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The Pocono Lions Club held its 8th annual Veterans Day honors with a Wreaths for Veterans ceremony on November 12.
Bruce Denlinger, a mem ber of the Lions Club who began this tradition locally, noted, “It is important to honor the veterans and bring the community together. Every year this event has in creased in size.”
The wreath laying ceremo ny was held at the Pocono Lake Cemetery in Pocono Pines. A total of 265 wreaths were placed next to military headstones.
Local Boy Scout Troop 94, Girl Scout Troop 515, BSA Troop 97, Cub Pack 90, the Knights of Columbus Council 11355, the Monroe County Joint Veterans Honor Guard and members of the Pocono Lions Club helped to lay the wreaths.
Handing out the wreaths.
America” which was warmly received.
Jennifer Crosby, Com mander of American Legion Post 914, began the ceremo ny, saying “I don’t believe remembering is all we can do or enough. The best we can do is to act. Action is what helps in our coun try and in our community. I challenge you to do for a veteran.”
Pastor Janice Puliti from the Pocono Lake United Methodist Church led the crowd in a prayer and stated, “There is no greater love than this, than to lay down their lives for us.”
Joanne Hill led the crowd in singing “God Bless
Continued from page 1
The Monroe County Joint Veterans Honor Guard fired a volley of shots, followed by two buglers from Pocono Mountain West High School playing “Taps” from opposite sides of the cemetery.
Ten year old Fiona Courtney has been a Girl Scout for six years. She shared, “It is important to celebrate people who serve the country and made us become free and it feels right to celebrate those that let us become the country that we are.”
Following the ceremony, people gathered at the Lake Naomi Club for hot chocolate and cookies donated by local businesses.
by State Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe)
Older adults and Pennsyl vania residents with dis abilities have until Dec. 31 to apply for the state’s 2021 Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. Remember, assis tance through my district of fices in Effort and Blakeslee is always free. You need not
At the Pocono Mountain School Board meeting on November 2, Superinten dent Dr. Elizabeth Robison discussed several West High School accomplishments including cross-country and soccer championships, as well as visiting the Clymer Library.
“The West High School Panthers football team won the Pride of the Mountain Game 20-6,” Robison con tinued. “This is the 21st time the teams have met and both West and East High school are evenly paired in wins… (the) West Panthers win ning 11 times and East High School with 10 wins.”
Robison shared that the East High School Choir per formed on October 31 and congratulated all students who participated. The East Cardinal Baseball Team host ed their alumni game with 25 participants. She finished her report mentioning Tobyhan na Elementary’s Fall Festival with participation from the Tobyhanna Fire Department
and fire truck.
Chief Financial Officer Joseph Colozzo reported, “In October, Custodial and Sup port Staff were instrumental in hosting the Pride of the Mountain Breakfast.”
Colozzo also mentioned numerous projects underway this fall with over a thousand work orders in one month.
Work orders coordination of 140 school trips. He contin ued, “we conducted an audit for the upcoming fiscal year including analysis of federal
funds… We are looking at the budget and what funds will be available for projects.”
Director Ana Lopez men tioned an incident that hap pened two weeks previously, questioning student safety.
Superintendent Robison explained that “a miscom munication in volleyball bus schedules” was the cause.
There were no comments from the public on either agenda or non-agenda items, so the meeting concluded after 25 minutes.
pay a private firm for help with the application process. The rebate program benefits eligible residents age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and peo ple with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $35,000 a year for home owners and $15,000 annually for renters, and half of Social Security income is excluded.
The maximum standard rebate is $650, but supple mental rebates for certain qualifying homeowners can boost rebates to $975. The
Revenue Department auto matically calculates supple mental rebates for qualifying homeowners.
For those who have already applied, the easiest way to check the status of your rebate is to use the Where’s My Rebate? tool. You will need to enter your Social Security number, claim year and date of birth.
For additional information and claim forms, visit the department’s website at www.revenue.pa.gov, or contact one of my offices.
Artisan Breads Fridays; Produce; Fresh Baked Goods Daily; Fresh Baked Baguettes Wednesday and Sunday; Locally Butchered Meat; Charcuterie; Alaskan-Caught Seafood; Local Dairy; Italian Pastas from Tallutos; Many More Locally-Sourced Food Items; Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Teas served daily.
Tunkhannock Township supervisors plan to approach The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for the easements on TNC land for emergency vehicles’ access off Hellers
Lane and Long Pond Road onto Interstate 80 east. These plans were announced at November’s meeting, which was brief.
Kathy Ziolkowski, a
member of the Indian Mountain Lake (IML) board of directors, presented information about a project to ease traffic on Mountain Road into that community. She said the road gets backed up from IML’s gate as far as Route 115 at times, which affects the homeowners along Mountain Road. One proposal is to create three lanes of traffic and move the guard house. There was also a discussion of an entrance dedicated to homeowners, possibly used to alleviate traffic while the project is being done. As a first step, three estimates will be sought for an engineer to survey the traffic.
