Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Late February 2023

Page 3


Tobyhanna Twp. Assistant Manager Canfield moves on

to take over the assistant manager position, starting next week.

The meeting was dominated by Fire Department matters. Township solicitor Harry Coleman suggested hiring a special counsel with experience in firefighting matters, and the forming of new departments. Attorney Kim Houser of Greenburg, PA, was recommended, and supervisors voted unanimously to hire Houser, starting with a $5,000 retainer.

The contentious topic of fire department matters at Tobyhanna Township’s February 21 regular meeting was tempered by a surprise announcement that township assistant manager Autumn Canfield was leaving at week’s end. Her last day would be the 24th.

After six years here in the municipal building in Pocono Pines, she has taken the opportunity to be a borough manager for Palmerton in Carbon County. “It’s been a pleasure working with you. Friday will be my last day,” she shared as the meeting reached the reports item on the agenda. She was thanked by supervisors, staff and members of the public.

Township secretary Crystal Butler has been promoted

Supervisors were unanimous in moving forward in forming the Pocono Mountain Regional Fire Department Station 44 and have started to circulate applications for volunteer firefighters for it. They voted to move ahead to incorporate Tobyhanna Township Station 44. Supervisors also are moving towards leasing a fire truck.

On these actions, there was pushback from Tobyhanna Township Fire Company (station 41) president and assistant fire chief Ed Tutrone, who tangled verbally with most of the supervisors, as well as with attorney Coleman.

It was noted that the TTVFD #41 took itself out of service in late August.

Citizen Vicki Medius spoke, asking supervisors

“Why can’t we have our

fire co. back?…We were happy with what we (had)… You guys need to mediate.” About mediation, supervisor Rachel Schickling agreed, then pointed out that officials of #41 have not been cooperating with mediation attempts.

Supervisor David Carbone contributed that he is getting “some interest” in a regional fire company.

Township secretary Butler explained that if citizens want to look at the new ordinance regarding the fire company, it can be found on the township website, under “New Laws.”

Tutrone asked Coleman if the TTVFC is done? Coleman answered that “we’re in litigation.” Points of contention include what to do with the fire trucks, and having #41 vacate the township’s buildings. Voices became raised including an exchange with supervisor Brendon Carroll who said Tutrone was providing “a false narrative.”

Tutrone said, “we’ll dissolve…,” then proposed to sell the equipment.

There was more contention, with Tutrone asking about #41 not being able to respond to a recent fire in Pocono Pines.

Homowner John Maganza, whose Lake Naomi property


NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL: Tobyhanna Township’s newest traffic signal hangs over Route 940 this past weekend at the new entrance to Stillwater Lake Estates and across from the FedEx terminal driveway.

Art awards noted at PMSB meeting

Superintendent Elizabeth Robison opened the Feb 8th Pocono Mountain School Board meeting by congratulating West High School, winners of the Pennsylvania Art Education Award. The theme this year was “Your Art Your Voice.” Also mentioned was the annual Dual Triple Crown Celebration with 46 students receiving sweatshirts and certificates for perfect attendance.

Robison acknowledged East High School MCTI stu-

dents selected as outstanding students of the second quarter. Categories included auto technology, business and hospitality management, carpentry computer networking and security and criminal justice.

Dr. Catherine Sweeney, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, introduced members of the Family Consumer Science Team [FCS] along with Director Amy Buffington and students who highlighted various initiatives and projects completed

See PMSB, page 2

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©2023, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 27, NUMBER 16 Late February, 2023 Journal
JP: Ruth Isenberg

Continued from page 1

within core courses. FCS is a field study on “the science and the art of living well in our complex world. FCS education teaches students to make strong and meaningful decisions and is a foundation of learning that sets the tone for lifelong heath both in body and mind.”

In the past this was considered Home Economics and all students are encouraged to take courses in Fashion, Child Development and Food. Several students were wearing shirts designed in the fashion course. These students participated in a Global Community Service Project by transforming gently used pillowcases into dresses for young

girls in Africa. Students presented photos of African children wearing the dresses. Since 2014 over 500 dresses have been sent to Africa. Other fashion items included “chemo caps” for the Dale and Francis Hughes Cancer Center in what is referred to as “giving back to the community.” Students are also taught the History of Fashion and hope one day to showcase their skills on “America’s Got Talent.” Each student received a certificate and photo.

The meeting closed out with updates from Financial Officer Joseph Colozza, who reported “the budget must be approved at the February 15 meeting.”

A final comment by Director Ana Lopez concerned a ruling in the PA courts filed in

2014 against the state of Pennsylvania by six school districts and parents. It concludes the general assembly failed to uphold its constitutional obligation to provide all children in low wealth school districts with the same resources of the wealthy. The Court concluded: “Education is a fundamental right of all students under the PA Constitution.”

The PA Supreme Court revived this case in 2017 and it went to trial in 2021. Lopez added, “The ruling could impact Pocono Mountain School District and we will wait and see.”

Book Clubbing at PMPL

Did you know that Pocono Mountain Public Library has two book clubs all year round? We have our regular book club on March 14 (Tuesday at 2 p.m.), where we’ll be discussing Tara Westover’s New York Times Best Seller, Educated. Westover’s book is a powerful memoir describing the author’s isolated childhood. Being born to a survivalist family in Idaho, Westover had her first classroom experience at the edge of 17. Westover describes her parents’ beliefs, and violent behavior of her brother, and her thirst for education which leads her to Harvard and Cambridge University. It’s incredibly inspiring and a page-turner. If you don’t have the time for reading an entire book, consider our Short Story Book Club on March 7 (Tuesday at 2 p.m.) where we’ll be reading

Agatha Christie’s “The Love Detectives.” Satherwaite and Quin set out to solve the murder of Sir Dwight, and it looks like the widow and her lover did it. But are things as they seem? Copies are available at the circ desk.

