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Police Beat

PennDOT from page 6

Q&A session. Questions may also be submitted in advance of the forum by filling out the registration form or by emailing RA-PennDOTSTC@ pa.gov. The public may also call to share their questions at 717-783-2262.

Every two years the State Transportation Commission (STC) and PennDOT update Pennsylvania’s 12 year program. Public feedback is a critical part of that process. The public comment period for the TYP update continues through April 30.

For more information visit www. TalkPATransportation.com. Find PennDOT’s planned and active construction projects at www.projects. penndot.gov.

Use www.511PA.com to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic dela warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed informatio and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.

Locally, crews are out pothole patching, crack sealing and doing drainage work and tree trimming. Winter roads maintenance will continue as needed.

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