Clymer Library reported they will be holding their
tree lighting on December 2 at 5:30 p.m. and will include carolers. Hot chocolate will be served. It was also mentioned that the Clymer’s board is looking for additional members.
The township will explore the feasibility of a bike path that would connect to Tobyhanna and Chestnuthill Townships.
Supervisors plan to ask TNC for permission to build a volleyball court on TNC property now in use as part of the township’s park. A member is also needed for the township’s Zoning Board due to a recent resignation. Contact the Tunkhannock Township office if you would be interested.
Bridge replacement work on Long Pond Road caused the closure of the road at the bridge from November 11-14. Other work, through 2023, will result in lane restrictions.
Supervisors remind residents about the Textmygov app where they can sign up for alerts regarding road issues, snow emergencies and upcoming meetings and events.
The final budget will be presented for adoption at the supervisors’ December 14 meeting, starting at 7 p.m. at the municipal building at 1557 Long Pond Road.
Deadline for the next issue is December 6
I’m grateful for the end of political season. Congratulations to all the winners and a big THANK YOU for everyone who have taken down their political signs. Our area is deeply divided politically, so these weeks ahead of Christmas are needed to help heal differences so we can all move forward on local items.
I am stunned at the amount of snow that fell on Orchard Park, NY, during these past couple of days over 80 inches. It was good that their football team made it out before the storm to play in Detroit, where they won.
It was a great football weekend, with a comfortable win by Nittany Lions over Rutgers where they were able to play all of their second team, and even some third teamers future stars.
It’s now about teams remaining healthy ahead of the bowl game that might be someplace warm around New Year’s. Incarnate Word U absolutely thumped their opponent, so now await news of FCS playoffs. If they are lucky, they’ll host the first round game.
With the pros, the Eagles showed bad and good, but got the needed win. The Packers come to Philly this week for the Sunday night game. The Patriots won their game in exciting fashion last week a last minute punt return for a TD, sending the Jets to another loss in a year where they looked to contend. Football can be merciless. On Thanksgiving, they lost to the Vikings.
Speaking of Football, as in the game the rest of the world plays, I am tuned in
somewhat to see who wins, as well as how Qatar is doing hosting crazy football fans.
This Friday is another hockey night at the Penguins. We’ll do some cheering and work off the calories from Thanksgiving. Home Penguins games will be on most weekends in December except for Christmas week. Come join us at these games, we sit in section 106. Go to wbspenguins.com for ticket information, including Fan Fridays specials, ticket packages or season tickets.
It did not take long for the Halloween displays to come down and the Christmas displays to pop up hereabouts. Special applause goes to any home that had a Thanksgiving display. All of these displays certainly brighten our daylight shortened days.
In critter Sightings, we were leaving the office after dark to head home after finishing last week’s newspaper when we saw two deer in the new parking lot at the north end of Main Street in White Haven. The was a young buck, perhaps 4 to six points, and he moved towards our car, putting the doe behind him. He looked angry. I lurched the car a foot, and he and his girl took off nicely… brave, but smart a rare combination in local deer.
On Thanksgiving Day, we drove to Annapolis for a gathering with extended family. We took the back roads from Reading into Maryland, cutting through Oxford PA and Fair Hills MD then onto the Eastern Shore on MD 213 for a truly beautiful ride on a lovely day for driving. In
by Seth IsenbergCentreville, MD, county seat for Queen Anne’s county, they are planning an evening Christmas parade, starting at 6:30 p.m. for about two hours when the town’s lights are all lit. It sounds wonderful.
Another sighting on our ride was a gorgeous sunset over the Chesapeake Bay as we arrived at the Bay Bridge just as the sun was setting.
As I write this, filled with turkey and pie, I am hoping
that everyone enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels for your families from and to the Poconos. Best wishes in any weather and good health to you all.
The Poconos region is known for its forested peaks, valleys, and rich biodiver sity. However, tree diseas es, along with aging and homogenous forests likely are contributing to popula tion declines in some forest dependent wildlife species. Among those of concern are three songbird species— the wood thrush, the cerule an warbler, and the gold en-winged warbler.
In response to a growing concern for the area’s forests, the Wildlife Management Institute and the Wildlands Conservancy have partnered to implement forest man agement projects to restore healthy habitat within the Delaware River watershed to create conditions under which these songbirds and
many other species of wild life may flourish.
“We have done a lot of intermediate forest man agement, which is mostly thinning and weeding out diseased beech and hemlock in favor of healthier mature trees as we try to improve the habitat and the health of the forest,” said Mark Banker, wildlife biologist and lead contractor for the Wildlife Management Institute’s Enhancing Forest Habitat in the Northern Delaware River Watershed project.
