1 minute read
Tobyhanna Twp.
Continued from page 1 had the fire, was upset over the response from Pocono Summit. “27 minutes for the truck,” said his wife, Lynn, time enough for the inside of their house to get gutted. In other business, the township was thanked for getting speed limit signs posted on the new road from the new traffic light for the new road into Stillwater Lake Estates (SLE) in Pocono Summit. The township was also thanked by SLE for its help in getting the easement needed to install new mailboxes for that development.
Bills of $1,000,560 were approved to be paid for the month.
Pioneer Construction was approved to be paid $54,298 (payment #6) for their work on road and traffic signal project in Pocono Summit. Pioneer was also approved to GPS Synchronize the two sets of traffic lights at a cost of $9,450.

Supervisors will look to form a committee to look definitions of warehouses versus trucking terminals and look at updating township rules for each.