Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Early October 2022

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Noise and parking issues addressed at Tunkhannock Twp.

At the Tunkhannock Township Supervisors meeting September meeting, several residents complained about the loud and late music from the Elements Music Festival at Pocono Raceway, which will return in 2023. Complaints were from Briar Crest to Tunkhannock Trails. Supervisors said they will put together a plan to address the hours of operation and decibels permitted.

Due to some complaints, supervisors will look into the parking situation for the Amish farmers market on Route 115 at Fern Ridge. During busy times, patrons have been parking along Route 115.

Construction will begin on the bridge replacement on Long Pond Road October 19. PennDOT will be contacted regarding the Hellers Lane access to Interstate 80 east bound for the Tunkhannock Township Volunteer Fire Company.

TTVFC Fire Chief Brian Witt noted as Tobyhanna Township Fire Company is “out of service,” Tunkhannock still provides “mutual aid and the townships are capable of providing fire protection.”

Supervisors discussed the situation, before continuing.

There was also discussion of the proposed commercial development south of Pocono Raceway, on the east side of Route 115, which is proposing six lots with some large enough for

large warehouses, and one proposed for a convenience store with gas pumps.

The second ARP payment was received in September for $356,738, and will be used towards facilities upgrades, including muchneeded new doors in the municipal building and post office, Wi-Fi, and a parking lot upgrade. Bids for the work are being sought.

Residential developments in Tunkhannock have requested an ordinance for larger dumpsters, however it is not the township’s responsibility. Each development must come up with their own policy.

The township’s road project on Mountain Road to the Indian Mountain Lake entrance is complete.

The township will pay a contractor to complete the renovations to the Schoolhouse bathroom, ahead of the signing of the new lease.

A citizen asked supervisors to look into building a beach volleyball court at the part, with a possible cost of $15,000. It was agreed to look into this.

In reports, the Pocono Mountain Regional Police is under 39 hours for the month, but still over 607 hours year to date.

The Clymer library is planning fall programs. They have an opening on their board of trustees.

The township itself needs two members for the UCC hearing board. Contact the township office if you are interested.

Budget work sessions are

underway on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. now through midNovember, if needed. The next supervisors meeting is October 12, at 7 p.m. at the municipal building in Long Pond.

Friends of Clymer Library and Boy Scout Troop 94 unveiled the new Trex bench on the patio at Clymer Library on Monday, September 19. The Trex bench is the result of the entire Pocono Pines and surrounding communities’ donations of 500 pounds of clean plastic film, which was recycled by the Trex company for the manufacture of this bench. Friends of Clymer Library initiated the project with collection sites at the Clymer Library, Selig Center, Arrowhead Lake, Pocono Summit Fire Company and the Pocono Pines Post Office. Boy Scout Troop 94 collected, weighed, stored and then brought the film to Weis Supermarkets, who shipped it to Trex. Friends of Clymer Library wants to thank all those who participated in the success of this project. It is hoped that in the future more benches can be placed throughout the area by recycling plastic film.

The 1st 2 copies FREE 50¢ each additional copy BOXHOLDER Presorted Standard U.S.POSTAGE PAID WHITE HAVEN PA PERMIT NO. 18 POSTAL CUSTOMER
©2022, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 27, NUMBER 8 Early October, 2022
farmers market can overflow beside Route 115. JP: Seth Isenberg

PEC discussion dominates PMSD session

President Marion Pyzik called the Pocono Mountain School District Meeting to order on September 21 stating “Any decision made by the board regarding Pocono Elementary Center would involve the sale of the property, not its use.… Decisions on the future use of the property, if sold, would rest with municipalities, and possibly the courts, in accordance with their zoning rules and permitting process, not the school board.” She continued, “I assure you that the board is not and has not taken any future decisions lightly regarding the possible sale of Pocono Elementary Center.”

Pyzik’s comments come amid growing concerns among community residents about the potential sale of Pocono Elementary Center to Corel5 Industrial Partners for $8.1 million and Corel5 approval to build


a large warehouse at the location. Over 20 residents lined up, each with a threeminute window to speak, and all asking the Board to reconsider and allow Pocono Township, which is also interested in purchasing the property, to submit an offer.

Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Robison discussed funds raised by students for autism, a $10K grant for the food pantry and West High School hosting a Financial Aid Night. Robison mentioned that Governor Tom Wolf had approved a “free school breakfast” beginning October 3, continuing through the 2023 school year. Robison also noted that dual enrollment with Keystone College is up for renewal.

Student Council representatives discussed meet the teacher night and the campus pep rally which they have not had since 2019 and are happy to have returned.

Dr. Catherine Sweeny discussed Pathways to Graduation, signed by Governor Wolf adding “one pathway can be to take advanced placement courses for both high school and college credit.” Currently the district has 636 total students enrolled in AP courses.

Focus then shifted back

to the potential sale of Pocono Elementary Center with emails received. One email stated, “Farmland is disappearing and in place are warehouses this is not why we moved here, and the taxpayer will pick up the costs.” Another read, “No tourist come to the Poconos to see warehouses; don’t make this about money, I am sure we can find a solution.”

No decision on PEC was taken, although Pyzik did say at the end of the meeting that “we look forward to receiving an offer from Pocono Township, and anybody else that wants to put in an offer.”

Fire Prevention Open House scheduled at TTVFC Station 42

Join the members of Tobyhanna Township Volunteer Fire Company on Tuesday, October 11, from 7 until 9 p.m. for the annual fire prevention open house.

There will be food, fun, fire prevention education, fire truck rides and more. Come meet the men and

women who protect our community on a daily basis.

Thinking about volunteering? Stop by and see what you can do to help.

