Learn how to spot fake LinkedIn sales bots, p2
Have you tried out Microsoft Designer yet?, p3 Technologies to help you run your small business better, p4
What to expect in the new iOS 17?, p5
Unauthorized Access, p6
,p 10productivityappsinMicrosoft365you'realreadypayingfor,p8 TechnologyUpdate,p9 8in10businessesweretargetedwithphishinginthelastyear. Wasyours?,p10
Haveyouheardoftheterm“digital transformation”?It’swhereyouintroducenew technologyacrosseverypartofyourbusiness, tohelpyousellmore,deliver bettercustomerserviceandbemore efficient/profitable.
Thatword‘transformation’soundsimpressive, doesn’tit?It’slikeyourbusinessisacaterpillar, readytoemergefromitscocoonasadazzling, tech-savvybutterfly.
Butholdonaminute,let’snotforgetaboutthe mostimportantpartofthismetamorphosis–yourpeople.
Yes,youreadthatright.It’snottechnologythat shouldbeattheheartofanydigital transformation it’speople
Businessesoftenmakethemistakeofgetting caughtupinthewhirlwindof“coolnewtech” andforgetaboutthehumanelement.How manytimeshaveyouheardofacompany rollingoutamajornewsoftwaresystem,only fortheiremployeestostrugglewiththechange?
Thetruthis,thesuccessofanydigital transformationhingesonyourteam’sbuy-in. Youcanhavethemostcutting-edgetechnology intheworld,butifyourpeoplehateusingit,it’s goingtofail.
Yourteamneedstounderstandwhychangeis happeningandhowitwillbenefitthem.This isn’tjustaone-timeannouncement,butan ongoingtwowayconversation.
Next,youneedchampions Theseare individualsatalllevelsofthebusinesswhoare enthusiasticaboutthechangeandcanhelp othersgetonboard.Enthusiasmiscontagious! Andfinally,youneedtobreakdownsilos.The digitalworldthrivesoncollaboration,andyour businessshouldtoo.Ifdepartmentsare workinginisolation,you’renotharnessingthe fullpotentialofyourteamoryourtechnology.
Let’snotforgetabouttheroleofAIinallthis. GenerativeAIsystems,suchasChatGPT,havebeen makingwavesinthemedia,highlighting theimportanceofthehumanelementinthe digitaltransformationdebate.Afterall, technologyshouldservepeople,nottheother wayaround.
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Thepaceoftechnologicaladvancementisdizzying, nodoubtaboutthat.Butamidstallthechange, onethingremainsconstant-theimportanceof puttingpeople,processesandcultureatthecenter
of your digital transformation.
If we can help you with any kind of technology project, get in touch.
LinkedInhasbecomeaninvaluableplatformfor professionals.Peopleuseittoconnect,network, andexplorebusinessopportunities.Butwithits growingpopularityhavecomesomeredflags. Therehasbeenanincreaseinthepresenceoffake LinkedInsalesbots.
Thesebotsimpersonaterealusersandattemptto scamunsuspectingindividuals.Thisisoneofthe manyscamsonLinkedIn.AccordingtotheFBI, fraudonLinkedInposesa“significantthreat”to platformusers.
Inthisblogpost,wewilldelveintotheworldof fakeLinkedInsalesbots.We’llexploretheirtactics andprovideyouwithvaluabletips.You’lllearn howtospotandprotectyourselffromthese scams.Bystayinginformedandvigilant,youcan fosterasaferLinkedInexperience.
Socialmediascamsoftenplayonemotions.Who doesn’twanttobethoughtofasspecialor interesting?Scammerswillreachouttoconnect. Thatconnectionrequestalonecanmakesomeone feelwanted.Peopleoftenacceptbefore researchingtheperson’sprofile.
Putabusinesspropositionontopofthat,andit’s easytofoolpeople.Peoplethatarelookingfora joborbusinessopportunitymayhaveheirguard down.Thereisalsoaninherenttrustpeoplegive otherbusinessprofessionals.Manyoftentrust LinkedInconnectionsmorethanFacebook requests.
Howcanyoutelltherealrequestsfromthefake ones?Herearesometipsonspottingthe
FakeLinkedInsalesbotsoftenhaveincomplete profiles.They’llhaveverylimitedorgeneric information.Theymaylackacomprehensivework historyoreducationalbackground. Additionally,thesebotstendtousegenericprofile pictures.Suchasstockphotosorimagesof models.
Ifaprofilelookstooperfectorlacksspecificdetails,it couldbearedflag.GenuineLinkedInusersusually providecomprehensiveinformation.
Oneofthekeycharacteristicsoffakesalesbotsis theirmessagingapproach.It’softenimpersonaland generic.Thesebotsoftensendmassmessagesthat lackpersonalization.Theymaybenospecific referencestoyourprofileorindustry.Theyoftenuse generictemplatesorscriptstoengagewithpotential targets. FakeLinkedInsalesbotsarenotoriousfor bombardingusers.You’lloftengetDMswith excessivepromotionalcontentandmakingunrealistic claims.Thesebotsoftenpromoteproductsorservices aggressively.Usuallywithoutofferingmuch informationorvalue.
