New code officer, logo, revised STR rules & more at Penn Forest

At their regular Novem ber Penn Forest Township supervisors meeting, supervi sors attracted a full house and then some for a hearing about a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance that ex tends the commercial zone up Route 903 and along Stony Mountain Road, then across the Turnpike to include the travel plaza. It also puts rules into place for future develop ment, including for ware houses. Supervisors voted 4-1, Dr. Pat Holland opposed, to advertise the amendment for adoption at a special meeting November 17.
Gluck presides at first Kidder Supers meeting
by Seth IsenbergThe new Carbon County Emergency Operations Training Center hosted its first training class on November 3. Lehighton Ambulance was making use of the facility that day to train members of its staff in Tactical Emergency Casualty Care. In this photo, instructors watch as the students apply tourniquets. Other drills included evacuating a victim while protecting from gunfire, and stabilizing the severely injured. Crews then went inside for additional special training. The $10 million Training Center was completed this month.

During the hearing, an attorney for a developer in terested in building a ware house on the long-empty golf course property on Stony Mountain Road, abutting the Turnpike, told supervi sors that his client has legal concerns about the pro posed new ordinance which restricts the size of a ware house.

Ray Gluck presided as chairman for the first time at the regular monthly Kidder Township supervisors meeting on October 25. He was elected chairman at the October 11 special meeting, so this was the first regular meeting he chaired. Gluck has been the vice-chairman on and off for many years.
The short agenda included
approving the release of the security for the Exeter Group warehouse of $1,263,574, contingent on the township receiving a new bond for the property maintenance agree ment for $2,528,965 to cover the next 18 months.
Signal Services, maintainers of the township’s traffic signals, should be installing the signal controls for the fire companies to use in the near future.
The hearing ran long, so supervisors went right into the night’s business.
Gregory Loftus was hired as the full-time code en forcement officer. He started work November 8. Council approved sending Loftus to a PSATS Zoning Acade my training class on zoning for new code enforcement officers, to be held in Butler Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. His work will be midweek to start.
to count children. The pres ent ordinance lets families bring kids 12 and under without counting them to wards the maximum occu pancy. Dr. Holland led the discussion, suggesting that kids be counted from age 2 so that homes do not overtax septic systems. Chairman Roger Meckes thought it should be lowered, just not to 2. Holland called for a vote to amend the STR rules to reduce the age to 2 in counting people. His mea sure passed 3 to 2, supported by supervisors Christian Bar tulovich and James Denier. Scott Lignore and Meckes were opposed.

The idea about a dog park
on the township recreation property was raised and op posed by Meckes. He put for ward a motion to oppose the township hosting a dog park on any of its properties, and was supported 4-1, Holland against.
A suggestion was made by former supervisor Judy Knappenberger (via Zoom) that a dog park could fit well on the vacant land at the rear entrance to Towamens ing Trails off Route 534. She then listed rules about dog parks that should be in place wherever they are located. Others suggested having a fundraiser for a dog park group if land could be found for a dog park.

Supervisors approved building a pipe frame for Christmas Tree lights, to be erected at the township park, on a vote of 4-1, Holland opposed. The frame should be done before the weekend after Thanksgiving ahead of a tree lighting ceremony at the park.
Supervisors will approach the Jim Thorpe School Board about gaining more land for the township park to expand. “We need more room,” said Bartulovich.
Garbage fees will get raised to $150 for families, and $300 for commercial users as part of the 2023 budget.
Supervisors were unanimous in raising the fee to cover ris ing garbage expenses.
The 2023 budget will be advertised $2,207,163 for the general fund, $533,700 for the sanitation fund, and $272,38 for the state liquid fuels fund. Current balanc es, as of November 7, were $2,751,167 in the general fund, $100,485 in the sanita tion fund, and $662 in liquid fuels.
Supervisors approved bills of $254,477 from the general fund including a $100,000 transfer into the sanita tion fund to tide it through the end of this year. Also on the list was $41,000 to DirtSculpt towards costs of the pump track at the town ship park, fire relief pay ments to both fire companies of $36,744 each, to Barry Is ett & Associates for Septem
ber services of $8,741 plus $1,648 plus engineering ser vices for the park of $2,124, IRS payments of $8,092, and costs to install alarms at the Park of $2,687 plus $111 for a month of monitoring.