If you’re interested in either book club, call 570894-8860 #2 or email joe@ for a copy of Educated and/or “The Love Detectives.” Also, check out our website—www.—where you can learn about what other programs PMPL has got to offer. We have tons of programming for both kids and adults. Plus, we have e-book platforms, computers, printing, and hotspots and Chromebooks that our patrons who live in Mount Pocono and Coolbaugh Township can check out.

Lehigh Valley Hospital–Pocono gives you comprehensive, expert care right here in the Poconos, with services not available elsewhere in Monroe County, including:

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Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Tobyhanna Twp.

Continued from page 1

had the fire, was upset over the response from Pocono Summit. “27 minutes for the truck,” said his wife, Lynn, time enough for the inside of their house to get gutted. In other business, the township was thanked for getting speed limit signs posted on the new road from the new traffic light for the new road into Stillwater Lake Estates (SLE) in Pocono Summit. The township was also thanked by SLE

for its help in getting the easement needed to install new mailboxes for that development.

Bills of $1,000,560 were approved to be paid for the month.

Pioneer Construction was approved to be paid $54,298 (payment #6) for their work on road and traffic signal project in Pocono Summit. Pioneer was also approved to GPS Synchronize the two sets of traffic lights at a cost of $9,450.

Supervisors will look to form a committee to look definitions of warehouses versus trucking terminals and look at updating township rules for each.

White is candidate for District Judge

Richard P. White (Rich) is running for Magisterial District Judge for Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock Townships. Rich has spent his entire legal career serving his community as an Assistant District Attorney and has prosecuted thousands of criminal cases ranging from retail theft to first degree murder. He has also served as an arbitrator for civil disputes.

Employed since age 14, Rich has worked in a variety of blue-collar positions that have helped him develop a strong work ethic to bring to the white-collar legal profession. Rich has previously worked, for example, as an HVAC apprentice, carpenter apprentice, and in various other occupations within the construction, automotive, and restaurant industries.

Rich received his Bachelor’s Degree from Misericordia University in 2010, and his Juris Doctorate (law

degree) from Duquesne University in 2015. He is the first person from his immediate family to complete higher education.

When elected, Rich will bring the same blue-collar work ethic and knowledge

base he has developed over the past 20 years to the judiciary for the citizens of Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock Townships, and he looks forward to serving the community as your next Magisterial District Judge.


To the Residents of Tobyhanna Township:

For the past several months, there have been many statements, questions and concerns regarding the new Tobyhanna Township Fire Ordinance #571 and the Tobyhanna Township Volunteer Fire Company (TTVFC). We, the Board of Supervisors, would like to provide some history … and explain what the Ordinance actually states about the items most frequently questioned and criticized.

We would also like everyone to know that the ISO Rating for Tobyhanna Township has NOT changed since TTVFC has been out of service. ISO Ratings determine how well one’s local fire department can protect your community and home. ISO ratings are used by homeowner’s insurance companies to set rates. Many people have been blaming recently increased rates for their homeowner’s policies on a change in our ISO rating. That is not true. You may want to contact your homeowner’s insurance company to find out what caused your increased cost.


Several years ago, the Fire Commission* met with both Fire Companies, Tobyhanna Township Volunteer Fire Company (TTVFC) and Pocono Summit Volunteer Fire Company (PSVFC) regarding a New Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) spelling out what was expected of both Fire Companies, and what was expected and to be paid for by the Township. A draft was completed by both Companies and was awaiting approval when President Ed Tutrone of TTVFC approached the Township Solicitor after a Township meeting and stated that TTVFC will not sign the MOU unless ownership of the Blakeslee Fire Building is signed over to TTVFC. The Blakeslee Fire Building, located on Route 115, is owned and maintained using funds from the Taxpayers of Tobyhanna Township. This ownership demand by President Tutrone was rejected by the Board of Supervisors (BOS).

Since TTVFC refused to participate in the MOU process, the Supervisors asked the Fire Commission to produce a new Fire Ordinance. After several Fire Commission meetings, TTVFC sent a letter dated March 25, 2021 to the Board of Supervisors stating they would only participate in the drafting of a Fire Ordinance with the Board of Supervisors because, in an earlier meeting, President Tutrone and Chief Counterman stated that the Fire Commission has no authority to make changes. After no cooperation and participation from TTVFC, the Board of Supervisors asked Solicitor Coleman, Tobyhanna Township’s lawyer, to meet with both Fire Companies and draft a new Fire Ordinance (in lieu of the MOU) with their input. Solicitor Coleman met several times with both Fire Companies and then submitted a draft Fire Ordinance to the Board of Supervisors. The Board met several more times separately with both Fire Companies, and then received a notification from TTVFC that they would be bringing its attorney to the next Fire Ordinance meeting. PSVFC agreed with the draft Fire Ordinance, but TTVFC was still not in agreement with parts of the Ordinance. After several more meetings, the TTVFC presented its own version of the Fire Ordinance removing most of the certification and taxpayer funding requirements from the original draft. Those are essential items needed for accountability! The Board of Supervisors used some of TTVFC’s changes, but not all. Then we placed the required advertising announcing the upcoming meeting to discuss the Fire Ordinance, and placed it on the BOS agenda for a vote.

On Aug 12, 2022, the Solicitor for the Township received a letter from the attorney for TTVFC stating that if the Fire Ordinance “is adopted in its present form the Fire Company will not agree to operate as the officially recognized fire company for the Township.”

