LAKE NEWS Parade of Boats


(Continuing the work of founders
Frank Pieri and Mary Farnschlader, 1995 – 2018)Lake News is published monthly for the enjoyment of Lake Harmony area residents and visitors. Copies are free and are mailed to Lake Harmony box holders. Find additional copies at The Country Peddler and at selected area businesses.
Subscriptions are also available, for $24 by first class mail, or $15 as a PDF via e-mail. Mail your check to CANWIN at 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661.
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Call us at 570-215-0204, Seth x1 and Ruth x2
To submit an article or photo, use the above e-mail, or give us a call. Articles may be accepted or rejected. If accepted, they will be edited. Submitted items can be returned by arrangement. Articles appearing in Lake News may not be reprinted without permission of Lake News or CANWIN newspapers. Mailing address is 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661.
Thunder and lightning can be dramatic, even frightening, especially if you are caught out on the water or the golf course when a storm blows in. Heavy downpours can make driving a real adventure.
Storms are a fact of life in the Poconos in the summer. This summer, we’ve seen some doozies.
Hail has been a common occurance, along with high winds and rain pouring down so hard visibility is near zero.
A recent trip to attend an outdoor performance changed directions once we received a phone emergency alert that a tornado was possible in the area. Instead of sitting outside for a play, we sat inside and enjoyed a nice dinner. By the time we finished, the sun was shining again.
That’s the thing about summer storms. They come up quickly sometimes, so it’s important to keep an eye on the weather forecast if you’re planning to be outside. But summer storms often pass rapidly, so a forecast of a storm doesn’t necessarily mean giving up plans for outdoor activities.
And keep in mind, summer is also hot. Just think about how much snow we’d have if temperatures were below freezing!
Kidder Township Office 570 722-0107
Kidder Township Police
(non-emergency #) 570 722-0192
Lake Harmony Vol. Fire Co.
(non-emergency #) 570 722-8138
Lake Harmony Rescue Squad
(non-emergency #) 570 722-1782
For emergencies, call 911. If you do not live in an area served by 911, call 570 325-9111.
Kidder Township Supervisor meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at the township building, and unless otherwise noted, begin at 6:30 PM. Notices of special meetings are posted at the township building and advertised. Planning meetings are held the 1st Wednesday at 6 PM; Zoning meetings, the last Monday at 6 PM; EAC, the second Wednesday at 7 PM. The public is welcome. Some meetings are being held online due to COVID restrictions.
At Nick’s Lake House
28- Strawberry Jam, 5-9
29- Who Knows Band, 5-9
30- Bikini Brothers, 4-8
August 4- Group D’Jour, 5-9
5- Dirty Hand, 5-9
6- Terry Young & the Aces, 4-8
11th- Chosen Few, 5-9
12 – tba, 5-9
Sun. 13 – PARADE of BOATS w/ Mystery City, 1-6 p.m.
18- Who Knows Band, 5-9
19- Burn The Juke Box, 5-9
20 - Friends of Roger, 4-8
25 - Fuzzy Park Band, 5-9
26 - CC Music, 5-9
27 – John Simonson, 4-8
Sept 1 – Harlan Tucker Band, 5-9
Sept 2 – Mystery City , 5-9
Sept 3 – Group D’Jour, 4-8
Sept 4 – Ron and Charlotte , 4-8
At Shenanigans
Karaoke, DJs and Dancing in Boomers
Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m. -1 a.m.
Sept 3 – Rick Tool Band – Outlaws 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
At Boulder View Tavern
28- Erin McClelland, 6:00-9:00
29- Brian Roder, 12:30-3:30
also 29th- Area 52, 6-9
30- Tom Acker, 6-9
August 3 - Andrew Tirado, 6-9
4 – Britt + Kenny , 6-9
5 - Brian Rodger + Ashley Marquez, 12:30 – 3:30
6 - Ashley Marquez, 12:30 – 3:30
10 - Erin McClelland, 6-9
11 - Adam McKinley, 6-9
12 – Tom Acker, 12:30 – 3:30
Also on the 12th - 6-9 performers tba
13 - The Frost Duo, 12:30 – 3:30
17 - Friends of Rodger, 6-9
18 - Roy Ramos, 6-9
811Stoney Hollow Rd
Pocono Lake
Fresh Produce
Artisan Breads Tuesdays & Fridays; Fresh Baked Baguettes Wednesdays & Sundays; Bagels, Muffins, Fresh-Baked Pies Too; Locally Butchered Meat; Charcuterie; Alaskan-Caught Seasfood; Local Dairy; Italian Pastas from Philadelphia; Many More Locally-Sourced Food Items; Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Teas served daily.
