Parks and paving top items at Penn Forest
June meeting
Story and photos by Seth Isenberg
Penn Forest Township supervisors made received a big “Thank You” at their June 3 meeting from Camp Evergreen, whose Girl Scout week in 2023 received sponsorships from the township and Twin Builders.
Scouts and organizers presented a framed photo signed by the campers. Supervisors were pleased. Much time was spent on the township park, which has started its busy season. Plans are in place for the fireworks display at Penn Forest Park on July 6. An extra $1,500
See PENN FOREST, page 2

Kidder Planners see proposal for two new businesses in 940 corridor
by Seth Isenberg
Developer Pocono Estates Holdings came before Kidder Township Planners on May 1 to present a sketch plan for two buildings proposed to be located at the end of Industrial Drive off Route 940.
One of the buildings is on the site recently proposed
to be for a pumping station for the PennEast Pipeline, which is not moving forward, and the other building would be across Industrial Drive. Both will front on Interstate 80. The size of the property is 74 acres, to be split to host a 221,400 square foot structure to house a data center, and a 240,000

square foot structure to house a business that makes modular homes – according to the presentation. Neither business projects large truck traffic flows. More detailed plans will be presented to the Planning Commission in the near future, as the project moves forward.
Penn Forest
Continued from page 1
was given to the event for the rental of a large bounce house and other incidentals. Three extra porta-potties have been approved for the fireworks, and recommended for the Color Run event at the park on June 23, as well as the Jim Thorpe Youth Soccer’s 30-Year Bash event on the 22nd.
All this led to discussion about getting a policy in place where the township is not paying for costs like porta-potties and park cleanup, putting those in charge of their event also in charge of these expenses.
Suggestions including a fee for having a township staff member at the park for cleanup, and a tier for how many porta-potties would be needed perhaps one for every 50 people expected to attend. Details will be worked out and the policy presented to the Park & Recreation committee and then to the public.
Looking ahead, PA State Police local barracks want to host a Meet the State Police event at the park on July 29. Troopers, squad cars and the PSP helicopter will be there. Permission was given.
The roadmaster’s report included a drainage project done by the township crew on Old Stage Road, and mowing work at the park and elsewhere.
Haines & Kibblehouse was the low bidder for this summer’s paving projects, Behrens Road, Old Stage from Stony Mtn Road North and Smith Road between Route 903 and Danner Road, at a quote of $624,158.
New business included approving Shiffer Bituminous’ quote on repairing paving on

Forest Street and Behrens Road where new drain pipes were installed – cost $6,000. Patching after drainage work on Old Stage Road by the township crew will have All State Traffic Control providing flagging since the road will be busy but still open – cost
$1,200. Frontline Graphix will provide and install township logos on the doors of the new township utility truck – cost $475. A new camera and monitor will be installed by Control Security in the zoning office for added in building