On Aug 15, 2022, the Fire Ordinance was passed by the Board of Supervisors and took effect within 5 business days. Per the letter submitted by TTVFC on Aug 12, they removed themselves from active Fire Service effective Aug 22, 2022.


Since TTVFC removed itself from operating in Tobyhanna Township effective Aug 22, 2022, the Township’s Solicitor filed an injunction against TTVFC. There were three (3) main parts to the issued injunction:

1. Ownership of the Fire Apparatus

2. The return of any unused Taxpayer Funds

3. Setting a date for TTVFC to vacate both Emergency Buildings owned by the Taxpayers

The Judge read the injunction and sent the case to mediation. A hearing before the mediator produced no agreement, so the case was sent back to the Judge for a court date and hearing. Hearings were held on Dec 10 and Dec 20, 2022 in front of Judge Higgins. We are awaiting his decision.


The Fire Ordinance is about Fire Tax Accountability for services rendered by both Fire Companies. This includes on-time Budget and Certification Requirements for all Fire Equipment and Apparatus. The Fire Ordinance requires all Fire Personnel to have at least the minimum required Certifications for the position they hold within the Fire Company.

This is not government overreach (as claimed by TTVFC). The Board of Supervisors believes these are reasonable requirements of all fire companies and personnel as part of the BOS’ fiduciary duty to the Residents of Tobyhanna who pay a Fire Tax as part of the annual property tax.


√ The Board of Supervisors will select the Fire Chiefs - FALSE

The Fire Company selects its own Chiefs as long as the applicants meet minimum requirements.

Fire Ord §9-10. Election of Officers

(a)The members of the Fire Company are further authorized to elect from its membership such officers as may be provided in the bylaws of the Fire Company. The Board of Supervisors must be provided the qualifications and fire education and training of all members.

The public should be confidant knowing that their Fire Chiefs have the experience AND certifications needed to manage a fire scene. Currently, the Assistant Chief, Ed Tutrone, does not have the minimum qualifications (Certifications) required for the position according to not only the Fire Ordinance, but also TTVFC’s own Rules and Regulations.

√ The Fire Company cannot apply for a loan without permission from the Board of Supervisors - BOTH TRUE AND FALSE

The Fire Company can approve on its own all expenses or loans up to $10,000. BOS approval is required for expenses over $10,000.

Fire Ord §9-7. Control of equipment and funds

C. No capital expenditures over $10,000 shall be made by the fire companies, which shall require its borrowing of money or the pledge of Township credit without the prior written submission and consent of the Board of Supervisors.

TTVFC took out a Fire Company loan in an amount exceeding $1.3 million for a new Ladder Truck without the approval of the Board of Supervisors.

√ TTVFC cannot respond to Mutual Aid calls to help other municipalities - FALSE

The Fire Company may continue handling Mutual Aid calls per the Ordinance


Fire Ord §9-4. Authorized duties and permitted activities of fire company

D. The fire company is generally permitted to respond to calls and provide services to municipalities outside of the Township with which it maintains mutual response agreements.

TTVFC was misleading the public in its statement. They are allowed to respond to Mutual Aid calls.

Not allowed is to enter into a separate contract with another municipality, getting funds from them while using equipment, apparatus, fuel, insurance, etc. that were all paid for with Tobyhanna Township taxpayers’ money. TTVFC entered such a contract with Coolbaugh Township, and never reimbursed the Township for the expenses attributed to the calls they answered and were paid directly to them by Coolbaugh.

Fire Ord §9-4. Authorized duties and permitted activities of fire company

H. The fire company may not enter into any agreement with municipalities or fire companies, other than mutual aid contracts, located outside of the jurisdictional limits of Tobyhanna Township without written permission from the Tobyhanna Township Board of Supervisors.

NOTE: This is one of the conditions in the Ordinance that TTVFC refused to agree to.

√ TTVFC has claimed (and it remains on its website) that if the BOS determines that the Fire Company is not complying or found delinquent, they will “be fined a <sic> $1000 a day and 30 days in jail until we do comply. Along with that they will appoint their own people to take over.” - FALSE

The section that contains the penalties refers to the general public and NOT members of the Fire Company.

Fire Ord §9-13. Violations and penalties

Any person who shall violate any provisions of this Chapter 9, §9-6 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000. ... the defendant may be sentenced and committed to the county prison for a period not exceeding 30 days.

Fire Ord §9-6. Interference with fire-suppression forces.

A. Interference with volunteer fire company operations. In accordance with Pennsylvania Title 18 and this chapter, it shall be unlawful to interfere with, attempt to interfere with, conspire to interfere with, obstruct or restrict the mobility of, or block the path of travel of any volunteer fire company emergency vehicle in any way or to interfere with, attempt to interfere with, conspire to interfere with, obstruct or hamper any volunteer fire company operation.


1) TTVFC was operating and answering EMS calls from 2018 until recently without a QRS (Quick Response Service) license issued by the PA Dept of Health. This license is required to respond to medical calls. Not having a QRS for more than 4 years put the Township and Residents at high risk for a liability lawsuit. TTVFC answered 124 calls during this time period, according to the Monroe County Control Center. At a recent Township meeting, President Tutrone blamed a past member for the expired license and that he only recently found out. This past member took the stand at the hearing and testified that President Tutrone did know in 2018 that the QRS license was going to expire and it was noted in Daily Log Report #1136, which TTVFC would not produce

2) TTVFC has filed incorrect and or incomplete tax forms for several years by not listing all the services paid for by the Taxpayers. They did not include all of the funding of its operations that was paid by the Township with Taxpayer funds, including utilities, gas, snow removal, etc.

