Per capita tax gone in Penn Forest
by Seth IsenbergPenn Forest Township supervisors repealed the annual per capita tax for residents. Supervisors passed Ordinance #2 of 2024 eliminating the yearly $4.90 per person tax.
The former Camp Adams property, now under local
ownership, came before the board to get the property re-opened as a tourist cabin camp. There are a variety of issues to work through, and after some navigating, including an agreement to return shale trailer campsites their original states, the 450-acre Camp Pocono can move ahead towards being
open this summer. It will start with 34 renovated cabins originally built in the 1970s.
A letter from long-time township emergency management coordinator (EMC) David Michael III was accepted with regret, and a
Kidder Planning hears concerns of citizens over truck terminals
by Seth IsenbergAt a workshop session on Tuesday, May 14, Kidder citizens got a chance to air their opinions and show their research on the effects of truck terminals – traffic, noise, air pollution, light pollution… Several citizens spoke, and others submitted their documents for the Planning Commission members to review. Among the comments were issues of a forest buffer from the roadway, and a need to know the tenant of a building ahead of time. Citizen Beth Hurley, a leader of the Love Kidder Township group, referred the members to a model ordinance, and asked that future buildings start with a conditional use, rather than a permitted one.

makes a point in speaking to the Planning Commission at the May 14 workshop meeting.
A recommendation was to have solar panels on the roofs of these big structures.
Citizen Linda Mourar wanted the township to

Penn Forest

take note of the cumulative effect of the truck traffic. Chairman of the Planning Commission Robert Dobosh accepted the comments, and explained that it was time to “boil all this down (and) start making sausage.” He also
noted that some of these recommendations apply to the entire township, not just for truck terminals. It was decided to keep the comments period open to May 24, and get them all together so that they can be presented June 3, ahead of the regular planning meeting on June 5 where the topic can be further discussed.

hearty thank you for a good job. He is heading out of state.

Jesse Brennan, shown at left, stepped up and was appointed as EMC. Brennan recommended Mike Bourke to be assistant EMC, and he was also appointed. It was agreed to send Code Enforcement and Zoning officers Greg Loftus and Josh Kase to the PA Assoc. of Township Supervisors Zoning Academy to be held in East Stroudsburg on May 21 and 22. Cost is $249 each plus meals.
Pallets of field chalk, Turface, and two truckloads of infield mix were bought for the park. Some $300 worth of soccer field painting items missed the agenda, and were needed right away. Supervisor Scott Lignore of Twin Builders offered to pay for them.
The Carbon Amateur Radio Club field day will be overnight June 22 to 23, at the park.
Just over half of the monthly general fund payments, $51,615, went towards the tree trimming project, this bill for along Behrens Road. Taxes and insurances, and services made up most of the rest. Of note, $14,149 from Barry Isett & Assoc. for UCC building permits, and only $438.75 for zoning work.
The township made a $1,000 donation towards the Jim Thorpe Rotary Club’s 28th annual summer recreation program.
Supervisors’ chairman and roadmaster Roger Meckes reported the tree cutting
work is nearly completed. Town road crews are now mowing. They have also completed putting new pipe into crossings on Smith Road, with two more to go. A new pipe is needed for a crossing under Old Stage Road as the pipe there is rotting away. One thousand dollars will be set aside to buy the pipe, and the township crews will do the digging and replacing. The road will get paved this summer including over this cut.
Three lot consolidations were approved, two in Towamensing Trails and one along Route 903. Zoning issued 49 zoning permits, did 56 inspections, and issued 24 certificates of occupancy.
The department made 102 construction inspections. Five permits were issued for new homes.
A citizen asked about the proposed trails project. Supervisor Dr. Pat Holland and fellow trails proposal leader Talon Fogal are working to blend the new committee for the project. He invited public to attend the meeting the afternoon of the first Monday in July, and to monitor progress on Facebook and in the newspapers.
The park and recreation committee will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 15, at the park beginning at 6:30 p.m.