One of my favorite places to take visitors to our area is the Francis E. Walter Dam. Completed in January of 1961, it was originally named the Bear Creek Dam and formed a reservoir at the confluence of Bear Creek and the Lehigh River near White Haven. The dam was renamed in See DAM INTERESTING, page 7
Open Monday through Thursday 9-5; Friday & Saturday, 9-6; Sunday 9-4.
Continued from page 6
honor of local United States Representative Francis E. Walter in 1963. (I must confess that as a kid I thought it was the Francis E. Water Dam.) For many years I wondered who this person was, so I decided to do a little research.
Francis Eugene Walter was born in Easton, Pennsylvania in 1894. He was elected to Congress in 1932 and served 16 terms until his death from leukemia in 1963. At the time of his passing, he was the House’s longest-serving Democrat from Pennsylvania. A veteran of both World Wars I and II, Walter gained notoriety when he presented President Roosevelt with a letter-opener made from a Japanese soldier’s arm bone in 1944. FDR initially accepted the gift before reportedly returning it due to public pressure.
Walter is also remembered for the passage of the McCarran-Walter bill, known as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, overriding a veto by President Truman. Although this bill allowed for people from Asia to immigrate and become citizens of the United States, it also enforced quotas and other restrictions considered racist and exclusionary by more progressive people. During the height of the Cold War, Walter was chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee.
The dam itself was constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District and is part of a system in the Delaware River Basin that includes the Beltzville Dam in Lehighton. Historically, the Lehigh has been prone to flooding along its 103-mile-long journey to the Delaware River. The most devasting flood on record was in 1861. The primary purpose of the F. E. Walter Dam is flood control, but in 1988 Congress authorized recreation as a secondary use, paving the way for necessary upgrades. Since its construction, it is estimated that the dam prevented nearly $250 million in flood damage.
Releases for whitewater rafting have been taking place since 1968. This year whitewater releases will take place periodically over the course of
Continued from page 7
the summer at the rate of 650 cubic feet of water per second. Releases are also done to support fisheries downstream with more modest releases at 100 cubic feet per second. In 2005, the Corps completed construction of a new road over the dam, eliminating the need to use the original road that was often impassable during high water. A disc golf course was established in 2012.
Some interesting facts about the Lehigh River and the F. E. Walter Dam: The Lehigh River watershed is 1,360 square miles in size. Between 1821 and 1966, the Lehigh River was owned by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, making it the only privately owned river in the United States. The dam is an “earth-fill embankment with rock shell” construction that is 1,230 ft wide at the base and 30 ft wide at the top. The 3,000 ft long dam measures 234 ft from the base to the top. The reservoir’s catchment area is 289 sq miles and has a total capacity of 36,000,000,000 gallons.
Another one of my favorite places to take visitors (aside from the dam), is Peterson’s Ski and Cycle in
Blakeslee. It’s a great place to get your cycling gear or maybe a tune-up for your bike before riding out to the dam. You can also get discs for your disc golf game, not to mention souvenirs, T-shirts, toys for the kids, firewood, hoodies, blankets and more. Check out our website at www.petersonsskiandcycle. com or stop by and say hello. We hope to ski you soon!
Steven Wasko, D.D.S.Accepting New Patients
Evening Hours Available
Telephone (570) 722-8545
Kidder Township’s police department (KTP) has been busy this summer, and as the call numbers mount, so too are letters of praise for work done well. Citizens have also offered compliments to the police in phone calls.
During June, KTP had 240 calls for service, and of those, 60 were traffic summons or were traffic related. The department has hired patrolman Michael Nikityuk as a part-time officer.
