Big crime down, small crime up
by Pat AlbanoChief Chris Wagner opened the May 14 Pocono Mountain Regional Police Commission meeting with updates on April crime, noting decreases in Type 1 or serious crimes and increases in Type 2 petty crimes. Wagner stated, “We are keeping an eye on Type 2, which we expect will increase with warmer weather.”
Focus shifted to commendations for Sergeant Robert Miller, and Officers Scott Dunlap, Carmine Saprona and Adam Bond. Wagner read, “On February 26, 2024, these officers were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on State Road 940, Tobyhanna Township, Monroe County. The crash involved visible flames with entrapment.…Officer Saprona use his baton to breech the vehicle to See PMRPC, page 2

A huge magnetic storm 93 million miles away on the surface of the Sun this month allowed the northern lights to be visible in the Poconos. The aurora borealis (northern lights) are the result of electrons resulting from explosions of plasma and magnetic fields in the sun’s corona colliding within the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, causing geomagnetic storms when directed at Earth. Kim Russo took this picture at Pines Lake in Locust Lake Village.

Abandoned Auto Auction
8 a.m. Saturday, June 1, 2024
Jimmy’s Auto Service, 5256 Route 115, Blakeslee, PA 18610 570-646-2583
2013 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport SE Vin # 4A4AR4AU3DE013314 minimum bid $501.00 “As is” condition, no key

Continued from page 1
extricate the unconscious driver while officer Bond utilized a fire extinguisher to fight the engine fire. Officers then carried the driver to a gurney where she was transferred into the care of emergency medical technicians.
“It was apparent that this crash was a high-speed event and that the driver suffered severe injuries,” Wagner concluded. “If not for the actions of all the officers this event would have resulted in an on-scene fatality.
“The commendations are a record of exemplary performance. You should all be very proud of your efforts, as are the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Commission.”
Three candidates will be attending the police academy and have received conditional employment offers, Wagner said.
He also noted that new
service vehicles are being updated.
Wagner concluded his report discussing insurance renewal stating, “This year insurance is out to market. We do this every five or six years and will receive quotes from Brown and Brown.”
The meeting ended with a discussion of community events. In April officers attended sessions at Monroe County Vo Tech and at East Stroudsburg University’s Criminal Justice Department.
From the Statehouse Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
By State Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe)May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. By consistently following safe driving and riding practices and sharing them with others, all motorists can help reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities on America’s roads. The following are safe driving and riding practices that all road users vehicle drivers and motorcyclists alike should follow to help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our roadways:
• Observe all traffic laws and always obey the speed limit.

• Drive and ride alcohol- and drug-free.
• Avoid distractions while driving or riding.
• Drivers should yield to motorcyclists, especially while turning at intersections.
• Motorcyclists should wear high-visibility protective gear.
One other significant step that motorcycle riders can take toward promoting road safety for all motorists is completing a rider education and training course. Please visit www.pamsp.com to learn about Pennsylvania’s free motorcycle training courses.

AeroCamp is designed to give young people a unique opportunity to explore the vast and exciting world of aviation and aerospace at their local airport. As a member of the Flight School Association of North America, our local flight school is proud to participate in the AeroCamp Program and make AeroCamp available to the kids in our community. For AeroCamp enrollment, pricing and information, please contact us today.

Acting fast is best response to stroke symptoms
by Ruth IsenbergIt happened without warning. And the person it happened to didn’t really realize it was happening.
This is the story of one lucky woman and her stroke. An area business person, she asked that I not use her name, but was happy to share her story.
She was holding her greatgrandchild one afternoon, giving a bottle. The baby dropped the bottle, and she bent to pick it up. Her hand went down, she grabbed, but came up empty-handed. She tried again, failed again, but it didn’t really register that something was wrong. Or maybe it did. She walked into the other room, still holding the baby, and
handed the child over to a family member.
Other family members in the room did realize something was wrong, and got her to the hospital very quickly. (It is recommended to call 9-1-1, so treatment can start on the way to the hospital.)
She received treatment that worked in the emergency room, and after a few days in the hospital and some outpatient physical therapy, she reports being pretty much back to normal. She feels lucky, because people were there to spot what was happening and make sure she got help. What would have happened, she wonders, if she’d been by herself. Would she have figured out what was
happening, and what to do?
The American Stroke Association recommends that everyone be familiar with the FAST test:
F.A.S.T. Warning Signs
Use the letters in F.A.S.T. to spot a Stroke
F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven?
A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb?
Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S = Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred?
T = Time to call 911 –Stroke is an emergency. Every minute counts. Call 911 immediately. Note
the time when any of the symptoms first appear. Don’t ignore stroke symptoms, or assume they will go away. Prompt treatment can save your life.

