microphotography class will begin at the Hazleton Art League on November 6. Students will first learn how to use the League’s new state-of-the-art microscopes. Attached cameras transfer the microscope images to a computer, from which they can be saved/printed as is, or first processed with editing software (think Photoshop) to create visually compelling works of art.

Microphotographs reveal the stunning beauty of the world too small to see with the unaided eye – beauty that can be altered and enhanced according to the photographer’s artistic vision. The growing interest in microphotography is just one example of the “STEAM” trend in education (STEAM refers to science, technology, engineering,

arts, and math.) Traditional education has tended to treat the arts and sciences as separate and very different. STEAM studies instead emphasize their similarities and the ways they can enhance each other.

The course is taught by Joseph Pecora, a well-known and respected photographer with a background in biology and a passion for the natural world. He will be assisted by Dr. Carl Frankel, Hazleton Art League President and retired biology professor at Penn State Hazleton, who developed the course. The work to put it together and the equipment purchased were funded by a grant from the Luzerne Foundation.

For information about the course and to register, visit the Art League’s website (www.

Cross-section of wood and look under “classes,” or come to the League, in the Hayden Family

White Haven Fire Company Social Club

Saturday, November 2

$10 OR a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots to taste and judge all the soups — 2-4 p.m. Soup entry $15, with soup at the Social Club by 1:30 in a crockpot, hot & ready to eat. LIVE ENTERTAINMET BY TONY MERKER, 4-8 PM

To enter call the club at 570-443-8885, Kevin at 570-497-1322, or stop by the social club. Proceeds benefit Toys for Tots

Center for the Arts, at 31 West Broad Street. Enrollment is limited.

Zions holding basket raffle this weekend

Zions Lutheran Church, 3rd and Fell Streets Weatherly, will hold a Basket Raffle this Friday from 5-8 and Saturday from 11-3, in their Annex.

There will be over 100 baskets, top shelf prizes, two lottery ticket bundle raffles and a bake sale.

Haluski, sausage and ham BBQ, and hot dogs will available for purchase.

Election Tuesday to decide presidential, state races

The General Election is next Tuesday, November 5. At the top of the ticket is the President of the United States. Also to be chosen representatives in United States Congress and Senate, and state-wide offices.



President of the United States

Kamala Harris

US Senate

Robert P. Casey Jr.

Attorney General

Eugene DePasquale

Auditor General

Malcolm Kenyatta

State Treasurer

Erin McClelland


President of the United States

Donald J. Trump

US Senate

Dave McCormick

Attorney General

Dave Sunday

Auditor General

Tim DeFoor

State Treasurer

Stacy Garrity

Carbon County


Representative in Congress, 7th District

Susan Wild

Senator in the General Assembly, 29th District

John Zugarek

Representative in the General Assembly, 122nd District

No candidate


Representative in Congress, 7th District

Ryan E. Mackenzie

Senator in the General Assembly, 29th District

Dave Argall

Representative in the General Assembly, 122nd District

Doyle Heffley

Luzerne County


Representative in Congress, 8th District

Matt Cartwright

Senator in the General Assembly, 29th District

John Zugarek.

Representative in the General Assembly, 117th District

No candidate


Representative in Congress, 8th District

Rob Bresnahan Jr.

Senator in the General Assembly, 29th District

Dave Argall

Representative in the General Assembly, 117th District

Jamie Walsh



Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. East Side Borough-Golden Oaks

Village Kidder Township-North-Golden

Oaks Village

Kidder Township-South, Kidder

Township Building, Lake Harmony

Lausanne Township-Lehigh

Township Municipal Building

Lehigh Township-Lehigh

Township Municipal Building

Packer Township-Packer

Township Municipal Building

Weatherly Borough-East-Eurana Park

Weatherly Borough-WestAmerican Legion Post 360 LUZERNE COUNTY

Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Dennison Township-Dennison Township Municipal Building

Foster Township District 1-White Haven VFW Post 6615

Foster Township District

2-Foster Township Municipal Building

Freeland Borough-Freeland Municipal Building

Penn Lake Park Borough-Penn Lake Community Building

White Haven-White Haven Area Community Library

Quilts of Valor awarded to Weatherly vets

Quilts of Valor were presented to five Weatherly veterans on September 14 at the Cranberry Quilt guild’s show at the Weatherly Area Middle School by the Quilts of Valor, Hazleton chapter. The veterans honored with a Quilt of Valor were from left, Joseph Thomas (U.S. Navy

Petty Officer 3rd Class), Harry Shelhamer (Sgt. U.S.Army), Jeffrey Herling (Staff Sgt. U.S. Army), Phil Jeffries (Spc. E-5 U.S.Army) and Marvin Graaf (Airman 2nd Class U.S.Air Force). The quilts were crafted and stitched by members of the Cranberry Quilt guild.