Kidder’s supervisors, at their July 25 meeting, paid bills of $206,635 of note being IRS payments, health insurance for staff, payment to the building inspectors, and a return of an escrow for $102,000 of that, trash collection for $28,589 and $29,353 towards fire and ambulance services.
The fees for installing an electronic sign at the Lake Harmony Fire Company were waived.
Roadmaster Noel Torres reported that there
was some flooding on Kresge Lane due to a heavy thunderstorm.
Solicitor Robert Yurchak reported that the township had its lawsuit rejected in Commonwealth Court against McLogie for a property built too tall for township rules having a fourth floor when only three were permitted. Yurchak was approved to pursue the township appeal this ruling to the PA Supreme Court.
Supervisors approved a return to the tax rolls from the Carbon County Tax Claim Bureau of a Holiday Poconos property on Fox Haven Road in Albrightsville.
Citizens brought to police attention a neighbor dispute about people talking out on their patio about 11 p.m. and other small harassments.
Supervisors meet next on August 22 at the Kidder Township Building at 10 Lake Road in Lake Harmony.
We welcome thousands of visitors each year to the many sights and attractions here in Carbon County. For some residents, this is an opportunity to host out-of-town families – either as an Airbnb or a VRBO (vacation rental by owner).
These sort-term rentals are a wonderful alternative to traditional short-term lodging options. They can help invigorate our local economy and provide additional income options for homeowners or investors. Despite those benefits, though, when a property being used as a short-term rental does not comply with local or state laws, or becomes a nuisance property, it can become problematic for those nearby.
To address these issues, I recently introduced House Bill 1363, which will provide for better enforcement and oversight of Airbnb and VRBO rentals.
I’ve heard these complaints from local residents, and so I have introduced this bill to create a “code of conduct” for short-term rentals, which reiterates the need that these types of rentals need to be in
See STRS, page 14
Continued from page 13
compliance with all local, state and federal laws. This can include all occupancy, parking, noise limits, etc., or even the registering and licensing requirements that local communities already may have in place.
My legislation would also provide legal relief options for neighbors and local communities when a short-term rental property becomes problematic, and a local government does not have the policing force or manpower to enforce their ordinances and laws.
But to keep a healthy balance, House Bill 1363 will also prohibit local governments from unnecessarily prolonging or stalling the licensing or registering of short-term rentals that are in compliance with all ordinances, laws or requirements.
Finally, my legislation will allow the courts to direct listing platforms for short-term rentals to delist properties, if they are continuously a nuisance property, and the court deems delisting necessary.
I hope that my legislation will be a step in the right direction to help foster short-term
rentals in a healthy way, invigorating our local economy and boosting our tourism, without allowing them to become neighborhood nuisances.
The Tempest is a show about magic. The current production at the PA Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University is magical, incorporating music, a simple yet vibrant set, and actors that can handle both beautiful and reflective language and low (but hilarious) comedy equally skillfully, to bring what is undeniably a preposterous plot alive.
Dreams are complicated, and so are these portrayals. Propspero, as played by Robert Cuccioli, is both a powerful magician and a troubled man. His love for his daughter Miranda (Billie Wyatt) is obvious, as
is his matchmaking. At the same time, his treatment of Caliban (Christopher Patrick Mullen) is sometimes cruel, and his treatment of faithful sprite Ariel (Sarah Gliko) feels high-handed, almost ungrateful.
Some Shakespeare plays include bad socalled “low comedy.” The trio, which includes Mullen, who supply the comedy in this performance are superb and superbly musical.
The play also includes a gratuitous
set piece where Prospero summons goddesses to display his skill. Pretty, but not needed.
The Tempest is a difficult play to capture in words, but delightful in viewing. It continues through August 6.
Continued from page 4
At Boulder View Tavern
19 - Andrew Tirado, 12:30 – 3:30
Also on the 19th - Timmy Fitz, 6-9
20 - Erin McClelland , 12:30 – 3:30
24- Bill Hoffman, 6-9
25 - Erin McClelland , 6-9
26 - Andrew Moses, 12:30-3:30 & 26th – Zack Lawless, 6-9
27- Jon Pheasant, 12:30-3:30
31 - Erin McClelland, 6-9
The Pub @ the Hub, all from 6 to 9 p.m.
