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MAY / JUNE 2019
Unwanted babies need not be dumped abandoned or unwanted babies.
Department of Social Development spokesperson Lumka Oliphant said children housed in the temporary places of safety have access to food, clothing, shelter, healthcare services, education and therapeutic programmes. Oliphant added that the department works hard to teach the community about available options for parents who are unable to raise their children. Among the options are places of safety which have anonymous dropoff boxes, leaving a baby or child with social workers in state-owned New-born dumped in bin. Baby abandoned in public restroom. Dayold baby rescued from pit. Too often, stories like these make the headlines.
safe and legal alternatives exist for women for are unable to keep their infant.
For more information call the Department of Social The Department of Social Development on They leave the country reeling and Development works with a number of 012 312 7727 the mother at risk of being jailed. No vetted temporary safe care facilities matter how desperate the situation, f o r t h e i m m e d i a t e p l a c e m e n t o f
Did you know? Organisations such as Door of Hope Children’s Mission in Johannesburg, Shepherd’s Keep in Durban and Ubuntu House in Cape Town exist as a safe drop-off point for unwanted babies and to prevent babies being left in dangerous environments.
For more information call: Door of Hope 082 783 3374 Shepherd’s Keep 031 466 1045 or 084 581 2453 Ubuntu House 021 592 0610
Early Xmas Gifts for Seniors
Seniors in Bonteheuwel got an early Christmas to sumptuous luncheon followed by meaningful humble Sandra said this was the fourth year community really supported this event in a big gift from Sandra Jantjies and her voluntary gifts generously donated by local residents they have hosted a party for seniors but this way. From all reports everyone in attendance working committee. Older persons were treated and surroundings businesses and shops. A year’s response has been overwhelming, the had a ball of a time. (credit A Jacobs)
The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of his time each day. – Orlando A. Battista