3) TTVFC did not and would not produce any National Pro Board Certifications for its current Membership. Several months ago, Battalion 1, a consulting group, was hired by the BOS to survey the Township’s Fire Companies’ trucks, apparatus, certifications, number of firefighters that worked each fire, etc. The goal of the survey was to learn what the BOS could do to enhance fire services for the Township. PSVFC fully cooperated, answering all questions on the survey. TTFVC would

not send all of the information requested, including each member’s Certifications, number of fire fighters at each fire, etc. In its email response, the Fire Company stated that they do not keep individual certification records on file. This is in violation of its own procedures and of the Fire Ordinance.

NOTE: This is one of the conditions in the Ordinance that TTVFC refused to agree to.

4) TTFVC did not produce any bank records or cancelled checks to show or prove how much of its own funds (excluding Fire Tax Funds) they put towards the purchase of Fire Apparatus. This information is needed by the Court to determine ownership of the Apparatus.

5) TTFVC failed its annual Fire Relief Audit in 2021 because of incomplete and/ or inaccurate record keeping.

6) TTVFC did not produce any documentation or records to prove its claim that they receive only 42% of its income from Taxpayer funds. The Township produced several documents showing all of the Taxpayer funds that went to TTVFC, totaling over 75% of the cost of the trucks (based on estimated value of $3 million spent on fire trucks in the past 10 years).


Over the past 10 years, TTVFC has received over $2,500,000 from the Taxpayers of Tobyhanna, plus an additional $691,774 in Relief Funds from the State of Pennsylvania. The Board of Supervisors hopes the Public can now see how this entire process started, where we are today, and the reasons why there was a need for a new Fire Ordinance.

IT IS ALL ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY. The BOS has a fiduciary responsibility to be certain all services within its control are operating safely (for employees, volunteers, contractors, and the community), upholding all standards/codes, and are financially prudent.

At a recent Township meeting, the President of TTVFC, Ed Tutrone, was asked, “Is it that the TTFVC could not follow the Fire Ordinance, or was it that the TTFVC just does not want to follow the Fire Ordinance?” Tutrone gave no answer. From what was testified, we learned that TTVFC does not follow all of its own Bylaws and Procedures … so it makes sense that they would resist agreeing to the new Fire Ordinance, which basically matches TTVFC’s own Procedures.

The Board of Supervisors encourages all Residents to read the Fire Ordinance (on Tobyhanna Township’s website at Then YOU can determine if this Fire Ordinance is government overreach (as claimed by TTVFC) or responsible accountability of Taxpayer Funds used for Fire Protection for the Residents of Tobyhanna Township. The Board of Supervisors will continue to perform its fiduciary responsibilities to the public who elected them, and will continue to provide this Township with the best equipped and certified Emergency Services available.

Tobyhanna Township Board of Supervisors

* Fire Commission – Formed by the BOS approximately 5 years ago to act as a go-between for the Fire Companies and the BOS. The Fire Commission (comprised of 5 people: 2 Supervisors and 3 people from the Township) met with the Fire Companies, learn their needs regarding materials, funds, etc., and then the Commission would go to the BOS with those requests.


Seth’s Sightings

This Sightings is a travel adventure, actually a mad rush across the country. We are fortunate to be near to two good small airports with commercial flight connections to nearly everywhere. For our flight to Sacramento, California, we chose to fly American from Allentown, which is under an hour’s drive from here.

I needed to be by my dad who had a heart attack and was dying in the hospital in Marysville. We booked a rental to drive from the airport an hour north to the hospital, and a hotel in nearby Yuba City.

Buying air tickets was a pain. One internet site promising the best air fares tacked on enough fees to eliminate savings. One cheaper trip was 27 and a half hours in total flight and connection time, so American it was via Charlotte. We packed our computer cases with travel items and brought a small carry case with clothing changes that could be loaded in an overhead bin – so no check-in baggage, and on Thursday morning we were off.

In Allentown, I found a parking place in the main lot close to the terminal, then walked in and right up to the TSA line. After some fussing over the braces I wear on my knees, we were through to await our American Eagle flight.

Charlotte is an amazing airport. It sprawls. The small commuter airplane gates are on one end. The distance between our gate to where the west coast flight, a 777, was parked was about a mile. This was tough on my poor braced knees and can-

cer-afflicted body; I arrived exhausted. I’d be needing a wheelchair going forward.

I hobbled up to the gate to find a tremendous herd of passengers gathered as boarding time was near. But we heard this: “Passengers on the Los Angeles flight, boarding will be delayed because the flight attendants have not arrived on their flight into Charlotte.” Over the next hour we got a playby-play as their flight landed and emptied of passengers. Finally, there was a parade of flight attendants. This crew barely had time to grab a coffee before they were put back to work again.

While we waited, we finished the layout of the Early

February Journal of the Pocono Plateau, and emailed it to the press. Work on the road, thanks to the interenet. American stuffs near 300 people in their 777s I was told, so loading is complicated. When it was our turn, we found that we were stuck in the back, in the middle seats of a four-person middle section – three seats by each window, then four in the middle – two aisles. The seats were narrow and so close that my knees were right up against the seat in front of me. A couple of hours in, I had to get up to walk in the aisle, do some exercises and use the tiny lav. The plane finally lumbered into LA. I waited ‘til folks

were mostly clear before I waddled out. There was supposed to be a wheelchair at the gate for me—there wasn’t. It took forever to get one, and time was ticking away for us to make our connection. LA’s commuter terminal isn’t attached to the air terminal itself but is an island terminal about a mile away. Connection to that is by bus, and we arrived to find no buses. The delay in getting a bus is likely what caused us to miss our plane. These buses go out onto the tarmac and weave through

moving airplanes and service vehicles near the gate areas to reach the commuter terminal. Our trip was a crazy run that included stopping for arriving and departing aircraft, and for the local fire department that was responding to a call at the airport.