The project, funded by grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, specializes in implementing these projects at the Pocono Lake Preserve and other per manently protected private lands in the surrounding
area. Banker says the area’s true charm comes from the residents that make up the community who are helping ensure the project’s success.
“Local landowners ensure we have access to the project sites throughout the year,” Banker added. “They remove snow from roads in the win ter and have even worked co operatively with local Penn sylvania Game Commission staff to acquire access to iso lated private tracts through their state game lands.”
Landowners have also tak en an interest in another part of the project, monitoring songbird populations, which, according to Banker, have seen an increase due to their management actions.
“Both the songbirds and the public have respond
ed very positively to the project,” Banker said. “The Wildlands Conservancy’s monitoring efforts, for ex ample, have documented an increase from a handful of songbird species to more than 100 species at the Tom Darling Preserve.”
This data has helped in form the management strate gy of the project. Banker says part of the project’s ongoing success has been due to the continued support and par ticipation of the public fueled by outreach programs lead by volunteers, the Wildlands Conservancy and the Wildlife Management Institute.
“The landowners have been very excited about the increase in the diversity and abundance of songbirds, which is what this project
Preparation for the Christmas season begins at Pocono Lake United Methodist Church with the first Sunday of Advent on Sunday, November 27, at 9:30 a.m. Advent is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and culminates with Christmas.
The Christmas Eve service will be held at 7 p.m. Christmas Day service will be held on December 25 at 9:30
a.m. and will be celebrated with a service of lessons and carols. You are invited to join us during this festive time of hope.
Pocono Lake United Methodist Church is located at 1188 Route 940 in Pocono Lake. You can learn more about our church at www. poconolakeumc.org. For more information, call the church 570-646-2650 or email poconolakeumc@ gmail.com
is all about,” Banker noted. “Our ability to diversify the forest components of these landscapes and make them far more dynamic is one of our greatest successes.”
The Wildlife Management Institute will continue to mon itor the projects for several years after the grant funds expire. After nearly five years of working with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in the Delaware River Water shed, the Wildlife Manage ment Institute has improved management on more than 10,000 acres of forest habitat in the Poconos region.
The Carbon Model Railroad Society will hold its Holiday Open House at 529 Ore Street in Bowmanstown on Thursdays, December 1 & 8, and January 5, 7-9 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays, November 26 & 27, December 3 & 4, 10 & 11, and January 7 & 8, 1-4 p.m.
The main HO scale display is in various stages of com pletion and is an excellent learning tool. The club’s HO and N displays will also be in operation and there will be a Model Railroad – Yard Sale with new and pre-owned trains and accessories.
Admission is free; donations are welcome. For more info call Garry at 610826-6636.
Pocono Mountains Music Festival Artistic Director Scott Coulter and the Sherman Theater are excited to announce the return of the holiday concert extravaganza, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, on Sunday, December 11 at 3 p.m.
The show features The Pocono Pops! Orchestra with a host of Broadway vocalists and local artists who present classic yuletide songs from “Winter Wonderland” to “O Holy Night” -- all backed by the fabulous 26 Pocono Pops! Orchestra. This symphonic concert is a merry celebration of all things holiday guaranteed to lift your spirits and warm your heart this season! Expect to see Santa Claus make an appearance too.
Pocono Mountains Music Festival Artistic Director Scott Coulter noted, “I love the holidays and I love music. The fact that we get to bring those two things together as a community makes me very happy. We’ve all had a long, trying couple of years and this is a chance to make a joyful noise and celebrate the gift of being together.”
Tickets are available online through poconofest. org, shermantheater.com or at the Sherman Theater Box Office (570) 420-2808.
The Pocono Mountains Music Festival was founded in 2009 as the Buck Hill Skytop Music Festival by Buck Hill resident, David S. Mazza, M.D. The Festival has presented world-class
performers from a wide range of performing arts disciplines. The mission of the Pocono Mountains Music Festival, together with its Performing Arts Camp, is to engage world-class talent from all musical genres to entertain, enrich and educate.
The Sherman Theater is Monroe County’s only nationally ranked, non-profit theater and performing arts center. Located in downtown Stroudsburg, PA, the Sherman Theater has proudly served the Pocono region for 90 years. The Theater and
Performing Arts Center is committed to strengthening the community by producing culturallydiverse, nationally-known professional acts and festivals at the theater and at satellite locations throughout Monroe County for people of all ages, by providing an opportunity for local artists to perform, and by creating economic development in the region. The Sherman Theater projects and events attract over 100,000 visitors to the Pocono Region annually. For more information call 570-420-2808 or visit www. shermantheater.com.