At the Transfer Station, costs for hauling paid to JP Mascaro were $18,400, engi neering for the new salt shed and other work cost $2,100 to Barry Isett & Assoc. from a total of $21,138 for October. For Sewage Enforcement work in October, Hanover Engineering was paid $14,244.
At this meeting, supervi sors approved payment to Dutchman Contracting of $203,527 towards the cost of the new salt shed. Supervi sors also approved addition al engineering work for the Transfer Station, at a cost of
A new logo, shown above, was approved, to be used on decals for the township’s trucks, and for the code en forcement officer’s uniforms and materials.
A long discussion about who to count for occupan cy of Short Term Rentals (STRs) focused on what age

Penn Forest
$4,650 (to BIA) for relocat ing compactors #3 and #4 and building a new ramp and retaining wall.
When the new salt shed is complete, and the existing salt and cinders are moved out of the maintenance show, the township crew will do some repairs to the area including getting new garage doors to make the space work better for equipment storage.
Also regarding getting ready for winter, the town ship bought two snow plow carbide blades to have at the ready in case they are needed during plowing. As roadmas ter, Meckes reported that the township crews have finished
mowing and are keeping storm drains clean while also getting ready for winter.
An agreement will be made with Towamensing Town ship for their road crew to plow and spread salt and cin ders on the nine tenths of a mile of Forest Road in Penn Forest Twp. between the township line and Beltzville Lake Estates. Towamensing will be paid $150 an hour and $100 a ton for materials used.
Delinquent garbage bills were turned over to the Nanovic Law Offices, who will send collection letters.

Township Supervisors turned down another griev ance from workers’ union, Teamsters #773. The union will ask for arbitration. A grievance from last month’s meeting is also being arbi trated.
Underdog Computer’s service agreement was ap proved, at a cost of $1,500 per month. Via Underdog, the township will upgrade the server adding memory, and get five new laptops for staff including one for the new Code Enforcement offi cer, at a cost of $10,916.
The zoning report shows 51 zoning permits issues, 14 for STRs. There were 64 zoning inspections, and two permits issued for new single homes.
Drive-up electronics recy cling is November 19 at the Transfer Station from 9 a.m. until the trucks are full, or 3 p.m., for township residents only. Most items are free, but there are fees for com puter monitors and TVs, and console stereos. Check the details on the pennforest website, under Transfer Station. The Trans
fer Station will be closed Saturday, December 24, and Christmas Day.
A new schedule of fees for Short Term Rentals was ap proved, adding costs of $150 for an inspection, and $75 for a re-inspection. The rest of the fees remain the same. For 2023, supervisors will subscribe to OPENGOV for “Cloud Based Citizen Ser vices.” Cost will be $26,325 per year. OPENGOV makes it easy to apply for permits, among a variety of tasks. Public comment was changed so that comments go with and about agen da items. A new timer was introduced comments will be limited to three minutes. Open public comment on non-agenda items now is at the end of the meeting. Those comments included thanks to the supervisors