There was no sign of our plane when we arrived—despite their knowing we were coming and in the hands of airport transport. They “had to” leave. This earned us a free overnight stay at

See SIGHTINGS, page 7



Continued from page 6

a three-star hotel courtesy of American Airlines, plus a snack voucher each towards breakfast. We were rebooked on a flight to Phoenix at 7:30

a.m. with a two plus hour layover before our direct flight into Sacramento. After being wheeled to our gate, we sat and watched Eagles fans arriving for the Super Bowl, which was fun. On the flight into Sacramento, I enjoyed the view from the

window seat of desert and canyons, and mountain snow over very sparsely populated parts of our country.

Finally in Sacramento, we made quick work of getting a rental from Alamo so we could get to the hospital. We had time with my dad Friday evening and most of Saturday. I had the machines removed, and he was breathing easily but fading as we left to catch the red-eye direct to Charlotte Saturday night. It was a tough ride home emotionally – plus a bit of actual turbulence.

My dad died peacefully, off all machines, on Monday afternoon.

It was great to be back home, back in our own bed. We went out with friends to watch the Super Bowl on

a big screen – maybe next year, Eagles.

Looming ahead is my next cancer surgery, another big one. I am in the good hands of the best of the U. of Penn Medical team in Philadelphia. The plan is to remove most of the cancer, then treat the area with HIPEC (state of the art). The work should get me back to normal later in March, so I’ll be out and about then.

During recovery, Ruth and I will cheer on our local Penguins on AHL-TV, and enjoy some walks with our dogs on sunny evenings on our favorite paths in Hickory Run State Park and along the Lehigh Gorge trail.

A P.S. on this At Wednesday night’s Penguins game versus the Phantoms, the Geisinger Health System gave out a souvenir foam hockey puck a stress reliever. The lightly attended game had our Penguins behind until the 3rd period, when an exciting goal earned us a tie…and excited fans began to throw these foam pucks onto the ice hundreds of them, like hats are thrown after a hat trick. Order was restored with this repeated announcement: “Fans, Please Stop throwing pucks on the ice…” which prompted more foam pucks to be thrown before staff came down into the aisles to shut down the tosses.

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Police Beat

Just before 10:30 a.m. on 2-8, Pocono Mountain Regional Police attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a gray BMW that was northbound Route 196 in Coolbaugh Twp. Police followed, and saw the driver make a u-turn at the K&L gate of A Pocono County Place and speed off southbound on 196. Police were able to bring the vehicle to a stop, but then the driver got out and fled on foot into APCP. Police were able to identify the driver as a 19 y/o from Brooklyn, New York. He was located and taken into custody about 4 p.m. that same day. He was taken to the Monroe County jail to await arraignment on fleeing and endangering charges, plus pot possession.

The same sort of incident happened on 2-15, starting at 5:18 a.m., also on Route 196 in Coolbaugh. PMRPD started a traffic stop, and the driver then drove off at high speed all the way to Mt. Pocono, then onto some of the neighborhood roads there where PMRPD, PA State Police and Pocono Township Police cornered the car on a dead-end street. Again, the driver

left his car behind and fled. Again, police were able to identify the driver this time a 29 y/o Coolbaugh Township man whose license was suspended for DUI. On his arrest, he was placed in the county jail charged with fleeing and reckless endangering, traffic violations and driving on a suspended license, and he too had some pot.

2-13, PA State Police-Fern Ridge was called regarding a “medical” scam where a 62 y/o Effort woman provided the scammer with near $9,000 worth of gift cards. PSP is investigating.

Just after 9 p.m. on 2/10, PSP-F was called regarding a domestic in Birch Hollow Estates that escalated from a verbal argument to simple assault (he shook her in a violent manner). She sustained minor injury. The 35 y/o man was arrested.

PSP investigated applications from gun dealers from individuals not allowed to buy weapons.

Keeping the Rubber Side down

2/9 just after 8 a.m., a 59 y/o Saylorsburg driver didn’t slow her ’09 Honda

as she drove up on stopped traffic on Route 115. She hit a Tundra pickup, denting it, and a GMC K-1500, causing some cosmetic damage to the rear bumper and body. Her Honda suffered “disabling front end damage.” No one was hurt. PSP gave her a ticket for causing the crash. Her car was towed.

A 38 y/o Wilkes-Barre man put his Chevy van into a tree off Kilmer Trail in Penn Forest Twp. just before 11 a.m. on 2-13. He and his passenger were securely seat-belted, so not hurt. PSP arrived and issued a ticket for the crash.

Just before 3 p.m. on 2-16, a 25 y/o Bloomsburg man driving south on Route 115 drove off the road on a curve



(just south of Effort) and hit the guide rail hard enough to send his Nissan Sentra airborne. While in the air, his car hit a large wooden sign, which set the car cartwheeling. The car had heavy damage to its front and rear bumper area and he also got a ticket from PSP-F for the crash. He was lucky to be uninjured. A 32 y/o Warrington man was driving his Jeep on Guest Circle Road in Towamensing Trails, Penn Forest Twp. at 2:35 p.m. on 2-18 when he reached South Old Stage Road and stopped…but then pulled out in front of an oncoming Freightliner truck. The truck tried to stop but hit the Jeep at its front right

panel spinning the Jeep 360º into a tree. The Jeep then came to a stop on the road shoulder. The Jeep’s driver wasn’t hurt, but his Jeep was. PSP also sent him along with a ticket for the crash. The truck was able to drive away.