Penn Lake Park Halloween Celebration

The Penn Lake Association hosted a Halloween Trunk or Treat Saturday. The afternoon started off with a gathering at the Community house for hot dogs and treats for a large crowd of trick or treaters. Afterward, everyone headed out for a walk around the borough in search of goodies. The Halloweeners were joined by family and friends, as well as some furry family members. Not only did the costumes look great, but several residents decked out their homes with some very scary decorations. Everyone seemed to be having a spooktacular time.

Journal-Herald Classifieds


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1. Performer’s time to shine

5. Selfie, e.g.

8. One of five Ws 11. TrËs ____, or very stylish

12. Mandolin’s cousin

13. Knitter’s unit 15. Aren’t, colloquially 16. Mimicked

17. *Like House with Oval Office

18. *The Hunchback’s home (2 words)

20. Listening devices

21. Flirtatious stares

22. Salt, in Spanish 23. *____ State Building

26. TV shows, e.g.

30. Will Ferrell’s “Funny or ____”

31. Steve McQueen’s “The Great ____” (1963)

34. Toss a coin

35. ____ & Young financial services company

37. Kimono tie

38. Sweating room

39. Short skirt

40. Batter (2 words)

42. Lake, in French

43. Anise seed (1 word)

45. *____ of Versailles or Buckingham ____

47. ____ of war

48. Sinbad the Sailor’s home

50. Not good

52. *St. Basil’s in Moscow or St. Paul’s in London

56. *The Parthenon in Athens is made of this

57. Capital of Norway

58. Aeneas’ lover

59. More slippery

60. Animal protein

61. Independent


62. High degree

63. TV program interruptions

64. Retired, abbr.


1. CAT or PET, e.g.

2. *Key Tower, tallest building in this Buckeye state

3. Laundry room fire hazard

4. Type of local tax

5. Pupa, pl.

6. Things

7. Give up a state

8. Dam-like structure

9. Not misses

10. Football’s extra point

12. Soup scoopers

13. Make a solemn promise

14. *Burj ____, tallest building in the world

19. Wading bird

22. “Monkey ____, monkey do”

23. Bodily swelling

24. Rice wine

25. 1/100th of Finnish markka

26. Rotisserie skewer

27. Spurious wing

28. Cancer-treating machine, acr.

29. *____ Needle, Seattle

32. For boys and girls

33. Lawyers’ org.

36. *____ Chapel,

Vatican City

38. Flat replacement

40. “____, borrow or steal”

41. Eventual outcome

44. Leonhard ____, Swiss mathematician (1707-1783)

46. Portable stairs

48. Headquartered

49. Road-tripping guide

50. Carve in stone

51. Emptiness

52. Vegetative state

53. Ice crystals

54. Passage in a coal mine

55. Voldemort’s title

56. Small amount of drink

TUNDRA by Chad Carpenter

Crestwood stickers win district crown, move on to states

The Crestwood High School field hockey team defeated No. 2-seed Dallas 3-0 Monday evening to claim the District 2-4 Class 2A championship at Wilkes-Barre Area High School.

Scoring details were not available at press time, but Monday’s win was another dominant performance by the offense and defense.

The top-seeded Lady Comets rolled into the final with shutout wins over Berwick (11-0) and Delaware Valley (4-0) to reach

Cross Country

the finals, and kept up their strong play in the championship game against Dallas.

Crestwood outscored the competition 18-0 in three district tournament wins, and will now move on to the PIAA Class 2A championships against a team to be determined. The opening round is set for Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Crestwood 4, Delaware Valley 0 - Alyse

Wanchisen scored a pair of goals and assisted on a third, sparking

the Lady Comets to the semifinal win last week.

Wanchisen and Ava McConnell (goal, assist) combined for the team’s first score just 55 seconds into the contest. Ally George assisted on Wanchisen’s second goal, and Wanchisen assisted on McConnell’s score for a 3-0 lead.

Kylah Kelly tacked on the final score off an Ally Myers assist.

Crestwood outshot Delaware Valley 19-0, and had an 11-3 advantage in corners.

Crestwood 11, Berwick 0 - Wanchisen and McConnell each scored three first-quarter goals to power the offensive onslaught for Crestwood.

McConnell added two assists for the Lady Comets, who got two scores from both George and Violet Balara, and another goal from Kamryn Kelly.