for the line painting work on Route 903 at the Turnpike intersection, which reduces southbound traffic to one lane, and makes that area safer. Supervisors were also thanked for hiring the Code Enforcement officer, and also for taking action on Short Term Rentals.
As the meeting wrapped up, a couple of citizens asked what the township can do about having a police depart ment. This relates to STR is sues, but also about speeding control, quality of life and public safety. Supervisors agreed to put the issue on the December 5 meeting agenda, as well as to try to talk with neighboring townships.
The municipal building will be closed November 24 and 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Carbon County pledges support for military caregivers as a Hidden Heroes County
Carbon County has pledged its support to local military and veteran caregiv ers by signing on as a Hidden Heroes County, joining the Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s network of 195 communities nationwide committed to identifying military caregiv ers and increasing awareness and support.
The Hidden Heroes Cities and Counties program is part of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s Hidden Heroes Campaign launched in 2016 by Senator Elizabeth Dole, Campaign Chair Tom Hanks and nearly 200 military care givers representing virtually every state in the union.
Hidden Heroes raises awareness about the issues military caregivers face, brings critical resources to our nation’s “hidden heroes” caring for wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans, and connects mili tary caregivers to a commu nity of their peers.
“If we want to be a nation that truly cares for those who have borne the battle, we must also be a nation that cares for our caregivers,” said Tom Hanks, Hidden He roes Campaign Chair.
Carbon County joined the campaign as the 195th community to sign on as a Hidden Heroes Community, one of the campaign’s key national initiatives designed to develop military caregiv er resources at a local level.
Each Hidden Heroes City, County, or State signs on to help identify local mili tary caregivers and deepen community resources to offer
them vital support.
Individuals caring for someone who served, or those who wish to sup port the campaign can visit for more information.
“I have dedicated my life to this cause because I’ve seen first-hand the tremendous impact our nation’s 5.5 mil lion military caregivers make in the lives of our veterans each and every day, in neigh borhoods big and small,” said Senator Elizabeth Dole, Founder of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. “But their needs are overwhelming, and as a country, we must come together to find helpful ways to support them in their life-long journey of care. That begins by encouraging our caregivers to raise their hands, become a part of our Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community – it’s why our partnership with Carbon County is so important.”
Senator Dole added, “The Elizabeth Dole Foundation envisions an America where military caregivers are em powered, appreciated and recognized for their service to the nation. Together, we are working towards a future where supporting military caregivers is no longer a cause, but it is part of the culture of our nation.”
In public participation at the start of the meet ing, Pat Bach asked about the problem property on Laurel Lane, complaining about noise and harassment. Enforcement actions are started. Township manager Suzanne Brooks apologized to the Laurel Lane neigh bors for the delays in do ing enforcement. Solicitor Robert Yurchak went into detail, starting with civil citations filed on persons at the property – noting that one has already plead guilty. Four violation notices of the township’s zoning ordinanc es were sent in August with maximum fines of a total of $12,000. Nuisance com plaints are being filed, and police and code enforcement visits continue. Supervisors voted later in the meeting to authorize Attorney Yurchak to proceed in court.

In other public comment, a citizen opined that the trees should be replanted on the Henry property.
Lake Harmony Volun teer Fire Company fire chief
Ralph Lennon announce that this year’s fire company toy drive will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Citizens are invited to drop off new toys or a check at the Fire House on Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. or Satur days from 9 a.m. to noon, or at the township building during regular office hours. There were no other reports.
The vacancy on the Zon ing Hearing Board was filled with the appointment of real tor Joshua Grodzinski. There is still an opening for the vacancy board chairperson. Gluck remarked that in all the years that he held the po sition, there was no activity.
Supervisors agreed to pay H&K in full for their paving work of North Lake Drive, Fern Street and Harmony Avenue. Bills of
$641,904 were approved, with $321,548 paid to H&K Group for the paving, and a combined $170,628 towards pensions – mostly towards police. County Waste was paid $28,589, $20,445 went to the Lake Harmony Rescue Squad, Building Inspection Underwriters $19,540, the IRS $18,620, Blue Shield health insurance $17,492, and $10,040 to Kovatch for vehicle repairs.
The next Kidder super visors meeting is Tuesday, November 22, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the munici pal building. Just ahead of that meeting will be a public hearing starting at 6:15 p.m. about a liquor license trans fer to the former High Ele vations restaurant from the Mountain Laurel Golf Club in East Side.

Have you been naughty or nice?
Krampus Festival coming to Penn Forest Twp this year
The Black Forest Krampusnacht Festival is back. This year offers more space and more parking on Saturday, December 3 at Pocono Whitewater, 1519 State Route 903 in Penn Forest Township outside Jim

Thorpe. A rain/snow date is scheduled for Sunday, December 4.
The time of the free festival is 1-6 p.m. There is a $15 parking fee.