28 – Tom Kelmer
29 – Dina Hall
August 4 - Magic Bean
5 – Matt Bednarsky
11 – Andrew Moses
12 – John Simoson
18 – Andrew Tirado
19 – Dina Hall
25 – tba
26 – Nina Peterson
Sept. 1 – John Simoson
2 – Matt Bednarsky
8 – Elizabeth Gillen
At Mauch Chunk Opera House
Doors open at 7, shows at 8 unless noted
28 - Comedy Night with Vic DiBitetto
29 - Bennie and the Jets - Tribute to Elton
August 4 - The Bangos - Tribute to the Bangles & GoGos
5 - Mullett - The Premier 80s Rock
11 - The Doobie Others - Tribute to the Doobie Brothers
12 - Laurel Canyon Band - The Music of CSNY
17 - WXPN Welcomes Jeffrey Gaines
18 - Adrenalize - the Ultimate Def Leppard
24 - WXPN Welcomes GA-20
25 - Popa Chubby
26 - Experience Janis - The Tribute to Janis
September 1 - Aj Lee & Blue Summit
2 - The Stranger - Billy Joel Tribute
27-Ted Nugent
28-Chris Cagle
Aug 17 - Gene Watson
18 – Samantha Fish w/ Jesse Dayton
Continued from page 20
26 – Jimmy Kenny & the Pirate Beach Band
31 – Trace Adkins
Pocono Mountains Music
28 – Country Music with Pocono Pops
29- Student Artists Show
Pa Shakespeare Festival – professional theater,
Performances through August 6 at DeSales University, south of Allentown
The Tempest and Sense and Sensibility alternate on Main Stage
Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill (music/ drama) in Schubert Theatre
Musikfest downtown Bethlehem and at Steel Stacks, August 3 to 13 hundreds of performances – most free local to national talent – fun, food, vendors + more
amusement park free stage – free admission, free parking
Mahoney Bros Beatles and More showsAug 1-6
Rick K Road Trip variety show - 14-17
Pat Garrett Band country music – 25-27
Kirby Center for Performing Arts, Wilkes-Barre
30th – Steve Val
Penguins Ice Hockey coming soon
29&30 Monster Jam
Phantoms Ice Hockey coming soon
En Vogue Aug 5 – 8 p.m.
Sheena Easton 26th – 8 p.m. Aug 7-12
4-10 weekdays, 2-10 Saturday
4-H livestock auction Saturday Aug 19 – Oct 29
On Monday, August 7 the Opening Ceremony and Fair Queen Crowning will take place at 5 p.m. At 6:30 & 8:30 p.m., Joe Bonson and Coffee Run will perform; entertainment from 6 - 9 p.m. will be by DJ Chicken Nugget. Small Garden Tractor Pull is 7 p.m., and 9:30 p.m. features fireworks.
Tuesday August 8 features a Lumberjack Competition, starting at 5 p.m. Past US and world champions will be competing. This event is free in the Main Arena.
At 6:30 & 8:30 p.m. enjoy Doug Brewin’s Alan Jackson Tribute.
It’s Children’s Day, so at 7:45 p.m. there will be a Bicycle Give-away.
Wednesday is Senior Citizens’ Day. The Main Street Cruisers will perform at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. There will also be a Junk Car Race.
Continued from page 22
Thursday, Steel Creek will perform at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. and there is a Demolition Derby.
At the fair on Friday, August 11, you could compete in Barnyard Olympics starting at 6 p.m. Mystery City will perform at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. The Palmerton and Lehighton High School Marching Bands will be featured in the main arena at 5 and 5:30 p.m.
Fair favorites Dean Hahn and the Hawks will perform at 4 p.m. on Saturday, August 12, followed by the Cramer Brothers Band at 7 and 9 p.m. Micro Wrestling will take place in the arena at 6 p.m. Earlier that day, don’t miss the 4-H Youth Auction, where students sell the livestock they’ve raised over the past year.
Included with admission are a mini-circus, food vendors, admission to the giant tricky tray, and exhibits of art, handiwork, animals, produce and more.
