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Police Beat

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Continued from page 8 so DUI. A search warrant was sought. The results of the search included methamphetamine and drug-related “equipment.”

PSP made another DUI stop on 2-5 at 6:29 p.m. of a 40 y/o Bangor man driving along Silver Valley Road east of Effort also drugged driving.

PSP made a traffic stop on Route 209 in Gilbert and found a 20 y/o WilkesBarre man driving under the influence of drugs likely pot and meth as he had small amounts of both drugs in his possession. Charges will depend on his blood test results.

PSP also reports a crash at 2 a.m. on 1-21 of a Jeep drunk driven along Route 715 off the road and into a utility pole. This one was alcohol-related.

Camp Cadet

Camp Cadet, a free leadership/ law enforcement overnight camp for kids ages

13 to 15, and applications to be part of this year’s program at Marywood University from July 23 to 28 are open to March 17 Go to www. trooprcampcadet.org to learn more and apply online.


Winter weather duty will continue as there is some. When plow trucks are active, give them a wide berth so they can do their job. Be alert for black ice when temperatures are below freezing.

Pothole patching is underway with crews out doing work on various roads in Monroe County. Crews are also doing some tree cutting, and crack sealing.

Use www.511PA.com to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.

From the Statehouse New debit cards being sent to UC, SWIF claimants

By State Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe)

The Pennsylvania Treasury has announced that beginning on or about March 6, new prepaid debit cards will be mailed to Unemployment Compensation (UC) and State Workers’ Insurance Fund (SWIF) recipients. Money Network prepaid debit cards, issued by My Banking Direct, will replace U.S. Bank ReliaCards ® currently in use. New prepaid debit cards will be mailed to UC and SWIF recipients who receive benefit payments via prepaid debit card beginning next month. The new card will arrive in a plain white envelope with an Omaha, Nebraska, return address. Recipients should be sure to remove the card before discarding the envelope.

It is strongly encouraged that claimants verify they have their correct mailing address on file with the Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) to ensure all mailings reach them in a timely manner. Claimants can also change their payment method to direct deposit by visiting L&I’s website at www.uc.pa.gov.

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

Claimants should note any remaining balances on U.S. Bank ReliaCards® will not transfer to the new Money Network prepaid debit cards. Those with remaining funds on U.S. Bank ReliaCards® should continue to use the card until it reaches a zero ($0.00) balance. Remaining funds can also be transferred to a personal savings or checking account.


In accordance with the Acts of Assembly No. 320 approved June 3rd, 1967 P.L. etc. and the Amendments thereto providing for a uniform method of electing certain party offices and making nominations for National, State, County, District and Township Offices. Notice is hereby given that nominations will be made at the Municipal Primary Election to be held Tuesday, May 16, 2023, in and for Monroe County, Pennsylvania as follows:

Each Political Party is entitled to nominate candidates for the following offices:

Notice To Candidates

Notice is given that The Monroe County Board of Elections has fixed Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, as the time and place for casting of lots for position of names on the Primary Ballot for the various candidates for the Municipal Primary to be held on May 16, 2023. Candidates may appear in person or by agent duly authorized by letter of attorney signed and acknowledged by an officer empowered to take acknowledgements. In the event any candidate is not present in person or by agent, the Board of Elections will appoint a person to represent such absentee candidate in said drawing.

If you require any special accommodations with regards to this meeting please provide sufficient notice of your needs to the Commissioners’ Office, One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 or phone 570-517-3402.


Sara L. May-Silfee, Director of Elections/Voter Registration

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REAL ESTATE consists of Opulent Stone House with 2 Acres on Tree Lined Club Court in Town of Stroudsburg. First Floor has Large Living Room with Fireplace, Sun Room, Dining Room, Dream Kitchen, Breakfast Room, Powder Room. Finished Basement with Billiard Table. Second Floor has Master Bedroom Suite, Office/Den with Fireplace, 2 ½ Bath, 2 Additional Bedrooms and Sitting Parlor. Oil Hot Water Heat. Attached Garage and Additional Detached 2 Car Garage. Town Water and Sewer Tax Map: 18-5-2-9-14

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52. “Now I ____ me . . .”

53. Winter slider

54. Draft animals’ harness

55. Soap ingredient

22. Thin board

24. Cut grass

26. Private road

27. Disintegrate

28. Dusks

29. Annoy

30. Drains

15. Arch need 17. Milan money, once 18. Leave off 19. Depicted 20. Powered by the sun


1. Chinese skillet

2. Mock

3. Sow’s place

4. Fall flower

5. Rider’s command

6. Billions of years

7. Sugarcoats

8. Rarely

9. Poker holding

10. Ranch unit

11. Melt

16. Ripoff

20. Teamster’s rig

21. Water buffaloes

32. Bad humor

35. Wore away

36. Distressful cry

38. Henry Cabot

39. Stately trees

40. “____ Miner’s Daughter”

41. Loathe

43. Corporate symbol

44. Novel, e.g.

47. “____ the king’s horses . . . “

48. Denial

49. Tinting agent

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