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2023 Jim Thorpe Aea Running Festival set to return April 29 and 30

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The 5th annual Jim Thorpe Area Running Festival presented by Lehigh Valley Health Network returns the weekend of April 29 and 30. This annual event celebrates the rich history and beautiful scenery of the Jim Thorpe area, while promoting healthy lifestyles and physical activity.

This year the Festival has teamed up with Together With Veterans of Carbon County, a charitable non-profit working to prevent suicide among those who have already given so much to our country. The Festival will also benefit the Jim Thorpe Community Watch and the White Haven Area Community Library.

The Festival offers a vriety of races for runners of all abilities. Participants can choose from a 7-miler, a half marathon, or a Boston Qualifying full marathon. Each race offers stunning views of the Lehigh River and scenic wilderness of the Pocono

Mountains. For Sunday’s events, the 7-miler and full marathon, participants will take the Reading and Blue Mountain Northern scenic railway to the starting lines.

“We are thrilled to bring the JTARF back for its fifth year,” said race director, Michael Ragozzino of The RUNegades. “It’s a great opportunity for runners to challenge themselves, while experiencing the quaint charm and incredible energy of the Jim Thorpe community.”

After the races, participants will head into town for a “whistle stop” tour of bars and restaurants offering spcial deals for runners.

Registration for the 2023 Jim Thorpe Area Running Festival is now open. All participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and finisher medal.

“We encourage runners of all levels to join us,” added Ragozzino. “Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, the Jim Thorpe Area Running Festival offers a unique and unforgettable experience in a gorgeous setting for a great cause.”

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

THURS. 9:30 PM ad.

For more information about the 2023 Jim Thorpe Area Running Festival, including registration, race details, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities, visit the event website www.runjimthorpe.com.

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