security - $450.
The vacant assistant Emergency Management coordinator position was filled. Mike Bourke, a retired public safety official who lives in the township, stepped up to fill the post. Superviors confirmed him unanimously.
The Lendle property on Vega Mews was okayed for a shorter well distance waiver than the 100 feet required. A document showing the agreement will be part of the deed.
The Harvey property joinder in Indian Mountain Lakes, and the Behrens two-lot subdivision on Behrens Road were approved, both pending paperwork and payment of any outstanding fees.
The Zoning Report for May listed 63 zoning permits issued, 49 building permits issued (12 of these for new homes), 16 zoning certificates of occupancy issued, and 54 inspections of short-term rentals.
Bills for May totaled $94,347 from the general fund. The largest were from Barry Isett & Assoc. for building codes work $20,822 and zoning $520, HA Thompson for the bond for Dana Vitale of $10,342,
payments of $5,830, $5,272 and $5,417 to the IRS for taxes, $7,342 for Highmark Blue Shield, and $8,460 to CPAs Zelenofski Axelrod for the 2023 audit.
Hanover Engineering was paid $15,953 for sewage enforcement work from the sewage fund. JP Mascaro was paid $11,386 and $12,804 from the refuse fund.
In public comment, a Bear Creek Lake resident asked about old property maps, and the status of the old Country Club and Inn property. That property turns out to be the one now occupied by the township park, with the rest of the acreage owned by the Jim Thorpe School District.
EMC Jesse Brennan introduces Mike Bourke (left).
Kidder Supers OK Fireworks
Ambulance and Fire Cos. offer thank yous
by Seth Isenberg
Kidder Supervisors made quick work of their May 28 agenda. In public comment, Lake Harmony Rescue Squad director of operations Scott Wuttke thanked supervisors for their covering fuel costs for the LHRS vehicles.
Chief of the Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Co. Ralph Lennon also offered a hearty thank you from the LHVFC for covering their fuel costs. He added an invitation to attend that Saturday’s truck housing event.
Albrightsville VFD Chief
Al Blew sent a letter of thanks to supervisors for covering fuel costs.
In business, Split Rock Resort was authorized for a fireworks display on their property on July 5 (with a rain date July 8).
The Shaw lot consolidation and improvement subdivision was approved as they met all conditions. Also approved were the two sewage planning modules for new lots at the Split Rock Country Club. The Camptel-Maison Lodging plan was given a 60-day extension (to remove unapproved structures).
In reports, supervisor Noel Torres was given recognition for stepping up to be a translator for two police cases. As roadmaster, Torres referred to the township engineer’s report on the Meckes Lane bridge, where a bit of scour and minor undermining of a pier both need to be taken care of. The bridge is sound, and with the work done, will return to an every-sixmonth inspection rotation. Police report 219 calls for April, 113 of those being traffic. A breakdown of those include 10 speeding tickets 5 each on Route
940 and Route 903, 6 STOP sign violations, 28 equipment violations (trucks) 21 on Route 940, 10 license violations, 13 moving violations 11 on Route 940, and 46 warnings 10 in Lake Harmony, 15 on Route 903 and 21 on Route 940.
Kidder Township Police patrolled 10,923 miles with their five units in April.
Lake Harmony VFC was called out 21 times, and Albrightsville VFC 11.
The Lake Harmony Rescue Squad was called 18 times in April, 13 in Lake Harmony, 3 in the White Haven area, 1 in the
Weatherly area, and 1 into Tobyhanna Twp. They also went out 5 times on fire alarms. Total driving was 1294 miles. Fuel usage was 137 gallons.
Bills of $242,632 were approved for payment $65,169 was for the emergency services toward equipment, contract bills were $82,956 (mostly taxes and insurances), ordinary bills were $56,558 and garbage cost was $28,599.
Kidder Supervisors will meet next on June 25, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the township building.

Chefs of St. Luke’s to present food, cooking demo at Lehighton Downtown Farmers Market

St. Luke’s University Health Network - Carbon Campus will be back at the Lehighton Downtown Farmers Market to present a food and cooking demonstration on Saturday, June 22, from 9 a.m. - noon. Join Chefs Vernon “Bud” Rumley and Ryan Zellner
Graduates from U of S
Jillian H. Saltz of Albrightsvlle was among the more than 465 graduates who earned master’s and doctoral degrees at its graduate commencement ceremony on May 19 at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Wilkes-Barre. Degrees were conferred to graduates who had completed their academic degree requirements in August and December of 2023, as well as January and May of 2024.
Saltz earned a Master of Science degree in occupational therapy from The University of Scranton.
chefs as they continue their demonstration of preparing different food and meals that you can make at home for your family. The highlight of the day of course is the taste testing and sampling of all of the creations produced the morning of the market.
Some chairs will be provided but you might want to bring a lawn chair to relax and enjoy the morning.

as they shop the Farmers Market and explain what the different items are and what they can be used for during meal preparations. You can then join the
The Lehighton Downtown Farmers Market has moved back to 1 Constitution Avenue in Lehighton. The market is open every Saturday from 9 a.m. - noon through October 12. Please follow our weekly activities on Facebook at Lehighton Downtown Farmers Market.

