The Penn Forest Township veterans’ monument has arrived and is now in place at the Penn Forest Recreation
Park. The black granite monument, which stands over 36″ tall on its black granite base, features a flag and eagle sketch, and Former supervisor
Judy Knappenberger first proposed the monument in 2021 to the supervisors. She became the committee chair at the end of the year and the project was funded by township supervisors. Next, volunteer Lisa Stefanick made sketches in February of 2022 of a flag, an eagle, and the two together. The flag and eagle were chosen, and a deposit was sent to get the black granite ordered. Knappenberger then wrote the words to be etched onto the monument, and these were vetted after posting online, then approved.
There was a delay in getting the stone, due to COVID, but it finally arrived at Walters’ Monument to be etched, and then was installed at the Penn Forest Park on January 20 on a concrete footer prepared by the township roads and maintenance crew.
The stone stands centered between the two flagpoles at the park. In the future, the monument may be flanked by other markers, and urns to place flowers in.
Dedication of the monument will be in the spring.
Kidder Township’s board of supervisors made quick work of their agenda on January 24. Supervisors voted to accept bids on 54 tax claim properties, most in either Holiday Pocono or Golden Oaks.
Electronic recycling dates were set for April 22 and October 7. Rules and fees will be publicized.
Township solicitor Robert Yurchak reported that the ordinance violator for their Laurel Lane property is slated to appear before Dis -
trict Judge Joseph Homanko on February 10.
Supervisors approved a fireworks permit for Big Boulder Ski Area (Jan. 28), approved placing ads seeking a new engineering firm, and to seek tree trimmers for work this year. Last year no company replied to the tree trimming ad, even after three sets of ads placed.
Lake Harmony Fire Company chief Ralph Lennon reported bringing “a truck load of toys” and nearly $600 in cash for the Ronald McDonSee KIDDER TWP, page 2
BIG CHECKS: Jack Frost/Big Boulder general manager Trent Poole presents checks of $23,618.28 to, at left, Lake Harmony Rescue Squad operations manager Scott Wuttke, and at right, Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Co. chief Ralph Lennon, along with JF/BB’s Kristen O’Neill. The checks are proceeds from the on-line auction of the old chair lifts at the resort, when the lifts were replaced this past summer. Chairs sold from $250 to $425 each, and are now dispersed throughout the area. The same amount went to the Epic Promise Foundation, which supports Vail Resorts employees and their dependents in times of need through emergency financial assistance, as well as for educational grants.
ald House in Philadelphia just before Christmas. He also thanked Vail Resorts for their donation. Bills of $134,942 were approved for payment. $54,624 was for taxes, pensions, insurances and similar; $28,589 pays for trash collection; $31,720 for various operating costs, fees, supplies, dues, office items, fuel for cars and trucks, propane, and winter roads maintenance; and $18,808 towards the fire companies, the vehicles fund, and the LH Rescue Squad. Supervisors meet next on February 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the municipal building in Lake Harmony.
Discussion of the possibility of adding police protection for Penn Forest Township has started with outreach to Kidder Township and Jim Thorpe Borough by supervisors’ chairman Roger Meckes, with meetings expected in the near future. The township currently has no police, relying on coverage from State Police from Lehighton and Fern Ridge (Blakeslee). Supervisors’ vice chairman Christian Bartulovich will be contacting Franklin Township. Resident Dennis Habig offered some statistics opposing the idea of township police, saying that the crime rate is going down. The topic will remain on the agenda as more information comes in.
The township will accept credit card payments once two credit card terminals arrive from Municipay (cost maximum of $700 for the pair). The agreement with Municipay is at no cost to the township, but users will pay 2.65% with a $3 minimum charge.
After a couple of months of work, two quotes finally meet the specs for garage doors for the maintenance building at the transfer station. John Door garage door company of Slatington had the lowest price and was awarded the contract to install three insulated 14′ tall doors, with windows, plus a door opener installed on a fourth door.
Beltzville Lake Estates residents were approved to be exempt from township garbage fees since their association has its own
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arrangements for its members.
Park Recreation board member Jyl Venditti thanked the supervisors for the “excellent” Christmas tree (metal sculpture). A star is planned to be added for next year.
The new salt shed is done at the transfer station, and salt and anti-skid is now in it ready to use, as shown at right. Roadmaster Meckes noted that there wasn’t a lot of activity for the roads crew from winter due to the warm weather and rain.
Code enforcement officer Gregory Loftus conducted 22 inspections of Short-Term Rentals (STRs), responded to 3 complaints, and issued 3 violations for three STRs with no permits (2 of these are getting their paperwork together and from the third there was no reply, so an action into court may be next). Supervisors also raised Loftus’ pay to $22.66 per hour.
Zoning officer Phillip Prout reported 23 zoning permits issued including 5 for ShortTerm Rentals, along with 10 building permits one for a new home.
For the planning commission, William Miller was reappointed to a threeyear term and supervisor James Denier added to the board for a one-year term.
The treasurer’s report
for January shows $2,653,981 in the general fund, $1,572,376 in other accounts, and $5,928,266 in certificates of deposit. December bills of $347,078 from the general fund were approved. The big payment was $182,653 to Dutchman Contracting, their second towards their salt shed work. Other large payments were $30,000 each to the two fire companies’ rolling truck fund, plus $13,750 each to the two fire companies for the regular township contribution; a combined $18,200 for taxes to the federal, state, and local entities for the employees; $18,347 to Barry Isett for engineering services three bills, and zoning services; $11,750 to Underdog Computing for new computers and installation; $8,376 for Blue
Shield insurance; $6,061 to Cargill for road salt; $3,499 for fertilizer for the park; and 27 smaller bills.
In other business, supervisors approved a change in policy so that garbage fees for new construction can be prorated; Richard Beers III was hired as a part-time transfer station employee and an as-needed plow truck driver; Ovel Nebs will be brought on as a part-time transfer station employee and plow driver as long as his position clears posting on the union job board; supervisors rejected building a secure lockbox outside of the township building for paperwork etc. to be left after hours; and the township will look for a used four-wheel drive vehicle via MuniciBid for the code enforcement officer maximum cost of $20,000.
The Martini lot combination in Towamensing Trails was approved providing comments from the engineer’s letter from Nov. 30 are satisfied and all outstanding fees are paid.
Penn Forest Township supervisors will meet next on Monday, February 6, at the township building, beginning at 7 p.m.
Our early January plans were kaput because Ruth and I caught colds. That laid us up had us keeping close to home. We missed the Farm Show, we missed hockey games. I missed a meeting with my surgeon.
Our ailing had us a bit low. To pass the time, I listened to music and watched YouTube videos. Ruth and I read some mysteries mainly British writers like Elly Griffiths and Hilary Mantell, and American Martha Grimes who often writes British mysteries. Among the various YouTube discoveries was a scifi series Andromeda from the early 2000s, and musically, a fantastic Swiss yodeler Melanie Oesch, and her family; plus episodes of All Murders in the Building, Blue Bloods and the new Night Court.
