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Tobyhanna Twp. Assistant Manager Canfield moves on
to take over the assistant manager position, starting next week.
The meeting was dominated by Fire Department matters. Township solicitor Harry Coleman suggested hiring a special counsel with experience in firefighting matters, and the forming of new departments. Attorney Kim Houser of Greenburg, PA, was recommended, and supervisors voted unanimously to hire Houser, starting with a $5,000 retainer.
by Seth Isenberg
The contentious topic of fire department matters at Tobyhanna Township’s February 21 regular meeting was tempered by a surprise announcement that township assistant manager Autumn Canfield was leaving at week’s end. Her last day would be the 24th.
After six years here in the municipal building in Pocono Pines, she has taken the opportunity to be a borough manager for Palmerton in Carbon County. “It’s been a pleasure working with you. Friday will be my last day,” she shared as the meeting reached the reports item on the agenda. She was thanked by supervisors, staff and members of the public.
Township secretary Crystal Butler has been promoted
Supervisors were unanimous in moving forward in forming the Pocono Mountain Regional Fire Department Station 44 and have started to circulate applications for volunteer firefighters for it. They voted to move ahead to incorporate Tobyhanna Township Station 44. Supervisors also are moving towards leasing a fire truck.
On these actions, there was pushback from Tobyhanna Township Fire Company (station 41) president and assistant fire chief Ed Tutrone, who tangled verbally with most of the supervisors, as well as with attorney Coleman.
It was noted that the TTVFD #41 took itself out of service in late August.
Citizen Vicki Medius spoke, asking supervisors
“Why can’t we have our fire co. back?…We were happy with what we (had)… You guys need to mediate.” About mediation, supervisor Rachel Schickling agreed, then pointed out that officials of #41 have not been cooperating with mediation attempts.
Supervisor David Carbone contributed that he is getting “some interest” in a regional fire company.
Township secretary Butler explained that if citizens want to look at the new ordinance regarding the fire company, it can be found on the township website, under “New Laws.”
Tutrone asked Coleman if the TTVFC is done? Coleman answered that “we’re in litigation.” Points of contention include what to do with the fire trucks, and having #41 vacate the township’s buildings. Voices became raised including an exchange with supervisor Brendon Carroll who said Tutrone was providing “a false narrative.”
Tutrone said, “we’ll dissolve…,” then proposed to sell the equipment.
There was more contention, with Tutrone asking about #41 not being able to respond to a recent fire in Pocono Pines.
Homowner John Maganza, whose Lake Naomi property
NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL: Tobyhanna Township’s newest traffic signal hangs over Route 940 this past weekend at the new entrance to Stillwater Lake Estates and across from the FedEx terminal driveway.