This year the fire company will be joined by Pocono Mountain Regional Emergency

Medical Services, Pocono Mountain Regional Police, Monroe County Office of Emergency ManagementMonroe County, PA, Monroe County Control Center 911, Pennsylvania Mountain Rescue and more.

Now Open in Ahart’s Plaza in Blakeslee Open Monday to Saturday 570 643-2283

Stormwater and other project discussed in Mount Pocono

Mount Pocono Borough Manager Joshua Walker opened borough council’s work session on September 20 with a discussion of the Candlewood development drainage project and water run-off issues. Walker noted, “We are looking to bid out on the whole project and complete by next year.” Council member Lori Noonan asked how much money was available in the storm water budget, with Walker indicating $60K. Council member Ann Marie Harris asked if run-off affected other properties. Other bid proposals include Happy Nails Culvert

Replacement for $7,850 for a sinkhole and Bizio Plaza Commercial Project-No Parking Ordinance for Route 196, a draft ordnance in the land development phase that needs to be advertised.

Tom Ford gave a presenta tion on the Borough Newslet ter stating, “there is no cost to the Borough and Borough will have full editorial con trol.” He suggested printing the newsletter four times annually, adding each news letter could include columns from the Mayor, Council, and topics such as permits, land transfers, road improvements, veterans, and pets.

Mayor Randy Altemose had questions on newsletter distribution and Ford

requested a letter of introduction from the mayor for advertisers.

Noonan asked when the first publication would be available, with Ford indicating December. Ford ended the discussion adding, “there is no commitment no contract and you can stop anytime. 25% of advertising goes back to the Borough over minimums and the newsletter will be linked to the Borough website.”

There was a draft agree ment for council to read on Pocono Pride Fast Pitch which will be discussed at the next meeting. Council presi dent Don Struckle expressed support for a bid on the pro

posal citing concern about anticipated $80K in expenses stating, “We need to assure residents we are utilizing their dollars correctly.”

Council also addressed a 12.7% and $117K increase in the Pocono Mountain Regional police budget, with

Struckle adding the budget committee “will have to start looking at this soon.”

The meeting finished with reminders on the upcoming Trick or Treat on October 31 from 5-8 p.m. and Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 22 from 3 to 5 p.m.

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This notice contains information about proposed amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania, based on separate joint resolutions of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly of Pennsylvania first proposed the amendments during the 2021-2022 session of the legislature. If a majority of the Senators and Representatives elected at the upcoming November 8, 2022, General Election approve one or more of the proposed amendments for a second time during the 2023-2024 session, the approved proposed amendment(s) will be published again and submitted to the voters of Pennsylvania as ballot questions, as required by Article XI, Section 1 of the Constitution. If one or more of the ballot questions are approved by a majority of the people voting on them, the amendment(s) will become law.

This public notice is part of the process of amending the Constitution of Pennsylvania. The Secretary of the Commonwealth is required to publish a copy of the joint resolutions proposing the amendments. The text of the joint resolutions are included below this notice.

Words that appear in bold print are the changes to the words of the Constitution that are proposed by the General Assembly. If an amendment is approved, the words underlined would be added to the Constitution and the words in [brackets] would be deleted.

If you need help reading this advertisement or need the text of the proposed amendments in an alternative format, call or write the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Elections, Room 210 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, 1-877-868-3772,


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for courts to be open and suits against the Commonwealth.

The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby resolves as follows:

Section 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania is proposed in accordance with Article XI:

That Section 11 of Article I be amended to read:

§ 11. Courts to be open; suits against the Commonwealth.

(a) All courts shall be open; and every man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person or reputation shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought against the Commonwealth in such manner, in such courts and in such cases as the Legislature may by law direct.

(b) An individual for whom a statutory limitations period has already expired, or whose claim would otherwise be barred or limited by a statutory

cap on damages, sovereign immunity or by governmental or official immunity, shall have a period of two years, without bar or limitation by such caps or immunities, from the time that this subsection becomes effective to commence an action arising from childhood sexual abuse, in such cases as provided by law at the time that this subsection becomes effective.

Section 2. (a) Upon the first passage by the General Assembly of this proposed constitutional amendment, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of this proposed constitutional amendment.

(b) Upon the second passage by the General Assembly of this proposed constitutional amendment, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of this proposed constitutional amendment. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit this proposed constitutional amendment to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.


Proposing separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing that there is no constitutional right to taxpayer-funded abortion or other right relating to abortion; further providing for action on concurrent orders and resolutions, for Lieutenant Governor, and for qualification of electors; and providing for election audits.

The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby resolves as follows:

Section 1. The following separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania are proposed in accordance with Article XI:

(1) That Article I be amended by adding a section to read:

§ 30. Abortion.

This constitution does not grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other right relating to abortion.

(2) That section 9 of Article III be amended to read:

§ 9. Action on concurrent orders and resolutions.

Every order, resolution or vote, to which the concurrence of both Houses may be necessary, except on the questions of adjournment, disapproval of a regulation or termination or extension of a disaster emergency declaration as declared by an executive order or proclamation, or portion of a disaster emergency declaration as declared by an executive order or proclamation, shall



be presented to the Governor and before it shall take effect be approved by him, or being disapproved, shall be repassed by two-thirds of both Houses according to the rules and limitations prescribed in case of a bill.

(3) That section 4 of Article IV be amended to read:

§ 4. Lieutenant Governor.

A Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen jointly with the Governor by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices, for the same term, and subject to the same provisions as the Governor[; he]. Each candidate for Governor, having been nominated under the laws of this Commonwealth, shall, subject to the approval of the political party or political body, if any, nominating such candidate, select a candidate for Lieutenant Governor within such time before the gubernatorial general election as the General Assembly shall prescribe by law. A person may not seek election to both offices simultaneously. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate. As such, [he] the Lieutenant Governor may vote in case of a tie on any question except the final passage of a bill or joint resolution, the adoption of a conference report or the concurrence in amendments made by the House of Representatives.

(4) That section 1 of Article VII be amended to read:

§ 1. Qualifications of electors.

(a) Every citizen 21 years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections subject, however, to such laws requiring and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact.

1. He or she shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month.

2. He or she shall have resided in the State 90 days immediately preceding the election.

3. He or she shall have resided in the election district where he or she shall offer to vote at least 60 days immediately preceding the election, except that if qualified to vote in an election district prior to removal of residence, he or she may, if a resident of Pennsylvania, vote in the election district from which he or she removed his or her residence within 60 days preceding the election.

(b) In addition to the qualifications under subsection (a) of this section, a qualified elector shall provide a valid identification at each election in accordance with the following:

1. When voting in person, the qualified elector shall present a valid identification before receiving a ballot to vote in person.

2. When not voting in person, the qualified elector shall provide proof of a valid identification with his or her ballot.

(c) If a qualified elector does not possess a valid identification, he or she shall, upon request and confirmation of identity, be furnished with a governmentissued identification at no cost to the qualified elector.

(d) For purposes of this section, the term “valid identification” means an unexpired government-issued identification, unless otherwise provided for by law.

(5) That Article VII be amended by adding a section to read:

§ 15. Election audits.

The General Assembly shall by statute provide for the auditing of elections and election results by the Auditor General. In years when the Auditor General stands for election to any office, an Independent Auditor shall conduct the audit.

Section 2. (a) Upon the first passage by the General Assembly of these proposed constitutional amendments, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of these proposed constitutional amendments.

(b) Upon the second passage by the General Assembly of these proposed constitutional amendments, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of these proposed constitutional amendments. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall:

(1) Submit the proposed constitutional amendment under section 1(1) of this resolution to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth as a separate ballot question at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.

(2) Submit the proposed constitutional amendment under section 1(2) of this resolution to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth as a separate ballot question at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.

(3) Submit the proposed constitutional amendment under section 1(3) of this resolution to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth as a separate ballot question at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.

(4) Submit the proposed constitutional amendment under section 1(4) of this resolution to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth as a separate ballot question at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.

(5) Submit the proposed constitutional amendment under section 1(5) of this resolution to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth as a separate ballot question at the first primary, general or municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by the General Assembly.


Generation Next pilot program launches at Pocono Mountain West HS

School is back in session, and Pocono Mountains Unit ed Way has partnered with Community Action Lehigh Valley to launch the Gen eration Next pilot program at Pocono Mountain West High School for the 20222023 school year. Genera tion Next is a college readi ness, access, and completion program created to address disparities in education. The program works with students to achieve college admission, integrate into college life, and complete a post-second ary program.

The Generation Next Pro gram serves students who meet two of three criteria; self-identifies as a person of color, would be a first-gen eration college student, and/ or qualifies for free/reduced lunch at PMWHS. Fresh man and junior students that meet two of the three criteria

qualify for the Generation Next program in this in augural year. Future years will continue to support these current students while also recruiting a new group of freshmen each year.

Within Generation Next, 29% of students identify themselves as the first gen eration of their family to go to college. At a national level, the median parental income among dependent students is $41,000 for first-generation students and $90,000 for continuing-generation stu dents. These numbers help demonstrate the economic impact that a college degree can have on future earnings.

At Pocono Mountain West High School, 65% of students are from households that make them financially eligi ble for free/reduced lunch es. The resources provided by Generation Next offer

additional support to assist students in reaching their academic goals.

Generation Next provides students with in-person in struction during their school day. This includes lessons focusing on social emotional learning, college and career exploration, financial liter acy, SAT/ACT preparation, and individualized support with college applications. Additional resources pro vided to students enrolled in the program include college trips, guest speakers, rela tionship building activities, and mentorship.

By emphasizing and rein forcing the PMWHS’s exist ing programming on careers, financial literacy, social, emotional and professional skills, Generation Next sup ports the district’s efforts to prepare the next generation of college students.

For more information on the Generation Next program, reach out to Timera

Toppin, the Generation Next Coordinator, at timera@

You can also learn more

at these two links: https:// new-generation-next-pro gram-for-high-schoolershas-launched/ and https:// www.communityactionlv. org/generationnext

The Morgan Gallery of Fine

Arts Excellent Selection of Local Art on Display Custom picture framing services with quality Larson Juhl frames 409 Route 940, Blakeslee — half a mile east of Blakeslee Corners 570.646.5333 • Open 11–4, Wednesday through Saturday. Other times by appointment. All work is done on premises, and fully insured while in our care.

Free community dinner slated at St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Pocono Pines extends a warm invitation to our friends and neighbors for a free Fall Community Dinner. Sponsored by the parish’s Social Concerns Committee, the hearty meal will be served downstairs in

Our Lady of the Lake Hall at 2 pm. on Sunday, October 23. With limited seating available, reservations are required and can be made by calling 1-727-542-2280; kindly leave a message and your call will be returned

as soon as possible. If you prefer, you may stop by the Parish Office Monday through Thursday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to reserve your place on the Sign-

Up Sheet. Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, October 19.

The Parish Family of St. Max is waiting to welcome you to enjoy warm, friendly

conversation and a delicious meal. Dedicated volunteers will be busy preparing a dinner of roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, salad, bread, a homemade dessert, and beverages.