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State Reps. Maureen Madden (left) and Jeanne Mc Neill were reelected this week to
the positions of chair and vice chair, respectively, of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ Northeast Democratic Delegation. Rep. Bridget Kosierowski was unanimously approved as the delegation’s new secretary/
treasurer. All three leader ship positions begin Dec. 1.
“I am honored my colleagues from the northeast delegation have again elected me to the position of chair, and I am excited to work closely with Representatives McNeill and
Pocono Mountain West High School Student Coun cil will be holding its 19th annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 10, from 8 a.m. to noon in the West High School Cafeteria. Pan cakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, drinks, and more will be served.
There will be craft activi ties and games for the kids in our Kids’ Corner and also pictures with the Panther and Santa. There is also an option to take the food to-go if you’re in a rush or don’t want to eat inside.
The cost is $8, plus fees. Tickets are available online
at pmwestsc.ticketleap.com/ pancake-breakfast-2022 and will also be sold at the door. All proceeds benefit families in need in our school during the holiday season.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Paul, Student Council Advisor, at jpaul@pmsd.org.
Kosierowski and all our mem bers to advocate for our region and assist our many district offices to best serve our diverse communities,” said Madden, D-Monroe, who was first elected to the House of Rep resentatives in 2016 and will soon begin her second term as delegation chair.
“We have worked collec tively to bring in millions of dollars for crucial projects that have and will continue to have enormous benefits for northeast Pennsylva nia, and we have focused on ensuring our incredibly hard-working district office staffs have easy access to the resources necessary to help our constituents.”
Under the leadership of Madden and McNeill,
the Northeast Democratic Delegation has supported a variety of projects including securing millions of dollars in funding for passenger rail, for airport infrastructure, and for health care renova tions and improvements.
The Northeast Democrat ic Delegation will include 16 Democratic members from Berks, Lehigh, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Northamp ton and Pike counties includ ing re-elected Reps. Robert Freeman, Manny Guzman, Kyle Mullins, Eddie Day Pashinski, Mark Rozzi, Steve Samuelson, Mike Schlossberg and Peter Schweyer, plus Rep.Elects Johanny CepedaFreytiz, Kyle Donahue, James Haddock, Tarah Probst and Joshua Siegel.
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11-22, Troopers from PSP Fern Ridge were notified by St. Luke’s Hospital, Carbon Campus, of a victim who ar rived to be treated for a gun shot wound. Through inves tigation, it was determined that an altercation took place outside of a residence on Caedman Drive, Penn Forest Township, which led to the shooting. A 30 y/o male sus tained a gunshot to his thigh.
Travis Otero, 31, of Albrightsville was located and taken into custody, charged with attempted homicide and aggravated assault. He was arraigned and remanded to the Carbon jail, held on $250,000 bail, with charges filed in District Court in Jim Thorpe.
11-5, 9:30 p.m., PSP-F received a request by the Kidder Township Police Department (KTP) to investigate an attempted homicide at the Plateau Motel on Route 940 in that township. About 7:10 p.m., KTP was dispatched to the Plateau Motel to investigate a stabbing. Upon arrival, contact was made with the victim, a 57 y/o woman, who told police she was stabbed multiple times by her son, Jonathan Sacerdote, who
had then run away from where the stabbing occurred and is most likely in their apartment.
KTP made contact with Jonathan and he was subse quently taken into custody. Aid was rendered to victim, and she was transported to Geisinger Wyoming Valley for treatment of her injuries.
An interview was con ducted with Jonathan who admitted to stabbing his mother multiple times in the head and every single part of her body. The Carbon County District Attorney’s Office approved charges of attempted homicide, aggra vated assault, simple assault, harassment and terroristic threats. Jonathan is in the Carbon County jail ahead of court proceedings on these charges. There is no threat to community members.
11-6, 7:43 a.m., PSP-F was dispatched to a home on Towamensing Trail in Penn Forest Township for the report of a death. Nothing suspicious was observed at the scene. Carbon County Coroner Gerald Jones re sponded and pronounced the 61 y/o male deceased. There is no scheduled autopsy or toxicology.
by Seth IsenbergPSP was also to a Storm Ave, Chestnuthill Twp. home on 11-10 regarding the death from natural causes of a 64 y/o man there; and on 1021, to an Emerson Dr., Penn Forest Twp. home for the death of a 76 y/o woman, also due to natural causes.
11-13, 5 p.m., a U.S. Census worker encountered a man in a red pickup truck as she was driving Mountain Road at Rinker Road in Jackson Twp. The man blocked her path, told her to leave, then threat ened her if she returned that she would be sorry. She was then allowed to pass, and, when safe, she called police.
