New supervisor for Penn Forest Twp.
by Seth Isenberg
Penn Forest Township su pervisors thanked all citizens who came forward to apply for the vacant supervisor’s term when their Sep tember 6 meeting began. The first order of busi ness was to swear in Jim Denier as the new supervisor, above. Denier then took a seat with the rest of the supervisors.
Chairman Roger Meckes said, “We had a lot of appli cants.” Vice chair Christian Bartulovich added that it was “a difficult choice to make.”
Supervisors next heard public comments, again primarily about Short Term Rentals (STRs). It was noted that Granicus, the township’s violations recording agency, did not send a representa tive to the town hall meeting about STRs. Peg and Larry
Dusablon were back, with Larry asking why a property he has called about five times this year is not on its way to being shut down. Peg added to that, telling supervisors that “we are disturbed week end after weekend… We want the problems prevented.” She concluded that the Granicus system is not helping them.
On this, Bartulovich ex plained that for a property vio lating the ordinance to resolve the problem the same day means the problem is solved.
Other speakers gave exam ples where a home may have a large crowd in it, overtax ing the septic system at that property. Supervisors ac knowledged that the majority of violation notices sent out by the township have been for ex ceeding maximum occupancy.
Supervisors voted to ad vertise to hire a part-time code enforcement officer. Pay would be $18 an hour, and more if the position would become full time.
Mountain Laurel Golf Club to close
Owners asking for property to be rezoned by Seth Isenberg
The owners of the Moun tain Laurel Golf Club at tended East Side Borough’s September 1 council meet ing to advance their case to have their property rezoned to Highway Business-B1 from Conservation. Attorney
Stephanie Koval of Fitzpat rick Lentz & Bubba, of Allen town, told council the owners want to put the property up for sale, for its “highest and best use.”
The restaurant at the golf course will serve its last meals on October 2, then golfing will end on November
11, after which the business will be closed.
Koval noted that the own ers want to rezone to get the best price for their property.
Sisters Maureen Bufalino and Catherine Gower, whose family owns the property, explained that since their family bought the proper MOUNTAIN LAUREL,
Health Center at Carbon Excellent care from the region’s most trusted health partner just got even better.• Infusion • Rehabilitation • Advanced imaging • 13 specialties THE 1st 2 copies FREE 50¢ each additional copy BOXHOLDER Presorted Standard U.S.POSTAGE PAID WHITE HAVEN PA PERMIT NO. 18 POSTAL CUSTOMER of PENN-KIDDER ©2021, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 15, NUMBER 4 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2022
page 3
FOREST, page 2
Penn Forest from page 1
Jay York was hired as the township’s new working fore man, at a pay rate of $23 an hour, to start September 19.
The treasurer’s report shows $3,371,942 in the general fund after bills of $690,623. The big item was the 2022 paving proj ects $529,314 paid to the H&K Group. For the trench drain project at the Transfer Station, Kobalt Construc tion was paid $99,346. Barry Isett & Assoc. (BIA) was paid a total of $23,758 for zoning services and then four bills for engineering work. The cost of the thermo-plastic for Route 903 was $14,025.
Among the projects reviewed by BIA was the pump track specs. Bids came in for the pump track, with local company offering to do the work for $85,000 a substantial discount.
Supervisors accepted this bid, with a plan to have the work complete in 2023.
A second payment to Kobalt Construction was approved, for $50,114, as they are nearly done with the work. The next project to be underway at the Transfer Station will be build ing the salt shed. A pre-con struction meeting has been held, and the work should be underway in October.
Ten benches were bought from Uline at $575 each, to be installed at the township park.
Supervisors received a let ter of resignation from one of the original park & recreation committee member, Richard Strack. His letter and resig nation were accepted with re gret, Bartulovich saying, “It’s a huge loss.” Holly Rivera, a long-time volunteer with the committee, was named to the open position.
Supervisors and the park & recreation committee are ex
ploring the idea of adding an other rest room to the park.
Supervisors reluctantly agreed to pay an additional $700 for a now 2023 Honda SXS700 UTV the addition al cost because the manufac turer shipped the 2023 unit and not the 2022 version that was ordered.
The agreement between the township and fire compa nies regarding fire trucks as they are finally clear of any payment was tabled for some more work to be done.
A draft of an amendment to the township zoning ordi nance to prohibit new STRs within 500 feet of an exist ing licensed property was defeated 2-3, Denier voting “no” along with Meckes and Pat Holland. The discussion is to make the distance 1,000 feet. It was noted the new rule would impact only new applications. A revised set
of zoning permit fees was tabled in order to look at the entire fee schedule to likely raise many of them due to increased costs.
Supervisors were unani mous in offering a contract to Shiffer Bituminous to replace a double 24″ pipe on Forest Street, and then repave the pavement cut, at a quoted cost of $9,200, but not to exceed $11,800.
Advertisements to get bids for winter snow removal will be placed.
A draft ordinance estab lishing rules about truck dis tribution centers will be sent to the township and Carbon County Planning Commis sions to have them review it for 30 days. The township is now using a consultant to set up rules for large scale solar farms, to go through this same process once these rules are ready.
Resort plans to divide property
by Seth Isenberg
The Mountain Laurel Resort at the Turnpike in Kidder Township came before the Kidder Planning Commission on September 7 to present a subdivision plan for their 136-acre proper ty. The Resort proposes to divide the western-most 49 acres off to create a piece that can be collateralized. The Resort has no plans to develop this piece at this time.
Planning Commission members had questions about right-of-ways into the lot, about a driveway from Route 940, and about sewer connections. Current access to the western side of the property is via a dirt road.
The answers to these ques tions were that if the subdi vision occurs, there will be a right-of-way from the resort property including a utili ty right-of-way for a sewer connection – when needed. It was repeated that there are no development plans.
No action by the Planning Commission was needed.
The other item of busi ness that night was a two-lot combination for properties on South Lake Drive at Alder Lane. The combination was approved. The owner of the combined property has no development plans at this time.
The Kidder Planning Com mission will meet next on Wednesday, October 5.
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ty 16 years ago, it has been “subsidized by our other businesses…”
“(These) last three years have killed us,” said Gower.
“It’s time to stop,” added Bufalino. “We want to sell … (to) recoup the money we
have put into it.”
Thomas Shepstone of Shepstone Management, also speaking for the property owners, explained that with over 52,000 vehicles passing by the property on Interstate 80 each day (on average), there are good business uses for the property, not just as a site for a warehouse.
Attorney Koval added that they were applying to re zone their property in Kidder Township as well. The golf club’s clubhouse and pro shop, along with most of nine holes and its driving range are in East Side and abut Interstate 80. The balance of the course, including the lon gest holes, are in Kidder.