RUN FOR THE ROSES: Fancy hats and fun galore were the order of the day at the Kentucky Derby Party to benefit the Penn-Kidder branch of the Dimmock Memorial Library at Nick’s Lake House on Sunday, May 4. Dina Tulli Davis provided music. According to library trustee Mary Farnschlader, the event raised over $1,600 for the local branch. JPK: Ruth Isenberg

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Seth’s Sightings
Flowers, flowers the warmer weather has triggered an early rhododendron bloom, an extensive honeysuckle bloom, some of our baby’s breath, and even the pale flowers of sheep laurel. It’s quite a show to add to a nice batch of irises standing tall at homes all around our area.
Regarding critters, sightings has been limited to playing deer dodge-em, and I thought I saw a gawky young bear as it crossed the road in Hickory Run State Park. A reader sent us a fine picture of a bald eagle who made a stop in White Haven earlier this month.
We attended the Bach & Handel Chorale concert
in St. Joseph’s Church in Jim Thorpe. The church is beautiful and had superb acoustics. Ruth and I know several of the singers, we enjoyed the afternoon very much.
We also took in the second performance of Now and Then at the Little Theater in Wilkes-Barre, performed by White Haven’s Legion Theatre group. It was fun. We hope to see the play again at a local venue, perhaps in Lake Harmony. I hope for good weather for the Memorial Day weekend events. MayFair, Allentown’s arts and music festival now held on the campus of Cedar Crest College, is on our radar. On June 2, there’s
by Seth Isenberga Trout Festival in White Haven free admission. The following weekend, June 8 and 9, is the Weatherly Hill Climb also free.
I’d also like the weather to hold off so I can catch up on mowing.
In sports, the Pittsburgh Penguins ECHL team, the Wheeling Nailers, were swept out of the playoffs. On the NHL level, the Boston Bruins were iced out of the Stanley Cup Playoffs by losing their series to the Florida Panthers, 2 games to 4. That takes out my cheering interests in hockey. I’m old school, in that I think hockey playoffs should be played in places like Minnesota or Quebec.
Of course, there is some merit to being inside in the air conditioning watching a hockey game in Florida, rather than outside when its 90° and humid.
I am keeping tabs on the Boston Celtics, who eked out a close win versus the Indiana Pacers in game one.
I am also more interested in the WNBA and how Caitlyn Clark is doing, as well as always cheering for the Connecticut Sun. Gas prices ticked down a bit, just in time for anyone driving places this holiday weekend. We have a family
See SIGHTINGS, page 5

Continued from page 4
gathering coming, so we’ll take advantage. Prices are under $3.60 in Lehighton. World-wide I hope for peace but still find too much war Sudan,
Myanmar, Haiti, and then Ukraine and Gaza, plus some odds and ends of fighting and terrorism in central Africa. Sudan is a real genocide in the making with well over 150,000 at risk, many with no safe place to run to. In Myanmar, local militias
Hi all, Congresswoman Susan Wild here!
have again been killing Rohingya with near 700,00 at risk, and over 700,000 fleeing into Bangladesh. Here at home, I am grateful for living in peace here in our piece of the Poconos.
Good health to you all.
I wanted to remind you that my offices are here to help. Whether you need assistance with a federal agency or have questions or comments about legislation being considered in Congress, please do not hesitate to reach out. My district offices in Lehigh, Northampton, and Carbon Counties can help with Social Security and Medicare, Veterans Affairs, the IRS, military academy nominations, and other federal issues.

Carbon County Office Northampton County Office Lehigh County Office 1001 Mahoning St. 1 South 3rd St. 504 Hamilton St. Lehighton, PA 18235 Suite 902 Suite 3804 570-807-0333 Easton, PA 18042 Allentown, PA 18101 610-333-1170 484-781-6000

