CapitalTek August Newsletter Vol. 32

Page 10


What is zero-click malware? How do you fight it?, p2

Do you still believe in these common tech myths?, p3

Top 7 cybersecurity risks of remote work, p4

Handy tech checklist for your home or office move, p5

The future of passwords, p6

TheMetaverseexplained:Howitcouldaffectyourbusiness,p8 TechnologyUpdate,p9 Meetingsaremakingyourpeoplelessproductive,p10 Entertainment,p11 FeaturedCustomer-YourFamilyPharmacysince1955!,p12


You’rerelyingsolelyonantivirussoftwareto protectyourbusiness

Youhaven’tupdatedyoursecurityprotocolsin awhile

Recently,we’veseenaconcerningtrendamong businesses:cybersecurityfatigue.

It’saphenomenonthatoccurswhenpeople becomeoverwhelmedanddesensitizedtothe constantbarrageofcyberthreatsandsecurity alertstheyfaceonadailybasis.

Youmaybethinking“Mybusinessistoosmallto beatargetforcybercriminals”

Unfortunately,thatcouldn’tbefurtherfromthe truth.Infact,smallbusinessesareoften targetedpreciselybecausetheyareseenas easiertargets.Cybercriminalsknowthatsmall businessesdon’thavethesameresourcesas largercorporations,makingthemmore vulnerabletoattacks.

So,howcanyoutellifyourbusinessissuffering fromcybersecurityfatigue?Hereareafew signstolookoutfor:

Youremployeesareignoringsecurityalerts ortakingshortcutstogetaroundthem You’vehadadatabreachorcyberattackin thepast,butdidn’ttakesignificantstepsto preventitfromhappeningagain

Ifanyofthesesoundfamiliar,it’stimetotake action.Hereareafewideastohelpyoucombat cybersecurityfatigueandkeepyourbusiness secure:

1.Investinemployeetraining.Youremployeesare yourfirstlineofdefenseagainstcyberthreats. Makesuretheyunderstandtherisksandare trainedinpropersecurityprotocols.

2.Usemulti-factorauthentication.Thisaddsan extralayerofsecuritybyrequiringuserstoprovide additionalverificationbeforeaccessingsensitive information.

3.Keepyoursoftwareuptodate.Manycyber attackshappenbecauseofoutdatedsoftwarethat containsvulnerabilities.Makesureallsoftwareis regularlyupdatedtothelatestversion.

4.PartnerwithatrustedITsupportpartner.They canprovideongoingsupportandmonitoringof yoursystems,ensuringthatyourbusinessstays secureanduptodate.Ifyoudon’thaveapartner, weshouldtalk

Don’tletcybersecurityfatigueputyour businessatrisk.Bytakingproactivestepsto improveyoursecurity,youcanprotectyour businessandenjoypeaceofmind.Remember, thebestdefenseisagoodoffense!Ifwecan help,getintouch.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Intoday’sdigitallandscape,cybersecuritythreats continuetoevolve.Theyposesignificantrisksto individualsandorganizationsalike.Onesuch threatgainingprominenceiszero-clickmalware. Thisinsidiousformofmalwarerequiresnouser interaction.Itcansilentlycompromisedevicesand networks.

Oneexampleofthistypeofattackhappeneddue toamissedcall.That’sright,thevictimdidn’teven havetoanswer.ThisinfamousWhatsAppbreach occurredin2019,andazero-dayexploitenabledit. Themissedcalltriggeredaspywareinjectioninto aresourceinthedevice’ssoftware.

Amorerecentthreatisanewzero-clickhack targetingiOSusers.Thisattackinitiateswhenthe userreceivesamessageviaiMessage.Theydon’t evenneedtointeractwiththemessageofthe maliciouscodetoexecute.Thatcodeallowsatotal devicetakeover.

Below,wewilldelveintowhatzero-clickmalware is.We’llalsoexploreeffectivestrategiestocombat thisgrowingmenace.


Zero-clickmalwarereferstomalicioussoftware thatcandoaspecificthing Itcanexploit vulnerabilitiesinanapporsystemwithno interactionfromtheuser.Itisunliketraditional malwarethatrequiresuserstoclickonalinkor downloadafile.