8 a.m. on 11-11, PSP-F tried to make a vehicle stop of a car driving 103 mph west bound on I-80 in Tunkhan nock Twp. The driver refused to stop, so a pursuit began, lasting 30 miles until the driver stopped after exiting
onto Route 309 in Butler Twp. west of White Haven. The 34 y/o driver, a Hazleton man, was arrested on fleeing and eluding charges, with other related charges filed. He was taken to the Monroe County jail.
10-27, PSP is investigating an indecent touching inci dent between two juveniles at a Penn Forest Twp. home.
10-25, PSP is investigating the accessing the medical records of an Albrightsville mother and her young son.
10-21, A ChildLine report brought PSP to a Brodheads ville area home to investigate possible physical abuse of children there. After multiple interviews, and consultation with the District Attorney’s office, no charges were filed.
There was another Child Line report investigated on 10-31 regarding a fight that a teen had with her mom and
her mom’s boyfriend. The child had bruises on arms and legs. The child will un dergo a mental health evalu ation as PSP-F continues its investigation.
A complaint into PSP led to a welfare check of a mo bile home at Parish Park in Sun Valley, Effort on 11-20, where four children ages 0 to 5 were living with no heat or running water. The respond ing Trooper saw these condi tions and contacted Monroe County Children and Youth, and after a joint investiga tion by police, CYS and the county District Attorney, the children were removed from the home and taken to a grandparent’s home for their well-being. An investigation continues.
PSP reports a rape inves tigation for an incident that occurred at a Whippoorwill
Dr., Effort area home in 2015.
A Mt. Pocono 51 y/o is charged with harassment by communications for texts and voicemails left on the phone of a 36 y/o Effort woman, 10-1.
Reports include some police action where those involved had drugs in their possession. They will appear before a judge in district court.
PSP was also called to a home where a dog was running free at a Fieldstone Court, Brodheadsville-area property running onto a neighbor’s yard. Police iden tified the dog’s owner and gave a warning that it’s a dog law violation, 8:13 a.m. on 11-15.
Keeping the rubber side down
11-11, just before 7 a.m., an 81 y/o local was driving on Mutton Hollow Road in
Jackson Twp. when a deer came onto the road. She avoided it, instead losing control and driving into a tree, which rolled the ’22 Subaru over. She was taken to the hospital by St. Luke’s EMS, with PSP sending along a warning about driv ing at a safe speed for condi tions.
11-13, just before 10 a.m., the Chevy Equinox driven by a 45 y/o East Stroudsburg woman was driven off Route 940 in East Side Borough, and into a utility pole, then into a tree before coming to a stop in the front yard of a home. The driver was hurt and needed to be taken to GWVH by Lake Harmony Rescue Squad. PSP sent a ticket along.
11-15, 4:51 p.m., a 21 y/o Mountain Top driver was driving on I-80 west in Tunkhannock Township and lost control during snowfall that had covered the road with snow and slush. His ’07 Infiniti left the road, went over a curb and down and embankment where it
struck a concrete culvert which sent it airborne into a tree which ended forward movement and the car rolled up on the tree onto its driver’s side door. Witnesses to the crash gave aid to the driver until Pocono Mountain EMS arrived, along with an unidentified local fire company. The driver was taken to LVHNPocono for care of suspected minor injuries. The car was towed by Jimmy’s.
11-18, 11:50 p.m., a 21 y/o White Haven area driver hit a bear with her ’16 Buick SUV while driving on I-80 west through Tunkhannock Twp. The vehicle needed a tow. Driver was unhurt. Snow on 11-18 and driv ing too fast for conditions was the cause of a crash off Route 534 into a utility pole near the back entrance to Towamensing Trails. No injuries but the car needed a tow. Driver was given a warning about unsafe driving by PSP.
There were a handful of deer-related crashes these past few weeks with no inju ries to people but some dead deer and mashed fenders and vehicle parts. There were also DUI-related crashes.
11-4, 3:33 p.m., a 78 y/o Albrightsville shopper had her wallet removed from her purse while she shopped at the ShopRite in Brodheads ville.
11-4, 4:52 p.m., a David Road, Chestnuthill Twp. man called police reporting his car was entered and proper ty stolen from inside. Stolen were a Craftsman circular saw, a Craftsman multi-tool and a Garmin Trucking GPS, total value of over $800. PSP is seeking information about this theft. Leads are welcome call PSP at 570 646-2271.
11-13, 10:22 p.m., a young male (20s-30s) let himself in to the pro shop of the now-closed Mountain Laurel Golf Course in East Side, White Haven by unlocking the door. He then disarmed the alarm system. The own ers were alerted and could see the perp on surveillance cameras. Via this system, they told the burglar that police were on the way. The burglar then left. PSP is investigating, with focus on former employees. The re port includes photos.