Crestwood dominated the stats with a 24-1 shots-on-goal advantage, and a 9-1 edge in penalty corners.

Staude wins gold, Crestwood boys qualify for PIAA cross country final

Three Lady Comet runners also advance to state championships

Crestwood’s Mason Staude took control at the midway point of the race, and eased to a 25-second win to capture the District 2 Class 2A individual cross country championship last week.

Staude made his move halfway through the Wyoming County Fairgrounds layout, surging past Valley View’s Ethan Williams and Mid Valley’s Matthew Repecki. From there, the junior runner pulled away to win in 16:29.2, earning district gold and a spot in the upcoming PIAA Cross Country Championships.

Staude’s performance, and that of his teammates, gave the Crestwood boys (68 points) second place behind Mid Valley (50) in the final standings, and punched the Comets’ ticket to the state championships as well. They will be held Saturday in Hershey.

Crestwood got its entire 30-runner lineup into the top half of the field, and had three medalists on the day. In addition to Staude, the Comets received top-20 performances from medalists Nate Higgins (seventh place, 17:47) and Jacob Lettieri (18th, 18:18.8).

Crestwood’s Rowan Dietrich (18:52.4) placed 23rd.

In addition to the top two Class 2A boys’ teams, the top 10 finishers outside of the qualifying teams also advanced to the state meet.

In the Class 3A boys’ race, Hazleton Area’s Franklin Ritz (second) and Owen Pollock (fourth) both advanced to states.


In the Class 3A girls’ race, Abington Heights placed five runners in the top-12 to edge runner-up Crestwood 32-41 in a race between the two conference champions.

Anna Pucilowski led the way for Abington Heights, winning in a time of 18:49.5, giving the junior her second title in three years.

Crestwood, the two-time defending Class 2A district champions, moved up to Class 3A this cycle. Only the top 3A team moves on to states.

However, the Crestwood girls are sending three runners to states on the strength of their individual performances. Katie Kozich (19:23.1) placed third, Kaelyn Barker (19:38.6) was fourth and Ella Novelli (20:01.2) seventh to earn district medals and their spot at the state meet.

Four Crestwood runners placed 13th through 16th to also claim district medals, including Adrienne Shebelock (20:52.2), Riley Ruch (20:59.6), Mollie Kozich (21:07.5) and Alyssa Leicht (21:15.7).

Hazleton Area’s Milana Daiute was second overall.

In the Class A girls’ race, MMI Prep’s Mary Kate Kupsky (21:26.9) finished third overall to qualify for states.



Team scoring: 1, Mid Valley (MV) 50; 2, Crestwood (Cr) 68; 3, Lake-Lehman (LL) 71; 4, Scranton Prep (SP) 93; 5, Valley View (VV) 96; 6, Dallas (Dal) 123; 7, Wyoming Area (WA) 196; 8, Hanover Area 200. Incomplete teams: Dunmore, Western Wayne, Berwick, Tunkhannock, Honesdale, Nanticoke.

Medalists: 1, Mason Staude (Cr) 16:29.24; 2, Ethan Williams (VV) 16:54.8; 3, Matthew Repecki (MV) 17:10.5; 4, Vincent O’Malley (SP) 17:23.1; 5, Jacob Borrelli (MV) 17:33.4; 6, Spencer Smith (LL) 17:41.6; 7, Nate Higgins (Cr) 17:47.0; 8, Colby Shiffer (VV) 17:50.6; 9, Nicholas Michel (SP) 17:51.8; 10, Aidan Jennings (Dal) 17:54.3; 11, Josh Burns (MV) 17:57.5; 12, Parker Smith (LL) 18:02.9; 13, Stephen Martin (LL) 18:06.5; 14, Tommy Clark (Dun) 18:09.5; 15, Finn Cronin (LL) 18:10.3; 16, William Powell (MV) 18:10.5; 17, Reeve Owen (MV) 18:12.2; 18, Jacob Lettieri (Cr) 18:18.8; 19, Colby Walsh (WA) 18:25.6; 20, Judah Strocchia (WW) 18:43.2. CLASS 3A GIRLS

Team scoring: 1, Abington Heights (AH) 32; 2, Crestwood (Cr) 41; 3, Hazleton (Haz) 77; 4, Pittston Area (PA) 106; 5, Delaware Valley (DV) 128; 6, (Scr) 157; 7, Delaware Valley 189. Incomplete teams: West Scranton, Wyoming Valley West. Medalists: 1, Anna Pucilowski (AH) 18:49.5; 2, Milana Daiute (Haz) 19:20.3; 3, Katie Kozich (Cr) 19:23.1; 4, Kaelyn Barker (Cr) 19:38.6; 5, Marley Gilboy (AH) 19:54.5; 6, Reese Morgan (AH) 19:56.9; 7, Ella Novelli (Cr) 20:01.2; 8, Calli Gilboy (AH) 20:09.3; 9, Bella Dessoye (PA) 20:16.4; 10, Ava Hinkle (Haz) 20:29.0.