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Clymer Friends sponsor event
Columcille Megalith Park film screening at Clymer Library
Dancing With The Stones, a film that explores the mystical beauty of Columcille Megalith Park near Bangor, as seen through the eyes of its co-founder and creator, the late Bill H. Cohea, Jr., will be screened at Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Lane, Pocono Pines on Thursday, June 27, at 6 p.m. Jordan Lewis, who directed the film, will give a talk prior to the screening. Presented by Friends of Clymer Library, the event is free and reservations are recommended by calling 570-646-0826 as space is limited.
Bill and his son William founded Columcille Megalith Park, nurtured its nascent community, and created the rich landscape that has touched so many who have stepped through the infinity gate into the “Land of Myth and Mystery.” The park is a 17-acre property of gently rolling hills, glens, woods, and meadows containing nearly 90 settings of megaliths harkening back to the prehistoric late-Neolithic cultural and technological transformation that led to the worldwide ritual arrangement of giant standing stone alignments and ceremonial circles.
811Stoney Hollow Rd
Pocono Lake
Fresh Produce

Artisan Breads Tuesdays & Fridays; Fresh Baked Baguettes Wednesdays & Sundays; Bagels, Muffins, Fresh-Baked Pies Too; Locally Butchered Meat; Charcuterie; Alaskan-Caught Seasfood; Local Dairy; Italian Pastas from Philadelphia; Many More Locally-Sourced Food Items; Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Teas served daily.
A bit of a Renaissance man, singer, photographer, and filmmaker Jordan Lewis launched Quiet Light Films in 2014, which brings forth cinematic projects of artistic and human value, and is a digital media partner for arts, nature and non-profit organizations, and the US National Parks Service. In addition to Quiet Light Films, he created Pocono Morning, on which he produces a series of podcasts featuring local artists. The Pocono Morning Podcast brings forth beautiful and compelling stories from the Poconos which seek to reveal our relationships with nature, the arts, and ourselves.
A project currently in the works is Wintereisse by Franz Schubert: A Winter’s Journey in Song and Film in which scenes of Pocono nature will serve as a backdrop to Lewis’ performance of the Schubert song cycle. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Manhattan School of Music.
Lewis had this to say about Dancing With The Stones: “We were only going to Columcille to film the stones, to pull focus the expression is, to practice shifting the visual narrative within the story as film makers do, helping the viewer see as we see in life to match our own depth of field, the optics of our own
eyes. William, Bill’s son, was first to emerge that early morning from the fog, with his dogs. Our conversation was deep quickly because the place itself leads you there, peacefully dispensing with the frivolous and immersing visitors in a purposely different field of energy. Bill made his way down to us as we worked. It took little time for us to realize the man who set these stones was the story. We hear, we look, we see, we study, we laugh, we engage and attempt to understand. In Bill’s language, we dance.”
The mission of the Friends of Clymer Library is to support and enhance the library services to the community.
Open Monday through Thursday 9-5; Friday & Saturday, 9-6; Sunday 9-4. hannasfarmmarket@gmail.com