Dean’s List Roster
Alvernia University
Rhiannon Brady of Jim Thorpe, majoring in Health Care Science, Abigail McGinley of Jim Thorpe, majoring in Occupational Therapy
East Stroudsburg University
Jessica Brazezicke, a Digital Media Technologies major from Albrightsville, Kaitlin Diaz, a Computer Science major from Albrightsville,

Bethanie Gollin, a Marine Science major from Albrightsville, Richard Guerra, a Integrated Art and Design major from Albrightsville, Jimi Kamieniecki, a Computer Science major from Jim Thorpe, Joseph Kwietniak, a Integrated Art and Design major from Albrightsville, Ana Laska, a Mathematics major from Albrightsville, Mason Lazorick, a History major from Jim Thorpe, Amber Martes, a Psychology major from Albrightsville, Erin McArdle, a Middle Level Education (4th-8th) major from Jim Thorpe, Rylee Rockwell, a Early Childhood Education (PreK4) major from Albrightsville, Noah Snisky, a Physical
Education Teacher Education major from Jim Thorpe, Ashley Truman, a Early Childhood Education (PreK4) major from Albrightsville, Hezekiah Watkins, a Finance major from Albrightsville, Alexi Wilson, a Business Management major from Jim Thorpe
Grove City College
Connor Rodgers, a Business Analysis major at Grove City College from Jim Thorpe, a 2021 graduate of Jim Thorpe Area High School
Kutztown University
Kristy Nicole Berger of Jim Thorpe, Richie Ronald Clarke of Albrightsville, Emily R Hendershot of Albrightsville, Leila Grace Hurley of Jim Thorpe
Lebanon Valley College
Victoria Fredericksen of Albrightsville, a graduate of West Chester East High School, is pursuing a bachelor of arts in English. Gabrielle Cinicola of Jim Thorpe, a graduate of Jim Thorpe Senior High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in exercise science.
Lehigh University
Nik Cinicola of Jim Thorpe
Ohio Wesleyan University
DELABrielle Decarolis of Albrightsville
Southern New Hampshire University
President’s List
Wes Hurley of Jim Thorpe
Joe Geiser
State Route 903
Harmony, PA 18624
Bus: 570-722-7378 joe@joegeiser.com

Fire Company Reports
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #2
May 26 - Brush 2244, Engine 2210, and Tanker 2233 responded to a brush fire on Grouse Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes. District 12/PFTVFC#1, and Lake Harmony Rescue Squad EMS also responded. Nothing additional posted at press time.
PFTVFC#2’s Camp Cadet is June 22 and 23 for kids.
PFTVFC#2’s eighth annual Golf Tournament is Friday, July 26th at Stone Meadows Golf Course, 310 Buck Boulevard off Route 115 north of Blakeslee with
luncheon banquet and awards at the Firehouse. $80 per player. Registration closes July 21st. For More Information: Carl Quartararo – (570) 401-1266 – csdaq@ verizon.net. Hole sponsors are $50.
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #1
No news on activity this month. Volunteers are needed, stop in any Monday after 6:30 p.m. to learn more. Mondays are drill night.
Thank you to all those who have volunteered to give blood June 9. Your kindness helps to save lives of those in our community. The next
blood drive at PFTVFC1 will be Sunday, August 11th.
July 12 is a chicken BBQ dinner from 3 p.m. until sold out. August 3 is a flea market and basket raffle.
July 14 is the annual golf tournament organized by Pino and Michele of Dom N Ali’s Restaurant, benefits the Penn Forest Twp Volunteer Fire Company #1. $90 per player, food and golf with a cart at Wilkes-Barre Golf Club. Proceeds go towards buying new turnout gear, ensuring our volunteers have the necessary protection to safely enter structural fires. The gear costs an average of $6,000 per set and NFPA regulations requiring replacement every ten years,
your participation makes a significant difference. Register by June 23 with Pino at Dom N Ali’s Restaurant at (570) 3258110. Your participation helps us keep our volunteers safe and ready to serve. Join us in making a difference.
Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company
The AVFD sponsors a weekly bingo in their social hall on Saturdays, and a monthly breakfast on the first Sunday of each month. Volunteers needed. The AVFD is an Equal Opportunity Organization. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, or any other status protected by law or regulation. It is our intention that all qualified applicants are given equal opportunity and that selection decisions are based on membership and volunteer position factors.