The Pocono Plateau is not HIGH enough for some 9:53 a.m. 2-7, PSP made a traffic stop on Route 534 at Navajo Trail in Penn Forest and found a 46 y/o Albrightsville local who was driving while drugged, See POLICE BEAT, page 9

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Police Beat

Continued from page 8

so DUI. A search warrant was sought. The results of the search included methamphetamine and drug-related “equipment.”

PSP made another DUI stop on 2-5 at 6:29 p.m. of a 40 y/o Bangor man driving

along Silver Valley Road east of Effort also drugged driving.

PSP made a traffic stop on Route 209 in Gilbert and found a 20 y/o WilkesBarre man driving under the influence of drugs likely pot and meth as he had small amounts of both drugs in his possession. Charges will depend on his blood test


PSP also reports a crash at 2 a.m. on 1-21 of a Jeep drunk driven along Route 715 off the road and into a utility pole. This one was alcohol-related.

Camp Cadet

Camp Cadet, a free leadership/ law enforcement overnight camp for kids ages

13 to 15, and applications to be part of this year’s program at Marywood University from July 23 to 28 are open to March 17 Go to www. to learn more and apply online.


Winter weather duty will continue as there is some. When plow trucks are active, give them a wide berth so they can do their job. Be alert for black ice when temperatures are below freezing.

Pothole patching is underway with crews out doing work on various roads in Monroe County. Crews are also doing some tree cutting, and crack sealing.

Use to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.

From the Statehouse New debit cards being sent to UC, SWIF claimants

The Pennsylvania Treasury has announced that beginning on or about March 6, new prepaid debit cards will be mailed to Unemployment Compensation (UC) and State Workers’ Insurance Fund (SWIF) recipients. Money Network prepaid debit cards, issued by My Banking Direct, will replace U.S. Bank ReliaCards ® currently in use. New prepaid debit cards will be mailed to UC and SWIF recipients who receive benefit payments via prepaid debit card

beginning next month. The new card will arrive in a plain white envelope with an Omaha, Nebraska, return address. Recipients should be sure to remove the card before discarding the envelope.

It is strongly encouraged that claimants verify they have their correct mailing address on file with the Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) to ensure all mailings reach them in a timely manner. Claimants can also change their payment method to direct deposit by visiting L&I’s website at

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

Claimants should note any remaining balances on U.S. Bank ReliaCards® will not transfer to the new Money Network prepaid debit cards. Those with remaining funds on U.S. Bank ReliaCards® should continue to use the card until it reaches a zero ($0.00) balance. Remaining funds can also be transferred to a personal savings or checking account.



In accordance with the Acts of Assembly No. 320 approved June 3rd, 1967 P.L. etc. and the Amendments thereto providing for a uniform method of electing certain party offices and making nominations for National, State, County, District and Township Offices. Notice is hereby given that nominations will be made at the Municipal Primary Election to be held Tuesday, May 16, 2023, in and for Monroe County, Pennsylvania as follows:

Each Political Party is entitled to nominate candidates for the following offices:



Notice is given that The Monroe County Board of Elections has fixed Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, as the time and place for casting of lots for position of names on the Primary Ballot for the various candidates for the Municipal Primary to be held on May 16, 2023. Candidates may appear in person or by agent duly authorized by letter of attorney signed and acknowledged by an officer empowered to take acknowledgements. In the event any candidate is not present in person or by agent, the Board of Elections will appoint a person to represent such absentee candidate in said drawing.

If you require any special accommodations with regards to this meeting please provide sufficient notice of your needs to the Commissioners’ Office, One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 or phone 570-517-3402.



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PAGE 12 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, LATE FEBRUARY, 2023 Help Wanted Announcements Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920 Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution Call for Your Free Author’s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit Your ad here. 570-215-0204 xt2. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday Help Wanted Announcements Replace your roof with the best-looking and longest-lasting material—steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors are available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - $500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807 Sell tickets to your next event here in the Announcements section of Journal Classifieds Help Wanted Announcements Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today! Auto Insurance Looking for auto insurance? Find great deals on the right auto insurance to suit your needs. Call today for a free quote! 866-924-2397 For Sale Are you receiving SSDI/ SSI Benefits? You may be eligible for
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Home Improvements

Home Improvements


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REAL ESTATE consists of Opulent Stone House with 2 Acres on Tree Lined Club Court in Town of Stroudsburg. First Floor has Large Living Room with Fireplace, Sun Room, Dining Room, Dream Kitchen, Breakfast Room, Powder Room. Finished Basement with Billiard Table. Second Floor has Master Bedroom Suite, Office/Den with Fireplace, 2 ½ Bath, 2 Additional Bedrooms and Sitting Parlor. Oil Hot Water Heat. Attached Garage and Additional Detached 2 Car Garage. Town Water and Sewer Tax Map: 18-5-2-9-14

10 A.M. CONTENTS OF HOUSE- Duckloe Furniture and Lifetime Collection of Household Items. PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTIONEER: Robert Reinhardt

AU5161L 570-856-4666


TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: $15,000 BANK CASHIER’S CHECK (made payable to Jack Muehlhan Auctioneer Escrow) AT SALE. BALANCE AT SETTLEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. Insurable Deed. No Buyer’s Premium.


WED. MARCH 8, 3 - 5 P.M. SAT. MARCH 18, 1 - 3 P.M.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Rare opportunity to BUY one of the finest homes in Stroudsburg Elderly Widow in Assisted Living. One of a kind, cannot be replaced at any cost. Must be SOLD.

SALE ORDERED BY: MacMillan Family Trust Sarah MacMillan, P.O.A. JACK MUEHLHAN AUCTIONEER “The Name You Can Trust”

570- 421-8333 AU000643L Remember: You are only going to pay one more bid than someone else was willing to pay.