Fire Company Reports
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #2
We have pushed back the application date for our Camp Cadet program to May 26. Applications can be dropped off, mailed, or emailed to jbrennan@ pennforestfireco2.com
Congratulations to Firefighter Paul Barfknecht and Junior Firefighter Ellianna Button for successfully completing the Essentials of Firefighting program. The Essentials of Firefighting is a 168hour course that teaches the basics of firefighting. Although this training is not required by the state of Pennsylvania, we value the education and training of our firefighters for their safety and for our community.
May 13 at 6:34 PM Tanker 2233 responded to a fire alarm on Keats Lane, Towamensing Trails. PFTVFC#1 (District 12) also responded.
May 13 at 4:36 PM Rescue 2255, Engine 2210, and Brush 2244 responded to a lift assist on Gorman Way, Towamensing Trails. District 12 also responded.
May 11 at 7:35 AM Engine 2220, Tanker 2233, and

Ladder 2222 responded to a CO alarm on Eliot Lane, Towamensing Trails. District 12 and Lehighton ALS also responded.
May 8 at 9:19 PM Ladder 2222 assisted with a cat in a tree on Keats Lane, Towamensing Trails. Volunteers had the aerial extended approximately 85
ft from the roadway to reach the cat.
May 7 at 3:35 PM Command 2277 and UTV 2278 recently responded to a search at Hawk Falls, Kidder Township. Districts 16, 17, and Lake Harmony EMS also responded.
May 6 at 11:31 PM Engine 2210, Tanker 2233, Ladder

2222, and Command 2277, with 23 volunteers, recently responded to a working dwelling fire on North Shore Drive, Indian Mountain Lakes, Monroe County. Engine 2210 arrived and deployed a hose line for
See FIRE REPORTS, page 7

Fire Reports
Continued from page 6
extinguishment and checked for extension. Tunkhannock Twp. VFD #42, Polk Twp. VFD #35, Albrightsville VFD #17, and Lehigh Valley EMS - West End also responded.
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #1
No news on activity this month. Volunteers are needed, stop in any Monday after 6:30 p.m. to learn more. Mondays are drill night.
Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company
The company’s new trucks were on display at the Holiday Pocono development on May 17.
The AVFD sponsors a weekly bingo in their social hall on Saturdays, and a monthly breakfast on the first Sunday of each month.
Concert in the Park: Matt Miskie
Hickory Run State Park will host a concert by Matt Miskie on Sunday, May 26, in the Amphitheater from 7 to 8 p.m.

Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company’s brand-new “Squirt” (hose tower) truck was shown off at Holiday Pocono’s main entrance. JPK: Seth Isenberg
Matt’s repertoire is family-friendly, instantly recognizable, and enjoyed by audiences of all ages; familiar folk classics that you can sing along with as
well as songs of local and regional history, punctuated with thoughtful and melodic original music inspired by nature, adventure, family, and coming of age. A few songs will be included to commemorate Memorial Day.
Worship offered weekly at Hickory Run
A non-denominational worship service will be held every Sunday through Labor Day at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater at Hickory Run State Park. The 43 churche bodies of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches offers the services for campers and vacationers
of all Christian traditions. The program is not sponsored by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Chaplain Tammy is an employee of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches as part of the Chaplains in the Parks program.
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1. Clothing joint 5. *Opposite of good 8. *Pre12. Guesstimate (2 words)
13. Sudden impulse
14. Group dice game
15. Stead 16. Naive person 17. Fancy necktie 18. *Compass point opposites (2 words)
20. A pinch between the cheeks
21. Earth tremor
22. Before skip and a jump
23. Constantly worry about something
26. More infinitesimal
30. Catch a wink
31. One weber per square meter, pl.
34. *Pre-recorded
35. Deed hearings
37. Cribbage piece
38. Bread spreads
39. Plural of focus
40. Making the way, in a way
42. “I Like ___,” 1952 campaign slogan
43. Of somber color
45. *Like bride’s accessories (2 words)
47. 60 mins., pl.
48. Indiana ball player
50. One of Three Bears
52. *Day periods (2 words)
57. Soap bubbles
59. Type of small salmon
60. Bound
61. Domingo, Pavarotti and Carreras, e.g.
62. Nicholas II of Russia, e.g.
63. Key next to spacebar
64. Where users review
1. Fa follower
2. Between Ohio and Ontario
3. *Opposite of on land
4. Fluffy dessert
5. Hillsides in Scotland
6. Anti-seniors sentiment
7. *Opposite of awakward and clumsy
8. *Door instruction (2 words)
9. Fairy tale opener
10. Flat-bottomed boat
11. Bambino
13. Not like #26 Down
14. Popular breakfast item
19. MCAT and LSAT, e.g.
22. *Hers
23. *Switch positions (2 words)
24. Louisiana swamp
25. Glasses, for short
26. Three biblical sages
27. A logical connection (2 words)
28. Extract a memory, e.g.
29. Stitch again
32. R&R spots
33. Tolstoy’s given name, in Russian
36. *Irwin Shaw’s title opposites (2 words)
38. Checked out
40. Pimple fluid
41. Marked
44. Speak like Pericles
46. *Not airtight
48. Teacher’s pet, e.g.
49. Balance sheet entry
50. *Cons
51. Muslim honorific
52. Facts
53. Donned
54. Nervous biter’s victim
55. College assessment test, acr.
58. Janitor’s tool