Feeling ourselves again, we made our way into Philadelphia to see a friend mid-month. We drove down the PA Turnpike at 70 mph plus and were passed by many fellow travelers. Taking it up a notch, we were still passed as drivers hit 100 mph on some of the open straightaways. I tried to keep out of their way.
It was an Eagles weekend, and the Schuylkill Expressway was a slow drive filled with Eagles fans. They were rewarded by the Eagles winning that night’s game versus the Giants easily. We sighted lots of buildings sporting Eagles green. One of the bank towers had a message rotating on the top of one of the bank buildings Go Eagles!, then E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES! The boathouses on Boathouse Row had their
LED lighting programmed to Eagles green.
The Philadelphia Eagles’ win over the San Francisco 49ers the next week means a trip to the Super Bowl for them, and a trip to a sporting goods store for us. Most of the sports gear we own is Penguins-related. Neither of us own anything Eagles (I do own a Patriots scarf). I’m game to add Eagles wear, as I’ve been a fan since settling in here, and Ruth has a lot to do with making me that fan which means we need hats and scarfs, and we’ll see what else can be had.
A football p.s. is a congratulations to Penn State football for their impressive win in the Rose Bowl. On another Penn State note, their men’s AND women’s ice hockey teams are ranked nationally…We Are Penn State (at least some of us).
The warmer and less snowy conditions of this winter have encouraged the local geese to stay put.
by Seth Isenberglater, we drove up to the Big Boulder ski area to see the night skiers and families enjoying the tubing slopes there.
It’s kind of too bad for folks who view these birds as winged rats, but there’s still something wonderful about watching and hearing a vee of geese fly away. We made a stop at the Penn Forest Township Park on Sunday afternoon, and while we were walking the dogs, a small vee of geese launched itself overhead, toward nearby
Bear Creek Lake. On that same trip just
I continue to follow the UConn Lady Huskies and am excited about their big game versus the #1 team in the country, South Carolina’s Lady Gamecocks. UConn is short-handed right now, but hopefully will have at least one more team member back for the big game. UConn is ranked number 5 ahead of this matchup. After South Carolina, UConn has tough opponents including a #9 ranked Villanova team as the Big East gets ready for their tournament.
See SIGHTINGS, page 5
Continued from page 4
Our local AHL team enters a challenging stretch where they have to play at a higher level to be seen as a playoff contender. Their recent game versus Bridgeport turned out more fans, and the WBS Penguins turned out a nice win. Here’s hoping that will continue this week and next versus division rivals.
The Bridgeport game featured a series of fundraiser to support local efforts to fight cancer. After the game, Ruth and I participated in a “paint the ice” fundraiser, donating to be able to walk onto the playing surface and paint messages of hope, and remember those in our lives who have passed
away from cancer. We painted three spots and were near to support some other friends as they painted. Each of us also managed to paint our own hands.
Me? I’m getting near my surgery date. My battle with my little rare cancer goes high-tech at UPenn’s HUP, and I’ll be in recovery by the next Journal of Penn-Kidder if all goes to schedule.
On another happy note, we return to Daylight Savings on March 12…restoring our evenings as I recover and get out and about again.
To all, warm wishes during these cold weeks, happy Valentines and Presidents Days, and keep healthy.
Celebrate Book Lovers
Month on February 23 with CCEDC’s Women in Business Committee. This luncheon will be at Palmerton Public Library at 11a.m. and includes a catered lunch by Jokers are Wild Cafe, plus a wonderful program.
Local author Judith W. Umlas has penned a personal memoir. This featured speaker is familiar to the Women in Business Committee. She has composed the titles Grateful Leadership, and The Power of Acknowledgement. Judith now gets personal with a memoir told through letters. Soulmates & Strangers allows Judith the opportunity to meet her mother, Sylvia, as a young girl of 15 from the Bronx through letters to her French penpal Claudia of Lyon, France. This is a true account of a 70-year-old friendship that lasts through their youth, times of war, and adulthood. This book touches the heart of every daughter.
During this luncheon you will hear Judith read an excerpt from Soulmates &
Strangers, and discuss the world of publishing, and self-publishing. Soulmates and Strangers retails for $19.95, however a special event price of $15.95 can be added directly to your luncheon ticket and shipped directly to you.
To purchase your luncheon ticket and book contact Marianne Rustad at the CCEDC office. Call 484-9439669 or email marianner@ carboncountychamber.org. You can also register online at https://tinyurl.com/WIBbooklovers
It was a slumber party like no other at the Penn Kidder Library. Children brought their favorite stuffed animal to leave at the library for an overnight stay. Throughout the night pictures of the stuffed animals were taken as they played and got into some shenanigans. Families could check social media to see what their favorite friends were doing all night. They had fun drinking Capri Sun and snacking on devil dogs and pop tarts. The critters even helped with a library community art project.
Kara Edmonds, Library Director, noted a former staff member came up with the idea. They had a sleepover at Dimmick Library recently after a 7 year old patron requested the sleepover again, which had not been done since the pandemic. Edmonds notes, “Kids love the idea of animals coming to life. They get to flex their imagination and write their own stories.” Books such as Paddington Bear and The Velveteen Rabbit use this idea, as well as the beloved movie Toy Story.
lifetime connection.”
After a nap, the stuffed animals got into a bit of mischief using the copier to make prints of their body
parts. When they were returned to their owners all of the animals enjoyed telling the stories of the fun they had throughout the night at
the library.
Penn Kidder library has a few other exciting things happening. They will be offering 4 hotspots that will be available for check out. This will allow those without internet access to “borrow” Wi-Fi for up to a week, with renewal available for an additional week. Library patrons can go into the library to sign out the hot spot.
Also new at the library, museum passes will be available to check out. Free passes to the America On Wheels Museum, Bucks County Children’s Museum (New Hope), the Lehigh
Valley Heritage Museum and Pearl S. Buck House (Perkasie), and Reading Museum will be available. There is a maximum of 4 passes per patron.
Edmonds wants children to “think of the library as a fun place to be and build a
Alvernia University
Abigail McGinley of Jim Thorpe, Occupational Therapy major ; Rhiannon Brady of Jim Thorpe, Health Care Science & Physical Therapy major
Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg
Devon Bourke, a Bus Admin Info Tech Anl BSBA major, of Jim Thorpe; Kristopher Duffy, a Computer Science BS major, of Jim Thorpe; Lauren Gimbor, a Criminal Justice BA major, of Jim Thorpe; John McCabe, an
Accounting BSBA major, of Jim Thorpe; Amanda
Melber, a Spec Ed (PK-12)/E
Child (PK-4) major, of Jim Thorpe; William Munson, an Exercise Science BS major, of Albrightsvlle; Kristen Scott, a Spec Ed (PK-12)/E
Child (PK-4) major, of Jim Thorpe; Thomas Smith, a Criminal Justice BA major, of Albrightsville; Chloie Zeppenfelt, a English BA major, of Jim Thorpe.
