- Corporate Identity -
positive / negative
color aplication PANTONE COLORS: PANTONE速 solid coated Black PANTONE速 metallic coated 871 - Gold
CMYK COLORS: 100% Black 20% Cyan, 25% Magenta, 60% Yellow, 25% Black
STAMP: 100% Black
black & white
100% Black 50% Black
Adobe Garamond Regular Edward Old Style
Typography adds an important element to the brandidentity system. Use of consistent typefaces across communications adds another element that defines the StarLight Diamonds look. The typefaces listed below are the only acceptable fonts that
The Adobe Garamond family provide a wide range of typefaces that offer enough variety for multiple type needs, from ultra bold headlines to easyto-read body text. For that reason we will use this type for all our brandidentity.
can be used in printed materials and Web graphics.
Making sure that a reasonable amount of space surrounds the corporate signature. This area, refered to as the area of isolation, must remain clear of all graphic imagery, edges, folds and other visual elements.
entire logo enhances the presentation of the StarLight Diamonds