Carbon County property transfers through May 5
Kidder Township
Carla Filippi to Carla Fillipi, Philadelphia, property on Tarantino Drive, $1.
Sharon Rodgers to Wanda I. Jose, Brockway, property at Pinchot Trail and 14 Pinchot Trail, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Paul B. Voloski, 29 Apache Trail, Jim Thorpe, Lot 616, Section C, Holiday Poconos, $813.
Irish Lotto, LLC, to Kyle Francis Loughlin, Glen Gardner, New Jersey, property at 188 N. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $474,000.
Gina M. Mateka to Gina M. Coccodrilli Mateka, 35 Split Rock Road, Lake Harmony, property at 35 Split Rock Road, $1.
Elizabeth K. Colasurdo to Neeraj Kotiyal, Princeton Junction, New Jersey, property at 370 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $525,000.
Sigmund S. Grudzinski to Sigmund and Elzbiueta Grudzinski, Rome, New York, Lot 35, Block FF, Section Hemlock Forest, Holiday Poconos, $1.
Patricia A. Polizze to Patricia A. Polizze Living Trist, Big Pine Key, Florida, property at 33 Midlake Drive, Unit 101E, Lake Harmony, $1. Maga Investments, LLC, to Glynnis Marie Jones, 37 Laurel Lane, P.O. 260, Albrightsville, property at 37 Laurel Lane, $245,000.
Bronson Peters to Self Mentor Spendthrift Trust, Downingtown, property at 36 W. Fawn Grove Drive, Albrightsville, $120,000.
Christina Woods to Hector Woods, Mount Sinai, New York,
property at 27 Poplar Lane, Albrightsville, $1.
Dan Palmon to Ariel Palmon, Harrison, New York, Unit 372, Stage 1, Big Boulder Lake, $1.
David S. Sliker to Charles Bagley, Arlington, Virginia, property at 66 Chestnut Road, Lake Harmony, $370,000.
Pamela Schmidt to Braden Dane Gower, 3876 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 3876 State Route 903, $215,000.
Melinda Carlin to Melinda Carlin, North Bergen, New Jersey, property at 79 Greenwood Road, Albrightsville, $1.
Shannon L. Hamilton to Robert F. Schnitzler, Rebersburg, Unit H-236, Midlake at Big Boulder, $360,000.
Deborah A. Concannon to Howard F. House III, Plymouth Meeting, property on Wolf Hollow Road, Lot 13, Section H, Split Rock, $10.
Colin Good to Simon Jinwha Hong, New York, New York, property at 62 Crest Drive, Lake Harmony, $645,000.
Grace Jerome to Frank Leroy Bowersox IV, Lewisberry, property at 45 Game Drive, White Haven, $375,000.
Raymond Trainor to William Scotti, Conshohocken, property at 23 Red Maple Drive, Lake Harmony, $25,000.
Mary A. Ackerman to Justin Lanyon, Chester Springs, property at 48 Nordic Drive, Lake Harmony, $285,000.
Thomas Dunleavy to Thomas Dunleavy, Huntington Valley, two transactions, properties at 95