Seth’s Sightings
Flowers, flowers the warmer weather has triggered an early rhododendron bloom, an extensive honeysuckle bloom, some of our baby’s breath, and even the pale flowers of sheep laurel. It’s quite a show to add to a nice batch of irises standing tall at homes all around our area.
Regarding critters, sightings has been limited to playing deer dodge-em, and I thought I saw a gawky young bear as it crossed the road in Hickory Run State Park. A reader sent us a fine picture of a bald eagle who made a stop in White Haven earlier this month.
We attended the Bach & Handel Chorale concert
Concert in the Park:
Matt Miskie
Hickory Run State Park will host a concert by Matt Miskie on Sunday, May 26, in the Amphitheater from 7 to 8 p.m.
Matt’s repertoire is family-friendly, instantly recognizable, and enjoyed by audiences of all ages; familiar folk classics that you can sing along with as well as songs of local and regional history, punctuated with thoughtful and melodic original music inspired by nature, adventure, family, and coming of age. A few songs will be included to commemorate Memorial Day.
in St. Joseph’s Church in Jim Thorpe. The church is beautiful and had superb acoustics. Ruth and I know several of the singers, we enjoyed the afternoon very much.
We also took in the second performance of Now and Then at the Little Theater in Wilkes-Barre, performed by White Haven’s Legion Theatre group. It was fun. We hope to see the play again at a local venue, perhaps in Lake Harmony. I hope for good weather for the Memorial Day weekend events. MayFair, Allentown’s arts and music festival now held on the campus of Cedar Crest College, is on our radar. On June 2, there’s
by Seth Isenberga Trout Festival in White Haven free admission. The following weekend, June 8 and 9, is the Weatherly Hill Climb also free.
I’d also like the weather to hold off so I can catch up on mowing.
In sports, the Pittsburgh Penguins ECHL team, the Wheeling Nailers, were swept out of the playoffs. On the NHL level, the Boston Bruins were iced out of the Stanley Cup Playoffs by losing their series to the Florida Panthers, 2 games to 4. That takes out my cheering interests in hockey. I’m old school, in that I think hockey playoffs should be played in places like Minnesota or Quebec.
Good neighbor. Great auto rates.
Of course, there is some merit to being inside in the air conditioning watching a hockey game in Florida, rather than outside when its 90° and humid.
I am keeping tabs on the Boston Celtics, who eked out a close win versus the Indiana Pacers in game one.
I am also more interested in the WNBA and how Caitlyn Clark is doing, as well as always cheering for the Connecticut Sun.
Gas prices ticked down a bit, just in time for anyone driving places this holiday weekend. We have a family gathering coming, so we’ll take advantage. Prices are under $3.60 in Lehighton.
World-wide I hope for peace but still find too much war Sudan, Myanmar, Haiti, and then Ukraine and Gaza, plus some odds and ends of fighting and terrorism in central Africa. Sudan is a real genocide in the making with well over 150,000 at risk, many with no safe place to run to. In Myanmar, local militias have again been killing Rohingya with near 700,00 at risk, and over 700,000 fleeing into Bangladesh.
Here at home, I am grateful for living in peace here in our piece of the Poconos.
Good health to you all.
Joe Geiser
Bus: 570-722-7378 joe@joegeiser.com

HATT Brady’s Lake Castle program date correction
The Historical Association of Tobyhanna Township is reorganizing. The first program for this year will take place on Tuesday, June 25, at 5:30 p.m. The topic will be Brady’s Lake Castle, presented by Bill Leonard, at the Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines.
Brady’s Castle was built on Brady’s Lake in Coolbaugh Township around 1914 by ice harvesters under the direction of Edward T. Brady. It was used a home for the Brady family and as a boarding house during
the ice harvest. In the 1930s and 1940s, it was used for various public and Boy Scout functions.
Leonard will give a presentation with photos and information about the castle and also some topics related to the castle. He is a native of Tobyhanna, and has lied there all his life. His family and the Coolbaugh Township Township Historical Association have held the annual Tobyhanna Millpond #1 Ice Harvest since the Coolbaugh Bicentennial in 1994.
PMSB deals with insurance, budget
by Pat AlbanoAt the May 15 Pocono Mountain School Board meeting Assistant Superintendent Dr. Catherine Sweeney gave input on the Purple Stars School Program, a program passed into law in 2022 that supports military connected children as they relocate to new schools due to a parent’s change in duty-station. Sweeney stated, “Pocono Mountain School District is committed to ensuring that whatever amount of time military children are in our schools, the sense of stability, safety and progress toward graduation remains intact.” At Sweeney’s