Commonwealth University-Lock Haven
Christy McLean, of Jim Thorpe
Jasmine Aue of Jim Thorpe, Lynzi Binder of Albrightsville, Jessica Brazezicke of Albrightsville, Elizabeth Edwards of Albrightsville, Siobhan Kleintop of Albrightsville, Joseph Kwietniak of Albrightsville, Jada Mahmde of Albrightsville, Erin McArdle of Jim Thorpe, Paige Pfeifer of Jim Thorpe, Rylee Rockwell of Albrightsville, Noah Snisky of Jim Thorpe, Ashley Truman of Albrightsville
Kutztown University
Corbin Frisvold of Jim Thorpe, Leila Grace Hurley of Jim Thorpe, Thomas
Bernard Monboussin of Albrightsville, Mackenzie T. Rosenberger of Jim Thorpe, Zachary M Searfoss of Jim Thorpe, Jeffrey Colin Tews of Albrightsville
Community College
Albrightsville: Kalena
Ayala, Gabrielle Davis, Kaitlin Diaz, Sarah
Gallagher, Julia Green, Richard Guerra, Khamaria
Harris, Aaron Marouchoc, Paul Rutledge IV, Jillian
Schick, Jessica Taylor and Aurora Vanauken.
Jim Thorpe: Lawrence
Baldassano II, Lauren Bos, Kelsy Bowman, Jennifer
Boyd, Nicole Carroll, Bryan
Carter, Katrin Cavanaugh, Gabrielle Cinicola, Nikolas
Cinicola, Olivia Dages, Breanna Eckley, Leah Figura, Ada Finsel, Carlie Garner, Benjamin Goldberg, Jessica Haber, Sarah Hartman, Andi Hoherchak, Devon Hughes, Mia Hydro, Augustine
Johnson, Carly Kuzan, Mason Lazorick, Lauren
Lekites, Lexi Lilly, Tanner
Lux, Sydney McArdle, Tiernan McCartney, Brendan McDermott, Hunter
Michaud, Trevor Napoli, Ylana Nieves, Kelli Ohl, Olivia Peterson. Zak Pompa, Mikaylah Pruitte, Jordan Remmel, Dani Rimsky, Megan Rosahac, Andrew Rusbarsky, Stephanie Sehenuk, Allie Skrimcovsky, Jacob Smith, Daphne Soltis, Richard Strack, Michael Strika, Rosalynn Strohl, Brianna Swinkowski, James Taddei, Sofia Testa, Ella Thierer, Ava Trine, Kaylinn Trine and Michael Wright. Lake Harmony: Andrew Bosi.
Tyler Hartman of Jim Thorpe; Kate Spillman of Jim Thorpe
Seth Paluck of Jim Thorpe, Sarah Rosenberger of Albrightsville
Andrea A. Navarro of Albrightsville, a junior accounting major in the University’s Kania School of Management.
Shannon Swift of Albrightsvlle, a Class of 2025 Nursing major
HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock
Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Company #1
January 4- PFTVFC#1 dispatched to a single vehicle crash with injuries on Mountain View Drive. Stabilized vehicle, Lehighton Ambulance crew treated and transported driver. PFTVFC#2 also dispatched.
December 31- PFTVFC#1 dispatched to a home on Kilmer Trail for an automatic fire alarm sounding. Recalled by PFTVFC#2 … it was a culinary mishap.
December 26- PFTVFC#1 dispatched to a home on Bear Lane for an assist regarding a possible animal in the chimney. On arrival, put a ladder up on the roof and checked the chimney pipe no animal found.
PFTVFC#1 has openings for Firefighters, Fire Support, Fire Police, Auxiliary support. E-mail us for additional information at pennfor@ptd.net or visit us at the fire house on Route 903 Monday nights at 7 p.m. All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast every second Sunday in Whispering Pines banquet hall 8 a.m. to noon.
Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Company #2
January 19 - Engine
2210, Rescue 2255, Command 2277, and Tanker 2233 responded to a working vehicle fire on Meckesville Road. Volunteers arrived to find a well involved vehicle and kept the fire to the passenger compartment.
January 18 - Engine
2210 and Tanker 2233 responded to a dwelling fire on Big Pine Drive,
Holiday Pocono, Kidder Township. Engine 2210 arrived first and confirmed no active fire and checked for extension. Lake Harmony, Albrightsville, Monroe Station 34 RIT, and Lake Harmony Rescue Squad EMS also responded.
January 15 - Engine 2210 responded to a carbon monoxide incident on Piute Trail, Mt. Pocahontas.
PFVFC#1 and Lehighton ALS also responded.
Medical Assist Starts off 2023 January 1 - Rescue 2255, Engine 2210, and Command 2277 assisted Lehighton ALS on Long Brook Way, Indian Mountain Lakes.
2022 year in summary for PFTVFC#2:
225 Calls for Service, 192 of those in Penn Forest Township, and 33 Mutual Aid Calls into the Townships of Chestnuthill, Kidder, and Polk, and the Borough of Palmerton. There were 19 Working Fire Responses, 3 MVAs w/Entrapment. Other incidents include alarm responses, brush fires, EMS assists, Fire Police…
Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company
December 17 - UTV 1676 was specially requested by the North Pole to assist Santa Claus and help him make his grand appearance in Holiday Pocono.
AVFC responded to 34 calls in December. Most mutual aid with Lake Harmony, and QRS Medical Assists. Individual incident reports unavailable.
Bingo Saturdays 6 to 11 p.m.
1st Sunday of the month –All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast from 7:30 to noon. Members needed – Please join today.
Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) took the oath of office Tuesday to begin his latest term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
“The coming legislative session is sure to present challenges and opportunities, as we navigate through divided control between Democrats and Republicans in the House. My priority is to always do my best to represent the shared values of the residents of Carbon County, and I humbly thank the voters for their support and confidence in me,” Heffley said.
Heffley has been appointed by House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler to serve as Republican chairman of the
Human Services Committee.
“It’s an honor to be named the Republican Chairman of the Human Service Committee,” said Heffley, who has served as a member of the House Human Services Committee throughout his tenure as a state legislator. “As a long-standing member of this committee, I know firsthand the good work we can do, from overseeing the opioid task force addressing the overprescribing of medications, and ensuring our vulnerable populations have access to needed services and treatments. I will be vigilant in making sure and our tax dollars will be spent wisely and eliminating the fraud that can occur.”
The House Human Services Committee has oversight of issues within the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Among the issues it has dealt with include legislation to address the heroin and opioid overdose crisis by trying to prevent these powerful drugs from getting into the
wrong hands. The committee will continue to convene hearings regarding the delivery of human services throughout the Commonwealth and the challenges faced by individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, along with those needing mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment.