Henning Road, Albrightsville, $1 each.
Choice Land Investors, LLC, to GFY Real Estate Development, LLC, 6 Brachts Lane, Lake Harmony, property at 6 Brachts Lane, $116,500.
Regan Nathan Campbell to R & S Lupine, LLC, Media, Lake Harmony Estates Lot 711, Section D-II, $14,430.
Gregg Strongin to Autumn M. Kocis, 114 Big Pine Drive, P.O. Box 713, Albrightsville, property at 114 Big Pine Drive, $228,000.
Beverly Damiani to Eric Fasci, Harleysville, property at 75 Mills Drive, Albrightsville, $260,000.
37 Kent Clark Road, LLC, to Snowland, LLC, Woodside, New York, property at 37 Kent Clark Road, Lake Harmony, $500,000.
Ryan McNamara to Jose Oliveria, Massapequa, New York, property at 12 Gregory Place, Lake Harmony, $295,000.
Charles G. Scala IV to Joseph E. Laschenski III, Harleysville, property at 395 N. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1,250,000.
Mary Colon Nolasco to Axcellent Group Five, LLC, Hicksville, New York, property at 57 Skye Drive, Lake Harmony, $345,000.
Puzzle Answers

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Golden Oaks Village Property Owners Association, 3 Keystone Commons, White Haven, property on East Oak Lane, Golden Oaks Village, $875.
Alexios Karagiannis to Julia Huber, Quakertown, property at 306 Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $235,000.
Jyotsana Singh to Jason Schirmer, Cranbury, New Jersey, property at 5 Midlake Drive, Unit 202A, Lake Harmony, $385,000.
Jeffrey Best to Jay Ellam Group, LLC, Philadelphia, property at 22 Finch Grove, Lake Harmony, $315,000.
David J. Whitting to Choice Land Investors, LLC, 6 Brachts Lane, Lake Harmony, property at 6 Brachts Lane, $75,000.
Brian Eifert to Brian Eifert, 23 Mountain Terrace, White Haven, Lot 54, Block O, Hemlock Forest Section, Holiday Poconos, $1.
Mandy Coakley to Jacqueline A. French, Narberth, property at 115 Greenwood Road, Lake Harmony, $489,000.
Janet L. Lefferts to Holiday Pocono Civic Association, P.O. Box 57, Albrightsville, Lot 9, Block B, Trail Ridge Section, Holiday Poconos, $500.
Penn Forest Township
Catherine P. Chase to Izabela Chowaniec, 586 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, property at 264 Mindy Lane and Kathy Court, Albrightsville, $25,000.
Daniel Henkel to Corey Cummings, Bensalem, property at 76 Mindy Circle, Albrightsville, $347,000.
Unlimited Builder, LLC, to Urban Daniel DiPasquale, Plymouth Meeting, Lot 445E, Section E, Pleasant Valley West, $519,000. David Rochkind to LH Destination, LLC, Bristol, Lot 192, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $75,000.
Iordanis M. Fetfatzis to Equity Trust Company, Bethlehem, Lot 6, Section B, Midway Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $280,000.
See TRANSFERS, page 11