Council members were wary of the proposal, and the traffic increase that it may bring. East Side coun cil president Lou Esa noted
that council has received 23 e-mails so far opposing the change of the site to allow a warehouse. He also said that a petition in the communi ty is on its way to collecting 1,000 signatures opposed to the change.
Esa offered his opinion that East Side Borough is a good place to raise kids, and implied that the borough is not in need of a change.
Koval asked council how the property owners move ahead. East Side Borough’s solicitor James Nanovic sug gested that they find a way to show a market study. In formation about options for uses other than for a ware house site “would be help ful,” offered Nanovic.
The property owners are expected to return for East Side Council’s October meet ing.
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Seth’s Sightings
Our week ahead of Labor Day was just crazy. It started with medical day to see my lead oncologist and surgeon at the University of Pennsyl vania in Philadelphia, plus a CAT scan and an X-ray. See ing two doctors and having two tests took 5 and a half hours in the Perelman build ing, plus two hours each way of travel time. Losing a work day compressed our Tuesday, which meant that we had to put out three newspapers in three days. By Friday we were fried and needed a break. We are blessed with ex tended family in Annapolis. They have a spare bedroom
in their basement one that looks out on one of the little river coves, Weems Creek. We gratefully accepted their hospitality, then made our way there on Saturday and enjoyed a quiet evening and the peace of just staring out over the creek, watching the birds and boats.
On Sunday, our hosts treated us to a boat tour out around the Naval Academy and then along the Severn River to the Chesapeake Bay. It was terrific. We saw an Aegis cruiser docked behind the Academy’s sailboat marina, a variety of sail and motorboats, and a
by Seth Isenberg
tourist pirate ship where the ‘pirates’ (mainly little kids and their parents) were in full attack mode with water guns directed at a pair of staff out in a small boat.
When the cruise was over, our hosts gave us a tour in side the Academy grounds (they have a pass onto the secure property). It’s a beau tiful campus. The students who were in their dress whites for trips off campus are also quite impressive.
Later, we all took a ride south along the Chesapeake via country roads to North Beach on the Chesapeake Bay. There we walked the board walk to the pier and admired the families in the water. It was not a beach day for us but on our way back to Annapolis, we stopped for a few minutes at a tiny beach right off the
road to just walk in up to our ankles and experience the warm water of the bay.
We finished the day with a harborside seafood dinner.
During the weekend, we spent time with our hosts watching the U.S. Open Ten nis Tournament on TV. We were thrilled by the match where Nick Kyrgios defeated #1 Danil Medvedev. (I still prefer watching football.)
While there, we learned that the Maryland Renaissance Faire was going on about 15 minutes from where we were staying. The Faire invited senior citizens (us) to attend on Labor Day Monday for free. We decided to detour on our way home to take a quick look. It’s huge, and packs a lot of entertainment. And people. Food is plentiful and reasonably priced. Paths are packed dirt and stone, with roots and stuff, so it was
hard rolling for me. We kept our stay short so our trip home would be mostly in daylight. We plan to return. This Faire runs weekends to October 23.
We got home in the dark and took very two happy dogs back to sleep in their own beds again. And us too.
The Philadelphia Funk Au thority headlined the Palmer ton Festival on the Friday of the second weekend of this September. We’d wanted to see this band at Musikfest but found that they were at the other end of the event on the day we were there. This night, we brought our festival chairs and enjoyed the show, plus of course some of the foods sold by area churches and non-profits.
This past Saturday night was the retirement roast for state Senator Mario Scavello. Ruth and I attended a fun evening, where the man of honor enjoyed a small barrage of funny stories and teasing. There were laughs galore, and we found some friends to sit with.
The roast was held in the Kalahari Convention Center. In the Center’s other ballroom at the far end of the building was where Enterprise Rent-ACar was having its regional sales recognition with a luau-themed party. When I stepped out of the roast for a moment, I could hear the sounds of fun coming from their ballroom, which was half a block away. Our event ended earlier than theirs. As we walked by their room, a group was in full pirate attack mode on the stage, with plastic swords held high to salute the top performers of the quarter…arrrgh.
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I am enjoying the start of the football season. The NFL has been fun with wins by the Eagles and Bucs and
PAGE 4 THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2022 ACCESSIBLE – Quality, walk-in care for minor illness and injuries CONVENIENT – No appointment needed, extended and weekend hours QUALITY CLINICIANS St. Luke’s providers always onsite to manage your medical needs LOWER EXPENSE – Lower out-of-pocket than an ER visit PLUS, AVAILABLE ON SITE… • Lab and X-ray services • Common prescription medications • Comprehensive Occupational Medicine services available for local employers Locations: Allentown • Bethlehem Jim Thorpe • Upper Perkiomen • Wind Gap
See SIGHTINGS, page 5
many spectacular plays. The Patriots bounced back from their opening day loss with
a respectable win. Even the Jets looked good during week two.
I’m very happy with the college football, especially with Penn State now getting
national ranking. Marshall had their biggest win ever, beating Notre Dame at South Bend. The odd team for me to follow this year is Incar nate Word of Texas, whose
team is 2 and 0 as of this column Go Word...
Sightings these past few weeks, here and in Mary land, include a large coyote seen crossing the road north of Weatherly, a large bear off Route 903 in Lake Harmony, some turkeys, foxes, and lots of butterflies. In Annapolis, we sighted cormorants, herons, lots of gulls, ducks, and a pos sible merganser duck though maybe a kingfisher. Also of note was a gull floating on the breeze beside the Bay Bridge as we drove up the bridge and then under him so close that we could almost touch him. Our area finally got some rain, the gentle steady kind that truly nourishes the plants. The quick gullywash er thunderstorms that blew through late in August gave us wet, but not the kind of deep soil wet to help the plants and trees as our plants and trees are all stressed by the lack of water.
There’s now some color on leaves early fall foliage. The burning bush in front of our house has started to tinge towards red. Perhaps our rainy days will have come just in time to extend this fall’s foliage season.
On the 24th is Penn Forest Park’s first ever park festival rain or shine. Look for us as we plan to have a booth.
That night, we are attending the Blakeslee Rotary Club’s Night at the Races fund raiser for the Rotary and Tunkhannock Township Fire Co. held at the fire house in Long Pond. Doors open at 5.
The Bethlehem Celtic Classic is August 23 to 25. Ruth and I are planning an afternoon visit to the Bethlehem on the 25th for a few hours of Celtic fun.
The Bloomsburg Fair starts on the 23rd and continues to Oct. 1 (we’ll attend for an evening during the week, likely on the 29th).