Funding for all community dinners is provided by the generosity of members and friends of St. Max and from proceeds of the committee’s three annual Lenten Dinners.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish is located at 5112 Pocono Crest Road, Pocono Pines. The hall is handicap accessible.

Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

Millions recovered

THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, EARLY OCTOBER, 2022 — PAGE 7 570-453-0463 Talk to a lawyer in one hour or less Attorney Christopher B. Slusser

Take a LOOK at Spa Specials

this month: Lash Tinting -$45

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Tired of putting mascara on every day? Here’s your solution: Eyelash tinting like getting your roots touched up. The dye will intensify your natural lashes by darkening them and adding definition to the eye. It has the added benefit of mking lashes look instantly thicker, without 100 coats of mascara (which normally results in a lot of clumps).

Lash Lift & Tint -$145

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A lash lift-and-tint treatment involves two separate processes, both designed to give you beautiful, fluttery eyelashes for weeks. It makes your lashes bend upawards, leaving them looling longer, and your eyes more open and bright.

Seth’s Sightings

I am pleased and happily surprised that we are seeing the start of a beautiful leaf season. Add water, and then a little bit of cold, and voila colors. With such a dry summer, I’d written here before that I wasn’t sure what to expect, and now we see.

Ruth and I had travelled through the Pocono Plateau toward Stroudsburg and down off the Plateau toward Lehighton, and there are spectacles of brilliant foliage in the woods off most of our roads.

Monday a trip into Lehighton passed trees of flaming red and golden yellow that shone even on the damp day. There were also plenty of trees that are still in green without a hint of starting their turn, so I’m hoping for this show to last all month.

Bloomsburg Fair Skyride view. JP: Seth Isenberg

in. It was a chilly night, but not so bad as to keep us from taking a skyride just after dark to enjoy seeing the light show of all the booths and the rides, plus hearing the free entertainment stage combined with the roar of dirt track car racing. We had a pretty good view from the ride of one race, along with the start of another.

so I’m starting to plan on attending Penguins games in Wilkes-Barre. The cull of players from the NHL preseason camp this week has gifted our AHL team with some strong talent. Now if the coaches do their magic, we may see a very competitive club. Pre-season camp is underway and there are a few games, but more importantly, opening night at the Mohegan Sun Arena is Saturday, Oct. 15 versus the Phantoms at 6, and then a Friday night game on the 21st vs. Laval at 7.

Specials cannot be combined with any other discounts.

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Route 940, Ste. 103

Lake PA 18347

With Hurricane Ian, I had fears of such winds as would rip the newly turning leaves off the trees and leave us without this beautiful show. Fortunately, neither the winds nor rain were too bad. We had all the excitement of anticipating a hurricane, without having to endure one.

The Isenberg family in Charlotte, NC, was in the path of the leftovers from then Tropical Storm Ian, when it moved east. They are reporting no damage from a windy day, but a lot of rain.

On Thursday evening back here in NE PA, we went with friends to the Bloomsburg Fair. We were treated to a beautiful sunset on the ride

Walking the fair, we enjoyed apple dumplings from Bissingers, apple cider pressed by the Benton Cider Mill, sweet corn, and some soup to keep us warm. We ate our way through the night.

Friday and Saturday, we were at the Weatherly Area Community Library’s basket raffle and auction, volunteering. After the event wrapped up on Saturday, we were tired out, and spent the rest of the weekend quietly. I enjoyed the Penn State win that afternoon, and then Sunday’s win by the Eagles. No happy news for the Patriots, however, nor the Bucs. Congrats to the Phillies on making the playoffs.

It’s nearly hockey season,

Oct. 7-9 is the Covered Bridge Festival in Bloomsburg. We’ll go in the hope of finding peach dumplings. Also the 7th through the 9th is the Pine Ridge Fall Festival by Route 534 in Albrightsville, with a dozen bands a day performing. This Saturday the 8th is a dogs Halloween costume party at the north end of Main Street in White Haven, starting at 3:30. We’re bringing our Spookie and Bull. Come join us. The night of the 8th is 70s Flashback at the Mauch Chunk Opera House, and coming there on the 28th is the Slambovian Circus’ PreHalloween Mischief Show… which should be a big fun.

As a last sighting, it is the start of hunting season, so the big bucks in our area are likely to become trophies to a lucky hunter. We nearly got a trophy buck of our own on Saturday evening when we came up to one standing in the middle of Route 940 east of Moseywood Road. We nearly drove into him he didn’t move until we were real close.

So, to drivers and hunters, be careful out there. Enjoy the leaf show, and keep healthy.

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Learn How to Put Your Garden to Bed on Oct. 11

Autumn’s here, gardeners. Learn “How to Put Your Garden to Bed” when the Pocono Garden Club meets at 1 p.m. Tuesday, October 11, at the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville.

The program will be presented by a Master Gardener.

The meeting’s design entry is called “Monarch Migration.” It would be a design of choice in monochromatic color.

The horticulture entry should be a collection of five colored foliage leaves displayed creatively under glass on a flat base.

The houseplant entry should be your favorite — pick a beautiful, healthy plant and enter it.

Light refreshments will be served.

For more information contact club President Nell Cadue at poconogardenclub@ Visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.

Out in the Open

Archery deer season is popular in Pennsylvania

Archery deer season, the first of Pennsylvania’s big game hunting opportunities, opened on Saturday, Oc tober 1. This year’s bowers could top the record-set ting 373,700 residents and non-residents who pur chased archery permits in 2020.

In 1951 the Pennsylvania Game Commission first sold a $2 archery hunting license to 5,542 hunters who were allowed to hunt with a bow and arrow in the bucks-only season and harvested 33 ant lered deer that year.