This festival is a Carbon County spin on the
Krampusnacht traditions in Germany, and Austria. Krampus is an Alpine monster that punishes naughty children. He is the counterpart of Saint Nicholas. This event may sound sinister; however, it
is great fun for the whole family. We do recommend the age of 5 years or older at this event. If you and your children are fans of Halloween, you will love this festival.
You can expect dozens of Krampus roaming the festival and festival goers can dress up and join the fun. Saint Nicholas will bless the festival and lead the Krampuslauft parade through the festival grounds. Events also include the beloved Pennsylvania Villagers Polka Band, and a live radio broadcast by Magic 105.5 fm. Bring a toy to support Toys for Tots and enjoy a smore station fireside hosted by the Jim Thorpe Girls’ Basketball team. Kids can enjoy handcrafted root beer by Parlor Beverage, and adults can enjoy a beer and wine garden featuring Big Creek Vineyard.
Shop a variety of unique vendors including an official Carbon County Black Forest
Krampusnacht merch store. Food vendors will be onsite as well as amazing desserts for sale. This is an outdoor festival, so please dress warm.
This year Café Arielle at the Stabin Museum in Jim Thorpe is hosting a Krampus Ball to kick off the festivities on Friday, December 2 from 7-10 p.m. This event features an eight-piece oomaph band, food, and drinks. Dress to impress and contact venue directly for tickets at 570325-5588.
CCEDC is expecting a crowd of 2500 people. Businesses can advertise within the festival by contacting Marianne Rustad at the CCEDC office, marianner@ or 484-943-9669. Sponsorship packages are available.
Stay up to date by following our FB Page: Black Forest Krampusnacht online at : https://tinyurl. com/blackforestkrampus
Fire Company Reports
Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Co. #2

11-9, established a land ing zone for LifeFlight 6 at the Seneca Pool in Indian Mountain Lakes. Lehighton ALS and PFTVFC#1 also responded. A landing zone at the same location was estab lished for a separate incident on 10-28.
11-9, responded to a CO alarm on Hiawatha Trail, Mt. Pocahontas
11-8, vehicle accident on Old Stage Road. 3 units and 22 volunteers turned out, and Lehighton ALS and PFT VFC#1 also responded.
11-6, Our engine, tanker and rescue responded with 26 volunteers to a dwell ing fire on Kipling Lane, Towamensing Trails. The fire was contained to the dryer. Lehighton ALS and PFT VFC#1 also responded.
11-2, Rescue 2255 and Engine 2210 responded to a motor vehicle accident on Meckesville Road which sheared off the utility pole. The roadway was closed for several hours to wait for the pole to be repaired. PFT VFC#1 also responded.
10-31, Responded to a motor vehicle accident on Towamensing Trail with Le highton ALS and PFTVFC#1.
10-29, Both PFTVFC#2 and #1 responded to a large rubbish fire on Sawmill Run Drive. Volunteers assisted with extinguishment and an extensive overhaul for a near three hours.
We are now accepting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots. The drop boxes are located in the social club. Donations are greatly appre ciated.
The Company’s 2022 Fund Drive letter has been mailed. Your fund drive donations
make up a large percentage of our operations. No dona tion is too small, we suggest $1 a week for $52, or $2 a week - $104. Send donations to PFTVFC#2, P.O. Box 125, Albrightsville, PA 182100125
Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Co. #1
11-13, Dispatched to end of Drakes Creek Road to search for a male lost in that area.
11-9, Assisted EMS at a home on Honeysuckle Dr. 11-2, Assisted EMS at a home on Shadblue Lane.
11-9, Dispatched to a home on Hiawatha Trail for a CO
alarm sounding – recalled.