Zero-clickmalwarepresentsasignificantthreat.This isduetoitsstealthynatureandabilitytobypass securitymeasures.Onceitinfectsadevice,itcan executearangeofmaliciousactivities.








Thistypeofmalwarecanaffectindividuals, businesses,andevencriticalinfrastructure.Attacks canleadtofinanciallosses,databreaches,and reputationaldamage.


Toprotectagainstzero-clickmalware,itiscrucialto adopttwothings Aproactiveandmultilayered approachtocybersecurity.Herearesomeessential strategiestoconsider:


Regularlyupdatesoftware,includingoperating systems,applications,andsecuritypatches.Thisis vitalinpreventingzeroclickmalwareattacks.Software updatesoftencontainbugfixesandsecurity enhancements.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357) (Continued on next page)

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• Put in Place Robust Endpoint Protection –

Deploying comprehensive endpoint protection solutions can help detect and block zero-click malware. Use advanced antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

• Use Network Segmentation –Segment networks into distinct zones Base these on user roles, device types, or sensitivity levels. This adds an extra layer of protection against zeroclick malware.

• Educate Users –

Human error remains a significant factor in successful malware attacks. Educate users about the risks of zero-click malware and promote good cybersecurity practices. This is crucial. Encourage strong password management. As well as caution when opening email attachments or clicking on unfamiliar links.

• Use Behavioral Analytics and AI –

Leverage advanced technologies like behavioral analytics and artificial intelligence. These can help identify anomalous activities that may indicate zeroclick malware.

• Conduct Regular Vulnerability Assessments –Perform routine vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. This can help identify weaknesses in systems and applications

• Uninstall Unneeded Applications –

The more applications on a device, the more vulnerabilities it has Many users download apps then rarely use them. Yet they remain on their device, vulnerable to an attack.

• Only Download Apps from Official App Stores –Be careful where you download apps. You should only download from official app stores.


Is it okay to leave your smartphone charging overnight?

Do Macs get viruses? And what about those 5G towers? What’s going on with those?

Common tech myths can often lead to misunderstandings. They can even hinder your ability to fully use various tools and devices. Let’s debunk some of the most common tech myths that continue to circulate and explore the truth behind them

Myth1:Leavingyourdevice pluggedinovernight damagesthebattery.

First is one of the most persistent tech myths. Leaving your device plugged in overnight will harm the battery life. But

this myth is largely outdated.

Modern smartphones, laptops, and other devices have advanced battery management systems. These systems prevent overcharging. Once your device reaches its maximum charge capacity, it automatically stops charging So, feel free to charge your gadgets overnight without worrying about battery damage.

Myth2:Incognitomodeensures completeanonymity.

While incognito mode does provide some privacy benefits, they’re limited.

For example, it mainly prevents your device from saving the

following items:

Browsing history


Temporary files

However, it does not hide your activities from your internet service provider (ISP). Nor from the websites you visit.

Myth3:Macsareimmuneto viruses.

Another prevalent myth is that Mac computers are impervious to viruses and malware. It is true that Macs have historically been less prone to such threats compared to Windows PCs. This does not make them immune.

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It’s true that in 2022, 54% of all malware infections happened in Windows systems and just 6.2% happened in macOS.

But as of January 2023, Windows had about 74% of the desktop OS share to Mac’s 15%. So, it turns out the systems aren’t that different when it comes to virus and malware risk. The data shows the infection rate per user on Macs is 0.075. This is slightly higher than Windows, at 0.074. So, both systems have a pretty even risk of infection

Myth 4: More megapixels mean better image quality.

When it comes to smartphone cameras, savvy marketing sometimes leads to myths. Many people believe that more megapixels equal better image quality This is a common misconception.

Other factors, in addition to megapixels, play a significant role. Such as:

The size of individual pixels

Lens quality

Image processing algorithms

Low-light performance

A camera with a higher megapixel count may produce larger images. But it does not guarantee superior clarity, color accuracy, or dynamic range. When choosing a smartphone or any camera, consider the complete camera system.


Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent times. It provides flexibility and convenience for employees But there are some drawbacks to working outside the office It’s crucial to be aware of the cybersecurity risks that come with remote and hybrid work

Here are the top cybersecurity risks and tips on how employees and employers can address them

1. Weak Passwords and Lack of Multi-Factor Authentication: Employers should set up access management systems to automate the authentication process

2. Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks: To protect company data, remote teams should use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

3. Phishing Attacks: To defend against phishing attacks, be cautious when opening emails. Especially those from unknown sources. Avoid clicking on suspicious links. Verify the sender’s email address.

4. Insecure Home Network Devices:

Many remote workers use smart devices that introduce vulnerabilities to their network. Ensure you change the default

device passwords and keep them updated with the latest firmware.

5. Lack of Security Updates: To mitigate this risk, enable automatic updates on devices and software whenever possible. Regularly check for updates.

6. Data Backup and Recovery: Keep all company files backed up automatically to a central cloud location.

7. Insufficient Employee Training:

Remote workers should receive proper cybersecurity training. It helps them to understand security risks and best practices. Unfortunately, many companies neglect this aspect of cybersecurity. Organizations should provide comprehensive and ongoing cybersecurity training to remote workers


Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent.

A defense-in-depth cybersecurity strategy provides a strong and resilient defense system. Its several layers of security increase the chances of staying secure. This is especially important in today’s dangerous online world.

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Here are the Advantages of Adopting a Defense-in-Depth Approach:

Enhanced Protection

Early Detection and Rapid Response

Reduces Single Point of Failure

Protects Against Advanced Threats

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Flexibility and Scalability

Employee Education and Awareness


Movingcanbeachaoticand stressfultime.Especiallywhenit comestohandlingyourvaluable technology.Whetheryou’re relocatingyourhomeoroffice, it’sessentialtotakeextracare. Bothwithfragileitemsand whenpackingandmovingyour devicesandothertechitems

Tohelpyounavigatethis processsmoothly,we’veput togetherahandychecklistUse thistohelpensureyour technologyremainssafeand soundduringthemove.




Remove Ink Cartridges and Batteries

Take Photos of Cable Connections

Pack Your Wi-Fi Equipment


Secure Fragile Screens

Inform the Movers about Fragile Items

Test Everything After the Move


In today’s digital workplace, printing remains an essential function. But keeping up with your print infrastructure can be a time-consuming task.

Microsoft has come up with an answer to streamline print management. This solution is called Microsoft Universal Print. It offers a modern solution to age-old print problems. It leverages the power of Microsoft 365 and Azure, eliminating the need for complex on-premises print infrastructure.

What can Microsoft Universal Print do for you?

Simplifying Print Management

Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365

Flexibility and Scalability

Streamlined Printer Deployment

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Provide Insights and Analytics

Microsoft Universal Print offers a modern and efficient approach to print management. It streamlines the printing experience for organizations and eliminates the need for complex on-premises print infrastructure.


the origins of the word Bluetooth?

What do you see in your mind when you hear the word ‘Bluetooth”?

Probably not a medieval king? But maybe now you will…

The reference goes back to Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson, a 10th Century King of Denmark and Norway who was said to have united Danish tribes under a single kingdom.

Intel’s Jim Kardach, part of an initial development consortium, suggested “Bluetooth” as a codename for the technology because he hoped it would unite communication protocols.

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Definition: A combination of characters used to verify user identity before granting access

Benefits: Simple to set up and the most common way to verify identity.

Drawbacks: If a password is not strong enough, it could easily be guessed or compromised.

Definition: Multi-factor authentication requires two or more verification methods before access is granted

Benefits: Extra layer of security and harder to hack due to physical access and biometric factors

Drawbacks: Requires an extra step for users. Often requires a second device.

Definition: A passwordless method to verify identity through a private key stored on a device For users, it's similar to unlocking a phone with biometrics or a PIN.

Benefits: Strong encryption, easy to use, and could limit phishing and breach success.

Drawbacks: Not available on all platforms or websites and still many unknowns

While passwordless authentication is on the rise and has many benefits, as of now, passwords and multi-factor authentication still play a crucial role in security. Make sure you follow your company ' s preferred method of authentication when accessing accounts and devices.

CYBERSECURITY|PROTECTYOURSELF 6 CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Each month we highlight a scam that demonstrates tactics criminals are using RIGHT NOW, to better prepare you when the next scam hits.