11-14, 10:15 a.m., a Brod headsville area 74 y/o received a call that he was wanted in another county for failing to appear for jury duty, and there was a $500 fine. The caller asked for the man to send the fine and the local hung up on the caller. He realized he was not required to perform jury duty in another county. He did call PSP to report the attempted scam.
A variety of fraud incidents were reported during the last few weeks. There was at least
DIRECTIONS: From Village of Reeders, PA turn onto Mountain Road ( Property is across from Victory Lane)
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one report of porch piracy, and some shoplifting.
11-6, two local businesses were cited for having more than four false burglar alarm soundings within the past 12 months.
A crack-sealing crew will be on Route 115 this coming week. Also look for some shoulder work and bridge repair being done on Route 115.
A bridge repair crew will be on Interstate 80 in Stroud Township into early Decem ber.
The snows on 11-15 have the local fleet set-up for winter, as crews were out plowing. Remember to slow down in winter conditions. Cold nights with tempera tures below freezing will now mean ice on the roadways. Be prepared as a driver, and also have your car winter ready with good tires, winter mix windshield washer fluid, and anti-freeze that protects the engine to sub-zero tem peratures.
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MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP , MONROE LAKES, MONROE COUNTY, PA 11 A.M. SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 2022 RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE REAL ESTATE consists of a Small, 2 Bedroom, Coun try Home with Living Room, Dining Area and Kitch en. Lake rights to boating and fishing at Monroe Lake. Map # 9-14B-3-1-16, 9-14B-3-1-14
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Florence Norma Jane Gentles, 77, of Effort, passed away Thursday, November 3, in Arista Care @ Meadow Springs, Plymouth Meeting. Born in Alexandria, Jamaica, she was the loving daughter of the late Vincent Folkes and the late Catherine (Virgo) Clarke.
Florence was a film librarian in the Radiology Department at Hackensack University Medical Center for 26 years. She was a hard worker, very hospitable, and had a great sense of humor. She enjoyed crocheting, cooking, baking, and gardening. She always loved watching religious shows, CNN, old westerns, and game shows. Most of all, she loved taking care of her family. She was a loving and and caring mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, and friend. Florence will be deeply missed by all her friends and family.
She is survived by a son, Maurice L.P. Gentles and his wife Eva; three daughters, Maxime Gentles and her husband David Chase, Patricia Bartley, Angel Leyton; nine brothers and sisters; and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Dalton “Earl” Hudson, and a brother, Noel Easton Folkes. Funeral services were held November 11, from the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, with Rev. Robert Simon officiating. Burial followed in Laurelwood Cemetery, Stroudsburg. www.kresgefuneralhome. com
Robert Uguccioni, 87, passed away in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, surrounded by his loving family on Saturday, November 12, 2022.
He was the former Executive Director of the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau from 1967 to 2007 and was known to many as “Mr. Pocono” for all his accomplishments in promoting the Poconos region. He remained involved with the PMVB for years after his retirement in 2007.
Bob spent several years early in his life in the Lake Wallenpaupack region and worked in his uncle’s hotel (White Beauty View Resort). After graduating from Hawley High School, he entered the United States Air Force where he served 4 years supervising a material control department in Japan. He returned to the Pocono Mountains and worked as public relations director for the Lake Wallenpaupack Association and then the Pike County Tourist Promotion Agency before
ROBERT UGUCCIONIbecoming Executive Director for the Pocono Mountains Vacation Bureau in 1967. During his tenure, Uguccioni represented the four-county Pocono Mountains area (Monroe, Wayne, Pike and Carbon) nationally and on the state level working toward tourism legislation and government-sponsored advertising programs for tourism. He also served on a host of boards of directors of tourism-related organizations. His passion for the Pocono Mountains made him a great leader for countless employees and partners in the industry and set the PMVB up for significant success thanks mainly to his philosophy of promoting what he loved; the Poconos of Pennsylvania.
In 2012 the Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association presented Uguccioni with a medal commemorating a lifetime achievement award. As an innovator he helped market the Poconos to metropolitan areas including New York and Philadelphia and was considered a pioneer for pushing for a more sustainable funding for destination marketing through the hotel tax initiative. On the national level, he was involved with the American Bus Association, the American Culinary Association, American Hotel and Motel Association, American Society of Association Executives, the National Tour Association, Travel Industry Association of America, National Travel Marketing Task Force, Federal Administration Tourist Advisory Council and was a national member of the White House Conference on Travel and Tourism. In 2015, he founded the ESU
Bob Uguccioni Endowed Scholarship Fund for undergraduate students majoring in the Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management program. He was also a big advocate of the Pocono Raceway, the Salvation Army, United Way and many other community organizations. In 2016 he was appointed as a member of Mount Airy Casino Resort’s External Audit Committee. Bob Uguccioni’ s contributions to the travel and tourism industries made a major impact and will continue to shape the future of regional, state and national economies.