General admission is $7. Parking is free. There are additional charges for some featured events. Learn more at
The LHRS is asking anyone with post operative medical equipment they no longer use canes, crutches, walkers, shower chairs, bathroom booster seats, etc., to donate them to the LHRS. Items can be dropped off at both the Lake Harmony and Albrightsville Fire Companies.
The equipment will then become available to any Kidder Township resident who needs it at no charge and when the need is done, contact the LHRS and they’ll come pick it up.
More details in next month’s report.
The LHRS’ two ambulances responded to a total of 32 calls in June, traveling 1,823 miles. Of the 32 calls, 31 were in Lake Harmony, and one in Penn Forest Township. There were also 13 fire alarms.
The Breakfast fundraiser at Split Rock Lodge for the LHRS, shown at right, was well-attended on July 2. And, the hot dog fundraiser over race weekend at Harmony Beverage was successful.
Next up will be the new annual letter campaign, with mailing late in August. The LHRS has decided to order a second 4-wheel drive ambulance to replace current #1761 which now has over
73,000 miles on it. The new unit will take at least a year to arrive, and the new letter campaign will be key to making the first payment on it.
August 2003
Recent Marian High School grad Lauren Green, daughter of Jean Green, shipped out to Army basic training and the Military Police Academy at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. When her training is complete, she will be stationed at Fort Lewis, near Seattle. While there, she hopes to do some snowboarding
A photo in this issue shows Governor Ed Rendell with Murphy’s Loft chef John Kaminsky, after the Governor stopped there for lunch.
Kidder Police reminded owners of Personal Water Craft to secure them when stored on trailers as there has been an increase in thefts of unsecured PWCs this summer.
Larry Close of Albrightsville reported a cougar sighting as he and his wife were driving Route 534 near The Jonas Hotel on July 22 at about 9:30 a.m. The medium-sized cougar crossed the road and disappeared into the woods. He reports that there have been several cougar sightings in the area in the past several years, including in Towamensing Trails.
The Lake Harmony Rescue Squad will dedicate the new ambulance at their Carnival at Big Boulder Ski Area Aug. 29-31, featuring a car show and Twitty Fever on Friday, The Rocket 88s and fireworks on Saturday, and Parrotville on Sunday.
322 Main Street
White Haven PA 18661
Welcome to your new favorite yarn community + store. We’re crazy about great yarns, fun classes, rad kits and quality tools at all price points.
— All You Need to Stay Cool with Summer Projects — Call for class schedules in knit and crochet (570) 401-3239
A page and a half was devoted to the coming sewer project, noting that work has started on North Lake Drive and in Lake Harmony Estates. As of July 22, deeds of easement have been filed for installation of grinder pumps. Back in 2003, the tap-in fee was $1,500, and yearly user fee was $550.
An Anne Martino photo shows Ken Detweiler competing in the Albrightsville Fire Company benefit horse show on June 29. Other photos on the page are of Carly Montemuro, and Jessica Detweiler.
The Nature Conservancy in Long Pond invited readers to join the organization’s Pocono Mountain Program for a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more to help protect wildlife habitat in the Poconos.
Ads in this issue include Monaghan’s Nu Tech Towing, Techna Seal Plumbing, Evolutions Salon, The Gardenhaus, Dr. Joyce Vrabec, The Hotel Jonas restaurant, Joe Krajewski TV and VCR repairs, and Carrigan’s Pharmacy.
Pop’s Sports Spot is opening a 10,000 sq. ft. marine center and 7 acres of outdoor storage this fall.
Ruth and I are fans of rodeo. To attend one usually means a good drive, often out to a remote rural outpost. This was the case when we went to the Benton Rodeo earlier this in July. The rural community of Benton, PA, puts on a near weeklong rodeo themed event.
We’d been trying to get out to this rodeo for a few years and were worried that the heavy rains of earlier that week were going to cause the one night we could go to be rained out. It was a close thing, but we did get to see our rodeo, even if we did get a little wet. A thunderstorm missed the rodeo site by just a few miles.