Recorder of Deeds Donna Gentile is seeking a second term. Gentile, a Republican and lifelong Carbon County
resident, took office as Recorder of Deeds in 2020.
Gentile since day one has had a hands-on approach to the position, working side by side with her staff, recording, indexing, verifying and scanning along with her financial and administrative duties.
Over the past several years, Gentile has implemented some much-needed technology upgrades to the Recorder of Deeds office. Some of the upgrades include the introduction of E-Recording. She is also in the process of digitizing old deed books and microfiche files, and converting the permanent archive files to the new state approved PDF/A format.
More recently Gentile implemented a new Veteran’s Program. She and her staff have been serving the Veterans by attending local Senior Expos and Veterans Fairs, recording Veterans DD214s(military discharge papers).
Gentile humbly asks for your vote and looks forward to the completion of these and future projects as she continues to serve the constituents of Carbon County.
Applications are open for this year’s Camp Cadet program, to be held July 23 to 28 at Marywood University. This is a free leadership/ law enforcement overnight camp for kids ages 13 to 15. Visit www. trooprcampcadet.org to learn more and apply online. Deadline to apply is March 17.
12-30, Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) assisted the Moscow Idaho Police Department, Idaho State Police, and the FBI in the apprehension of a suspect in the homicides of four University of Idaho students that occurred Nov. 13. Bryan C. Kohberger, 28, was arrested on a fugitive from justice warrant early morning on Dec. 30 by members of Troop N, PSPFern Ridge and the Special Emergency Response Team at a home in Indian Mountain Lakes. Kohberger
was arraigned before on-call District Judge Michael Muth and remanded to Monroe County Jail, then was extradited to Idaho.
1-14, 10:26 p.m., Pocono Mountain Regional Police was called to a home on fire on Wilson Court, Coolbaugh Twp. Responding firefighters from the Coolbaugh Volunteer Fire Company sent a team inside, found a man lying on the floor, and took him outside he was pronounced dead by a Monroe County Coroner. The State Police Fire Marshall for this area is investigating the fire. An autopsy is being performed.
1-17 just before 10 a.m., PMRP was dispatched to a fight off Route 940 in Mount Pocono, near the McDonald’s where a man was wielding a machete and making threats to kill people from another car. Police learned the fight started as a road rage incident where the man got out of his vehicle
Seth Isenbergand made these threats, and then left. Police were able to identify the man as a 31 y/o from Stillwater Lakes, Pocono Summit. Police went to his home and confiscated the machete. Charges of terroristic threats, disorderly conduct, harassment, and simple assault are filed. There was another road rage incident on 1-5 on Route 115 at Gilbert Road where two men first exchanged ‘finger gestures’ just after 4:30 p.m. then pulled over and started a full and foul argument (in front of the children of one of the men) which included the aggressor leaning into the open window of the driver with children’s car. The 52 y/o aggressor was identified by PSP as being from Effort. Police located him and have charged him with disorderly conduct.
Just before 5 p.m. on 1-7, two men, ages 62 and 69, got into an altercation at a Route 903, Albrightsville property
where the younger of the two hit the older one with a plastic snow shovel. PSP-F cited the assailant with a charge of harassment.
PSP-F conducted an investigation after a ChildLine tip and found no signs of neglect. Another ChildLine tip, of a different child, resulted in charges from an incident on 12-18 where a teenager was choked and hit during an argument.
12-17, PSP-F was called to a Wild Creek Drive, Penn Forest Streams, Penn Forest Twp. home to investigate the death of an 85 y/o man. The investigation is ongoing.
Keeping the Rubber Side down
A 17 y/o local driver destroyed his ’09 Audi A4 by rear-ending a stopped Nissan X-Terra on Route 209 near Pleasant Valley HS at speed at 7:25 a.m. on 12-7. He was ticketed for the
crash and driving on balding tires. On a similar note, a 49 y/o Kunkletown driver rearended the car of an 18 y/o student on Route 209 near PVHS at 7:14 a.m. on 12-2.
An Albrightsville 31 y/o put her GMC Envoy into a utility pole when driving on snowy Route 534 on 12-11. She was not hurt. Her SUV was towed.
A 22 y/o Albrightsville woman driving Route 534 on 1-11 on a foggy morning, driving on slushy roads, lost control of her Ford Fusion and drove through a utility pole before coming to a stop. She was taken to St. Luke’sCarbon by Lehighton EMS having been injured when the airbag went off.
At 5:45 a.m. on 12-13, a deer ran out onto Route 115 and bounced off a Ford driven by a Bear Creek man. An oncoming Toyota then hit the deer that was in the road.
See POLICE BEAT, page 11
Continued from page 10
The deer carcass came to rest on the northbound shoulder, PSP-F.
A 38 y/o Texan put his 2021 Mercedes Sprinter van
rubber side up off Interstate 80 east in Kidder Twp. after losing control of it just before noon on 12-15. No one was hurt.
Just after 9 a.m. on 12-17, an eastbound on Interstate 80 ’13 Hyundai Elantra hit a patch of ice and went sideways to T-bone a ’22 Tesla that was in the wrong
place at the wrong time as the cars drove through Kidder Twp. The Hyundai had fender damage and was driven away, the Tesla needed a tow. Snow on the road was partially to blame for a three-vehicle fender-bender on Route 115 in Effort at the Effort-Neola Road at 10:30
a.m. on 12-22. No one was hurt.
1-5, 5 a.m., a 64 y/o Saylorsburg driver driving Route 115 in Effort lost control of her Ford Escape and drove off the road, through a fence and into a car parked in the lot of service center pushing that car into the next car, and the next car into a fourth. Her vehicle was disabled, but she was unhurt.
Two drivers are dead after their cars came together at high speed on Interstate 80 in Tunkhannock Twp. at 12:30 a.m. on 1-16. PSP reports that both cars were speeding when one car left its lane and hit the other. The crash caused both vehicles to leave the road and roll over. Neither driver was wearing a seatbelt and both were ejected.
1-24 just before 4 p.m., an Amazon van collided with the SUV of a local in Towamensing Trails, Albrightsville. Fender damage to the SUV was the result. Amazon driver sent along with a ticket from PSP for failing to yield right of way.
The reports these weeks had a variety of cars losing control and driving off into a tree or two. No one hurt, but a lot of damaged metal and scattered auto parts and pieces.
Stealin’ 12-18, an Albrightsville 23 y/o is charged with theft for putting household trash in a business’ dumpster in Chestnuthill.
12-20, an 80 y/o Albrightsville man was stolen from by a thief that duplicated his personal checks, then forged his signature on checks totalling $8,210. PSP is investigating.
1-6, a 57 y/o Effort woman was caught trying to steal a microwave oven from Kinsley’s in Brodheadsville.