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52. “Now I ____ me . . .”

53. Winter slider

54. Draft animals’ harness

55. Soap ingredient

22. Thin board

24. Cut grass

26. Private road

27. Disintegrate

28. Dusks

29. Annoy

30. Drains

15. Arch need 17. Milan money, once 18. Leave off 19. Depicted 20. Powered by the sun


1. Chinese skillet

2. Mock

3. Sow’s place

4. Fall flower

5. Rider’s command

6. Billions of years

7. Sugarcoats

8. Rarely

9. Poker holding

10. Ranch unit

11. Melt

16. Ripoff

20. Teamster’s rig

21. Water buffaloes

32. Bad humor

35. Wore away

36. Distressful cry

38. Henry Cabot

39. Stately trees

40. “____ Miner’s Daughter”

41. Loathe

43. Corporate symbol

44. Novel, e.g.

47. “____ the king’s horses . . . “

48. Denial

49. Tinting agent

Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call
Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-5778206 Wanted Wanted Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445
CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any
Fills with wonder
Petty quarrel
Exhibit 14. Every individual
45. Weight
Aussie’s buddy
Greatly antici-
23. However, poetically 25. Checkup 26. Romantic ones 31. Bumped into 32. Twist of fate 33. Passing through 34. Acquires 36. Squeal 37. Race (a motor) 38. Is bested 39. Bouncing sound 42. Arm joint
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206



James “Jim” W. Mackes


Jr., 73, of Kunkletown, passed away Sunday, February 19, at home. He was the loving husband of Linda E. (Kern) Mackes. They celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary in May of last year.

Born in Palmerton, he was the son of the late James W. Mackes Sr. and the late Mamie V. (Green) Mackes. Jim was the owner and operator of his custom woodworking business for most of his life. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, rafting, and car racing. He was always busy and on the go, and loved going to stock car races. Most of all, he was a loving and caring husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend. He will be deeply missed by all his friends and family.


In addition to his wife, Linda, he is survived by a son, James W. Mackes III of Tampa, FL; two daughters, Candace McMaster and her husband Ron of Easton, and Jillian Mackes of Palmerton; a sister, Eileen Rinker and her husband Don of VT; three grandchildren, Allyson McMaster, John McMaster, and Nevella Sheckler; and his beloved dogs, Chloe and Lilykins. Along with his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Norman Griffith.

A visitation will be held on Monday, February 27, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville. Funeral services will follow at 11 with Rev. Robert Simon officiating. Burial of the ashes will follow in Trachsville Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to VALOR, P.O. Box 315 Brodheadsville, PA 18322 or to Camp Papillion, P.O. Box 332 Stroudsburg, PA 18360. www.kresgefuneralhome. com


Maria Manuela Pica, 92, of Tobyhanna, passed away peacefully on Thursday, February 16, 2023 in her daughter’s arms. Born in Alhandra, Portugal, she was the daughter of the late Jose Carlos Leal Da Fonseca and Maria Margarida Galamba Fonseca. Maria was the beloved wife of the late Jose M. Pica. Maria enjoyed crocheting, cooking and traveling back to Portugal to visit with family. She loved to socialize with family and friends. Dancing was one of her greatest passions. Above all, Maria was a beloved mother who enjoyed moments with her children. Maria will be lovingly remembered by her son, Antonio J. Pica and his wife Donna; daughters, Sofia Pica and Aldina Pica and her husband Justin Shelton; brother, Antonio Fonseca; grandchildren, Bruno, Stephanie, Katelyn, and Antonio and great-grandchildren, Aubrelle, Romond, Jr. and Derek. A funeral service took place February 22, in the Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco. Interment followed at Pocono Lake Cemetery.


Dorothea “Dorothy” Mae (Hess) Leffler, born July 26, 1926, at her family home in Philadelphia, returned peacefully to our Lord on February 13, 2023. Dorothea is predeceased by William P. Leffler Sr., her husband. They shared 52 fulfilled years side by side being partners in raising their family and enjoying life together. They are the best example of lives well lived and love given. She was the daughter of Albert and Edith (Marbach) Hess.

Dorothy met the love of her life in Monroe, NC, where their families moved with the textile industry. They kept in touch after moving back to Philadelphia. Dorothy graduated from Mastbaum High School as valedictorian of the class of 1943. Bill served in the Navy during World War II. They married in 1949.

Most often, Dorothy was found with greens at her ankles and on the floor around designing flower arrangements for competitions at her garden clubs, for gatherings or for the Philadelphia Flower Show. Whether gardening, traveling or sharing adventures with her husband, Dorothy was a contented soul, a child of God. She was the happiest

being with her family. A woman of love, and integrity, possessing a gracious nature, Dorothy’s legacy ripples outward into eternity. She is survived by her beloved daughter, Cheryl Kerrick and her husband Geoffrey; grandsons, CDR Adam Kerrick USN, and his wife Lacy, MAJ Grant Kerrick, USA, and his wife Jen; great-grandchildren, Savannah, Carly Mae, William, and Leah; son, William P. Leffler Jr. and his wife Julie; grandchildren, William P. Leffler III and his wife Ashley; and greatgrandchildren, Amy Lynn Leffler.

Funeral services were held February 17, from the Blakeslee United Methodist Church with Rev. Joseph Healey officiating. Burial followed in Northwood Cemetery, Philadelphia.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Blakeslee United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 142 Blakeslee, PA 18610 or to Compassus Home Hospice Care, 672 North River Street, Suite 301, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18704.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, was in charge of the arrangements. www.kresgefuneralhome. com


Keith Gerod Kennedy, AKA, Keith Ice, of Tobyhanna, passed away on February 12, 2023 at the age of 57. He was born on September 12, 1965 in Harlem, NYC to parents Elise Parker and James Kennedy. He was the loving husband of Christy (Jackson) Kennedy, with whom he shared 22 years.