His pride and joy were his children and grandchildren. He was an avid fan of technology, from Apple products to Facebook and his trusted companion Alexa. You would often see him riding around the Poconos in his red BMW convertible, sitting on “his bench” at Big Pocono State Park, Friday nights at Barley Creek with his “Friday Night Boys” and always cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Bob will be deeply missed by his son Rob Uguccioni and wife Pam, grandson Fano, daughter Cinda Kane and grandson Evan, son Michael Kane and brother Otto Uguccioni and wife Jan and nephews Michael and David. He was the son of Otto and Christine Uguccioni who preceded him in death.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, December 3 at the William H. Clark Funeral Home, 1003 Main Street, Stroudsburg from 2 to 3:30 p.m. with a memorial tribute to follow.
In lieu of flowers, monetary donations can be made to The Salvation Army East Stroudsburg Corps, 226 Washington Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.
Shawn L. Everett, 56, of Kunkletown, passed away Saturday, November 19, 2022 in Temple University Hospital-Jeanes Campus.
He was the loving husband of Lisa D. (Kresge) Everett. They celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary in August.
Born in Lehighton, he was the son of the late H. Lee Everett and the late Barbara (Van Why) Everett.
He was a member of St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown.
Shawn’s priority was always his family and friends; he would help anyone and loved everyone beyond measure. He enjoyed traveling, cooking, and eating at new places. He also loved camping, singing at the top of his lungs, reminiscing about old times, tackling renovation projects, and appreciating the beauty of nature.
Plumbing was his passion, and he could outwork anyone, earning himself the nickname of “Ox”. These last few months proved just how strong he was. He’s finally at peace with his beloved dog, Buster, and all of his loved ones who went before him. His strong presence will be sorely missed by so many.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughter, Krystle Meglio and her husband Dominick of Saylorsburg; two brothers, H. Scott Everett and his wife Wendy of Whitehall, Steven Everett of Billings, MT; a sister, Stacy Meckes and her husband Michael of Kunkletown; his in-laws, Sterling and Ellen Kresge; 2 goddaughters; and many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
A funeral service was held on November 25 from the Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, with Rev. Deborah Scheffey officiating. Burial followed in St. Matthew’s Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Hope Lodge: donate3. cancer.org www.kresgefuneralhome. com
Donna Marie (Menta) Bethel, 61, of Pocono Summit, passed away in her home surrounded by her loved ones on Sunday, November 13, 2022. Born in the Jackson Heights, New York, she was the daughter of Dominic Menta and the late Lillian (Schillinger) Meta.
Donna was the beloved wife of Andrew Bethel. She worked for the Pocono Summit Post Office for many years. Donna loved cooking and gardening. Donna was a nurturing and supportive friend to many. Above all, she was a beloved Mother.
In addition to her husband Andrew, Donna will be lovingly remembered by her son, A.J. Bethel; daughter, Jessica Bethel; sister, Deborah Loftus and her husband John; mother-inlaw, Florence Bethel; sistersin-law, Deborah Ferranti and her husband Chris, and Christine Radu and her husband George. and many beloved nieces, nephews,
James Leonard Kelly, 79, of Pocono Lake, passed away on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at St. Luke’s Hospice House of Bethlehem. Born in Schenectady, New York, he was the son of the late Joseph and Dorothy (Mach) Kelly.
James honorably served his country in the United States Army. He worked as a dental technician and operated his own practice for many years. James loved music, fishing and enjoyed golfing.
James will be lovingly remembered by his sons, Ryan Kelly and Scott Kelly; daughter, Alesse Kelly; grandchildren, Ryan Kelly, Jr. and Joseph Kelly; and great grandson, Mason Kelly. Services will be private at the convenience of the family.
Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.
grandchildren, extended friends and relatives.
A celebration of life took place November 20, in the Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the attention of the Development Department Nauticus Foundation, 1 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510 or by website at https://104497. blackbaudhosting. com/104497/BattleshipWisconsin-Donation
The Thornhurst United Methodist Church at 342 Old River Road, Thornhurst, will hold their annual Christ mas Bazaar and Craft event on Saturday, November 26, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be crafts, flea market, and plenty of baked goods to purchase.
Robert John Mancini, 63, of Tobyhanna, passed away on Saturday, November 12, 2022. Born in Brooklyn, New York, he was the son of the late Salvatore and Geraldine (Yob) Mancini. He was the beloved husband of Joanna Galante.
Robert worked as a selfemployed contractor. He enjoyed watching T.V. Land and above all loved fishing. In addition to his wife, Joanna, Robert will be lovingly remembered by
his son, Matthew Mancini; daughter, Jillian Doxey; granddaughter, Diane Fishon; 1 sister; Joseph and Mary Mancini, Michael Mancini and a host of relatives and friends.