As the weather cools, we’re thinking of going to an apple orchard for Winesap apples and more. Further ahead, this year’s Covered Bridge Festival is at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds Oct. 6 to 9. I also want to attend the PA Renaissance Faire later this month, on a cool day.
Here’s to a football-filled, sunny September, and to keeping warm as the weath er cools (and here’s to lower diesel and heating oil prices). Best of health to you all.
A sweet and happy new year to all who celebrate Rosh Ha’Shana, beginning on the 25th and that Mon day, and then an easy fast for Yom Kippur on October 4th to 5th.
Continued from page 4
Showing cars to benefit Valor House
Horn did the paint job on the trucks and Gilmartin han dled the mechanical needs. Both trucks had been farm vehicles and were “too slow” maxing at 40 mph. Horn noted that it is a “continu ous process to update the trucks.” a common theme among the car owners.
Story & photos by Lori R. Cooper
Mt. Pocahontas in Al brightsville held its inaugural car show on September 10. Part of the proceeds benefit Valor House which provides access assessing benefits and shelter for veterans with lim ited or no access to care.
Events coordinator Ellen Cuffari noted that the event was planned when commu nity member Bradley Fly came to her with the idea. Bradley recently moved into Mt. Pocahontas and wanted to “try to help the communi ty as I love cars and motorcy cles.” He chose Valor House because “Veterans don’t get
enough recognition and I have family members in the military.”
He has been doing car shows for 5 years with his ‘03 Ford Mustang GT convert ible, which was his dad’s.
Bob Horn, owner of a 1950 Chevy truck, and his friend Duane Gilmartin, owner of 1948 Chevy truck showed their vehicles side by side.
A purple Dodge Hellcat was a show favorite. When asked how he got into cars, owner Darrien Reiss went into his car and pulled out a picture of a familiar 60s and 70s cartoon character. It was Speed Racer. Many of us recall the theme song, “Go Speed Racer, go“ ,with his sidekick Chim Chim the
“Glamour green pearl” paint job done on a 1965 El Camino. Owner Steve Berger is the vice pres ident of the Jukebox Cruisers, a local car club.
Bob Horn with his 1950 Chevy truck CAR
SHOW, page 6
Darren Reiss holding a picture of cartoon character Speed Racer which inspired him to get into cars.
monkey and girlfriend Trixie. Darren and wife Cindy own 11 show cars. In 1991 they purchased their first car, a 1956 Chevy Sedan for a mere $300.
Steve Berger brought his ‘65 El Camino, shown bottom
of page 6. He is vice-president of local car club The Jukebox Cruisers, with 145 mem bers. The car was purchased from a local farm store in
2017 and was in “bad shape.” Now painted “glamour green pearl,” the vehicle shines.
Door prizes such as car care products were donated
by local businesses. A 50/50 raffle was held, with ½ the proceeds going to Valor House. Donations were sug gested for hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill.
Duane Gilmartin with his 1948 Chevy truck.
Darren and Cindy Reiss’ Dodge Hellcat, one of their 11 show cars
Brian and Linda Demko with their 1970 Oldsmobile 442W30
Dustin Brady, managing the grill, as junior firefighter John Smith, 14, purchases something to eat.
Police Beat
Colonel Robert Evanchick, commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, announced that 64 cadets have graduated from the Pennsylvania State Police Academy in August. The class was the 164th to graduate from the academy in Hershey since it opened in 1960.
Evanchick told the cadets the rigorous training and education they received serve as the foundation of their careers. “You will be scrutinized for every decision you make and sometimes for the decisions other law enforcement officers make,” he said. “You need to be true to yourself, our Call of Honor, and do the right thing, even when doing the right thing may be the most difficult decision you will ever make.”
Of the new troopers, one was added to Troop N Hazleton, four were added to Troop N Lehighton and four to Troop N Stroudsburg, reporting to their new work on September 6. None were added at Fern Ridge in Blakeslee.
Police Beat
PA State Police were out on DUI patrols over the Labor Day weekend. PSP investigated 648 vehicle crashes resulting in six fatalities and 180 injuries during the four-day Labor Day travel period Sept. 2-5. Alcohol was a factor in four of the fatal crashes.
Troopers made 515 driving under the influence arrests and issued nearly 23,000 traffic citations over the long holiday weekend. During the 2021 Labor Day driving period, which spanned four
days, troopers made 587 DUI arrests. In addition, six people were killed and 209 were injured in the 674 crashes investigated by the PSP.
8-11, between 7:30 and 9:15 p.m., someone shot and killed the family dog of a Ryan’s Road, Coolbaugh Twp. family. Pocono Mountain Regional Police are investigating and would appreciate any leads. Call Detectives at 570 8952400 or via – Submit An Anonymous Tip. The dog’s owner is offering a $5,000 reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the dog’s killer.
8-27, An Effort family reported to PSP-Fern Ridge that they were being harassed via text and telephone by a couple from Simpson, PA. Police have investigated, and are charging the Simpson couple for the threats they made.
A 13 y/o Effort girl is being charged with harassment via SnapChat of a 13 y/o Brodheadsville girl. She sent a message threatening physical harm, 9-4, PSP-F.
These weeks have a handful of DUI reports, mostly drunk drivers caught during traffic stops including
by Seth Isenberg
an Albrightsville 23 y/o at 1:20 a.m. 9-3, on Route 940.
PSP made a traffic stop on Interstate 80 on 9-9 of a car driven by a 24 y/o local man, and Troopers saw marijuana paraphernalia. The man had some marijuana in his possession, so was given a ticket for drug possession.
Also of note, on 8-28, someone removed a mailbox in front of a Timberline Trail, Effort home late that night or early the next morning. The box was recovered and put back on its post.
Keeping the rubber side down 8-31, 10:10 a.m., the driver of a ’21 Ford Escape southbound on Route 209 ignored traffic signals and entered into the intersection with Route 115 where there was already a tractortrailer which he crashed into. The Escape had fender and bumper damage, and the truck suffered little damage. Both vehicles could be driven. The Escape’s driver was ticketed by PSP. 9-10, 5:37 p.m., a 28 y/o Dubois woman ran the red light at Blakeslee Corners in her ’08 Chevy Tahoe and hit an ‘09 Subaru Crosstrek that was passing through the intersection. The crash
spun the Subaru into a State Police Ford Explorer that was there waiting for the light to change. There were some minor injuries, but none needing an ambulance. All three vehicles needed to be towed.
9-17, 9:27 p.m., a 45 y/o motorcyclist lost control of his Harley and dumped his cycle at highway speed on the Lehigh River Bridge in White Haven. Man had injuries to his left leg and hand, taken by EMS to hospital.