Keith worked as a Project Manager - Section 8 for the New York City Housing and Preservation for over 20 years, and retired on December 30, 2022. Keith was a kind, loving, warmhearted, God-fearing man. He had the ability to touch people’s lives in many different ways. Once you met Keith, you loved him. He had a way with connecting with people with his honest


words. Keith loved his family. Keith would always say, God 1st, family second, and everything else will fall in line.

Keith battled cancer for 5 years and never gave up. He fought it to the end, leaving behind a host of family and friends. No matter how sick he was he always kept a smile on his face and never wanted anyone to weep for him. That’s the kind of man he was. When you want to remember Keith, remember him as an honest, kind, loving, strong, God-fearing family man.

Keith is predeceased by his father, James Kennedy; step-dad, Samuel Dunnum; grandmother, Victory Johnson; brother, Robert Kennedy; sister, Barbara Ann Neville.

Keith is survived by his wife, Christy Kennedy; two sons, Naia Blend and Trinity Blend; daughter, Christine Kennedy; and mother, Elise Kennedy.

The family would like to thank Keith’s two nieces, Tyesh Neville and Tasheis Turner; grand-niece, Thayer Thomas; and five friends, Edwina Sewell, Nora Sewell, Diana Delgado, Maurice levene, and Denise Alexandra-Brown.

A funeral service was held February 17, at Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Rd, Cresco. Memories or condolences may be shared at for the Kennedy family.


Richard Monroe Gross, 93, a long-time resident of Mount Pocono, passed away on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Born in Allentown he was the son of the late Ervin W and Lillian M. (Geisinger) Gross. Richard worked for his family-owned construction business, Ervin W. Gross & Sons, for many years. He was a master carpenter, building kitchens, operating heavy equipment among other things with his father and five brothers. Richard was also a long-time member of Mount Allen Hunting Association, an avid hunter, photographer, and artist with many talents. Richard will be lovingly remembered by his sister, Maryellen Hanson; brothers, Ernest Gross of Mount Pocono, Charles Gross, Allen Gross and his wife Doe of

Cresco and his sister-inlaw Ruth Gross of Mount Pocono as well as many beloved nieces and nephews, other family members and his many friends. Richard is preceded in death by his brothers, George Gross of Cresco and Roy Gross of Mount Pocono.

A funeral service took place February 18, in the Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco. Private interment took place at St. Paul’s Cemetery of Swiftwater. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Pocono Mountain Volunteer Fire Co., 20 Murray Ave, Mount Pocono, PA 18344 or the Mount Pocono United Methodist Church, 12 Church Ave, Mt Pocono, PA 18344.

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Isabel Torres, 59, of Sciota, passed away on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg. She was the loving wife of Domingo Torres, with whom she shared 40 years of marriage.

Born in Mexico, she was a daughter of Angel Carpinteyro and Elvira (Gonzalez) Carpinteyro. Isabel was simply a warrior. She was the owner and operator of her cleaning service for most of her life. She was hard-working, selfless, kind, and always helped anyone in need. Most of all, she cared for her family. She adored her grandchildren, enjoyed spending time with her many friends, and loved traveling


with her family. She was a sweet, loving, and caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all her friends and family.

In addition to her husband, Isabel is survived by her sons: Juan Torres of Sciota, Oscar Torres of Nashville, TN; daughters: Lorena Villaverde and her husband Danny of Long Island, NY, Miriam Torres of Easton; brothers: Regino Carpinteyro and his wife Araceli; Angel Carpinteyro, Daniel Carpinteyro and his wife, Oralia; sisters: Reyna Torres, Esperanza Mora and her husband Nolene, Irma Castillo and her husband Gavino, Carolina Carpinteyro, and

Yolanda Carpinteyro; five grandchildren, Kasandra Jonari, Juan, Luna, and Leonidas; and many loving nieces and nephews.

A funeral service was held February 18 at the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, with Rev. Robert Simon officiating. Burial followed in Buena Vista Cemetery, Brodheadsville. www.kresgefuneralhome. com


Jeanette Daignault passed away peacefully on the morning of February 15, 2023 at Lehigh Valley Pocono Hospice House, East Stroudsburg.

She was born January 18, 1932 to the late Edward and Helen (Wisneiski) Szmak. She retired in 1993 from Tungsten Contacts in New Jersey where she was a technician. She is preceded in death by her loving husband Rene J. Daignault, sister Viola Szmak, and two brothers Edward and Henry Szmak.

Jeanette is survived by her children Barry J. Daignault of Saylorsburg, Jerry Daignault and his wife Marge of Kunkletown, Denise

Kochanski and her husband Edward of Jim Thorpe, and Steven J. Daignault of Ocean Gate, NJ. She is also survived by her 7 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren, all of whom she loved dearly.

Graveside services were held February 23, in Whiting Memorial Park & Mausoleum, New Jersey. Memorial donations in her honor in lieu of flowers can be made to St Jude Children’s Hospital: 501 St Jude Place Memphis, TN 38015.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville is in charge of the arrangements.

www.kresgefuneralhome. com

PAGE 16 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, LATE FEBRUARY, 2023 Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church ROUTE 940 • POCONO SUMMIT (Between CVS & Tractor Supply) DIVINE LITURGY (MASS) For Mass Times Call (570) 839-8090 Very Rev. Michael Salnicky, Pastor For Parish Office Call (570) 595-3265

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