Penn Forest Twp.
Continued from page 10
Nathan Foeller to Paul Gorzelewski, Philadelphia, Lot 257, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $10,500.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Lopeza Properties, LLC, Indialantic, Florida, Lot 7, Section A, Towamensing Trails, $784.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Donald Charles Renner, 56 Hickory Run Lane, Jim Thorpe, Lot 390, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $800.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to William C. Outwater, P.O. Box 1937, Albrightsville, two transactions, Lot 554, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, and Lot 1553, Mt. Pocahontas, $693 each.
Christopher Pronsati to Daniel R. Burnheimer, Pottstown, property at 525 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $315,000.
Nannie Williams to Nannie Williams, 22 Postal Court, Albrightsville, property at 22 Postal Court, $1.
Jahaira Marques to Brent Evan Mudry, 99 Sandalwood Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 99 Sandalwood Road, $306,000.
Mary Elizabeth Mooney to Nicholas Martiny, Holtsville, New
York, property at 41 Surrey Glen, Albrightsville, $318,500.
M. Riegel Properties, LC, to Devon L. Kelley, Norristown, property at 7 McKinley Lane, Albrightsville, $370,000.
Kenneth S. Prehodka to Joseph W. Girolamo, St. Petersburg, Florida, Lot 254, Mindy La ne, Valley View Estates, $47,821.50.
Rosemarie Tranchina to Mark S. Tranchina, Staten Island, New York, Lot 302, Section N-1, Indian Mountain Lakes, $1.
Deneen M. Snell to Deneen M. Snell, 6 Chickadee Lane, Albrightsville, Lot 1501, Section EE, Indian Mountain Lakes, $1. 498 TT Repo Trust to Mark Deery II, Ambler, Lot V498, Section V , Towamensing Trails, $17,500.
Nathan Foeller to Paul Kramer Jr., Narvon, Lot 249, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $11,900.
Happy Traveler Florida, LLC, to Jessica Bertalan, Bethlehem, lots 357 and 358, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $9,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Makhmud M. Shavkstov, Lancaster, four transactions, property on Lenape Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes, $765; property at Piute and Occonquan trails, Mt. Pocahontas, $659; property on Shawnee Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes, $874; and property on Indian Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes, $770.
Brian Michael Kennedy to Brian M. Kennedy, Wilmington, Delaware,
Towamensing Trails Lot V-464, Section E-V, $1.
Larry Gutshall to Sedan McCartney, Kingston, property on Muscogee Trail, $4,000.
Riley Burke to Diana Lorch, Pottstown, property at 114 Petrarch Trail, Albrightsville, $257,500.
Michael Capaldi Jr. to Carl Frank Makowski Jr., Sinking Spring, property at 68 Dryden Drive, Albrightsville, $249,900.
Dawn T. Antignani to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton, Lot 341, Section 5, Penn Forest Steams, $13,500.
Drakes Creek Associates, LLC, to Richard Eisele, Langhorne, Lot 170, Section B, Pleasant Valley West, $29,000.
Domenick Pulsone Jr. to Anthony Charles Homes, Inc., Churchville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-428, Section E-V, $11,500.
Candy A. Pychinka to Candy A. Pychinka, 151 Unionville Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 151 Unionville Road, $1.
Walter O’Connor to Juan Nunez, Bronx, New York, property at 9 Tamarack Terrace, Albrightsville, $182,650.
Kathleen R. Black to Barbara Jo Schmitt Cole, Lawrence, Kansas, property at 20 Wilde Glen Road, Albrightsville, $450,000.
Bing He to Jordan L. Schoeller, Perkasie, property at 7 Weiland Circle, Albrightsville, $290,000.
Robert Heath to Lori Dolci,