1-10, a 40 y/o Albrightsville woman reported a scam, which started with an e-mail claiming to be from PayPal about a pending $1,399.99 withdrawal from her account. She then called a person via a number on the e-mail, and spoke to a person who posed as a PayPal representative. At this point, she gave them remote access to her husband’s laptop… later calling PSP-F. There are several reports of identity theft, and one of a known person stealing money from someone in order to gamble online.
Crack sealing and pothole patching will continue as weather permits. Crews are doing some tree cutting as some fall or are about to fall on the roadways. A brushcutting team is also in our area.
Keep alert for winter conditions. Please limit your speed when there is snow and ice.
Use www.511PA.com to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.
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For anyone who has thought about serving on a school board, borough council or township board of supervisors, Penn State Extension will offer a webinar,
titled “Toss Your Hat in the Ring.”
The webinar will take place four times: 2-3:30 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6; 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7;
Therese M. Christian, 68, of Albrightsville, passed away on Friday, January 13, 2023 at home.
She was the beloved partner of Stephen Clegg.
Born in Philadelphia, she was the loving daughter of the late Andrew Condron and the late Mary (Trottman) Condron.
In addition to her partner Stephen, she is survived by her children, Gerid Christian (Christa), Thomas Christian, Katrina Daggett (Christopher), Michael Christian (Erin), Andrew Clegg (Jennifer); three grandchildren, Cooper Daggett, Lucy Daggett, Sawyer Clegg; her siblings, John Condron (Donna), Mary Rollo (Joseph),
Christine Braun (Mark), Fred Condron (Dana), Cecilia Fox-O’Rourke (Dennis); as well as numerous extended family. Along with her parents, she was predeceased by her dear son, Joseph, and her siblings, Andrew Condron, Mark Condron, Marion DiGregorio, and Joseph Condron (Mary). No services are scheduled at this time. Cremation will take place in H.G. Smith Crematory, Stroudsburg. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Alzheimer’s Association at www.alz.org
The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, is in charge of the arrangements. www.kresgefuneralhome. com
and 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9.
The event is designed for anyone interested in becoming a local elected official or learning more about the responsibilities of local officials, such as township supervisors, borough council members and school directors.
The session will feature:
— An overview of elected and appointed offices in Pennsylvania local government.
— The nuts and bolts of running for office, such as filing a petition, reporting campaign expenses and other requirements.
— Discussion from local officials about their experiences running for and serving in local office.
The webinar will not offer campaign tips or strategies, organizers noted. Rather, the session is aimed at helping attendees understand the roles, responsibilities and personal rewards that come with public service.
“The people who run our
local governments are our friends and neighbors — people just like us,” said Peter Wulfhorst, economic and community development extension educator.
“While having experience in community leadership helps, you don’t need special training or specific experience to serve your township, borough or school district,” he added. “If you’re interested in serving, care about your community and are willing to learn on the job, we offer you this opportunity to learn more before you toss your hat in the ring.”
The registration fee for the webinar is $25. Registration deadlines vary by session.
Details and registration information is available on the Penn State Extension website at https://extension.psu. edu/toss-your-hat-in-thering or by contacting Wulfhorst at 570-296-3400 or by email at ptw3@psu.edu.
Carbon County Sheriff Daniel G. Zeigler, a former resident of Lake Harmony who is currently fulfilling the unexpired term of retired Sheriff Anthony Harvilla, has announced he will seek election to a full four-year term of office in 2023. He will seek the Republican nomination in the May 16 Primary Election.
Zeigler, who was sworn-in on Jan. 10 by Judge Joseph J. Matika, said, “It has been my pleasure to serve the residents of Carbon County for the last 11 months. I hope to build on the positive momentum and many accomplishments we have achieved. I will continue to focus on improving safety, efficiency and effectiveness in the Sheriff’s Office and will do everything possible to increase safety in our communities to create a better future for our children.” Zeigler currently
chairs the county Security Committee and sits as a member of the Prison Board, as well as multiple other committees.
A Franklin Township resident, formerly of Lansford, Zeigler is a 1993 graduate of Panther Valley High School who attained a bachelor’s degree in the Administration of Justice from Penn State University and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Devry University.
He began his employ with the county in 2020 when Harvilla appointed him to the
captain’s position, and was promoted a few months later as the sheriff’s chief deputy. Prior to that, he worked for the Northampton County Sheriff’s Office for six years and was the Deputy Commissioner of Social Services in Yates County, NY as well as the Director of Residential and Community-Based services for Glove House, Inc. located in Elmira, NY.
“I feel I am uniquely qualified for this position,” Zeigler said. “In addition, the experience I gained as the sheriff, I have 24 years of
experience in the Criminal Justice Field which, I believe, has prepared me to continue to serve the residents of Carbon County with integrity and honor.”
Zeigler is the son of the late Atty. Daniel F. Zeigler, a former longtime member of the Carbon County Bar Association, former Solicitor and Domestic Relations Master.
More information on Zeigler’s candidacy can be obtained at his Facebook page, Daniel G. Zeigler for Carbon County Sheriff.
Kidder Township
Chrisanne Haley to Lesia M. Byrwa, Pitman, New Jersey, property at 95 Telemark, Lot 169, Lake Harmony, $1.
on Rt. 940, White Haven, $215,000.
Joseph Madden to Susan Lanshe, Richboro, property at 14 Finch Grove, Lake Harmony, $1.
Thomas M. Pavlick to Thomas M. Pavlick Jr., Allentown, property on Oakland Drive, Holiday Poconos, Albrightsville, $1.
Michael H. Kelly Jr. to Joseph Battavio, West Chester, property at 29 Midlake Drive, Unit 102, Lake Harmony, $353,500. Triple G Properties, LLC, to Greg Doyle, Yardey, property at 5 Midlake Drive, Unit 302, Lake Harmony, $420,000.
Edward L. Reilley III to Edward L. Reilley Jr., Gilbertsville, property at 175 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $1. Marcos Alvarez to Lisa Nicole Quaglia, P.O. Box 1505, Albrightsville, property at 120 Timberline Drive, Albrightsville, $249,000.
Raphael Musto to Debra L. Erling, Pittstown, New Jersey, property at Midlake Drive, Lake Harmony, $325,500.’
$15 Two-Day Ticket
Charles G. Scala IV to Charles G, Scala IV, Fort Salonga, New York, property at 395 N. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1. Allison K. Danora to Kevin NM. Kramer, 20 Woodland Road, Albrightsville, property at 20 Woodland Road, $1.
Sara T. Wasson to JV Full House Full Hearts, LLC, Haddon Heights, New Jersey, property on Crest Drive, Split Rock in the Poconos, $399,000.
George C. Greatrex Jr. to Juliette Charlene Scheiring, Yardley, property at 15 Pone Knoll Drive, Lake Harmony, $450,000.