9-18, 1:12 p.m., local driver lost control of her Nissan Altima at Route 115 and Interstate 80 and knocked over a PennDOT sign. Car needed to be towed. PSP sent driver away with a variety of tickets including failure to register car.
9-1, an 43 y/o Effort woman received a call at home from someone claiming to be from the Northampton County Sheriff’s Department, falsely telling her that there were active warrants for her arrest, and that she needed
to make payment(s) to avoid Sheriffs coming to pick her up. The victim ended the phone call. She lost no money in this incident. PSP-Fern Ridge asks anyone who has had a similar call to contact them.
PSP has a report about a car stolen from the Penn Hills development in Jackson Twp. in the early morning hours of 9-6. The vehicle turned up in Newark, NJ, and has been recovered.
9-7, a 67 y/o Jackson Twp. woman received a text from someone who identified themselves as an Amazon employee. They asked to be called regarding her Amazon account, which had been hacked. The victim responded, and she gave personal information. The “employee” (thief) told her to buy Apple gift cards to cover the cost of the processing.
She bought $1,300 in Apple gift cards, and provided the thief with the card information and then the thief vanished. PSP-Fern
Ridge asks anyone who has had a similar call to contact them at 570 646-2271.
See POLICE BEAT, page 9
PAGE 8 THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2022 Art MinissA PAinting Free Estimates & Insured INTERIOR & EXTERIOR 570-325-3572 T-one-eleven Coatings & Repairs Deck Coatings & Repairs Log Home Coatings Power Washing Quality Work Since 1980 CUTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PAOAGHIC 003458
Police Beat
9-7, thieves tried to break into the Dollar General store on Route 903 in Penn Forest Twp. by cutting open the metal siding, then breaking through a wall. They didn’t get inside. PSP is investigating.
9-8, a 55 y/o Saylorsburg man has reported to PSP that he was the victim of a
scam which had him buy $3,400 worth of Target gift cards. No details came with the report.
A pothole patching crew is in Carbon County. Route 903 is due for work in September.
There’s shoulder work being done on I-80 west of Stroudsburg between the Route 209 exits through month’s end. Also be alert
for a nighttime pothole patching crew on the interstate from I-380 east.
Long Pond Road’s bridge just east of Pocono Raceway will see signage going up ahead of the coming replacement project. The bridge will be reduced to one lane at the start of the project.
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Heffley introduces bill on tougher fentanyl punishment
As overdose deaths continue to skyrocket, with no relief on the horizon, Rep. Doyle Heffley introduced legislation that would create stiffer criminal penalties for any defendant who knowingly or intentionally manufactures or sells fentanyl or fentanyl-laced drugs.
“Thousands of individuals, including children, have tragically lost their lives to this indiscriminate drug,” Heffley said. “This drug poses a significant risk to our communities, and I believe that this legislation is necessary to not only combat the sale and production of fentanyl on our streets, but to also save the lives of those individuals in the throes of addiction and recovery.”
With full knowledge of the very real and demonstrable risks posed by the drug, many drug dealers will nevertheless mix fentanyl with other street drugs, including cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, Oxycodone and Xanax, to increase
potency, thereby promoting addiction and the demand for the drug. Alarmingly, drug users will often be ignorant of the fact that the drug they are about to ingest contains a lethal dosage of fentanyl.
The legislation would create stiffer criminal penalties for any defendant who knowingly or intentionally manufactures or sells fentanyl or fentanyllaced drugs. Specifically, the bill provides that any individual convicted of manufacturing or selling fentanyl shall be subject to a sentence of imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $500,000. Under current law, individuals convicted of selling or manufacturing fentanyl are subject to a possible sentence of 15 years’ incarceration and a fine of up to $250,000.
Last year, there were a reported 5,438 overdose deaths in this Commonwealth – a 6% increase from the prior year. This increase in fatalities can be largely attributed to the rise of the illegal sale and usage of fentanyl, an opiatebased drug that is 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin. The consumption of a mere 2 milligrams of the powerful drug can prove fatal to a person. Significantly, fentanyl is not only deadly to those who knowingly ingest it as evidenced by the fact that many first responders have suffered overdoses after inadvertently being exposed to the drug.
House Bill 2820 is expected to be referred to the House Judiciary Committee for review.
Continued from page 8
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Fire Company Reports, August -September
Penn Forest Township VFC #1
9-15 Automatic fire alarm: PFVFC#1 was dispatched to a residence on Shortridge Road for a fire alarm sound ing. On arrival, determined the alarm was malfunction ing.
9-11 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Patten Circle about a CO Alarm sounding. Recalled by alarm company.
9-11 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a motor vehicle accident on Drakes Creek Road at Smith Road. Found a car in a ditch. EMS also ar rived to care for driver.
9-10 Culinary Mishap at a home on Jeffers Way with a fire alarm sounding. Recalled by alarm co.
8-31 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Reed Court about a CO Alarm sounding. Recalled.
8-30 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Sokoki Circle about a fire alarm sounding. False alarm.
8-27 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Byron Lane for a dwelling fire. On arrival, fire was out –dust in the heating system.
8-23 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Caedman Drive for a dwell ing fire. Recalled.
8-23 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to a residence on Parker Mews about a CO Alarm sounding. On scene, assisted PFVFC#2 with checking home.
8-20 PFVFC#1 was dis patched to the Jordan Road area to investigate smoke there. Learned it was from a controlled burn.
8-17 PFVFC#1 fire police were sent to a motor vehicle accident scene on Route 903 for traffic control.
Penn Forest VFC#2
9-11 2022-149 Rescue 2255, Engine 2210, and Command 2277, with twenty volunteers, responded to a motor vehicle accident on Drakes Creek Road. District 12 and Lehighton ALS also responded.
2022-150Engine 2210 and Tanker 2233, with sixteen volunteers, responded to a CO alarm on Patten Circle, Valley View Estates.
9-10 Volunteers were out for the Albrightsville Com munity Car Cruise with Lad der 2222 and Brush 2244.
Also 9-10 Search & Rescue: 2022-148 Command 2277, UTV 2278, Brush 2244, with seven volunteers, responded to a search off Route 903, Kidder Township. An addi tional thirteen volunteers
staffed the station for any additional calls. Carbon Dis tricts 16, 17, Monroe Station 42, and Lake Harmony EMS also responded. See photo above.
9-4 Shed Fire Engine 2210, Tanker 2233, and Rescue 2255, with twen ty volunteers, responded to a structure fire on Fawn Grove Drive, Holiday Pocono, Kidder Township. Units arrived and provided water
and manpower for extin guishment and overhaul. See photo below.