Hillsborough, New Jersey, property at 57 Forest Lane and Forest Lane, $1.
Lisa A. Figura to Daniel Long, P.O. Box 4043, Jim Thorpe, Penn Forest Steams Lot 28, Section 1, $19,900.
Susan Gatto to Bobguslaw Stelmach, Ivyland, Lot V1411, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $13,000.
RAC Homes, LLC, to Mary A. Hudson, Trevose,Feasterville, Lot 840, Section II, Towamensing Trails, $25,000.
David A. Marino to Joseph DiCecco, 564 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, property at 564 Old Stage Road, $275,000.
Carolyn M. Faden to Anthony Charles Homes, Inc., Churchville, property on MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $6,500.
RAC Homes, LLC, to Keith Wilbur Clevens, Havertown, Lot 1159, Section III, Towamemsing Trails, $25,000.
Julia P. Richter to Coredlia H.
Kim, New York, New York, property at 5 Cheyenne Circle, $425,000. Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Mohte Berli, Inc., Allentown, property on Seneca Road, Mt. Pocahontas, $856.
Marcia Goldstein to Alec Herman, 55 Mohawk Trail, Albrightsville, property at 55 Mohawk Trail, $219,000.
Linda M. Sperry to Brian A. Black, 81 Pinoak Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 81 Pinoak Lane, $1. Rodger Meckes to Diane Shuman, East Stroudsburg, Lot 1434, Section DP, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,418.
Joseph M. Catanzaro to Love Lace, LLC, Havertown, property at 10 Lovelace Road, Albrightsville, $349,000.
Gloria J. Adler to David Eisler, Brooklyn, New York, Lot 605, Indian Mountain Lakes, $5,000.
Patrick J. Dougherty to John A. Alamia, Philadelphia, property at 8 Gay Mews, Albrightsville, $430,000.
Maryanne E. Heffelfinger to
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Penn Forest Twp.
Continued from page 11
Spellbound Oasis, LLC, Bridgewater, New Jersey, property at 6 Sac Road, Albrightsville, $260,000.
SWAT Enterprises, LLC, to Robert Flyte, Pocono Lake, Lot 21, Section 1, Mt. Pocahontas, $200,000.
Llori Nehanda Kafele to Tyehimba Uhuru Alkebu Kafele, Medford, New York, Lot 1829, Section IV, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Thomas Calhoun to Richard Burns Jr., P.O. Box 464, Albrightsville, Lot 722, Section II, Towamensing Trails, $21,000.
Brian Flyte to Carlos Casanova, Weehawken, New Jersey, property at 831 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $415,000.
Kendria Donalle James to Kendria Donalle James, Long Pond, Lot 950, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $4,689.75.
Robert A. Bengivenga to Alex Dec, Roselle, New Jersey, Lot 504, Section L-II, Indian Mountain Lakes, $9,860.50.
Maryellen S. Ditucci to Jo Ann Sanpietro, Flushing, New York, two transactions, properties at 4 Lakeview Drive and 104 Hickory Drive, Albrightsville, $1 each.
Linden Lombardi to Linden A. Scheirer, 26 Cold Spring Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 26 Cold Spring Drive, $1.
Land Trustings, LLC, to Carole Myers, Poughkepsie, New York, property at 2004 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $24,000.
Denom M. Krall to Amanda Jane Farmer, 29 Araphoe Road, Albrightsville, property at 29 Araphoe Road, $222,500.
4 U Homes, LLC, to Zachary Damon Bowman, 4665 Forest St., Lehighton, property at 4665 Forest St., $399,900.
Eric D. Carlin to Edward C. Carlin, 128 Eliot Lane, P.O. Box 2161, Albrightsville, Lot 540, Section II, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Donald Charles Renner to Lawrence P. Warren, Yardley, property at 56 Hickory Run Lane, $345,000.
Anthony Charles Homes, Inc., to Michael Griz, Fanwood, New Jersey, property at 134 Petrarch Trail, Albrightsville, $555,000.
Patricia Webb to Patricia Webb, 14 Minnie Ha-Ha Road,

Albrightsville, property at 14 Minnie Ha-Ha Road, $1.
SL Ventures, LLC, to SDwat DSnterprises, LLC, 1804 Route 940, Brodheadsville, property on Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $15,000.
Robert Rotz to Justin Ah Khal, Whitehall, property at 289 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $194,000.
Michael Reed to Reed Family Trust, Newton, New Jersey, property at 16 Walnut Lane, Albrightsville, $1.
Ariel A. Perez to Siu Y. Lai, Chatham, New Jersey, property at 301 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $325,000.
Neil J. Kershner to Kevin Kershner, 345 Wild Creek Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 345 Wild Creek Drive, $1.
Kenneth Adriance to Stephen Fabian, Indian Hill Beach, Florida, property at 45 Whitman Lane, Albrightsville, $515,000.
PA Rehabs, Inc., to Clara Modica, 237 Effort Neola Road, Saylorsburg, property at 105 Lenape Trail,
Albrightsville, $115,000.
Seth Bacon to Donald Charles Renner, P.O. Box 73, Jim Thorpe, property on Aspen Drive, $11,500. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to BLVCK Cabin 3, LLC, Copiague, New York, property at 27 Byron Lane, Albrightsville, $140,000.
Thane Gehret to Cinthia M. Burger, 22 Pearson Court, Albrightsville, property at 22 Pearson Court, $650,000.