request, the Board approved a resolution declaring the District a Purple Stars School.
Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Robison introduced new East Junior High School assistant principal Jamie Synder. Insurance quotes saw a 4.8% increase from $823,825 to $916,181 for fiscal year 2024-25. The increase was primarily in property insurance. The board also discussed the food services budget as well as building options for the East/West Campus totaling $1.6 million.
Finance director Joseph Colozza discussed the district’s proposed final budget of $5,325,000 through June 30, 2025, which passed.
A community resident questioned the budget and forthcoming projects asking, where the money comes from. Colozza explained, “Capital Projects are in discussion phase and are met from the Capital Reserve Fund.”
When the resident persisted asking why commit to large dollar projects when the country is not in good financial position, school board member Ana Lopez responded, “You want our kids to live and be taught in this type of environment— we are not doing that.” This resident also had questions on a proposed four-day schoolwork week and whether there would be public input on this.
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1. Clothing joint 5. *Opposite of good 8. *Pre12. Guesstimate (2 words)
13. Sudden impulse 14. Group dice game 15. Stead 16. Naive person 17. Fancy necktie 18. *Compass point opposites (2 words)
20. A pinch between the cheeks
21. Earth tremor
22. Before skip and a jump
23. Constantly worry about something
26. More infinitesimal
30. Catch a wink
31. One weber per square meter, pl.
34. *Pre-recorded
35. Deed hearings
37. Cribbage piece
38. Bread spreads
39. Plural of focus
40. Making the way, in a way
42. “I Like ___,” 1952 campaign slogan
43. Of somber color
45. *Like bride’s accessories (2 words)
47. 60 mins., pl.
48. Indiana ball player
50. One of Three Bears
52. *Day periods (2 words)
57. Soap bubbles
59. Type of small salmon
60. Bound
61. Domingo, Pavarotti and Carreras, e.g.
62. Nicholas II of Russia, e.g.
63. Key next to spacebar
64. Where users review
1. Fa follower
2. Between Ohio and Ontario
3. *Opposite of on land
4. Fluffy dessert
5. Hillsides in Scotland
6. Anti-seniors sentiment
7. *Opposite of awakward and clumsy
8. *Door instruction (2 words)
9. Fairy tale opener
10. Flat-bottomed boat
11. Bambino
13. Not like #26 Down
14. Popular breakfast item
19. MCAT and LSAT, e.g.
22. *Hers
23. *Switch positions (2 words)
24. Louisiana swamp
25. Glasses, for short
26. Three biblical sages
27. A logical connection (2 words)
28. Extract a memory, e.g.
29. Stitch again
32. R&R spots
33. Tolstoy’s given name, in Russian
36. *Irwin Shaw’s title opposites (2 words)
38. Checked out
40. Pimple fluid
41. Marked
44. Speak like Pericles
46. *Not airtight
48. Teacher’s pet, e.g.
49. Balance sheet entry
50. *Cons
51. Muslim honorific
52. Facts
53. Donned
54. Nervous biter’s victim
55. College assessment test, acr.
58. Janitor’s tool

Robert Patrick Fluegel, Sr., 71, of Tobyhanna, passed away on Friday, May 10, 2024, peacefully at home. He was born in Newark, New Jersey. He was the son of the late Anthony and Eileen (Maloney) Fluegel and preceded in passing by his youngest brother David Fluegel.
Bob is survived by his three children, Bobby Fluegel (Jennifer Albert), Jason (Christina) Fluegel, and Melissa (Anthony) Devore; five grandchildren, Zion Devore, Bryce Devore, Logan Devore, Abigail Fluegel and Grace Albert; his four siblings, Anthony Fluegel (Heather Lohman), Kevin (Cindy) Fluegel, James Fluegel, Regina (Robert) Fluegel-Shook; and many nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews, cousins, and friends.
He was a graduate of Pocono Central Catholic
school in 1971.
He was a very dedicated hardworking plumber, owning his own business for 40 plus years. Bob had a passion for woodworking, cooking, barbequing, and spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren, supporting their activities (sports and dance recitals). Bob enjoyed fishing, hunting, golfing, hiking, and visiting as many Hooters locations as he could. He coached football, baseball, and girls’ basketball. Bob was an avid lifelong Pittsburgh Steelers fan; and a member of the VFW Mount Pocono Post 3448.
Faith continues free community concerts
The 2024 Pocono Mountain Summer Concert Series returns, offering three great live performances at no cost to our neighbors! The season kicks off with award winning guitarist and song writer Kyle Swartzwelder, on Sunday, June 16 at 7 p.m.
A veteran of the folk scene, Kyle Swartzwelder has been winning audiences over with his deft lyrical storytelling and dynamic live performances. After launching his career near the University of Delaware playing his father’s 1968 Ovation Balladeer and cultivating his songwriting, Kyle moved to Philadelphia and quickly developed a reputation as a top-notch songwriter and performer in the area’s folk clubs and coffeehouses.

years. Our Sunday evening performances are held, rain or shine, in the church sanctuary, and are supported through the generosity of our sponsors and free will offerings from our audiences. Don’t miss the rest of our
2024 Season, featuring Ruth Kochera and Nicole Rideout at 7 p.m. on July 28 and The Frost Duo at 7 p.m. on August 18.
Faith Lutheran Church is located at 550 Route 940, Blakeslee, 1 mile east of Blakeslee Corners and 6 miles west of Pocono Pines, next to Matirko Hardware. GPS users enter 550 Route 940, Pocono Lake, PA for best directions. The venue is air-conditioned and fully accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information, please call 570-646-0309 or visit www. faithlutheranblakeslee.org and like us on Facebook at Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee PA.