Seth’s Sightings
by Seth Isenberg
Sightings this week include my first hummingbird a female looking for a feeder. On night drives, we are often sighting foxes, but the real challenge has been avoiding deer which are more often becoming road hazards. Ruth believes that many of these are young, clueless bucks. I will say that now that the antlers are beginning to sprout, she may have a point…young and dumb.
Heat in the 90s is too much for my New Englandraised body. Give me days in the 70s and nights in the low 60s. As summer approaches, our fans are out, and we’ve completed the installation of the window air conditioner.
The mountain laurel bloom in Hickory Run State Park is fabulous. Take a ride through to enjoy the show.
Ruth gained revenge on the hornets’ nest inside one of our bells, and whose members stung her and our German shorthair pointer,
Bull. Hornet spray at dusk did the deed. Now we need to remove the nest from the bell…we use the bell to call the dogs in, and Ruth rang it last week…
This past weekend, we went out in search of strawberries, and found them at Gould’s Farm.
Heckman’s Orchards had run out but did have cherries. We came home with quarts of fruit, and are making a dent in those daily so that we can go out and get more. Cherry season is shorter than strawberry season. The heat might make a big difference so here’s hoping the berries like being hot.
Heckman’s sends pickers for their harvest. Gould’s has a picking field, and also has pre-picked in their store.
Gas prices are now below $3.40 in places including Blakeslee and Lehighton. I know all of us want to see them drop towards $3— giving us a needed break
from inflation.
Celtics basketball fans are celebrating. The men in green put on a dominant show on the Garden’s parquet floor in game five to earn another championship banner, their 18th the most in the NBA. Fans are excited in that the team is keeping its players, with the same lineup expected for next year to pursue banner number 19.
Ruth and I attended the first play of the PA Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University, the comedy The Play That Goes Wrong, which made us laugh. We arrived for the Green Show, which had a Mummer band from Philly performing. It was nice to be outside in the shade, versus coming in at the very last minute before curtain time. We came inside to the comfort of the Main Stage seating just before show time. The DeSales Main Stage theater is always nice,

especially in hot weather. The Festival at DeSales University in Center Valley, south of Allentown, now offers a musical The Last Five Years through June 30, evenings and matinees in the Schubert Theater. Coming up, Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor, opening June 26, and running through July 7 on the Main Stage. The season continues with The Color Purple, on the Main Stage July 17 through August 4. In the Schubert will be Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, opening July 24 and concluding on August 4.
For more information, and to buy tickets go to
pashakespeare.org or call (610) 282-WILL. Prices range from $47 to $38 per ticket, depending on the show. DeSales U. is about an hour’s drive via the Turnpike to Route 309 south. And about tickets, I have some tickets to the NASCAR Truck Series race on Friday July 12 (one set is claimed). The race starts at 5:30 p.m. Send an e-mail to journalseth@pa.metrocast. net or a letter to NASCAR Truck Race, JournalHerald, 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661. Include your phone number and address and write something you like about our Journals.

Journal Classifieds
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Anticipated Elementary Teaching Position
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1. South American palm berry
5. Chi preceder
8. Tatted cloth
12. *”Knee high in July”?
13. Hole-making tools
14. Sign in (2 words)
15. Discharge
16. Violin’s Renaissance predecessor
17. Nursemaid in India, pl.
18. *On the grill on the 4th?
20. Tropical tuber 21. Propelled like Argo
22. “Fresh Prince of ____-Air”

23. *#18 Across, picnics and such
26. Yellow ride
30. Not well
31. Heavy lifting injury
34. “Brave New World” drug
35. Feudal estates
37. Storm center
38. Rand McNally book
39. Singer-songwriter Amos
40. Deserving veneration
42. Giant “Master Melvin”
43. Y on Periodic Table
45. Unkind one, slangily
47. Clairvoyant’s gift, acr.
48. “____ under the rug”
50. Cry like a baby
52. *Number of stripes on Old Glory
55. Birch bark vessel
56. Object of Frodo’s obsession
57. Norse war god
59. Cut mission short
60. Fairy tale beginning
61. Tangerine/grapefruit hybrid
62. MTV’s “____’d” (2003-2015)
63. Like Willie Winkie
64. “Team” homophone
1. Fighter pilot
2. Toothy groomer
3. Operatic solo
4. Openings
5. Between once and thrice
6. Viva voce
7. Maroon’s home
8. *As opposed to Patriot
9. Lab culture
10. Type of salmon
11. Short for ensign
13. Not sympathetic
14. Potentially allergenic glove material
19. Tubs
22. Farm cry
23. *Number of stars on Old Glory
24. “The Waste Land” poet
25. Heads-up
26. Wedding cake layer
27. 2-dotted mark
28. Stradivari competitor
29. Moisten, as in a turkey
32. 500 sheets
33. *Largest Fourth of July pyrotechnics display loc.
36. *Celebratory combustible
38. Highly skilled
40. Break bread
41. Come into view
44. Even smaller than #7 Down
46. Dined elsewhere (2 words)
48. Use a shoe polish
49. Grimace in pain
50. Hindu Mr.
51. Before long, to Shakespeare
52. Think, arch.
53. Part of a seat
54. World’s longest river
55. Upper limit
58. Jodie Foster’s “____’s Island”