11-9, Dispatched to help PFTVFC#2 with landing zone – recalled.
11-8, Dispatched to help PFTVFC#2 with a Motor Ve hicle accident on Old Stage Rd. and McKuen Way – re called.
11-6, Dispatched to a home on Quail Dr. for a Carbon Monoxide alarm. On arrival, used CO meter and found high level of CO … helped ventilate.
11-5, Dispatched to a dwell ing fire on Kipling Lane. On arrival, fire was out.
11-2, Dispatched to a vehi cle crashed through a utility
pole on Meckesville Lane –recalled by PFTVFC#2.
10-31, Dispatched to a vehicle crash at Route 903 and Towamensing Trail – re called by PFTVFC#2.
10-29, Dispatched to a rubbish fire on Sawmill Run Drive. Found debris from newly constructed hoe on fire. Extinguished with water and foam.
10-28, Sent to establish landing zone at Seneca Pool in Indian Mountain Lake for helicopter landing, then as sisted with patient loading.
10-26, Dispatched to a vehicle crash on Maury Road at Fire Tower Road. Assist ed in traffic control as EMS handled patient care. Helped with clean up.
10-25, Fire alarm sounded
at Christ Lutheran Church. Responded twice – second time finding a water leak.
PFTVFC#1 holds drill nights at 7 p.m. on Mon days. Breakfast fundraisers are the second Sunday of each month, from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Whispering Pines hall.
We are always looking for new volunteers to join our team. It is a great way to serve YOUR community and meet new people. Whether you want to be a firefighter or help in the kitchen, you are always welcome. All training is paid for by the fire compa ny. If you are interested give us a call at 570-249-1242 or stop by. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Seth’s Sightings
As I finished up this column, it was snowing outside. Earlier, we walked the dogs as the snow began to put its first light layer of white onto the landscape. Bull, our German Shorthaired Pointer, gets cold easily, and doesn’t like rain, but he loved being out in the snow. I’ll share pictures over the next few months.
Some of our readers who are snowbirds timed their trips to Florida just right. They are now settled in for warm Florida nights while the rest of us here go looking for where we put our snow shovels.
I’d just finished getting my back yard raked the weekend before the first snow, leaving piles for the vacuum crew. The snow and cold should
by Seth Isenberg

hold the piles in place and keep the leaves from blowing down the street to the neighbors (mostly).
Fridays and Saturdays have been our nights for hockey in November and will be most weekends in December. We build our evenings around attending the home games. Come join us, we sit in section 106. Go to for
ticket information, including Fan Fridays specials, ticket packages or season tickets. It’s just a quick ride up the Turnpike into Wilkes-Barre.
I’m grateful for the end of political season. Congratulations to all the winners and a big THANK YOU for everyone who have taken down their political signs.
Our area is deeply divided politically, so these weeks ahead of Christmas are needed to help heal differences so we can all move forward on local items. One of those is the preserving of farmland and open space, and a bright spot in this election was that Carbon County voters overwhelmingly supported borrowing money to get
some key preservation done. Penn Forest Township will likely see a prominent local property on Route 903 preserved in the early days of this program.
Ruth and I have been do ing some farm stand shop ping on many Saturdays, starting with the Lehighton Farmer’s Market, where some very, very good farmers set up for a couple of hours on Saturday morning. The Winter Market will contin ue there, mostly every other week, but check online for holiday dates. This past visit, we came away with some beautiful locally grown vegetables, chicken, and eggs, plus local-made yogurt and milk. We then went to Seltzer’s Farmstand (behind
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DIRECTIONS: From Village of Analomink, PA take Wooddale Road to end cross Marshalls Creek Road to Main Road to left onto Morris Road.
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DIRECTIONS: Tannersville, PA exit of I-80 & take Route 715 South about 4 miles.
TERMS: $5,000 BANK CASHIER’S CHECK (payable to Jack Muehlhan Auctioneer Escrow) AT SALE.
BALANCE AT SETTLEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. Insur able Deed. No Back Taxes, No Buyer’s Premium. What you BID is what you PAY. No nonsense.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Rare opportunity to BUY an affordable home in the country, yet near Village of Reeders, PA Tannersville, PA and I-80. Perfect for folks of modest means and life style. Must be SOLD to Settle Estate. Your BID may BUY
Estate of Josephine N. Swabowicz
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Remember: You are only going to pay one more bid than someone else was willing to pay.
ANN R. BOYLEAnn R. Boyle, 83, of Albrightsville, died October 21,2022 while under hospice care at Gluco Lodge in Hamilton Township. She was the widow of Edward F. Boyle with whom she shared 49 1/2 years of marriage at the time of his death on January 28, 2018.
Born on August 23,1939 in New York, NY, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Ann (Dolan) Dowd.
She was a member of St. Peter the Fisherman Roman Catholic Church in Albrightsville.
Surviving are three sisters, Mary Dunne, Margaret DeJong & Eileen Dowd; two brothers, Michael Dowd and Jimmy Dowd; and nieces and nephews
She was preceded in death by two sisters. Catherine O’Driscoll and Joan Sheridan.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, November 19, at Thomas F. Dalton Funeral Home, 125 Hillside Avenue, North