Bob was one of the most generous people you could ever meet. He would take the shirt off his back for a perfect stranger. He had an adventurous spirit and was always up for anything. His laughter was infectious, and he always had a smile on his face. He will be greatly missed by so many.
A celebration of life was held May 16 at Barley Creek’s outdoor pavilion in Tannersville.
Bob’s cremation has been entrusted to Bolock Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. In lieu of flowers, donate to a charity of your choice in honor of Bob.
If you were fortunate enough to have attended Beth Goldwater’s performance last summer, you will recognize Kyle, who was her incredible guitar accompanist. This show should not be missed by anyone who enjoys the music of Lyle Lovett, Jeffrey Foucault, Josh Ritter, early Jackson Browne or Neil Young.
Faith Lutheran Church in Blakeslee is the proud host of the Pocono Mountain Summer Concert Series, bringing free family-friendly entertainment to our shared community for 21

Worship offered weekly at Hickory Run
A non-denominational worship service will be held every Sunday through Labor Day at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater at Hickory Run State Park. The 43 church bodies of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches offers the services for campers and vacationers of all Christian traditions.
The program is not sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Chaplain Tammy is an employee of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches as part of the Chaplains in the Parks program.

Mount Pocono reviews insurance coverage, costs
by Pat AlbanoMount Pocono Borough Council opened its May 7 meeting with a presentation from Patrick Dugan on premium quotes and coverage summaries from Selective Insurance. Selective Insurance is the primary
carrier for the municipality, which renews on June 1, 2024.
Dugan stated, “Premiums are up 5.9% from the previous year but are trending downward.”
Council member Ann Marie Harris noted a $74.6K loss last year with Dugan
Rader to hold identity theft seminar June 13
In his continuing effort to inform residents of the latest scams, Rep. Jack Rader is again teaming up with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General for an identity theft seminar.
“Identity theft continues to be one of the fastest growing crimes in the country and scammers are constantly coming up with new ways to trick us into providing our personal information,” said Rader. “This seminar is an easy way for residents to learn how to protect themselves from becoming a victim, especially our older residents who are frequent targets.”
The free event will take place on Thursday, June 13, at 6 p.m., at the Tunkhannock Township Municipal Building, 1557
Long Pond Road in Long Pond. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
The seminar will be led by David Shallcross, director of the senior protection unit with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. Topics to be covered include what to do if one becomes a victim of identity theft, tips on how to protect personal information online and in everyday interactions, and guidelines on how to spot scams intended to steal one’s identity.
Reservations are required for the seminar and can be made online by visiting www.RepRader.com/ events, or by calling one of Rader’s district offices at 570-643-7683 (Blakeslee) or 570-620-4341 (Effort).
saying, “That loss stays on the books for five years.”
After solicitor James Fareri added, “Selective is the gold standard and the Borough will not shop for a better policy,” the motion passed to accept Selective’s price.
Discussion shifted to a motion to approve a Keystone Emergency Management Association membership split with Paradise Township for Emergency Coordinator.
Mayor Randy Altemose noted, “This fivemembership split is important. In emergency, resources are available right away and the road crew will be involved here.” The motion passed.
Atty. Fareri addressed a settlement on appeal with Classic Quality Homes vs. Mt. Pocono Zoning Board. Fareri’s recommendation “Let this proceed and let the court make a decision on this which we can live with.”
More business
• An updated Employee Handbook was approved
with several corrections.
• Borough manager Marissa Duffy updated a DECD Grant of $250K matching funds for Phase 2 –Memorial Park Resolution.
• Advertising for DrivewayPipe Blockage Resolution was approved.
There was considerable discussion prior to the appointment of a newsletter vendor. A representative from Hometown Press addressed the Board stating, “Hometown Press represents over 150 townships for 20 years. There is no cost to the Borough for printing only mailing to all residents, and the borough has final approval on everything.”
President Don Struckle asked about the number of publications each year and postage rates, and was told “twice a year, but it can be quarterly. Postage rates are 22¢ cents each.” Struckle also asked “Do you have a certain number of advertisers with Hometown?” with the response, “My rates have not gone up ever, even during the pandemic.”
A motion to authorize the release of Financial Security Newland Capital Group was tabled.
A motion to appoint Joe Simone to the Safety Commission was approved. A 2024 joint paving estimate with Paradise Township of $213,210 was given the go-ahead. Struckle added, “we will pay half the advertising with Paradise Township paying the other half.”
Borough residents were on hand to discuss stormwater issues including water flowing onto properties on Candlewood and Park Ave. Supervisor Claudette Williams noted, “Every year this is costing homeowner’s money. Property owners have been asking for help and I suggest dollars for infrastructure should go into addressing these issues.”
Struckle added, “Council will need to discuss this at the next work session.” Williams concluded, “we just need help.”