In 1957 archers using long bows and cedar arrows with turkey feathers for fletching and fixed-blade broadheads were first allowed to take antlerless deer. And in 1973, compound bows were per mitted. In 2009 crossbows

were allowed to be used for hunting deer for all hunters.

Fast forward to the modern day, and of the more than 900,000 general hunting license buyers in the state, 61 percent of the archers say they use or have used a crossbow during the archery season. During the 20202021 archery hunting season, bowhunters took 160,480 deer, including 80,130 bucks. Of that total, 107,000 were taken with a crossbow. Statewide, in all deer hunting seasons hunters harvested 376,810 deer, 145,320 ant lered and 231,490 antlerless

deer. Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) 3-D, which encompasses most of the Po conos, accounted for 11,000 of the total harvest.

The statewide archery deer hunting season runs until November 12, includes one Sunday, November 13 and continues until November 18. The extended season is from December 26 through January 16. Hunters should check the specific regulations as regards to the Wildlife Management Units (WMU) in which they hunt for de tails.

THURS. 9:30 PM Replays: FRI. 8:30 AM & 9:30 PM SAT. 12:30 PM • SUN. 1 AM & 11:30 AM MON. 12 AM & 6 AM • TUES. 7:30 AM ALL OUTDOORS • WILDLIFE HUNTING & FISHING CONSERVATION • ENVIRONMENT HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock

Police Beat

9-24, PA State Police Fern Ridge made a traffic stop for traffic violations, and after “numerous indications of criminal activity were observed,” a search of the vehicle was conducted. Police found 71 and a half pounds of marijuana, in vacuum-sealed bags. The driver was arrested on drug dealing charges.

9-15, 3 p.m., a 24 y/o Tobyhanna man was arrested for making terroristic threats to a 75 y/o Chestnuthill woman at her home. He damaged a storm and inner door at the home, estimated cost of damage $2,000.

9-21, a 22 y/o Jim Thorpearea man was arrested by PSP for violating a Protection from Abuse order for an Effort woman.

In a separate PFA incident, a 57 y/o Stroudsburg area man violated a PFA by contacting his 54 y/o victim by phone at 12:30 a.m. He was charged by the Monroe County D.A. with criminal contempt.

9-24, PSP-F was called to a Weiler Rd., Penn Forest Twp. home on a report of a deceased 75 y/o man. PSP found nothing suspicious. The Carbon County Coroner’s office assisted. There was mailbox

vandalism in Bartonsville Woods, Jackson Twp. on 9-18 to 19.

Keeping the rubber side down

9-21, 12:36 p.m., a 52 yo Blakeslee-area driver in his ’15 Mercedes ML350 passed a car on Route 209 and drove head-on into an ’04 Jeep Cherokee coming in the opposite direction, sending the Jeep off the road. Both drivers had minor injuries and were taken to the hospital by West End LV Ambulance. PSP ticketed the Mercedes driver for the crash. The Jeep’s driver was ticketed for her car being out of inspection.

9-21, 1:22 p.m., an Easton driver in his ’09 Nissan Altima was speeding along Route 209 in Chestnuthill when he hit an ambulance responding to an earlier crash, then lost control and travelled off the road over an embankment and hit an elevated driveway. EMS responded to evaluate the driver and passenger no injuries. PSP ticketed the driver for the crash, and for careless driving in hitting the ambulance. The ambulance had no visible damage.

9-23, 5:52 p.m., a 42 y/o Connecticut man crashed

his Nissan Rogue into a tree off Merwinsburg Road. A local man stopped to render aid, but had his car dented as the CT man managed to drive off. PSP located the CT man and the car at his local residence. He admitted to both crashes.

9-23, A rear-ender crash was reported on Route 209 near Brodheadsville. No injuries.

In this batch of reports, there were two hit and runs, a handful of fender-bender crashes in the Route 209 construction zone, and of vehicles hitting deer.


9-15, PSP is investigating a burglary at a Sioux Circle, Mt. Pocahontas, Albrightsville home. Stolen was a mountain bike, some cash, Amazon gift cards, a Galaxy cell phone, and a can of Corona.

9-21, three vehicles in East Side borough by White Haven had catalytic converters cut from them. Also stolen were contents of the vehicles, including credit cards, drivers’ licenses and a Sig Sauer handgun.

Identity theft reports include one where someone was stealing Tractor Supply points, and another where a local had $14,000 withdrawn from his local bank account.


A crack sealing crew is on Long Pond Road in Tunkhannock Township and on Route 390 in Barrett Township this week. A litter pickup team will be out in Barrett on Route 447.

There is a pothole patching crew is in Carbon County. Route 903 is due for work in September.

Long Pond Road’s bridge just east of Pocono Raceway

is getting replaced, one lane at a time. Signs are going up, with the work to start October 19.

Use to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.

Public Notice


ABANDONED VEHICLE BEING HELD AT NATIONWIDE REMARKETING II, 3111 Wis casset Dr, Swiftwater, PA 18370, 2017 Ford F150, VIN# 1FTFX 1CF6HKC77859. Owner or lien holder must claim on or before November 08, 2022 or it will be disposed of. Call (570) 2438765.

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Allentown Band concert in Stroudsburg

The Allentown Band will present a concert at 3 p.m., Sunday, October 9, in the sanctuary of First Presbyteri an Church, 575 Main Street, Stroudsburg. The concert will feature Dr. Michael Krentz on the church’s newly restored pipe organ. Tickets for the event are $10, and $5

for seniors and students.