New Hyde Park, NY 11040, with visitation beginning at 10:30 a.m. followed by a prayer service at 11. Burial of both her and Edward’s cremains will take place at Stroudsburg Cemetery at a later date.
The family would like to give special thanks to Allen and the entire staff at Gluco Lodge for the great care they gave to Ann over these last few months, as well as the wonderful staff of Compassionate Care Hospice, especially Laura and Trish, who took such loving care of Ann her last few days.

St. Luke’s Carbon County Campus) to buy some of the last of their squash, then on to Spring Mountain Farm on Route 209 north of Lehigh ton for some of their own lamb, sausages (frozen), local organic pears and more eggs. We’ll be heading to Heckman’s Orchard in Effort soon for a bushel of their Stayman Winesap apples. We’ll be back later this month before Heckman’s closes for the season to restock. The other farmstands mentioned here stay open year ‘round.
Puzzle Answers

As for medical, I’m now getting physical therapy for my knees. It’s a supervised gym visit, plus some exercises to do at home. My goal for PT is to be ready for surgery, then strong enough to go snow skiing this winter. I’ve skied for nearly 50 years, but my knees made me stop. Plus, with the PT I’m getting healthier ahead of a surgery planned for me in mid-December to attack my cancer.
It was a mixed football month, with the Nittany Lions well along toward their goal of a bowl game. The Eagles had been awesome, until they lost to Washington. The GOAT QB Tom Brady, now single, keeps putting up more passing touchdowns as his Bucs make their way through the season. My football fave this college season is an FCS program out of Texas, Incarnate Word U, who have been just creaming their competition, so look for them in the FCS playoffs.
For sightings, Halloween was fun. Congratulations to the Trunk or Treaters in Penn Forest Park and trickor-treaters with their set
route in Lake Harmony, and the Lake’s children’s party. Out west, White Haven borough hosted hundreds of kids and their adults on a drizzly Halloween night as they walked through town. One home even set up a haunted back yard.
It wasn’t long for the Halloween displays to come down and the Christmas displays to pop up hereabouts. It certainly brightens these daylight shortened days.
Critter sightings include turkey, fox, raccoon, various hawks, and a couple of really big “trophy” bucks for the hunters to be chasing after Thanksgiving (best of luck to our local hunters). With the leaves off, there’s more birdwatching to do. The birds were busy lately, perhaps anticipating the snow.
And speaking of snow, by the time the next issue reaches readers, we’ll likely see Big Boulder and Jack Frost ski areas open for skiing.
So, to all readers, Happy Thanksgiving to you and safe travels to your families, best wishes in any weather and good health to you all.

