2 minute read
Kidder Supervisors make short work of March 20 2023 meeting
by Seth Isenberg
The March Kidder Township supervisors meeting made short work of its agenda. Supervisors approved a three-lot combination in Pocono Mountain Lakes for the Peterson family, accepted the return to the tax rolls of two properties in Holiday Pocono, and appointed patrolman Allen Strohl to become a full-time officer, effective April
A request for Malwa Ventures to have a public hearing for the transfer of a liquor license to their property at 480 Route 940 was approved. The hearing will be on April 25 at 6 p.m., prior to the next regular supervisors meeting.
The agreement with the nuisance Laurel Lane property owner was ratified. It was also noted that they sold the property.
Fire Chiefs Alexander Blew and Ralph Lennon each thanked supervisors for the funding provided to their fire companies. Lennon also wanted to recognize Lake Harmony VFD firefighter Matt Miller who was just returned from two weeks of FEMA training in Urban Search and Rescue. Both chiefs asked about the installation of emitters on the traffic signals. Township manager Suzanne Brooks answered that the Turnpike intersection, Lake Ave. at Route 903, and of Routes 903 and 534 are good to get installed, but PennDOT wants changes for Moseywood Road’s lights. No bidders came forward for the 2023 tree trimming project. The ads will be run again. The ad to attract engineering companies to serve as township engineer will also be re-run, to attract more interest.
In reports, negotiations with the police union are beginning.
Manager Brooks reminds all township residents that electronics recycling will be held on Saturday morning, April 22.
Sam Lux seeks election as Carbon County Controller
Sam Lux is announcing his candidacy for Carbon County Controller.
Born and raised in Carbon County, he is the son of Tom Lux, a local business owner, and Lisa Lux, a school teacher. Lux has experience providing financial planning solutions for municipal and county governments across the United States. He is excited for the opportunity to use his experience to improve financial operations and the budgeting process for Carbon County.
Lux’s experience includes a degree in finance from West Chester Univesity, working in financial operations at JP Morgan Chase, and helping governments create long-term bud- geting solutions at PFM - Public Financial Management.
As Controller, Lux will use his experience to oversee auditing county business, and ensure the county is responsibly managing taxpayer funds. Lux is committed to eliminating redundant and costly processes that slow down our government; as well as, creating sustainable budgets that will balance not just over 1 year, but create stability for 3, 5, 10 years and beyond.
Lux is already deeply involved in our community, coaching the Jim Thorpe high school tennis team, substitute teaching at our area schools, and actively enjoying the natural beauty of our county.
Sam Lux would love to hear from you. Please reach out to electsamlux@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or priorities for Carbon County that are important to you.