Roberto Marini to Roberto Marini, Langhorne, Lot H-17, Wolf Hollow Road, $1.
Kurt D. Graff to Sill Real Estate Investments, LLC, Downingtown, property at 7 Park Lane, Lake Harmony, $325,000.
Jean E. Drabick to Jean E. Drabeck, Doylestown, property at 44 Linden Drive, Albrightsville, $1.
David E. Stein to Philip Basile, Jackson, New Jersey, Building Site 23, Inn at Big
Boulder, $318,000.
Andrew Sigman to Karl Cooper, Frederick, Maryland, Lot 410, Block 400, Section C, Holiday Poconos, $12,000.
Henry Umansky to TD Partners, LLC, Malvern, property on Laurelwoods Drive, $290,000.
Brian Myers to Jeancarlo Casasola, Philadelphia, property at 159 Tanglewood Drive, Albrightsville, $6,000.
Lydia A. Heise to James J. Hannigan, Chalfont, property at 7 Hickory Road, Lake Harmony, $215,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Cara & Associates, LLC, Philadelphia, property at 6-8 Pinchot Trail, $168,096. Ryan Grogan to Boonyaporn, Wenonah, New Jersey, property at 119 Southwoods Drive, Blakeslee, $175,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Louise R. Rossanese, Philadelphia, property at Deer Trail and Tarantino Drive, Pocono Mountain Lake, $9,064.
TMC Management Corporation to Ellwood C. Zimmerman, 319 Golden Oaks Drive, White Haven, property at 319 Golden Oaks Drive, $367,995.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Jeffrey L. Sprenkel Jr., Maple Shade, New Jersey, property on Timberline Drive, Holiday Poconos, $9,270.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ara Affordable Housing, Mount Pocono, property on Mills Drive, Holiday Poconos, $32,960.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Deborah Christian, 191 Elmwood Drive, Box MMM12, Albrightsville, two transactions, properties on West Fawn Grove, Holiday Poconos, $8,858 each.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to James V. Conley, 165 Tanglewood Drive, P.O. Box 1834, Albrightsville, property on Tanglewood Drive, Holiday Poconos, $8,858.
DLS Rentals, LLC, to Alton Hyman, 29 Midlake Drive, No. 301E, Lake Harmony, property at 29 Midlake Drive, No. 301E, $437,000.
David Figura to David Figura, 210 Piney Woods Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at South Lake Drive and Alder Lane, $1. Patrick McDonald to Brittney Johnson, Philadelphia, property at 17 Wood St., Lake Harmony, $450,000.
18 New Birch Street Holdings, LLC, to Patrick John Hanahan, Glen Mills, property at 18 New Birch St., $439,000.
Richard Shevock to Richard J. Shevock, 40 Stony Brook Drive, P.O. Box 588, Albrightsville, Lot 1009, Block 1000, Section A, Holiday Poconos, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ralph Rinello, P.O. Box 669, Albrightsville, two transactions, property on Stony Brook Drive, Holiday Poconos, $716, and Lot 17, Section B, Hemlock Forest, $851.
Jay D. Goldberg to Errol Seltzer, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, property at 117 Blue Heron, $420,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Dwell Investments, Inc., Prospect park, property on Tamarack Trail, Holiday Poconos, $1,854.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Daniel Hughes, 15 Holiday Drive, P.O. Box 744, Albrightsville, property at Holiday and Big Pine drives, Holiday Poconos, $9,064.
Miriam Wealer to Candace G. McCoy, Coatesville, property at 208 Birch St., Lake Harmony, $1.
Mary Ellen Arndt to Kevin Sowti, Newtown Square, property at 44 Luther Lane, Albrightsville, $130,000.
Douglas Howard to Carolyn Rose Hanser, P.O. Box 769, Lake Harmony, property at 18 Fern St., Lake Harmony, $298,000.
Thomas S. O’Brien to Valor Clinic Foundation, P.O. Box 315, Brodheadsville, property at A-3 Meckes Lane, $125,000.
Svetlana Ostapenko to Zulfiqar Srif, Horsham, two transactions, property on Wolf Hollow Road and Lot 21, Section H, Split Rock, $110,000 each.
Jason Lavala to Thomas G. Chapman, Collegeville, property at 809 Timberline See TRANSFERS, page 16
Continued from page 15
Drive, Lake Harmony, $590,000.
Robert Sabol to Anil Rana, Chester, New Jersey, property at 20 Wood St., Lake Harmony, $570,000.
Nicholas Spinelli to Patrick Boyle, Havertown, property at 41 Chestnut Road, Lake Harmony, $640,000.
Florence Z. Costello to Sean Banfil, Sparrows Point, Maryland, property at 26 Laurelwoods Drive, Lake Harmony, $340,000.
5 Rockspring Bl, LLC, to Margaret Ann Santi, Lone Tree, Colorado, parcel No. 19E-21-A510, $575,000.
Daniel A. Brown to Keith Edmund Gibson, Downingtown, property at 47 Midlake Drive, Unit 301, Lake Harmony, $435,000. Stabilis Split Rock JV, LLC, to Split Rock Investments, LLC, 428 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, Willowbrook, Lake Harmony, $17,180,170.12.
Penn Forest Township
Choice Rentals and Property Management, LLC, to Joseph A. Dolzonek, 23 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, Lot 518, Section A, Indian Mountain Lakes, $16,000.
Tara Baker to Tioufika Rahman, East Elmhurst, New York, property at 11 Colville Trail, Albrightsville, $325,000.
Mia Leyba to Mia Desiree Leyba, 116 Sycamore Circle, Albrightsville, lots 609 and 610, Section K-II, Indian Mountain Lakes, $1.
Christopher Mazzella to Vishnu Kashidas, 87 Yellow Run Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 7 Yellow Run Road, $170,000.
Brian Cohen to David A, Batty, Phoenixville, property at 54 Stephen Way, Albrightsville, $492,500.
Betsy Rasmussen to Lori Marshall, 15 N. Shore Drive, Albrightsville, property at 15 N. Shore Drive, $280,000.
Daniel R. Lannetti to Margaret Scott, 138 Drake Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 138 Drake Drive, $210,000.
Carbon Lehigh Holding Corporation to Lisa Murray, 53 Wintergreen Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 92 Wintergreen Lane, $14,000.
James R. Cooper to William Gerard Lutz, Pocono Lake, property at 53 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $142,000.
Yan Yuan to Jeffrey G. North, Caldwell, New Jersey, property at 84 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $318,000.
Slade Sizemore to Jonathan Joel Rodriguez, New Castle, Delaware, Lot 2511, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $5,000.
Dan C. Murariu to Jessica Rodriguez, 21 Powhatan Trail, Albrightsville, property at 21 Powhatan Trail, $210,000.
Betsy Rasmussen to Betsy Rasmussen, Littleton, Massachusetts, property at 144 N. Shore Drive, Albrightsville, $1.