Police Beat
11-5, 9:30 p.m., PA State Police-Fern Ridge received a request by the Kidder Township Police Depart ment (KTP) to investigate an attempted homicide at the Plateau Motel on Route 940 in that township. About 7:10 p.m., KTP was dispatched to the Plateau Motel to investi gate a stabbing. Upon arriv al, contact was made with the victim, a 57 y/o woman, who told police she was stabbed multiple times by her son, Jonathan Saceerdote, who had then run away from where the stabbing occurred and was most likely in their apartment.
KTP made contact with Jonathan and he was subsequently taken
into custody by KTP. Aid was rendered to victim, and she was transported to Geisinger Wyoming Valley for treatment of her injuries.
An interview was conducted with Jonathan who admitted to stabbing his mother multiple times in the head and every single part of her body. Contact was made with the Carbon County District Attorney’s Office who approved the charges of Attempted Homicide, Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Harassment and Terroristic Threats. He is in the Carbon County jail ahead of court proceedings on these charges.
by Seth Isenberg11-13, 5 p.m., A U.S. Census worker encountered a man in a red pickup truck as she was driving Mountain Road at Rinker Road in Jackson Twp. The man blocked her path, told her to leave, then threatened her if she returned that she would be sorry. She was then allowed to pass, and, when safe, she called police.
11-6, 7:43 a.m., PSP-F was dispatched to a home on Towamensing Trail in Penn Forest Township for the report of a death. Nothing suspicious was observed at the scene. Carbon County Coroner Gerald Jones responded and pronounced the 61 y/o male deceased. There is no scheduled
autopsy or toxicology.
PSP was also called to a Storm Ave, Chestnuthill Twp. home on 11-10 regarding the death from natural causes of a 64 y/o man there.
10-27, PSP is investigating an indecent touching incident between two juveniles at a Penn Forest Twp. home.
10-25, PSP is investigating the accessing of the medical records of an Albrightsville mother and her young son.
10-21, A ChildLine report brought PSP to a Brodheadsville area home to investigate possible physical abuse of children there. After multiple interviews, and consultation with the District
Attorney’s office, no charges were filed.
There was another ChildLine report investigated on 10-31 regarding a fight that a teen had with her mom and her mom’s boyfriend. The child had bruises on arms and legs. The child will undergo a mental health evaluation as PSP-F continues its investigation.
Reports include some police action where those involved had drugs in their possession. They will appear before a judge in district court.
PSP was also called to a home where a dog was running free at a Fieldstone Court, Brodheadsville-area property running onto a neighbor’s yard. Police identified the dog’s owner and gave a warning that it’s a dog law violation, 8:13 a.m. on 11-15.
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11-15, 4:51 p.m., a 21 y/o Mountain Top driver was driving on I-80 west in Tunkhannock Township and lost control during snowfall that had covered the road with snow and slush. His ’07 Infiniti left the road, went over a curb and down and embankment where it struck a concrete culvert which sent it airborne into a tree which ended forward movement and the car rolled up on the tree onto its driver’s side door. Witnesses to the crash gave aid to the driver until Pocono Mountain EMS arrived, along with an unidentified local fire company. The driver was taken to LVHN-
Police Beat
Pocono for care of suspected minor injuries. The car was towed by Jimmy’s.
There were a handful of deer-related crashes these past few weeks with no injuries to people but some dead deer and mashed fenders and vehicle parts.
11-4, 4:52 p.m., a David Road, Chestnuthill Twp. man called police reporting his car was entered and property stolen from inside. Stolen were a Craftsman circular saw, a Craftsman multi-tool and a Garmin Trucking GPS, total value of over $800. PSP is seeking information about this theft. Leads are welcome call PSP at 570 646-2271.
11-13, 10:22 p.m., a young male (20s-30s) let himself into the pro shop of the now-closed Mountain Laurel Golf Course in East Side, White Haven by unlocking the door. He then disarmed the alarm system. The owners were alerted and could see the perp on surveillance cameras. Via this system, they told the burglar that police were on the way. The burglar then left. PSP is investigating,

with focus on former employees. (The report includes photos.)
11-14, 10:15 a.m., a Brodheadsville area 74 y/o received a call that he was wanted in another county for failing to appear for jury duty, and there was a $500 fine. The caller asked for the man to send the fine and the local hung up on the caller. He realized he was not required to perform jury duty in another county. He did call PSP to report the attempted scam.

11-6, the Merwinsburg Hotel was cited for having more than four false burglar alarm soundings within the past 12 months. The alarm system at St. Luke’s Cardiology office in Brodheadsville has a similar problem (and last year had seven false alarms this year only four so far, still earning another citation).


Crews are out getting roads ready for winter. Pothole patching continues.
The snows on 11-15 have the local fleet set-up for winter, as crews were out plowing. Remember to slow down in winter conditions. Cold nights with temperatures below freezing will now mean ice on the roadways. Be prepared as a driver, and also have your car winter ready with good tires, winter mix windshield washer fluid, and anti-freeze that protects the engine to sub-zero temperatures.
Use to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.