Frank John Guskiewicz, Jr.,72, of Albrightsville passed away on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at St. Luke’s Hospital of Easton. Born in Brooklyn, New York, he was the son of the late Frank and Jadwiga (Zlyka) Guskiewicz. Frank was an avid
fisherman. He enjoyed his Ford Explorer and was a passionate New York Yankees fan.
Frank will be lovingly remembered by his sons, Chris Guskiewicz and Justin Guskiewicz.
Elaine E. Samoleski, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, 77 years of age, of Albrightsville, passed away on Sunday, June 9, 2024, as a guest of Forest Hill Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Weatherly.
Born Friday, June 6, 1947 in Philipsburg, New Jersey, she was the daughter of the late Charles W. Brady, and Vera (Mains) Brady - Crotsley and her late husband William M. Crotsley, Jr.; brothers, James Brady, and Charles “Chot” Brady.
Surviving are her husband of 25 years, Gerard G.
Samoleski Jr.; sons, Harrison “Butch” Shive, and Kenneth Shive and his wife Sharon; daughter, Patricia Delp and her husband Richard; brothers, John Brady and Bill Crotsley; grandchildren, Jolene, Michelle, Ryan, Christine, Eric, Victoria, Sandra, Gregory, Tiffany, and Adam; 22 greatgrandchildren; stepsons, Gerard Samoleski III, and Dominick Samoleski.
Catholic by faith, Elaine was a tremendous cook, and enjoyed caring for her family, and home.
Online condolences may be made to the family at www. griffithsfuneralhomes.com

James W. Stolte, 79, of Albrightsville, passed away Sunday, June 2, 2024 at St. Luke’s Hospital-Allentown Campus.
He was the loving husband of the late MonaJean (Midkiff) Stolte. They enjoyed over 50 wonderful years together before her passing in 2022.
Born in Fords, NJ, he was the son of the late Wilson Stolte and the late Gertrude (Schrig) Stolte.
James worked as a mechanic and painter for Barclay Brand Ferdon in South Plainfield, NJ, for many years. He was an avid hunter and fisherman, and was a long-time member of the New Jersey Muzzleloader Society. Most of all, he was a loving and caring husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend. He will be deeply
missed by all his friends and family.
He is survived by his daughter, JoAnn Midkiff of Albrightsville; and three grandchildren, Samantha, Conner, and Walker.
In addition to his wife, MonaJean, and his parents, he was predeceased by a son, James W. Stolte Jr., and a sister, Corrine Rivera.
Graveside services and interment were held June 8, in George Washington Memorial Park, Paramus, NJ.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of one’s choice.
The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, has been entrusted with the arrangements.
www.kresgefuneralhome. com

ESU confers
A total of 1,194 students received degrees from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania during three commencement exercises on May 3 and May 4.
Joshua Brazezicke of Albrightsville graduated with a B.S. in Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management
Thomas Grant of Albrightsville graduated with a B.S. in Recreation & Leisure Services
Jonathan Hillanbrand of Jim Thorpe graduated with a B.S. in Computer Security
Steven Hutta of Jim Thorpe graduated with a B.A. in History
Ahmad Johnson of Albrightsville graduated with a B.S. in Sport Management
Joseph Kwietniak of Albrightsville graduated with a B.F.A. in Integrated Art and Design
William Munson of Albrightsvlle graduated with a M.S. in Exercise Science
Thomas Weber of Albrightsville graduated with a B.S. in Psychology