From page 30
From LAKE NEWS August 2003
Editor Mary Farnschlader wrote about 2003’s Pennsylvania 500, held July 27 of that year. Because the ARCA race that was scheduled June 7 was rained out, ARCA scheduled a double this weekend, on Friday night and then on Saturday afternoon. All went well Friday and Saturday for ARCA and NASCAR.
Thanks to Frank Mackiewicz of 940 Auto, Mary was able to get onto pit road to take some great race pit-area photos including one showing a packed grandstand.
Broadcaster for 2003’s Red Barons baseball games was WWDI 104.9 FM.
by Seth IsenbergOur drive to the Benton Rodeo was door-to-door under an hour and a half, including the slow going at the rodeo entrance into the parking lot…It was an easy road trip.
And the rodeo? Good barrel racing, steer roping, even some saddle bronc riding. The clown was funny, the trick riding act was great…and the bulls had a good night of cowboy throwing 12 to the bulls, and just 1 ride by a cowboy.
In looking over the listed entertainments at the end of this month’s LAKE NEWS Entertainment List, there are free shows at Knoebels and
See ON THE ROAD, page 33
Continued from page 32
Musikfest in Bethlehem, and low cost fun at the Carbon County Fair all worth the short ride. Knoebels is about an hour and a half, Bethlehem a little shorter, and the Carbon County Fair is well under an hour from Lake Harmony.
All of these entertainments Ruth and I are planning to attend likely the Mahoning Bros. maybe twice at Knoebels, twice to Musikfest, and Saturday at the CC Fair. The coming shows at Penn’s Peak are appealing, so perhaps along with
the outside fun will be indoors for music in a comfy seat, in an air conditioned hall.
Lake Harmony is a really great location to stay at, or for a platform to launch from for extra fun. Summer is a time to get and enjoy…here at The Lake, and round about.
Follow us on Facebook for all the details.
Beastie Treats Pet Supplies & Dog Grooming Spa
409 Route 940 in Blakeslee PA 18610
We ❤ to pamper your pets!
This month’s cover is a montage of participants in previous years’ Parade of Boats, in anticipation of this month’s benefit for emergency services on Sunday, August 13. On the next couple of pages, a few more, supplied by Cyndi Pantages.
Pocono Mountain Lakes Realty began modestly, with five agents in a small office in Brodheadsville in 2008. In the 13 years since, PMLR has grown exponentially. As of April 2021, Pocono Mountain Lakes Realty has offices in three highly sought after locations: The Jack Frost/Big Boulder Resort Area on the 940 Corridor in Blakeslee; Corner of Owego and Purdytown Turnpikes in Hawley, serving the entire Lake Wallenpaupack Region as well as the northern tier and NY state; and an office in New Milford, Susquehanna County, serving the Endless Mountains Region, up to and including New York state.
PMLR has 36 Full-Time Realtor Agents including 4 Broker Level Agents covering every territory from the foothills below Jim Thorpe through the Poconos and Endless Mountains, with multiple NY State Licensed agents as well. This Rock Star team of Realtors has access to state-of-the-art tools, as well as access to MLS in the following counties: Monroe, Carbon, Pike, Wayne, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Bradford, and Sullivan. The expert agents at PMLR are perfectly equipped to handle sellers and buyers in all of these areas.
Pocono Mountain Lakes Realty prides itself on the basic operating principle: Provide professional, good old-fashioned neighborly service, while using the most up-to-date and modern technology to get the job done. This guiding principle has brought PMLR success in both Sales Volume and Team Growth, and in the past three years has ranked the company, according to PMAR statistics:
#1 Non Franchise Real Estate Office for Closed Sales Volume in the Pocono Mountains Association of Realtors - #9 Overall out of over 200 offices for Year 2021
Blakeslee Office 570-234-0633
(Jack Frost/Big Boulder/ Lake Harmony Area)
Hawley Office 570-234-0634
(Lake Wallenpaupack & Northern Tier Region)
New Milford 570-267-1565
(Endless Mountains Region)
The Postal Service has launched USPS Ground Advantage, a new offering that provides a simple, reliable and more affordable way to ship packages in 2-5 business days across the contiguous United States.