Shirley A. Cherb to Shirley A. Cherb, 435 Center Ave., Jim Thorpe, parcels No. 67-51-A8 AND 67-51-A9.01, $1.
Rosemarie Johnston to Steven Serpi, Toms River, New Jersey, Lot 163, Valley View Estates, $24,000.
Robert R. Williams to Emelie Meinhart, 26 Chapman Circle, P.O. Box 2040, Albrightsville, property at 26 Chapman Circle, $301,000.
Jemmy J. Kan to James P. Grant, 290 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, Lot 1509, Sec-
tion III, Towamensing Trails, $2,500. Federal Facilities Management and Maintenance, LLC, to Belmont Home Solutions, LLC, Plymouth Meeting, property on Ute Trail, $6,800.
Kevin M. Turner to Giovanny Morales, 32 Bear Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 32 Bear Lane, $221,000.
Taga Properties, LLC, to Brittany Marie Burke, Yorktown Heights, New York, property at 30 Teddyuscung Trail, Albrightsville, $507,000.
Lila M. Hillard to Timathan Real Estate Holdings, LLC, 1538 Grand View Drive, Saylorsburg, Lot 2006, Section 4, Mt, Pocahontas, $2,000.
Conor Rodgers to Roland Ismailanji, Huntingdon Valley, Lot 536, Section 5, Mt. Pocahontas, $1.
Wendi E. Schreiber to Robert Neal Kirk Jr., 64 Rhododendron Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 64 Rhododendron Road, $224,000.
Land Trustings, LLC, to Gary Powell, Bronx, New York, Lot 2305, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $6,500.
Thomas F. Larney to Thomas P. Larney, 931 Indian Hill Road, Lehighton, Lot 172, Willow Drive, $1.
Dawn Fiaschetti to CMH Homes, Incl, Maryville, Tennessee, Towamensing Trails Lot 294, Section 1, $3,900.
Michael Zartarian to Brooke B. Eastep, 143 Autumn Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 145 Autumn Lane, $235,000.
Gloria E. Sanders to JMF Pride Co., LLC, Northampton, property at 1328 Pueblo Trail, Albrightsville, $5,000.
Luis A. Attoyo to Roman Rikhterman, Brooklyn, New York, property at 6 Scott Lane, Albrightsville, $230,750.
Herbert T. Cullen Jr. to Peter Zavitsanos, Ambler, property at 53 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $132,000.
Robert H. Keeler to Kenneth P. McCartney Jr., Schnecksville, Lot 106, Section A, Pleasant Valley West, $7,700.
Your Dream Home, LC, to Juan Sanabria, 87 MacCauley Road, P.O. Box 2044, Albrightsville, property at 87 MacCauley Road, $237,750.
Sheriff of Carbon County to U.S Bank, N.., Scottsdale, Arizona, property at 46 Jordan Road, a/k/a 6 Jordan Road, Albrightsville, $3,929.31.
Maria Schwartz to 4 U Homes, LLC, 825 Lake Drive, Lehighton, property at 5 Robertson Road, $15,000.
Gregory F. Luce to Travis John Fitzpatrick, Coeur D’Akebe, Idaho, property at 61 Lindsay Mews, Albrightsville, $383,050.
Rebecca L. Mendez to Amber Marie Mendez, 251 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 251 Mountain Road, $110,000.
James J. Lynch to James J. Lynch, 7 Walnut Lane, Albrightsville, property at 7 Walnut Lane, $1.
Roger W. Rinfret to Patrick Francis, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, property at 1739 S. Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $150,000.
Pamela Schmidt to Sylwester Olekszyn, Brooklyn, New York, property at 94 Wintergreen Trail, Albrightsville, $62,000.
Claire C. Cummings to Dennis Cummings, Hatboro, property at 10 Penobscot Trail, Albrightsville, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Robert S. Russell, 220 Longfellow Circle, P.O. Box 469, Albrightsville, property on Lindsey Mews, Towamensing Trails, $6,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Yesenia V. Reyes Abrev, West Haverstraw,
New York, property at 49 Buck Hill Road, Indian Mountain Lakes, $8,446.
Willie W. Lu to Andrei Gorelik, Manalaban, New Jersey, property at 214 Bishop Circle, Albrightsville, $530,000.
Barbara Dilisio to Diana Votteler, North Bergen, New Jersey, property at 11 Milton Way, Albrightsville, $327,000.
Mary E. Haldeman to KT Homes & Properties, LLC, 1279 Londsey lane, Effort, Lot 2027, Section 4, Mt. Pocahontas, $3,800.
Carbon Lehigh Holding Corporation to Satsay Thongvichith, Middletown, New Jersey, lots 175 and 176, Sunrise Ridge, $20,800.
Lydia Hess to John Mitchell, Philadelphia, property at 68 Johnson lane, Albrightsville, $310,000.
Gary A. O’Donnell to Jacek Wasielak, Bensalem, Lot 102, Mountain View Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $40,000.
James N. Caputo to George Jimenez, Bronx, New York, Lot 910, Section K-III, Indian Mountain Lakes, $8,000.
Angelina Mangino to Phillip V. Monahan, Levittown, Lot V1628, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $220,000.
C.A.W.L. Properties, LLC, to Corynne Bailey, P.O. Box 358, Albrightsville, Lot V1659, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $4,000.
Richard Kenneth Edwards to Raymond Polikaitis, 131 Gower Road, Albrightsville, property at 131 Gower Road, $359,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Mohte Berli, Inc., Allentown, property at Piute Trail and Sitting Wolf Lane, Mt. Pocahontas, $7,828.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Paul J. Berry, Philadelphia, property on Andrew Drive, John Wargo Subdivision, $8,240.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Eric Francisco Ortiz, 1162 Riverview Drive, Walnutport, property on Bear Creek Drive, Bear Creek Dairy, $17,098.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Karina Broes, Randolph, New Jersey, property t 16 Oneida Trail, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,240.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to John Haik, Whitehall, property at 14 Cedar Lane, Indian Mountain Lakes, $159,032.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Mohte Berli, Inc., Allentown, two transactions, property on State Rt. 534, Mt. Pocahontas, $9,270, and property on Arapahoe Road, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,240.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Dwell Investments, Inc., Prospect Park, three transactions, two properties in Balsam Drive, Hickory Run Forest, $9,270 each, and property at Behrens and Church roads, $20,806.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to AARC Properties, LLC, Philadelphia, two transactions, property at 308 Foothill Road, Indian Mountain Lakes, $8,240, and property on Lazarus Circle, Towamensing Trails, $7,622.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Nathan Humphrey, York, property on Cayuga Drive, Pleasant Valley West, $17,992.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Jason Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, three transactions, two properties on Old Stage Road, Mt. Pocahontas, $7,210 each, and property on Parker Mews, Towamensing Tails, $8,240.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Lee D. Kaplin, Philadelphia, property at Towamensing Trail and Guest Circle, Towamensing Trails, $7,622. 85 Bishop Circle, LLC, to Elizabeth
D’antonio, Devon, property at 85 Bishop Circle, Albrightsville, $325,000.