Sam had been saving up for a long-awaited vacation. Once it came time to book his flight, Sam searched the web for the airline's customer service number. He typed the number into his phone. When he called, an airline representative answered and helped Sam book his flight. All he had to do was give the representative some information about himself and his credit card details to book the flight.

A few days later, multiple unauthorized charges appeared on Sam’s credit card statement Sam reported the incident to the credit card company and the authorities. After retracing his steps, Sam realized he had misdialed the toll-free number for the airline by one number. The number he had dialed belonged to a scammer who purposely bought phone numbers close to those of well-known organizations. The scammer preyed on people who dialed the wrong number by pretending to be from the airline the person was trying to call.


Instead of searching for a phone number online, Sam should havegonedirectlytothecompany'swebsite.

Since Sam knew the airline he was trying to use, he could have clicked on the phone number in their app or on their official websitetodialinsteadoftypingitin.

Ifunauthorizedchargesstartappearingonstatements,itisnever a good sign. Sam took the correct steps by reporting these chargestothecreditcardcompany.

Many websites and apps allow you to click a phone number to call it, instead of typing it in After verifying you are on the official website or app, consider this method to avoid mistyping.

Verify phone numbers after you type them in. Proceed with caution if anything seems off. If an airline asks for a wire transfer or gift card, hang up.

Travel-related scams come in many different forms. Verify websites and phone numbers before booking any hotels or flights. Research the company before booking through a third party Travel with as few devices as necessary and make sure auto-connect is disabled for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)

TheMetaverseexplained: Howitcouldaffectyourbusiness

Have you heard of the Metaverse?

It’s not the latest superhero movie or a catchy new dance craze.

It’s a term that’s been buzzing around the tech world for some time now, and it’s poised to revolutionize the way we live, work, and play.

As a business owner, it’s important that you know what the Metaverse is, how it works, and why it matters. So, let’s dive in.

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a term to describe a futuristic version of the internet - one that’s fully immersive, three-dimensional, and interactive.

Think of it as a virtual world where you can do just about anything you can do in the real world. You can walk around, talk to people, attend eventseven fly if you want to. The Metaverse is a place where you can interact with other people and digital objects in a way that feels real.

The concept of the Metaverse dates back to 1992, when science fiction author Neal Stephenson wrote about it in his novel, Snow Crash.

But the idea has gained traction in recent years as technology has advanced Companies like Facebook and Google have explored the possibilities of creating their own versions of the Metaverse

How does the Metaverse work?

At its core, the Metaverse is a network of interconnected virtual spaces that are all part of the same three-dimensional world.

When you enter the Metaverse, you can move from one space to another seamlessly, just like you would in the real world. You can explore different areas, meet new people, attend events, and more.

One of the key features of the Metaverse is its ability to create a sense of presence.

This is achieved through a combination of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, which allow you to see and interact with digital objects as if they were real. For example, you might put on a VR headset and suddenly find yourself standing in the middle of a virtual store, where you can browse products and make purchases just like you would in a physical store.

Why does the Metaverse matter for your business?

The potential applications of the Metaverse for businesses are vast. Imagine being able to host a virtual conference where attendees can interact with each other and digital objects Read more here...

8 CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Finally, an enhanced search experience for Mac

If you use a Mac with Microsoft 365, chances are you’ll have struggled with searches being a little sluggish.

Microsoft saw the issue and has


finallydonesomethingabout it.Theyhaverevampedthe searchexperienceinWord, Excel,andPowerPoint.Now Macfanscanlookfor informationacrossmultiple platformsinoneconvenient location.

The first domain name ever registered was symbolics com on March 15, 1985 At the time, there were only six other domain names in existence, making one of the earliest websites to exist on the internet.

About 51% of internet traffic is not human. More than 30% is made up of hacking programs, spammers, and phishing scams.

According to Nordpass, the most commonly used password is “password” which, despite being easily hackable, is still used by 5 million people worldwide. Crazy!

Techn logy update

We’re saying goodbye to Cortana… sort of

Microsoft has recently announced that it will be discontinuing its Cortana app for Windows 10 and Windows 11 later this year. This is after years of declining use and popularity for the digital assistant, which was originally intended to compete with other AI assistants like Siri and Alexa.