Police Beat
Pennsylvania State Police will be out conducting sobriety checkpoints from May 24 to 27 in the PSP-Fern Ridge coverage area.
5-20, 21 and 22, the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department dealt with a party at a Pocono Farms East home in Coolbaugh Township. On the 20th, a Venezuelan man was picked up after running shoeless onto Route 196. Through an interpreter, he admitted to snorting ketamine. He was taken in custody for public intoxication.
On the 21st, a different Venezuelan man was blocking cars, interfering with traffic and even jumping up on the hood of a car on Rob Roy Drive. PMRP picked him up, and like the man the previous day, (through an interpreter) he did not know where the party was being held. Police released him. Soon after, police received more calls that the man was disrupting traffic again, so he was picked up and charged with disorderly conduct.
On the 22nd, reports of multiple gunshots and a car crash led police to 2121 Warwick Circle, with the car crash into a tree at the end of Warwick Circle. Reports are that ‘several’ people came to the car, and then fled. Police found the driver and two passengers hurt in the car. All were Venezuelan men. They said they were leaving an Airbnb home and told police that they were shot at. Police found narcotics in the car, evidence of narcotics crimes. Police found four other Venezuelans on foot nearby including a woman who was in the car and fled after the gunshots. All were taken back to the PMRPD HQ to be interviewed. One of the men,
By Seth iSenBerga 26 y/o, became disorderly at the HQ and ended up getting himself arrested.
A search of the 2121 Warwick Circle property found evidence of a large party that had gone on for days. A search warrant was requested for the house and the car. Police are working to identify the shooters, but also state the incident was targeted and the public is not in danger at this time.
5-16 A 56 y/o Baltimore man is out over $35,000 via a scam to buy a 2020 Toyota 4-Runner.
5-14, 6:22 p.m., PMRP responded to an accident on Kirtley Court in Sierra View on Effort Mountain. A child rode a scooter downhill and could not stop at the intersection, then collided with the rear bumper of an SUV at the crossroads. A Med-Evac helicopter was called and took the child to LVH-Cedar Crest for care.
Midnight on 5-13, a westbound tractor-trailer hit a bear near mile marker 277.4 in Kidder Twp. A following Jeep hit the bear as well and was disabled. The tractor has some minor damage. PSP-F came out to the accident scene, along with All Points Towing.
5-12 A 50 y/o Albrightsville man barred from a Hunter Lane, Indian Mountain Lake, Albrightsville property, trespassed. PSP-Fern Ridge was called out and arrested him. He was taken to the Carbon County jail.
5-1, 1:28 p.m., Two vehicles collided on Mountain Road in Albrightsville within Indian Mountain Lake when the driver of a westbound Chevy Equinox drifted across the road and hit an eastbound Subaru, disabling it. No one was hurt. PSP-F arrived and
sorted things out, ticketing the Equinox driver (whose vehicle could be driven away). The Subaru needed a tow.
Fender benders, rearenders including one on Interstate 80 at 12:16 a.m. on 5-13 (vehicle stopped in roadway hit by next vehicle).
Kidder Police were out 221 times in March.
Among the rest of the
report were a variety of noinjury accidents, and a few credit card frauds.
A bridge repair is slated to start on Locust Ridge Road in Pocono Lake on May 27. There will be a detour. Shoulder work and widening will be underway on Route 196 and 423 May
28 to 31. Be alert for crews. Look out for crack sealing crews on nighttime Interstate 80. Paving work is underway again on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Tar and chip work is ongoing on Route 940, 534 and nearby state roads. Slow down on the newly chipped areas as roads are slick with gravel, and pavement markings are covered.