Barry Wargula to Shawn Lopresto, Largo, Florida, lots 1317 and 1319, Section G, Behrens Subdivision, $45,000.
Paul Wheeler to Michael D. Gilliar, 1787 State t. 903, Jim Thorpe, Pleasant Valley West Lot 266, $25,000.
Peggy Sue Cope to Derrek Alexander Koch, 4445 Forest St., Lehighton, property at 4445 Forest St., $255,000.
Darya Kasyanov to Aleksandr Slepak, Brooklyn, New York, property at 20 Sassafras Road, Albrightsville, $280,000.
Land Trustings, LLC, to Ralph Jefferson, Brooklyn, New York, property at 1691 Powhatan Trail, Mt. Pocahontas, $15,000.
Patricia A. Zielinski to Calabree Building Contractors, LLC, Gibbstown, New Jersey, Towamensing Trails Lot V-1162, Section E-V, $8,000.
William M. Dungan to Drakos Klados, 33 Lensing Lane, Albrightsville, property at 33 Lensing Lane, $268,000.
Christina E. Dessin to Michael Wright, 15 Engler Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 15 Engler Lane, $274,900.
Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, property at 12 Larch Lane, Albrightsville, $1.
Stephen S. Santangelo to Michelle Keck, 76 Sunset Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 294, Section , Marty Axman in the Poconos, $7,000.
Anna R. Byrnes to George Jimenez, Bronx, New York, Indian Mountain Lakes Lot 822, Section K-III, $10,000.
Doug J. Sherry to Benjamin Pasquale, Wilmington, Delaware, property at 12 Browning Way, Albrightsville, $195,000.
Vito V. Armetta to Leonard T. Gilliar Sr., 153 Susquehanna Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 580, Section F, Pocono Forest Lake, $95,000.
George T. Skilton to Slawomir Pietruszka, Marlton, New Jersey, Lot M19, Towamensing Trails, $330,000.
Edward T. Barba to Jessica Farenski, P.O. Box 2183, Albrightsville, Lot 1956, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $11,000.
Ronald C. McFarland to Troy T. Kidd, Tobyhanna, property at 38 Engler Lane, $140,000.
Cori Citro to Thomas J. Keegan, Palmyra, New Jersey, property on Petrarch Trail, Albrightsville, $27,000.
Arsen Construction, LLC, to Jerry Dale Boswell, 124 Wild Creek Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 124 Wild Creek Drive, $440,000.
John Cassisi to Nicolina Grazia Cassisi, East Northport, New York Towamensing Trails Lot 338, Section I, $1.
John M. Veldon to Daniel D. Kline, North Hills, property at 198 Indian Trail, $400,100.
Carbon Lehigh Holding Corporation to Lawrence Smitreski, Easton, Sunrise Ridge Development Lot 90, Section A, $14,000.
Dannyram N. Mangru to Damian A. Maziarz, 129 Meadow Drive, Effort, property at 29 Vista Drive, Albrightsville, $140,000.
Pauline J. Green to Eleanor Langeveld, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, property at 77 Broad Mountain View Drive, $233,400.
Burke Loxley to Ilya Alex Blanter, Philadelphia, property at 23 Tennyson Circle, Albrightsville, $390,000.
Nina Kantorovich to Nina Kantorovich, Staten Island, New York, property at 127 Whitman Lane, Albrightsville, $1.
Matteo Caputo to Volodymyr Kulyk, Philadelphia, Lot 183, North Lake Area,
Willow Drive, Bear Creek Lakes, $45,000.
Kevin G. Burns to John C. Kuhn, Philadelphia, Lot 545, Section N-II, Indian Mountain Lakes, $6,500.
PKR Enterprises to Edward P. Manning, Frederick, Maryland, lots 189 and 90, Marty Axman in the Poconos, $20,000.
Chad Kenneth Schmidt to Chad Kenneth Schmidt, 316-1/2 N. Seventh St., Lehighton, property at 1360 and 33 Tree Loft Circle, $1.
Thomas Sandoval to ew Future Homes, LLC, Edison, New Jersey, property at 568 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $440,000. Roshan Danilov to Roshan Danilov, Brooklyn, New York, Towamensing Trails lots 1325 and 1327, Section C, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Anil Mehta, Lawrence, New York, property on Lindberg Circle, Towamensing Trails, $8,240.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Slade Sizemore, P.O. Box 4073, Jim Thorpe, three transactions, properties on Pawnee Trail and West Cherokee Trail, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,240 each, and property on Old Stage Road, Mt. Pocahontas, $$7,210..
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ryan C. Blesi, Millburn, New Jersey, three transactions, property on Drakes Drive, Penn Forest Streams, $15,450, property on Mountain Road, Indian Mountain Lakes, $9,682, and property on Wild Creek Drive, Penn Forest Streams, $18,128.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Cara & Associates, LLC, Philadelphia, two transactions, property on Fox Hill, Indian Mountain Lakes, $7,828, ad property on Lazarus Circle, Towamensing Trails, $7,622.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Robert S. Russell, 220 Longfellow Circle, P.O. Box 469, Albrightsville, two transactions, property at Lindbergh Circle and Nathan Way, Towamensing Trails, $8,240, and property at Eliot Lane and Hugo Drive, Towamensing Trails, $8,034.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Chris Mitchell, Easton, property at 29 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $82,606.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Graber Properties, LLC, 8 Geronimo Trail, Albrightsville, property at 83 Minnising Trail, Mt. Pocahontas, $103,412.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Bradford S. Bennett, Sunbury, property at Massassoit Circle and Huron Road, Pleasant Valley West, $17,922.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Glenn Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, six transactions, Lot 2317, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,240; property at 86 Algonkin Road, Albrightsville, $258,118; property on Johnson Lane, Towamensing Trails, $8,240; property on Ginsburg Circle, Towamensing Trails, $8,240; property on Parker Trail, Towamensing Trails, $8,240; and property on Doolittle Mew, Towamensing Trails, $7,416.
RAC Homes, LLC, to Juan J. Hernandez, Allentown, property at 133 Kipling Lane, Albrightsville, $299,900.
Miltiadis Athanasopoulos to Joanna Athanasopoulos, Whitestone, New York, Lot 1788, Section IV, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Charles D. Winter to Daniel Lodge, Bridgeton, New Jersey, Towamensing Trails Lot V-792, Section E-V, $15,000. Samia S. Gouda to Jessica Strohl, 113 Fawn Road, Jim Thorpe, Lot 452, Section 6, Penn Forest Streams, $9,000.
Karissa Thornton to Anthony J. Chuisano Jr., Parlin, New Jersey, property at 32 Shawnee Trail, Albrightsville, $139,500.