8-31 Engine 2210 respond ed to a CO alarm on Reed Court, Valley View Estates. District 12 and Lehighton ALS also responded.
page 11
Fire Reports
8-28 Over the weekend, Tanker 2233 participated in the Citizens’ Fire Company #1 Weatherly’s parade for their 125th Anniversary and Dedication for their new Rescue Engine. Tanker 2233 placed first for Most Func tional & Equipped Pumper Tanker.
8-27 Burning odor: Engine 2210, Ladder 2222, Res cue 2255, and Brush 2244, with eighteen volunteers, responded to a possible dwelling fire on Byron Lane, Towamensing Trails. District 12 and Lehighton ALS also responded.
8-23 - Engine 2210, Tanker 2233, Rescue 2255, and Ladder 2222, with twenty-three volunteers, responded to a reported dwelling fire on Caedman Drive, Towamensing Trails.
A closed chimney flue was to blame for the smoke condi tion in the residence.
Tanker Water Supply Class
8-21-photo above
Over the weekend, four volunteers participated in a 16-hour Tanker Water Supply Course at District 17. During the evolutions, Tank er 2233 and Tanker 1731 provided water shuttles for Ladder 2222 while Ladder 1721 established the fill site.
8-20 Tanker 2233, Brush 2244, and Engine 2210 re sponded to a possible brush fire on Jordan Road. Volun teers arrived to find a con trolled burn. PFVFC#1 also responded.
PFTVFC#1 plans Fire Prevention Day Open House
The PFTVFC1 will hold an open house on Saturday, October 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at their station which is located at 1387 Route 903 in Penn Forest Township. The purpose of the event is to raise public awareness of fire prevention through displays of fire equipment and live demonstrations of firefight ing techniques. The event is open to all ages and will include free refreshments, a variety of educational hand outs and several drawings throughout the day.
Some of the demonstra tions planned for the day include water tanker opera tions, vehicle rescue tech niques and self-contained breathing apparatus oper ations. Attendees will be
able to participate in the hands-on use of fire extin guishers and the operation of hoses against a simulat ed fire. Younger guests will be able to tour the Compa ny’s fire apparatus and the equipment carried on board.
During the day there will be presentations on search and rescue which will show chil dren and adults how to avoid becoming lost while in the outdoors and how to make yourself more easily found if you do become lost.
There are entertainment activities planned for the younger folks and of course, free refreshments for all. What kind of refreshments? Hot dogs, soft drinks, ice cream, root beer floats and chips. There will be drawings held for household fire extin guishers and other items.
PFTVFC1 is an all-vol unteer organization and is always looking for qualified folks to volunteer for roles as firefighters, fire police, support personnel and junior firefighters. Junior firefight ers are taken from ages 16 through 18 and are allowed to participate in training ses sions, classes and drills. The intention of the junior fire fighter program is to provide participants with adequate training to prepare them for probationary firefighter status once they reach age 18. And of course, we glad ly accept donations to help defray the cost of equipment and operations.
At the time of this writ ing events are still being put together and more details of the schedule for the day will be posted on the Company’s website. Please visit www. for the latest information.
Complete Automotive Repair & Diagnostic 40 Bowman Rd., Jim Thorpe Dan Walker, owner A complete repair facility, for work on all makes and models. We do alignments. Electrical and computer diagnostics. 570-325-2925 A Technet repair shop, member of a network of independent repair facilities providing a nationwide 24-month 24,000-mile warranty on all repairs. TITAN POWER WASHING 570.407.0578 570.407.0578 TITANPOWERWASHING570.COM TITANPOWERWASHING570.COM COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PRESSURE & SOFT WASHINGCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL & WASHING Soft Wash Roofing Gutter Cleanouts Small Branch Cutting Driveways Sidewalks & Decks Walls & Fences Power and Soft Washing Concrete, Brick, Vinyl, Tile, Stucco, and Natural Stone Surfaces We keep our appointments and show up. No job too big or small, we clean it all! Serving All of Northeastern PA & The Poconos
Continued from page 10
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THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2022 — PAGE 13 Moving/Rental LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Call now to speak to one of our Quality Relocation Specialists: 877-541-6320 Real Estate For Sale READY TO BUY, SELL, OR RENT YOUR VACATION HOME OR HUNTING CAMP? Advertise it here and in neighboring publications. We can help you. Contact MACnet MEDIA @ 800-450-6631 or visit our site at Services Internet & WiFi Starts at $49 Call us Today to Get Started. Find High-Speed Internet with Fiber Optic Technology No Credit Check, No SSN Required. Call us Today! 866-396-0515 Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees were canceled in 2019. Get a free information al package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 888-965-0363 Wanted AMERICAN & FOREIGN CLASSIC CARS AND MOTORCYCLES WANTED $$PAYING CA$H$$ Corvettes, Mustangs, Jag uars, Austin Healeys, Broncos, Blazers, Ram Chargers, AMX, and Triumphs KRMiller1965@ 717-577-8206 THEME: WORLD SERIES ACROSS 1. Gumbo pod 5. Old horse 8. “I see!” 11. *Like Yankees and Dodgers in 11 World Series 12. Kind of tale 13. Mother-of-pearl 15. *Like a pennant in wind above a ballpark 16. Foam-at-themouth display 17. Agenda entries 18. *League with most World Series wins 20. Oldsmobile founder 21. Two-door car 22. Legal org. 23. *2018 World Series champs famous for Green Monster 26. Dockets 30. Paul is to Simon as ___ is to Gar funkel 31. Household 34. ____-a-whirl fair ride 35. Kills a dragon 37. U.N. labor stan dards grp. 38. Follows a cut? 39. Certain party garb 40. Closed book 42. Repeated Latin dance step 43. Catch in a trap 45. Not like The Fonz 47. CrËme de cassis plus wine 48. Faquir, alt.spell ing 50. *Only 3 World Series games in history ended in these 52. *Play-in game entry 55. Sticker on a jar 56. Rod of a hot rod 57. Sodium hydrox ide 59. Falstaffian in body 60. Not quite an adult 61. World’s longest river 62. Formal wear, col loquially speaking 63. Put to the test 64. Big Bang’s original matter DOWN 1. Not quite right 2. Caffeine-produc ing tree 3. Paper unit 4. Characteristic to consider 5. W.E.B Du Bois’s org. 6. Pool problem, pl. 7. “Rhinestone Cowboy” singer 8. Passed with flying colors 9. *Baseball bullpens always need good ones 10. “For ____ a jolly ...” 12. Three in one 13. She turned to stone, mythology 14. *Hometown of last year’s World Series champs 19. Hotel’s offering, pl. 22. It shows over time 23. Moisten a turkey 24. Acrylic fiber 25. Bambi and Ru dolph 26. Bug-eyed 27. ‘70s music genre 28. Poetic although 29. *Objectionable action encouraged on a diamond 32. *Number of play ers in the field 33. Baba of “One Thousand and One Nights” 36. *1949-1953 World Series win ners 38. Go to pieces 40. Be off base 41. a.k.a. Shenyang 44. Bridal path 46. Nook’s partner 48. ____-upper, as in house 49. Bradley Cooper’s 2021 movie “Night mare ____” 50. Taboo, alt. spell ing 51. Wild goat 52. Light bulb unit 53. Train track 54. Dish out 55. Parking surface 58. Skirt bottom
Obituary Dean’s List Roster
Marietta S. Barlieb, 81, of Kunkletown, passed away Sunday, September 11, 2022 at home.