A prominent feature of nineteenth-century musical Americana was the concert band, and the Allentown Band, America’s oldest, has kept that tradition alive since its founding in 1828. Drawn from within a 50-mile radius of the Lehigh Valley, the

band’s musicians, as differ ent as their backgrounds may be, share one common goal: to create and preserve concert band music at a level of excellence rarely heard from a community band. The Band has been under the direction of Ronald Demkee since 1977.

Demkee earned his Bach elor’s and Master’s Degree in Music Education at West Chester University. In 1991 Muhlenberg College award ed him an Honorary Doctor of Music. He conducted the Freedom High School (Beth lehem) Patriot Band, Or chestra and numerous other instrumental ensembles, where he was also chairman of the Fine Arts Department, from the time the school opened in 1967 until 1997. After teaching in the public schools for 32 years, Demkee taught in the music depart ments of both Muhlenberg and Moravian Colleges an other 18 years.

Krentz is Director of Music and Organist at Christ Lu theran Church in Allentown. He holds Bachelor, Master, and Doctor of Music degrees from Northwestern Universi ty in Evanston, IL, where his teachers were Richard En right and Wolfgang Rübsam. Michael is a past Dean of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and Secretary/Treasurer of the Association of Luther an Church Musicians. He is active as a workshop leader and recitalist. Tickets for the event can be purchased by contacting the church office at 570-421-7751 or stgpres@

On September 12, Gary Embich, member of the Pocono Mountains Art Group gave a demonstration on perspective at the monthly meeting held at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville. The next meeting will be on October 17. All are welcome. Bring art for show and tell. Steve Kager will be doing a “painting with broccoli” demonstration. For more information on the PMAG, contact Gary or Nancy Embich at brushwork36@




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ACROSS 1. Fake deal 5. Dashboard acronym 8. Oxen connector 12. Guesstimate phrase (2 words) 13. Give a darn 14. Exhibitionist 15. It’s OTAN in French 16. Carbon monoxide lacks this 17. Geometry class prop 18. *Lou Reed: “She says, “Hey babe, take a walk on the ____ ____” 20. European “curtain” 21. Mustangs, e.g. 22. Campaign pro 23. Cause of wheezing 26. Men’s Colonial headgear 30. Fib 31. *Bon Jovi: “Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear. Woah, livin’ on a ____” 34. The only thing to fear? 35. Small and round, eyes description 37. Future fish 38. Alabama civil rights site 39. Tangelo 40. Shape clay, e.g. 42. James Corden’s network 43. Awaited deliverer 45. Same as lathees 47. 0 meridian acronym 48. World-weary 50. Prefix with legal 52. *Aerosmith: “Sing with me, sing for the year. Sing for the ____” 55. Siberian prison 56. Pakistani language 57. *Dionne Warwick: “I think I’m going out of my ____” 59. Rapidly 60. Cheese app 61. “Cogito, ____ sum” 62. Diamond’s corner 63. European
ic Community 64. Whiskey grain, pl. DOWN 1. *Kansas: “Carry on, my wayward ____” 2. “Stick in one’s ____” 3. Italian wine region 4. Dough 5. *The Buggles: “Video killed the ____” 6. Cattle controls 7. Bébé’s mother 8. *Elton John: “And it seems to me you lived ____ ____” 9. Capital of Norway 10. Hiking sandals brand 11. Mess up 13. Show’s other star 14. Rap sheet listing 19. Negative house description 22. p in #5 Across 23. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, e.g. 24. Military blockade 25. Bluish greens 26. Banana leftover 27. ____’s, grape jelly brand 28. Many iambs 29. *Guns N’ Roses: “Take me down to the paradise city where the ____” 32. Missouri capital tourist attraction 33. *ABBA: “Waterlooknowing my fate is to be with ____” 36. *Queen: “You got mud on your face, you big ____” 38. Hiding place 40. Aptitude test acro nym 41. Black Death 44. Picture 46. Restraint 48. Ballet rail 49. Playful 50. Immature butterfly 51. Unfortunately, exclamation 52. Jiffy’s grease 53. Spooky 54. Uncontrollable anger 55. Loquacious per son’s gift 58. Not don’ts



Reine Zebrowski, 88, of Linden, NJ, passed away Wednesday, September 28 in RWJ University Hospital Rahway, NJ.

She was the loving wife of the late Joseph A. Zebrowski. They spent 31 wonderful years of marriage together before his passing in 2003.

Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, she was the daughter of the late Sevignie Francillon and the late Regina (Pierre-Louis) Francillon.

Reine was a former member and organist of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Gilbert. She worked as an administrative assistant for the federal government for many years. She loved playing the piano, had a strong faith, and was a loving and caring stepmother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all her

friends and family.

She is survived by two stepsons, Joseph A. Zebrowski Jr., and Alan Zebrowski; a stepdaughter, Marianne Vellis; two sisters, Giselle and Rosita; a sisterin-law, Phillipa; a niece, Madeleine; cousins, Maude, Gladys, and Des; and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by several brothers and sisters.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Friday, October 7 at 11 a.m. from Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Gilbert, with Father Robert Simon as celebrant. Burial will follow in Buena Vista Cemetery, Brodheadsville.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, is in charge of the arrangements.

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Harvey W. Blakeslee, 83, passed away Friday, September 30, 2022 at Country Meadows of Leader Heights - York South. He was the husband of the late Anne Blakeslee.

Born October 14, 1938 in Buck Twp, Luzerne Co., he was a son of the late Lloyd and Hilda Blakeslee.

He was a graduate of Tobyhanna High School. Harvey then joined the United States Marine Corps. Following his military service, Harvey was first a carpenter, and then Boeing factory worker.