121 Carbon St., Weatherly
Carbon County property transfers through May 19
Kidder Township
TMC Management Corporation to Billie D. Pugh Jr., 601B W. Oak Lane, White Haven, property at 601 B W. Oak Lane, $268,000.
Frank J. Incatasciato to Joann Incatasciato, Brooklyn, New York, two transactions, property at 186 Timberlane Drive and property on Timberlane Drive, $1 each.
Blue Ridge Real Estate Company to Intuitive Investments, LLC, Ambler, Laurelwoods III, Building Pad 43, Mountainwoods Drive, $90,000.
Frank T. Oldring Jr. to Donald J. Moran, P.O. Box 2058, Albrightsville, property at 33 Breezewood Drive, Lake Harmony, $210,000.
Michael Anthony Warren to Raymond Pirozzolo, Staten Island, New York, property at 24 Lupine Drive, Lake Harmony, $620,000.
Keith S. Erbstein to Erez Hoffman, Cresskill, New Jersey, property at 25 Rockspring Court, Lake Harmony, $575,000.
Patricia S. Ukropec to Richard S. Brichta, Fogelsviolle, property at 25 Midlake Drive, No. 201, Lake

Harmony, $395,000.
Frank Krajcir Jr. to Tawney Lynne Lee, P.O. Box 908, Albrightsville, Lot u, Jonathan Point, $18,000.
McKinley Carpet Enterprises of PA, LLC, to Kyle B. Zorzi, North Wales, property at 136 Pineknoll Drive, Lake Harmony, $925,000.
Chad Dana Goffstein to Blue Line Real Estate, LLC, Doylestown, property at 78 Laurelwood Drive, Lake Harmony, $390,000.
James Boland to Genon Doe, LLC, Altamonte Springs, Florida, property at 80 Doe Run, Lake Harmony, $370,000.
Gallagher REI, LLC, to Vitarelli Management Systems, LLC, Voorhees, New Jersey, property at 87 Telstar, Lake Harmony,
Sheriff of Carbon County to Camilar, LLC, Macungie, property at 4402 State Rt. 534, f/k/a R.1, Box 59, White Haven, $125,569.
Regan N. Campbell to Joel Felicio, Westport, Connecticut, property at 85 Estates Drive, Lake Harmony, $680,000.
Erica Taxin Bleznak to Melissa Ann Goodhile, 148 Pocono Road, No. 881, Albrightsville, property at 148 Pocono Road, $385,000.
Beverly Webert to Beverly O. Webert, Odenton, Maryland, property on Woodlands Road, $1.
Robert J. Fanucci to Luke J. Suppa Jr., P.O. Box 104, Lake Harmony, property at 129 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $370,000.

Penn Forest Township
Michael Connolly to Ottnot, LLC, Caldwell, New Jersey, property at 128 Lindberg Circle, Albrightsville, $38,000.
David Matthew Michael III to John Middleton, Caldwell, New Jersey, property at 132 Lindberg Circle, Albrightsville, $275,000.
Nicholas Tsilimidos to Nicholas Tsilimidos, Palm Coast, Florida, property at Penn Forest Trail and MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $1.
Jamie L. Jones to Adriana Lopez, Franklin Square, New York, property at 42 Iowa Road, Albrightsville, $400,000.
Ka-Bar Realty, LLC, to Matthew Joseph Barrett, Holland, Lot 1007, Section B, Indian Mountain Lakes, $5,999.
Fourterra, LLC, to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive West, Lehighton, Lot 343, Section 5, Penn Forest Streams, $13,500.
Mark Santo to Properties of JK, LLC, 123 W. Broadway, Jim Thorpe, property at 16 Bear Lane, Bear Creek Lakes, $265,000.
Jay C. Wissler to Katherine Hunter, 784 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property on Stony Mountain Road, $15,000.
William Quier to Richard Scutt, Beverly, New Jersey, Lot 16, Section A, Josiah Behrens Subdivision, $34,000
All State Asset Management, Inc., to Swat Enterprises, LLC, 1840 Route 209, Brodheadsville, Lot V1810, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
See TRANSFERS, page 12
Continued from page 11
Northeast Investment Group, Inc., to Swat Enterprises, LLC, 1840 Route 209, Brodheadsville, Lot V1413, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
1102 TT Repo Trust to Swan Enterprises, 1840 Route 209, Brodheadsville, Lot V1102, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
1426 TT Repo Trust to Swat Enterprises, LLC, 1840 Route 209, Brodheadsville, Lot V1426, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
1595 TT Repo Trust to Swat Enterprises, LLC, 1840 Route 209, Brodheadsville, Lot V1595, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
Kristen L. Monahan to Andrew S. Heiss, 23 Tamarack Terrace, Albrightsville, property at 23 Tamarack Terrace, $230,000.
Brian Swift to Arunkumar Raghui, Jersey City, New Jersey, property at 108
Mohawk Trail, Albrightsville, $402,000.
Sheriff of Carbon County to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Midvale, Utah, property at 40 Nosirrah Road, Albrightsville, $1.
Sheriff of Carbon County to IDO Property Management, LLC, Allentown, property at 97 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $245,339.
Kyle Slack to Zackery Scarl, 26 Porter Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 26 Porter Drive, $235,000.
Oliver T. Tookes to Blair Todd, Yorktown, property at 46 Sekani Trail, Albrightsville, $1.
Raymond P. Manus to Courtney Rose Reilly, 86 Hiawatha Trail, Albrightsville, Lot V1941, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $4,000.
Joseph Binder Jr. to Robert John Parker, Croydon, lots 1194, 20 and 21, Section E, Behrens Brothers Subdivision, $73,000.
Susan Crosson to Dennis Crisanti, 7 Oneida Trail, Albrightsville, property at 7 Oneida Trail, $310,000.
Louis Barbakos to Cesar