She was the loving wife of the late Vernon A. Barlieb. They celebrated 53 years of marriage together before his passing in 2019. Born in Berlinsville, she was the daughter of the late Alan and Aldine Mummey.
Marietta was a member of St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown. She graduated with a Master’s in Education from East Stroudsburg University. She was a school teacher for 34 years and taught at L.B. Morris Elementary School in Jim Thorpe.
She was a loving and caring wife and mother. She will be deeply missed by all her friends and family.
She is survived by her son, Christopher V. Barlieb. Route 209, Brodheadsville. Burial followed in St. Matthew’s Cemetery, Kunkletown. www.kresgefuneralhome.
Crafters galore at Penn Forest Park Festival
The inaugural Penn For est Recreational Park Fall Festival has attracted more than 30 craft vendors, plus informational booths, games for the kids, and live music by Mother Nature’s Sons and Friends of Roger.
The event takes place 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, September 24 at the Recre ational Park off Route 903, rain or shine. Admission is free, and there is plenty of parking.
Fall Festival at Beltzville
The Friends of Beltzville will be holding the sec ond annual Fall Festival on October 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Environmental Interpretive Center at the park. There will be pumpkin painting, scarecrow making, nature hikes, storytime, food and music.
Alvernia College
Jason Scott of Jim Thorpe, Madeline Ruff of Jim Thorpe, Kayla Renode of Jim Thorpe, Abigail McGinley of Jim Thorpe
Champlain College Christopher Asbrock of Albrightsville
Lehigh Carbon Community College
Albrightsville: James Costlow, Kaitlin Diaz, Ella Farnell, Kasey Grosse, Kelli Hogarty Jr., Steven Jaramillo, Sara Javorka, Madison Lange, Taylor Mordaunt, Kaila O’Connor, Alexandra Ramey, James Sargent III Justin Selby Thomas Smith Jr., Nichole Suero and Elizabeth Wheeler.
Jim Thorpe: Isabella Acker, Tyler Adamitis, Max Allaham, Jean Baier, Donovan Bierman, Kendra Boger,
Katelynn Bos, Devon Bourke, Jennifer Boyd, Adriana Bradley, Christian Bradley, Linda Carlson, Bryan Carter, Aiden Clements, Christopher Condly, Adrian Eckley, Sarah Hartman, Abigayle Hartzel, Callista Hauck, Gabrielle Hauck, Andi Hoherchak, Devon Hughes, Leila Hurley, Carly Kuzan, Dominic Madera, Brittany McAteer, Brendan McDermott, Keiran Mele, Hunter Michaud, Ryan Monahan, Trevor Napoli, Ylana Nieves, Olivia Peterson, Kristin Pompa, Seth Pychinka, Olivia Renode, David Richards, Raul Rivera, Hager Rodgers, Megan Rosahac, Carsen Rosenberger, Taylor Saba, Skyler Searfoss, Stephanie Sehenuk, Holly Skrimcovsky, Olivia Smelas, Leah Snisky,
McKenzie Snyder, Beau Strika, James Taddei, Kaylinn Trine, Ava Trine, Alana Wolfinger and Michael Wright.
Lake Harmony: Matthew Fezenko
Montclair State University
Jaclynn Land of Albrightsvlle
Moravian University
Tyler Hartman of Jim Thorpe, Kate Spillman of Jim Thorpe
Muhlenberg College
Seth Paluck of Jim Thorpe, Rachel Alexander of Jim Thorpe
Rochester Institute of Technology
Danny Teets of Jim Thorpe, in the biomedical engineering program; Alice Benavides of Albrightsville, in the illustration program.
St. Lawrence University
Nathan Rosahac from Jim Thorpe, who attended Jim Thorpe Senior High School, is a member of the Class of 2023 and is majoring in biology.
Susquehanna University
Leanne Van Essendelft of Albrightsville, Class of 2023, majoring in marketing; Kieran Conway of Albrightsvlle, Class of 2025, majoring in marketing; Kaci MoDavis, of Albrightsville, Class of 2024, majoring in sociology and creative writing
York College of Pennsylvania
Owen Brady of Jim Thorpe, a 2024 Mechanical Engineering major
Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events
Carbon County property transfers through September 4
East Side Borough
Edgar L. Getz to Todd E. Walk er, Hatfield, property at 30 State Rt. 534, $900,000.
Michelle J. Mendofik to Heath er Elizabeth Ney, 283 River St., White Haven, property at 283 River St., $180,000.
Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia to Raceway Holdings, LLC, Scranton, 2.317 acres, parcel No. 89-10-B11, $85,000.
Hui Yi Hsiao to Wesley War ren Kline, 3716 State St., White Haven, property at 3716 State St., $300,000.
Kidder Township
Campbell Laird and Frances A. Laird Restated Trust Agreement to Charles M. Dinofrio, Freeland, property on Stone Quarry Road, $110,000.
George Ahart to High Eleva tions International Restaurant, LLC, 1735 Strohl Valley Road, Palmerton, property at 788 State Rt. 940, $320,000.
Generational Holdings, LLC, to August Virzi, West Babylon, New York, property at 22 Stream Drive, White Haven, $170,000.
Michael Haugh to Laura Burns, 77 Nordic, Lake Harmony, proper ty at 77 Nordic, $220,000.
Diane S. Aker to Byron K. Long, 628 W. Oak Lane, White Haven, property at 628 W. Oak Lane, $260,000.
Renee Rico to King Estates, LLC, Columbus, New Jersey, property at 50 Aspenwall Road, Lake Harmony, $520,000.
Donald Michel to Thomas Koster, 616 W. Oak Lane, White Haven, Golden Oaks Village Unit A-4, $225,000.
Marianne E. Treichler to Wil liam Reese Jr., 51 River Road, White Haven, property at 51 River Road, $2,500.