A funeral service took place November 16 in the Bolock Funeral Home, 6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Bolock Funeral Home to defray funeral expenses.
Sheila D. Roberts, 65, of Kunkletown, passed away Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at home.
She was the loving wife of Stephen J. Roberts.
Born in East Stroudsburg, she was the daughter of Marie (Anthony) Borger and the late Martin L. Borger.
Sheila was a registered nurse working in Easton Hospital, Lehighton, and Palmerton, throughout the years. She was a loving and caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all her friends and family.
In addition to her husband and mother, she is survived by two sons, Kelby Roberts, and Brent Borger and his wife Jessica; a daughter, Mariah Roberts; two sisters, Wanda Lutz and her husband Gary, and Deidre Decker and her husband Charles; and many grandchildren.
No services are scheduled at this time. Cremation will take place in H.G. Smith Crematory, Stroudsburg.
The Kresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209, Brodheadsville, is in charge of the arrangements.
www.kresgefuneralhome. com
Thomas “Tom” Alan Schaible, 52, of Tobyhanna, passed away in his home on Monday, November 21, 2022. Born in Doylestown, he was the son of the late Marshall and Marilyn (Lippincott) Schaible. Tom was the beloved husband of Robyn (Langford) Schaible with whom he shared 30 years.
Tom enjoyed riding motorcycles and building model cars. Above all he enjoyed a good picnic with his friends and loved ones.
Tom will be lovingly remembered by his wife Robyn (Langford) Schaible and his beloved fur child, Max.
A celebration of life will be announced at a later date. Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.
Family Promise of Monroe County has changed its name to Family Promise of the Poconos, with the recent acquisition of an emergency shelter in Pike County. The new name reflects the growth and expanded scope of services in Pike County and suggests the potential behind the comprehensive
Everyone is invited to at tend the tree lighting cele bration at Clymer Library on Friday, December 2 at 5:30 p.m. There will be hot choc olate and cookies as well as visitors from the North Pole in attendance. The Pocono Mountain West High School choir will perform carols and Tobyhanna and Tunkhan nock Township leaders will be on hand to make remarks. It will be a festive event for the entire community.
The library is located on 115 Firehouse Road in Po cono Pines. The tree lighting event is sponsored by the Bruce, Trudi and Sarah Den linger Family Fund.
The mission of the Clymer Library is to serve as a com munity hub of enrichment, connection, and commu nication by providing free access to quality resources, technology, activities, and knowledgeable assistance; and by fostering a welcoming atmosphere for all.
Tuesday, November 29 is Giving Tuesday. It’s a day that encourages people to give back in whatever ways
they can. Please consider Clymer Library as you decide how you would like to give on Giving Tuesday. Clymer Library is an important part of our community.
The mission of the Clymer Library is to serve as a com munity hub of enrichment, connection, and commu nication by providing free access to quality resources, technology, activities, and knowledgeable assistance; and by fostering a welcoming atmosphere for all.
You can stop by the library to make a donation of cash or a check or donate online by visiting our website www. clymerlibrary.org/wpdir/
approach the agency takes to preventing and ending homelessness for children and their families.
With tremendous transition and program expansion, the time was right to embrace a more inclusive name, with services offered in both Monroe and Pike counties.
Family Promise of the Pocono’s program expansion provide additional help for families experiencing a housing crisis to achieve their goal of selfsufficiency and sustainable independence. The program includes budgeting assistance, nutrition, and parenting classes.
“Our name has changed, but our mission remains the same,” said Enid Logan, Executive Director of Family Promise. “The words ‘Family’ and ‘Promise’ are two simple words that together deliver a powerful message. They suggest not only the promise of support we make to the families we serve, but also the promise we believe these families can achieve with our help.”
Since opening its door in 2007, the organization has provided emergency
shelter to 1,300 individuals, including more than 450 families with children. Four years ago, Family Promise partnered with Pike County Human Services to provide housing assistance and emergency shelter programs. In the past year, Family Promise provided shelter to 39 households in Pike County. In July, Family Promise closed on a property in Milford, and when renovations are complete, will open as the first emergency shelter in Pike County for at-risk and homeless children and their families in the county. Family Promise has been operating a shelter in Monroe County since 2007, sheltering 106 families this past year.
In addition to emergency shelter, Family Promise provides housing assistance programs to help prevent the onset of homelessness. Program offerings include rent and utility assistance, transportation assistance as well as diversion services to keep families stable and independent in their homes.
“Not only is Family Promise of the Poconos helping families during a crisis in their lives, but we are working to eliminate the root causes of homelessness,” added Logan. “As our volunteers know, homelessness is a situation, not a character trait. We will continue making a difference -- one family at a time.”
For more information on how to support the agency, or volunteer, call (570) 4208589.