After working full-time and studying while supporting a family, he became a certified aircraft mechanic. He worked with Eastern and United Airlines and spent the majority of his career at various airport maintenance hubs across the country working with the large team of men and women who keep our planes safe.

In his spare time, Harvey enjoyed fixing old cars, building engines and talking on his ham radio with other operators. Harvey will be remembered by his family as a kind, easy-going, and funny man who was a loving husband and father.

He is survived by 3 daughters and their spouses, 4 grandchildren, a sister, a brother and wife, nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by 2 sisters and one brother.

The family takes solace in believing Harvey is now reunited with his beloved Annie, who was greatly missed these last 5 years.

A celebration of life tribute will be held privately with burial in the family plot at Blakeslee Cemetery, Blakeslee.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209 Brodheadsville, was in charge of arrangements.


Joan Marie Mullen, 82, of Pocono Lake and formerly of Staten Island, passed away on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, she was the daughter of the late Leif and Ida (Jacobsen) Hubertz. Joan was the wife of the late Myles Mullen.

She owned and operated DannyO’s Tavern for many years. Above all Joan loved animals and wildlife. She enjoyed feeding the deer.

Joan will be lovingly remembered by her son, William O’Brien and his wife Cathryn; sister, Sonja Sweeney; and grandchildren, William David O’Brien and David James O’Brien. Services will be private at the convenience of the family.

Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.

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Ruth Ann Anewalt, 84, of Gilbert, passed away Friday, September 23, 2022 in St. Luke’s Hospital-Monroe Campus.

She was the loving wife of the late John H. Anewalt.

Born in Kunkletown, she was the daughter of the late Luther Borger and the late Edith (Silfies) Borger.

Ruth Ann was a loving and caring mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all her friends and family.

She is survived by a son, John H. Anewalt; two daughters, Faylene Burger, and Kelly Anewalt; three brothers, Donald Borger and

his wife Betty, Larry Borger and his wife Elaine, Albert Borger and his wife Shirley; two sisters, Joan Eckhart, and Carole Kresge; grandson, Duston Burger and four other grandchildren. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Sharon Anewalt, and a sister, Virginia Anderson.

A funeral service was held September 28 from the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville. Burial followed in Buena Vista Cemetery, Brodheadsville. www.kresgefuneralhome. com

Donald C. Kresge Sr., 86, of Stroudsburg, passed away Saturday, September 24, 2022 in Lehigh Valley Pocono Hospice House, East Stroudsburg.

He was the loving husband of the late Henrietta (Smith) Kresge. They celebrated 59 wonderful years of marriage together.

Born in Philadelphia, he was the son of the late Harold A. Kresge and the late Evelyn M. (Callaway) Kresge.

Donald was a Pennsylvania State Police Officer for 32 years, and a Criminal Investigative Specialist. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and a life-time member of the Jackson Township Fire Co.


and served 22 years as Jackson Twp. Supervisor. He was a very active member of Reeders United Methodist Church, where he was the church treasurer for 30 years, head usher for many years, and sang in the choir for 25 years.

He enjoyed collecting trains, gardening, golfing, hunting, and traveling when he had the chance. Most of all, he loved spending time with his family and adored his grandchildren. He was a loving and caring husband, father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. He will be deeply missed by all his friends and family.

Noel, Kaitlyn Schikschneit and her husband Michael, and Michael Kresge and his fiancée Paulina, Mason Spangenberg; a greatgrandson, Matteo Giovanni; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins.

In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers, Albert and William Kresge, and a sister, Joan Barrie.

Church services were held October 3 from the Reeders United Methodist Church with Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Weber officiating. Burial followed in Reeders Methodist Cemetery.


Christopher J. Wilkins, 62, of Effort, passed away Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at home.

He was the loving companion of Maria Visnosky. They enjoyed 14 wonderful years together.

Born in Binghamton, NY, he was the son of the late Thomas Wilkins and the late Jean (Greskovic) Wilkins.

Christopher was a contractor for most of his life and owned/operated Z/1 Contracting for over 25 years.

He was an avid New York Jets, San Francisco 49ers and San Francisco Giants fan, and enjoyed all sports and music. He loved and embraced life. He was charming, witty, and full of knowledge. He was always looking to have a good time, and he was very proud of his family. Most of all, he

was a loving and caring companion, father, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend. He will be deeply missed by all his friends and family.

In addition to his loving companion Maria, he is survived by a son, Victor Hughson-Wilkins; a daughter, Olivia Wilkins and her fiancé Andrew Yuhas; a sister, Linda Chesko of Columbia, SC; two brothers, Tim Wilkins of Hendersonville, NC, and Tom Wilkins and his wife Dawn of Clayton, NC; and several nieces and cousins.

A celebration of life will be scheduled on a later date at the convenience of the family.

The Kresge Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. www.kresgefuneralhome. com

He was very active in his community, volunteering with Meals on Wheels for 25 years, soup kitchen in Stroudsburg for 20 years, worked Bingo at the Jackson Twp. Firehouse, coached Little League for 20 years,

He is survived by two sons, Donald C. Kresge Jr. and his wife Tammy, and Scott Kresge and his wife Victoria Dilorio-Kresge; a sister, Gail Anders and her husband Theodore; six grandchildren, Joshua Kresge and his wife Elizabeth, Eric Kresge, Matthew Kresge and his wife

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Co., P.O. Box 215 Reeders, PA 18352.

Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, was in charge of arrangments. www.kresgefuneralhome. com

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Marie E. (Spero) Grott, 82, of Tobyhanna, passed on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at the Gluco Lodge of Stroudsburg. Born in Queens, New York, she was the daughter of the late Geraldo and Lucia “Lucy” (Padula) Spero.

