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APRIL / MAY 2019
Wishing Everyone a Ramadan Mubarak
Bellville CBD filth has hawkers complaining By Ndumiso Mangaliso An unbearable stench in the Bellville Central Business District (CBD), emanating from toilets that have not been cleaned and various other filth near the main public transport interchange, is a health hazard. Bellville’s Durban Road and South Street residents, including hawkers trying to make a living, are complaining about the lack of regular cleaning in their streets and at the public transport interchange. Public toilets, hawkers say, were closed last year and they have no decent place to relieve themselves. The lack of public toilets compels the hawkers and other members of the public, including the homeless community, to urinate wherever they can in the CBD. The stench here, particularly in summer, is unbearable, say hawkers. Hawker, Brian Pokani says that they were shocked when the public toilets were locked sometime last year. Two months after the public toilets were locked they were informed that the municipality planned to renovate them. The municipality then made a provision of four bucket toilets. “The green bucket toilets, there are only four, are not enough to accommodate all of us and sometimes [the] municipality fails to come to pump out faeces from these toilets. And when it’s a sunny day with
soaring temperatures the smell from the toilets is everywhere. We don’t even have water, we need to carry water from our houses so that we can drink when we are here, or else we are forced to buy water from retailers,” said Pokani. Another hawker, who does not want to be named for fear of her safety, alleges that there is a large amount of drug-dealing in the Bellville CBD. She says that she rents a kiosk at the public transport interchange from the municipality. Some hawkers, she says, operate illegally without the required municipality trading permits. “But if I am unable to pay rent to the municipality for a period of three months they come and confiscate all my products. I do not see any reason to vote because the government is really failing us. It seems like our health and living standards are not important to authorities because we are trading in a filthy environment,” she said. Residents of the CBD who rent flats above the supermarkets and shops are also affected. The City of Cape Town has been approached for comment.
Tafelsig learners presented with opportunity to improve maths aptitudes
Getting stuck in Liam Inglis, lending assistance tutor Johan Mutuque – tutor and Daniel Jongbloed. (pic submitted) GrandWest has partnered with AIMS (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences) to improve learners maths results at AZ Berman High School in Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain. A total of 200 Grade 8 learners signed up to the programme and will receive extra lessons every Saturday for 12 weeks. (staff reporter)
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