TMC Management Corpora tion to David S. Lee, 312A Golden Oaks Drive, White Haven, prop erty at 312A Golden Oaks Drive, $246,447.
Timothy R. Anstine to Boris Nikolic, Moorestown, New Jersey, property at 5 Midlake Road, Unit 101, Lake Harmony, $356,000.
Michael Delasant to John Philip Struble, 18 Dogwood Lane, Albrightsville, property at 18 Dog wood Lane, $212,500.
Harmony Retreats, LLC, to Harmony Retreats, Blue Bell, Lot A15A, South Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $100.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Edward D. Richards,
West Palm Beach, Florida, two transactions, lots 802 and 804, Section B, Tanglewood Drive, Hol iday Poconos, $900 each.
JBDB Properties, LLC, to Jo seph Edward Laschenski III, Har leysville, property at 64 Spring St., Lake Harmony, $390,000.
Carole A. Getz to Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Allen town, parcel No. 21-21-A31, $1.
Parlay, LLC, to Kirsten Winand, Ewing, New Jersey, property at 81 Split Rock Road, Lake Harmony, $475,000.
Charles W. Getz to Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Allen town, property at 2487 State Rt. 534, Albrightsville, $1.
Eleanor Kreger to Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Allen town, property at 1099 N. Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $1.
Vincent Joseph Cerra III to Mark Coassolo, Macungie, proper ty at 32 New Birch St., Lake Har mony, $455,000.
13 Birchwood Drive, LLC, to Walter Wanamaker Levins, Quak ertown, property at 34 Birchwood Road, Lake Harmony, $250,000.
Michael Todd Ryan to Paul price, 4235 State Rt. 534, White Haven, Lot 1, Ryan Subdivision, $1.
Richard Powell to Kimberly S. Pepperman, Chester Springs, property on Split Rock Road, Lake Harmony, $340,000.
Sylvia Berger Davis to Jud son Spain, 167 Poplar Lane, Kunkletown, property on Rt. 534, $125,000.
Nancy K. Laurence to Robert T. Laurence, Brighton, Colorado, Lot 7, Block 1, plan of lots on the North and East Shore of Lake
Harmony, $1. Mountain Car Care to John D. Enck, 122 Unionville Road, Jim Thorpe, property on State Rt. 903, $160,000.
Shirley M. Peiffer to BFM Properties, Sugarloaf, property at 5-7 Short Lane, Lake Harmony, $240,000.
Richard Powell to V and S Land, LLC, 4543 Laurel Drive, Walnutport, property at 148 Crest Drive, Lake Harmony, $470,000.
Penn Forest Township
Jack Garfunkel to Terry Lee Ahmed, 134 Susquehanna Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 134 Susquehanna Drive, $1.
Marie J. Schuenemann to Shane A. Hindman, Eagle, Col orado, Lot V1151, Section VI, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Stephen A. Malandra to Martin Investor Group, LLC, Telford, property at 16 Poplar Drive, Al brightsville, $230,000.
Lorraine Floravanti to Duane Stewart Frisbie, Cresco, Lot 1004, Section N-I, Indian Mountain Lakes, $5,000.
Theresa K. Rourke to Christo pher Pronsati, Abington, prop erty at 525 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $305,000.
U.S. Bank, N.A., to Angelo A. Fasano, 6 Burnshaw Lane, P.O. Box 395, Albrightsville, property at 6 Burnshaw Lane, $245,000.
Neil Hoffman to Hayden Un derland, Philadelphia, property at 11 Orange Lane, $139,900.
Saleem Ahmad to STR 2921 IP, LLC, Pleasant Grove, Utah, property at 194 Bishop Circle, Al brightsville, $408,000.
Brian T. Merion to 140 BCL DR, LLC, Jupiter, Florida, property
Puzzle Answers
at 140 Bear Creek Lake Drive, $528,000.
Annabelle B. Creveling to Markie, LLC, Newtown, Lot A3, Behrens Road, $48,000.
Nicholas J. Pugliese to John P. Criscuolo, Dumont, New Jersey, Lot 1, Section 1, Towamensing Trails, $12,000.
Evan M. Himes to David Brand, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, property at 657 Old Stage Road, Albrights ville, $338,000.
Richard Hogen to Elena Ji rnova, Far Rockaway, New York, property at 21 Basswood Court, Albrightsville, $235,000.
Gary H. Host to Robert Schmidt, 1600 Cane Lane, Effort, Lot 624, Section K-III, Indian Mountain Lakes, $52,000.
Tejinder Singh to Steve Titus, 164 Buckhill Road, Albrightsville, property at 164 Buckhill Road, $179,000.
Anthony Kelly to Betsy Ras mussen, Littleton, Massachusetts, property at 144 N. Shore Drive, Albrightsville, $115,00.
Ercole J. Macianca to 195 N Short Dr, LLC, Chevy Chase, Maryland, Lot 415, Section C, In dian Mountain Lakes, $191,000.
Belleve, Inc., to Anna L. Ric ciardi, 111 Milton Lane, Saylors burg, Lot 211, Denise Court, Valley View Estates, $29,000.
Stephen J. Kittle to Samu el Everett, 56 Ash Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 56 Ash Drive, $475,000.
Luis A. Diaz to RK Invest Group, LLC, Sanford, North Car olina, Lot 651, Section F, Pleasant Valley West, $3,500.
Kodi H. Almeida to Lawrence Wong, Jersey City, New Jersey, property at 737 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $339,900.
Edmund Ramm to Benjamin P. Achtabowski, Philadelphia, property at 39 Piney Woods Drive, $309,000.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Nation star Mortgage, LLC, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, property at 15 N. Shore Drive, Lake Harmony, $145,687.50.
Joseph Spinelli to Virginia Stanley, Gold Canyon, Arizona, property at 145 Black Walnut Lake, Jim Thorpe, $5,500.
Martin J. Nichols to Alexandra
See TRANSFERS, page 16
Bartulovich, 49 Wargo Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 21 Blackberry Lane, $1.
Danielle Rooney to Jody K. Maurer, Townsend, Delaware, property at 11 Hillcrest Drive, Al brightsville, $160,000.
Yuri Knizhnik to Yuri Knizhnik, Raritan, New Jersey, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 12, Section O, Lake Drive Area, $1.
John Francis Kattner to Wil liam John Kattner, Pottsville, va cant land, parcel No. 66-51-A8.01 (also in Jim Thorpe), $1.
Carl E. Fricke to Julia E. Porti llo, Astoria, New York, property at 17 Wilde Glen, Albrightsville, $239,900.
John T. Casey Jr. to Bryan Casey, Schwenksville, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 153, North Lake Area, $1.
Frank T. Giunta Jr. to SRM Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 97, Brodheadsville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-487, Section E-V, $19,000.