Marie was the beloved wife of the late Edward F. Grott. She worked as a computer analyst for GHI for many years.

Marie loved animals, Santa Claus and to crochet. She was very active in her

community. Marie possessed a heart of gold and was a mother to just about everyone she knew.

Marie will be lovingly remembered by her many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and extended family members.

A funeral service took place October 1, at Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco.

In lieu of flowers, contribu tions may be made to Camp Papillon Animal Shelter, 128 Brainerd Ln, Stroudsburg, PA 18360.


Lillian (Mason) Judge, 93, of Pocono Pines, passed away in her home on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Born in the Philadelphia she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary (Garahan) Mason.

At an early age Lillian’s family moved to East Pennsauken, New Jersey.

She graduated from Merchantville High School and attended Temple University and Patterson State College. She worked many jobs throughout her life, for an insurance company, as a bank teller and for the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. Lillian’s favorite job was her time spent as a director at a girl’s camp, Camp Nawakwa on Pocono Crest for 15 years.

Lillian loved the Poconos; it was where she met her husband, Donald “Bud” Judge. She and Donald were married in 1956 and settled in Pocono Pines where they shared 58 years of marriage.

Lillian was a member of Salem United Church of Christ in Pocono Lake. She

volunteered at Tobyhanna Elementary Center in Pocono Pines and started the first Girl Scout Troop #314 in Tobyhanna. In 1977 Lillian was instrumental in reorganizing the Clymer Library where she worked as a volunteer librarian for many years. Today Clymer Library is a full service library on Fire House Road in Pocono Pines.

Lillian will be lovingly remembered by her children, Margaret Caldwell and her husband Sam, Nancy Judge and Timothy Judge; grandchildren, Sam Caldwell and his wife Amanda, Jill Caldwell, and Jacob Judge; and great-grandchild Brantley Caldwell. Lillian was preceded in death by siblings Margaret Williams, Phyllis Hoeger and Frank Mason.

A funeral service took place October 1, in Salem United Church of Christ, Pocono Pines, with interment at Pocono Lake Cemetery.

Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.


Betty J. Feller, 93, of Sciota, passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2022 in Mrs. Bush’s Personal Care Home in Kunkletown.

She was the wife of the late Kermit L. Feller. They had been married for 68 years at the time of his passing in 2016.

Born in Gilbert, she was a daughter of the late Bernard and Geneva (Naugle) Flick.

Betty was an active member of Zion United Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville where she was a member of the church’s Willing Workers and their senior group. She was also a member of the Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder Co. Auxiliary in Saylorsburg.

Betty is survived by a son, Brian Feller and his wife Cathy of Brodheadsville; and two brothers, Richard Flick of Sciota and Larry Flick in Arizona. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Daryl, and by two brothers, William and Robert Flick.

Funeral services were held September 20 from Zion United Lutheran Church with Rev. Ann Melot officiating. Burial followed in Gilbert Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Zion United Lutheran Church, 1919 Route 209, Brodheadsville, PA 18322.

The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209 Brodheadsville, was in charge of arrangements. www.kresgefuneralhome. com


Dorothy (Manigault)

Canty, 59, of Tobyhanna, passed away in her home on Friday, September 16, 2022.

Born in the Bronx, New York she was the daughter of the late Kenneth and Shirley (Dixon) Manigault.

Dorothy was the beloved wife of Terrence Canty. She loved to cook and was known for her famous potato salad. Above all, Dorothy cherished the lord and was a devoted Christian.

In addition to her husband, Terrence, Dorothy will be lovingly remembered by her daughter, Jade Devine; brothers, Kenneth Manigault and Alfred Manigault; sister, Eva Williams; grandchildren, Charisma Devine, Cam’ron Devine and Cynere Devine; as well as many beloved nieces and nephews.

A funeral service was held September 23, in the Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco.


Michael Anthony Strausser, 56, of Long Pond, passed away on September 5, 2022.

Born in Philadelphia he was the son of the late Melvia MaclIvain. He worked as a self-employed contractor.

Michael will be lovingly remembered by his siblings, Darlene Oltmanns, Tina Anthony and her husband Tom, Jeanette Strausser, Almon Henthorne and his wife Christina, Tenniel

Schwarm and her husband Brandon, and Bobby Baxter; aunts, Paulette Bradley and Claire Bradley; uncles, Chuck MaclIvain and Walter MaclIvain; many beloved nieces and nephews, as well as Jeanne Remmert, Randy Amatrudi, Renee Amatrudi, Ryder Widdis and Raven Slayton.

A celebration of life took place September 10, at the Wilson-Fischer Post 413, 248 Old Rte 940, Pocono Lake.


Richard George Manuli, Jr., 53, of Pocono Summit, passed away in his home on Monday, September 19, 2022. Born in Queens, New York he was the son of Richard George Manuli, Sr. and the late Elizabeth Ann (Gray) Manuli.

Richard was a selfemployed salesman and owned and operated a moving company. He was a very hard worker with a heart of gold. Richard enjoyed fishing, food, music, going to the gym and he certainly appreciated the simple things in life.

Richard will be lovingly remembered by his son,

Anthony Manuli; daughters, Alexandria “Alex” Manuli, Gabriella Manuli, and Juliana Manuli; sister, Toni Ann Biscardi and her husband Joseph; nieces, Alicia Biscardi, Jayanna Biscardi and Gina Schlader; significant other, Stefanie Castellano; the Castellano family; Natalie Bonneau and fur children, Deezel, Kenzo and Rocky. Richard was preceded in death by his son, Richard George Manuli, III. A celebration of life took place October 1.

Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.


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