PSU may be without starting QB against Ohio State

Penn State may have to play its biggest game of the college football season without its starting quarterback.

Drew Allar, who ranks seventh nationally in pass efficiency, sustained a knee injury in the second quarter of the Nittany Lions’ 28-13 victory at Wisconsin, and did not return.

Allar was replaced at quarterback by Beau Pribula, who completed 11-of-13 passes for 98 yards and a score, and also had 28 rushing yards to lead the Lions back from a 10-7 halftime deficit.

Head coach James Franklin said on Monday that he probably wouldn’t decide who would start until just before game time Saturday.

Pribula gives the Lions an added running presence, and has played well when he has gotten his chances over the past two seasons.

Penn State enters the game 7-0 overall and 4-0 in the Big Ten. Standing in their way of a Big Ten title and a potential college playoff spot is none other than rival Ohio State.

The Buckeyes (6-1, 3-1) are coming off a lackluster 21-17 home win over Nebraska - a four-touchdown underdog. Ohio State ranks second nationally in total defense.

Penn State fans are hoping they can reverse the trend to beat Ohio State in the key showdown. Franklin is 2-9 alltime against the Buckeyes.

One thing’s for sure,

Saturday’s game at Beaver Stadium has huge implications on the national championship race.

After seven games, the Nittany Lions are sitting in solid shape, ranking third nationally, trailing Oregon (7-0) and Georgia (6-1), and just ahead of No. 4 Ohio State.

This year’s near 12-team playoff format - up from four teams in the past - opens the door for a number of teams to win it all.

The field will consist of the top five conference champions - as ranked by the CFP committee - as well as the next seven highest-ranked at-large schools.

The top four conference champions will be seeded Nos. 1-4 and will receive a firstround bye. The fifth conference champion will be seeded by its CFP ranking, and if that ranking is outside of the top-12, it will be seeded 12th.

The first round will consist of eight teams seeded 5 through 12 and will be played at the home of the higher seed. The four first-round winners will advance to play the top four seeds in the quarterfinal round.

Both the quarterfinals and semifinals will be played at the former New Year’s Six bowl sites.The quarterfinals will be at the Fiesta, Peach, Rose and and Sugar bowls, while the semifinals will be at the Orange and Cotton bowls.

The CFP National Championship game will rotate sites, beginning this season in Atlanta. The championship game is set for Jan. 20, 2025.

Puzzle Answers


Freddie Freeman has owned the 2024 World Series.

The Los Angeles Dodgers slugger hit a home run in his third straight game Monday, leading the NL champions to a 4-2 victory and a 3-0 series lead on the New York Yankees. In putting the Dodgers on the brink of their second championship in three years, Freeman became just the third player in history to homer in his first three games of the World Series. The last to do it was Barry Bonds 22 years ago.

Freeman has actually gone deep in five straight World Series games, dating back to his time with the Atlanta Braves. He homered in the final two games of the 2021 World Series against Houston.

In a Series full of star power with the likes of LA’s Shohei Ohtani and Mookie Betts and the Yanks’ Aaron Judge and Juan Soto, it has been Freeman

who has stolen the spotlight. And he’s gotten hot at just the right time.

The 35-year-old Freeman sprained his ankle in late September, missed the Dodgers’ last three regular-season games, and had just one RBI in the team’s first two playoff series. He hadn’t hit a home run since Sept. 16.

His game-ending, 10th-inning grand slam in Game 1 on Friday night was the first walk-off grand slam in Series history.

The eight-time All-Star and 2020 NL MVP is hitting .333 and has three homers and seven RBIs in the Fall Classic. Game 4 was set for Tuesday night at Yankee Stadium. He is trying to add a second World Series trophy to the one he captured with the Braves in 2021.

“I really just want to hoist that trophy,” Freeman said after Monday night’s Game 3. “I don’t care if I go 0-for-the-next 70 with 70 strikeouts. As long as we win, that’s all I care about.”