“USPS Ground Advantage is a gamechanger for our customers, the industry and USPS. By efficiently and effectively integrating our ground transportation model to the magnificence of our last-mile delivery operations, we can now offer the most compelling ground shipping offering in the market,” said Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. “With USPS Ground Advantage, we are ready to compete for an increased share of the growing package business.”
With the product’s launch, the Postal Service is retiring three offerings: USPS Retail Ground, USPS Parcel Select Ground and USPS First-ClassPackage Service, as well as Ground Returns and First-Class Package Returns.
by Christine A. Gilliar-FellerUSPS Ground Advantage is an important part of the Postal Service’s shipping growth strategy as part of the 10-year Delivering for America plan.
A new shipping portfolio consisting of USPS Ground Advantage, USPS Connect Local and USPS Connect Regional will help the organization compete effectively for packages under 25 pounds that can be transported by ground, within a region across states, and across the nation.
USPS Ground Advantage’s features will include free package pickup at homes and offices and $100 of insurance for both outbound and return shipments.
The offering is available wherever customers ship from, including all 34,000 Post Offices or through Click-N-Ship.
Change of Address Security Enhancements: As of May 1, 2023, when you submit a change of address request online, you need to take additional steps to verify your identity.
See PO NOTES, page 40
• First-Class™ mail and periodicals (newsletters and magazines) are forwarded for free.
Plan ahead. Although mail forwarding may begin within 3 business days of your submitted request, it’s best to allow up to 2 weeks. Mail will be forwarded to your new address as it comes, piece by piece.
Choose to change your address in a few simple steps online or visit your local Post Office™ location.
• Premium shipping services (Priority Mail®, Priority Mail Express®, First-Class Package®) are forwarded for free.
• Media Mail® and USPS Retail Ground® are forwarded, but you must pay the cost for shipping from your local Post Office to your temporary address.
• USPS Marketing Mail® is not forwarded.
• Your change of address order only changes your mailing address with the Post Office. You must still update government agencies (like for your benefits, driver’s license, and voter registration) and companies (like banks, insurance, online stores, etc.).
Forwarding Mail Exceptions & Details (DMM 507.2.0)
1. Go to the Official USPS Change of Address® website.
2. Choose an option for either an “Individual,” “Family,” or “Business” move, and complete the form.
3. Verify your identity: Opt in online to receive a verification code or link on your mobile phone
Continued from page 40 See PO REPORT, page 42
When you're ready to start your real estate journey, let me help. Whether your path leads you to selling, or buying, I can guide you every step of the way!
Continued from page 41
OR go to a Post Office with an acceptable photo ID to complete the identity verification process in person.
4. Pay the $1.10 identity verification fee.
5. USPS will email you a confirmation code. Use this code if you need to modify or cancel your request.
6. A welcome kit with coupons from USPS partners will arrive at your new address.
7. Mail will be rerouted to your new address piece by piece.
1. Visit your local Post Office location with acceptable photo ID.
2. Request a free Mover’s Guide packet.
3. Fill out the PS Form 3575 found inside the packet, and give it to the retail associate. They will use your photo ID to verify your identity, then process your change of address request.
Standard mail forwarding lasts 12 months. You can pay to extend mail forwarding for 6, 12, or 18 more months (18 months is the maximum).
To purchase Extended Mail Forwarding, you can add it when you first submit your change of address request or if you later edit your request. (USPS will also send you a reminder email when you have 1 month left in your mail forwarding.)
Important: You can’t cancel or request a refund for Extended Mail Forwarding.
For more information and pricing, read the Extended Mail Forwarding FAQs.
Note: When your mail forwarding period ends, USPS will return your mail to the sender for 6 months with a label that has your new address. As always, We thank you for your business
April Shaner, Postmaster
Christine A. Gilliar-Feller, Sales Service
Associate, fancy for clerk
Window hours, Monday–Friday
8 -11:30 a.m., 1 to 4:45 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Lobby hours 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
365 days a year,7 days a week 570-722-8524
canoeing Codes
ducks escape
fishing flags
Harmony heat
picnic pizza
sailing skunks
visitors volunteer
“August still stretched before us long and golden and reassuring, like an endless period of delicious sleep.”
– Lauren Oliver