J. Heyaime, Paterson, New Jersey, property at 74 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $225,000.
161 Wylie, LLC, to Joel Felicio, Westport, Connecticut, property at 161 Wylie Court, Albrightsville, $535,000.
Michael R. Gillam to Corey Scott Bruggemann, Staten Island, New York, property at 54 Black Oak Drive, $743,400.
Yakov Khodzhayev to Eileen Kelly, P.O. Box 255, Albrightsville, Lot 1775, Section IV, Towamensing Trails, $15,000.
Phillip V. Monahan to Philip A. McFadden, Downingtown¸ property at 45 MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $339,000.
Dorothy Gildein to Christopher J. Ivan, 22 Piney Woods Road, Jim Thorpe, Lot 17, South Lake Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $32,000.
Robert S. Russell to Boguslaw Stelmach, Ivyland, Lot 1990, Section IV, Towamensing Trails, $14,000.

Police Beat by
Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department completed a months-long investigation into the sale of narcotics in the Tobyhanna area. On 6/14, the PMRPD obtained a search warrant for the premises at 137 Colt Place in Pocono Farms, Coolbaugh Township. The search uncovered significant evidence of the sale of narcotics to include bulk quantities of heroin and fentanyl. Police seized materials used to store, cut, weigh, repackage, and sell the drugs. Bulk quantities of drugs at the home are worth over $8,000. Police also seized cash as proceeds of the sale of narcotics. Shanace Armstrong-Woods, 40, was arrested for the crimes and placed in the Monroe County jail with bail set at $100,000. She is to face District Justice Danielle Travagline on 7-2. Pennsylvania State Police–Fern Ridge barracks, were on traffic duty on Interstate 80 west on 6-8 at 11:20 p.m. when a traffic stop in Kidder Township became a pursuit. The driver of a Nissan Titan pickup truck fled west, finally stopping after eight miles in Foster Township west of White Haven. Troopers arrested the driver, finding the 21 y/o man under the influence of drugs, and with drugs in his possession. He was charged with DUI, fleeing, resisting arrest, plus summary and vehicle code violations, and taken to the Carbon County Jail ahead of
Seth Isenberg
time in court.
6-10, 3:36 p.m., PSP-F was called to a Merwinsburg Road, Effort home, about a woman’s two pit bulls escaping their enclosure and running loose, chasing a cat and a neighbor. This is the third time the dogs have gotten out. On 5-26, PSP was contacted about these two dogs getting loose on the 25th and again on the 26th, killing a neighbor’s chicken one day and injuring another chicken the other. Troopers wrote up the dogs’ owner for a Dog Law violation PSP-F conducted sobriety checkpoints May 24 to 27 and are planning more on the July 4 week. Among the rest of the reports were an Albrightsville home and a Brodheadsville business cited for having multiple false alarms, as well as no-injury collisions with trees, guide rails, etc., various no-injury fender benders and rear-enders in Brodheadsville, credit card frauds, shoplifting and investigations into persons not allowed to apply for a firearm.
A bridge inspection team is on the highway and local roads this week and next. Also look out for crack sealing crews night times on Interstate 80.
Paving and bridge work is ongoing on the Pennsylvania Turnpike day and night.