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Comets overwhelm Valley West, punch ticket to postseason

Crestwood to face top-seeded Valley View in Friday’s district playoff

Facing a must-win situation on senior night in their regularseason finale, the Crestwood Comets found themselves trailing winless Wyoming Valley West 7-0 just minutes into last Friday’s football game in Wright Township.

It took the Comets all of 18 seconds on the game clock to respond, and once they did, the floodgates opened.

Jake Jeckell’s 38-yard touchdown run set off a string of eight unanswered Crestwood touchdowns as the Comets rolled to a 54-14 victory that punched their ticket to the postseason.

As the fourth seed, the Comets (5-5) will travel to top-seeded Valley View (9-1) for this Friday night’s District 2 Class 4A semifinal game. The winner will get the survivor of the Honesdale-Dallas semifinal in the championship game next weekend.

The Spartans (0-10) shocked the Comets early on, turning a muffed punt return into a 22-yard scoring pass from Carson Brown to Tyler Mattis on fourth down, giving Valley West a quick 7-0 lead with 9:14 still left in the opening quarter.

On the ensuing play from scrimmage, Jeckell’s first touchdown of the night pulled the Comets to within 7-6. The PAT try was blocked.

The Crestwood offense was just heating up.

Comets quarterback Jack Rodgers hooked up with Gio Barna on a 41-yard pass play down the sideline to open the second-quarter scoring onslaught. Less than three minutes later, Jeckell scored his second touchdown on a 30-yard jaunt, and Matthew Bealla concluded the first-half scoring on a 1-yard dive as the Comets rolled into halftime with a 27-7 advantage.

It was more of the same in the third quarter. Touchdown runs from Colin Lazo, Barna and Rodgers upped the lead to 47-7.

Crestwood senior linebacker Matt Urban got in on the scoring act in the fourth, returning an interception 50 yards for the Comets’ final score.

Valley West added a late touchdown on a 5-yard pass from Damien Eastman to Preston Sninsky.

Jeckell (78) and Lazo (74) combined for 152 rushing yards on just 13 attempts to lead a Crestwood ground attack that produced 278 yards. Carter Kennedy, Tom McLaughlin and Urban sparked the defense with interceptions.

This Friday night’s playoff game at Valley View will be a rematch of the teams’ Week 2 game in Archbald, won by the Cougars 28-13. Meanwhile, Valley West will take on topseeded Abington Heights in the District 2 Class 5A playoffs Friday night in Clarks Summit. Tickets for all playoff games will be through Hometown Ticketing, which is available on the District 2 website: piaad2. org. Tickets are $6 for adults and students. Children under 5 and adults over 65 are admitted for free, but proof of age is required if over 65.

Game Summary

Valley West.....7 0 0 7 — 14

Crestwood...... 6 21 20 7 — 54

First quarter

VW — Tyler Mattis 22 pass from Carson Brown (Roger Staron kick), 9:32

C — Jake Jeckell 38 run (kick blocked), 9:14

Second quarter

C — Gio Barna 41 pass from Jack Rodgers (Ethan Zabroski kick), 9:37

C — Jeckell 30 run (Zabroski kick), 6:48

C — Matthew Bealla 1 run (Zabroski kick), :33

Third quarter

C — Colin Lazo 1 run (Zabroski kick), 8:16

C — Barna 14 run (Zabroski kick), 3:53

C — Rodgers 1 run (pass failed), :51

Fourth quarter

C — Matt Urban 50 interception return (Zabroski kick), 9:54

VW — Preston Sninsky 5 pass from Damien Eastman (Staron kick), 3:58


RUSHING — Valley West: Carter Isbel 3-4, Chase Myers 1-0, Mattis 6-7, Brown 4-2, William Lebron 2-66, Tyler Ruddy 1-10, Team 1-(minus-1). Crestwood: Jeckell 6-78, Barna 3-33, Lazo 7-74, Rodgers 8-22, Tom McLaughlin 1-9, Nate Walsh 11-48, Lincoln Bibla 1-1, Bealla 5-23, Team 1-(minus-10).

PASSING — Valley West: Brown 5-18-56-1, Eastman 3-9-28-2. Crestwood: Rodgers 2-9-55-0. RECEIVING — Valley West: Mattis 3-39, Sninsky 3-24, Ruddy 2-21. Crestwood: Barna 2-55.

INTERCEPTIONS — Crestwood: Carter Kennedy, McLaughlin, Urban.

Brianna Paulo, of Tamaqua, shot this 10 point buck on October 24, 2024 with her bow in Weatherly. Proud of her buck is her boyfriend, Andrew Ray, of Weatherly. This is Brianna’s first deer Contributed photo

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