While Cortana will still be available as part of Windows 10 and 11, the standalone app will

no longer be supported. Instead, Microsoft is shifting its focus towards integrating Cortana into other products and services, like Microsoft Teams and Outlook.

“Successisoftenachievedby thosewhodon’tknowthat failureisinevitable.”
CocoChanel, businesswomanandfashiondesigner
CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Are you one of the many businesses that still offers your people the flexibility of remote or hybrid working? If so, you’re probably relying on video meetings a lot more than you usually would. And that makes sense, because it feels like the easiest way to get people together at the same time.

But meetings can be a real drag for everyone at some stage.

Whether you’re dealing with introverted employees who are hesitant to speak up, scheduling conflicts that make it tough to get everyone in the same virtual room, or colleagues who try to take all the credit for your brilliant ideas (the worst!), meetings can actually slow down your productivity.

So what are some simple solutions to help?

For projects that have a visual element, digital whiteboards are your new best friend. These handy tools allow for collaboration wherever, whenever, and replicate the feeling of being in an actual conference room. Plus, they don’t put anyone on the spot, so introverted employees can

contribute without feeling selfconscious.

And for projects that don’t require visuals? Maybe collaborative docs could be a good alternative for you. These

their time zone.

When it comes to productivity, transparency is key! So have you considered prioritizing public channels over direct messages? It can be a gamechanger for your team as it helps everyone understand how different individuals and teams work, and increases workers’ faith in their managers.

documents are easily shared and distributed, making it easy for team members to work together in real-time or asynchronously.

Let your team know that they don’t need to respond immediately to every notification or email. And if you really want to free up some time for deep-focus work, consider implementing a “no meetings” policy like Shopify has done. This empowers your team to work when they’re most effective, regardless of

In fact, research shows that employees who trust their leadership are 50% more engaged at work! And when it comes to clarifying priorities, the responsibility falls on leadership. Make sure you’re coaching your direct reports and giving regular feedback. Consider consolidating work in one platform to make things simpler.

By choosing the right tools and minimizing time spent in meetings, you can increase your productivity and get more done in less time. So why wait? If we can help you get started, get in touch.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)



The first-ever VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) was the size of a piano! In 1956, the Ampex Corporation introduced the VRX-1000


Why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they don't C#!


What material was the first computer mouse made of?



Which company developed the first commercially successful microprocessor? How much did the first 5MB hard drive weigh? In the 1930s, which country built an analogue computer that ran on water? What did the ESP button do on CD players? When Gmail was released in 2004, how much free storage did it offer?

answers are below.


Q: Should I be using a Virtual Private Network in the office?

A: Yes. A VPN adds another layer of security to make sure your company data stays within the company network, and stops outsiders from looking in.

Q: How do I reset my password?

A: Most sites and applications have a “forgot password” option that should help, but in some cases you’ll need to speak to your IT support partner for instruction. To avoid the issue again, start using a password manager for increased security!



If you’re the type of person who prefers to use a mouse with your laptop, you probably find that the traditional shape makes it tricky to transport.

To avoid a lumpy laptop bag, you may want to invest in The Arc This mouse is not only sleek and stylish, but its flexible design allows it to be flattened to fit in your bag more easil your pocket! Better still, when it’s fla switches off to save battery power

$71.90 from Amazon

Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1) Intel 2) 2000 lbs… that’s a ton! 3) The Soviet Union 4) It stood for Electronic Skip Protection and prevented songs from skipping 5) 1GB
CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)
Introducing the Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard –the ultimate typing companion designed to enhance your comfort and productivity! This sleek and stylish keyboard boasts a split keyset design that encourages a more natural typing position, reducing wrist strain and promoting better posture. Experience the perfect blend of comfort, functionality, and style. Say goodbye to typing fatigue and hello to a more enjoyable and efficient workday!

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Founder and CEO Sergey Poltev, has been fixing computers since he was a kid. He immigrated to Canada to seek new opportunities, where he launched CALLGEEK (later renamed to CAPITALTEK) in 2008. Sergey was recognized in 2021 with a Forty Under 40 Awards from the Ottawa Board of Trade & Ottawa Business Journal.

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