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, to Betsy Rasmussen, Littleton, Massachusetts, property at 15 N. Shore Drive, Lake Harmony, $132,825.
Doris McMullen to James Key ser, Philadelphia,property at 34 Cypress Drive, $50,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Tatasyn, LLC, P.O. Box
192, Albrightsville, five transactions in Towamensing Trails development: Lot B1158, Section C, Chapman Circle, $743; Lot V1117, Section V, Petrarch Trail, $659; Lot 50, Section 1, Poe Circle, $747; Lot 1614, Section V, Parker Trail, $1,051; and Lot 1476, Section V, Parker Trail, $732.
Barbara Ann Leiby to Barbara Ann Leiby, 123 Saginaw Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 123 Sagi naw Drive, $1.
Troy A. Hoffman to Peter Allan Johnson, 7 Miami Trail, Albrights ville, property at 7 Miami Trail, $250,000.
Philip Shedaker to Mark Ed ward Hayman, 122 Primrose Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 122 Primrose Lane, $320,000.
Joseph Seemiller to Joseph Sockwell, Lehigh Acres, Florida, Lot 2755, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $5,000.
George Reed to Michael Reed, Newton, New Jersey, property at 16 Walnut Lane, Albrightsville, $100,000.
Sheriff of Carbon County to M & B Contractors, Inc., P.O. Box 1840, Albrightsville, property at 2018 State Rt. 534, Albrightsville, $219,435.
Great Pocono Homes, LLC, to James Boyer, East Petersburg, Lot 240, Hickory Run Forest, $25,900.
Andrew P. Devereux to 26 Lau rel Woods Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, property at 26 Laurel Woods Circle, Albrightsville, $19,500.
Bernard Francis McLaughlin to Thomas Turkot, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, property at 46 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $170,000.
Aldi Palacio to Leah Klarberg, Toms River, New Jersey, property at 115 Shawnee Trail, Albrights ville, $220,000.
Gary Gagliano to Winman Investments, LLC, Glenside, property at 2502 Pawnee Trail, Albrightsville, $4,000.
Kyle H. Morgan to Michael W. Horning, Limerick, property at 107 Oneida Trail, Albrightsville, $95,000.
Albert F. Marlow Jr. to Albert F. Marlow, Maple Shade, New Jer sey, property at 147 Stony Creek Road, $1.
Mary A. Scellato to Diane P. Lauriano, Brooklyn, New York, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 186, North Lake Area, $1.
Diane P. Lauriano to Susan P. Scellato, Brooklyn, New York, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 186, North Lake Area, $1.
Lucia Ottomanelli to Jeremy Chamathorn, P.O. Box 357, Al brightsville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-1573, Section E-V, $12,000.
Eros Resorts, LLC, to Wendi S. Leibowitz, Collingswood, New Jersey, Lot 2019, Section IV, Towamensing Trails, $35,000.
Gustavous P. Miller to Eliza beth Kubat, 14 Sparrow Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 14 Sparrow Lane, $136,826.
Ronald A. Kerwood to Eric S. Hipple, Harleysville, property at
115 Indian Trail, $219,900.
Monocacy General Contracting, LLC, to Anthony V. Fristick, 311 Cold Spring Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 311 Cold Spring Drive, $235,000.
Roy Barnes to Graber Proper ties, LLC, 8 Geronimo Trail, P.O. Box 1007, Albrightsville, property at 192 Wild Creek Drive, $60,000.
W. Harrison Gregory to Scott Gregory, Jensen Beach, Florida, property at 265 Kilmer Trail, Al brightsville, $1.
Elena Guarriello to Joshua L. Simon, Lansdale, property at 115 Penn Forest Drive, Albrightsville, $330,000.
Edward J. Cunane to Evgeny Voytovich, Abington, property at 139 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $325,000.
Gabriel D. Smith to Debbie M. Wright Graf, 9 Pine Tree Road, Albrightsville, property at 9 Pine Tree Road, $75,000.
Prestige Growth Enterprise, LLC, to Angela Maria Rose Bren nan, 15 Locust Lane, Albrights ville, Indian Mountain Lakes Lot 304, Section L-II, $6,500.
Grace Lopiccolo to Scott Evan Lees, Nottingham, Lot 590, Hick ory Run Forest, $7,900.
Simone Moscoso to Simone Moscoso Revocable Trust, New York, New York, property at 42 Cottonwood Drive, Albrightsville, $1.
Robert P. Davison to Johna than Pinzon, 769 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property
at 769 Stony Mountain Road, $225,000.
Edward G. and Shirley A. Morrison Living Trust to Joan na McCauley, 50 Isabella Drive, Albrightsville, property at 50 Isa bella Drive, $28,000.
Conor Rodgers to Michael Wine, Whitehall, Lot V1609, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $7,000.
Richard A. Stobaugh to Todd Eric Borger, Southampton, property at 28 Lucretis Trail, Al brightsville, $305,000.
Paul Donnelly to Michael Brian Gillespie, 84 Porter Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 49, Section 1, Bear Creek Lakes, $7,400.
Paul Donnelly to Adam Mark Joline, Ashburn, Virginia, proper ty on Robertson Road, $1.
Jim Parks to Jim Parks, P.O. Box 662, Albrightsville, property at 454 Towamensing Trail, Al brightsville, $1.
Georgios Lykourezos to Geor gios Lykourezos, Brooklyn, New York, Lot V954A, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Barbara E. Hodgkinson to Frederick Price Rooney, Bethle hem, property at 24 Wolf Drive, $230,000.
Wayne Siegwarth to Wayne Siegwarth, 675 Behrens Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 675 Behrens Road, $1.
Marion R. Swenson to William J. Swenson, 55 Indian Trail, Jim Thorpe, property at b55 Indian Trail, $1.
Barbara E. Jennings to Jason A. Tecza, Spring Valley, California, property on Sweet Briar Court, $1.
Jason A. Tecza to Lisa M. Belzner Rader, Wappingers Falls, New York, property on Sweet Bri ar Court, $59,800.
Karen Michele Dishman to Ralph Clark, 76 Stoney Creek Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 76 Stoney Creek Road, $20,000.
Gloria A. Himmel to Mehmed A. Barzev, 108 Lindbergh Circle, P.O. Box 757, Albrightsville, two transaction, property at 108 Lindbergh Circle and Boulder Creek Estates Lot 18, Section A, $40,000 each.
Craig R. Robinson to Steven Reilley, Hatboro, property at 148 Whitman Lane, Albrightsville, $250,000.
Brent Poperechny to Daniel Feerst, Merchantville, New Jersey, Lot 218, Hickory Run Forest, $17,000.
Continued from page 15