WhencommunicatingonLinkedIn,payattentionto thegrammarandspellingofmessages.Youmay
ImpersonalandGenericMessages ExcessivePromotionalContentandUnrealistic Claims InconsistentorPoorGrammarandSpelling
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dismiss an error from an international-sounding connection, but it could be a bot.
Fake LinkedIn sales bots often display inconsistent or poor grammar and spelling mistakes. These errors can serve as a clear sign that the sender is not genuine. Legitimate LinkedIn users typically take pride in their communication skills
UnusualConnectionRequestsandUnfamiliar Profiles
FakeLinkedInsalesbotsoftensendconnection requeststoindividualsindiscriminately.Theymay targetuserswithlittleregardforrelevanceorshared professionalinterests.
Becautiouswhenacceptingconnectionrequests fromunfamiliarprofilesEspeciallyiftheconnection seemsunrelatedtoyourindustryorexpertise.
One of the newest AI-powered design tools launched is Microsoft Designer. You can use it whether you’re a graphic pro, marketer, or small business owner. Or someone that simply wants to make a funny meme.
Microsoft Designer offers a range of features to streamline your design process.
Let’s explore the key features.
Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface
Microsoft Designer boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced designers.
Its user-friendly features include things like:
Drag-and-drop functionality
Contextual menus
Easy navigation
Text prompts to start your design
The first prompt it asks is “Describe the design you’d like to create.” This makes it simple for someone with no design experience to use it. Based on your prompt, the system can leverage AI to generate graphics. You can also upload your own.
Comprehensive Design Templates and Assets
Whether you need a business card, flyer, or social media post, this app has you covered. Additionally, the tool offers a vast library of assets. These include:
High-quality images
Fonts Color palettes
You can use these to create visually stunning designs. Ones that align with your brand identity. The abundance of design assets gives you creative freedom and flexibility. You can have fun bringing your vision to life.
Smart Layout Suggestions and Design Recommendations
Microsoft Designer goes beyond being a mere design tool. It’s a knowledgeable design assistant. The tool employs artificial intelligence to act as a “design assistant.” It can analyze your design and provide smart layout suggestions and recommendations. So even if making images isn’t “your thing,” you can make something decent.
The AI help is useful for those who may be new to design or seeking inspiration. Your design assistant can offer optimal font pairings, appropriate image placements, and more.
Seamless Collaboration and Integration
Collaboration is essential in today’s digital workspace. Microsoft Designer understands this need. The tool offers seamless collaboration capabilities. It allows several users to work on the same
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design project simultaneously.
You can easily share your designs with team members or clients As well as get real-time feedback and edits
Furthermore, Microsoft Designer integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft Office applications such as PowerPoint and Word
Accessibility and CrossPlatform Support
Microsoft Designer recognizes the importance of accessibility and cross-platform compatibility The tool is available both as a web application and as a desktop application You can use it on Windows and Mac
Use it working on your desktop computer or from a mobile device. The tool also adheres to accessibility standards.
Running a small business can be challenging But advancements in technology have opened a world of opportunities Small business owners can use digital tools to streamline operations As well as improve efficiency, and boost productivity
But trying to navigate the
g J y g pp because someone told you one was cool, might not be the best strategy. You need to focus on needs and target optimization.
Let’s explore some gamechanging technologies for small businesses.
Cloud Computing for Scalability and Flexibility
Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses store, access, and manage their data. Apps like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace allow small businesses to afford more including enterprise-class functions formerly enjoyed only by large companies.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
Spreadsheets can only take you so far. CRM software can help you improve your sales process. As well as personalize marketing campaigns and provide top-notch customer support.
Collaboration Tools for Seamless Teamwork
especially true when employees are in different offices or working remotely.
E-commerce Platforms for Online Sales
Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce make it easy to expand your sales territory online.
Data Analytics for Informed Decision Making
Leveraging data analytics tools can provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.
In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, small businesses have more opportunities than ever Many of these call for leveraging technology to their advantage
Embracing the right tech trends can help businesses compete It enables them to streamline
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operations, enhance customer experiences, and fuel growth.
Here are 5 small business tech trends that have the potential to drive success as well as propel your business forward in an increasingly competitive market.
Cloud Computing: Expanding Possibilities
Artificial Intelligence: Automating Efficiency
E-commerce and Mobile
Commerce: Expanding
Data Security: Safeguarding
Automation and Workflow
Integration: Streamlining
Cybersecurityhasbecome paramountforbusinessesand individualsalike.Cyberthreats abound,anddatabreachesand malwareattacksarecostly.
Attackscomefromallvectors, includingthecloudtoolsyou useeveryday
Youneedtoensureyou’re addressingaccessmanagement inyourcybersecuritystrategy
Otherwise,youcouldsuffer seriousfinancialconsequences
Mitigating Insider Threats
Strengthening Data Protection
Enhancing Regulatory Compliance
Streamlining User
Provisioning and Deprovisioning
Enabling Secure Remote Access
Improving Productivity
Management (IAM) Should Be a High Priority WHATTO EXPECTINTHE NEWIOS17?
Here are the feature highlights:
Get an Instant Transcript of Voicemails
Personalized Contact Posters
Leave a Video or Audio
FaceTime Message
More FaceTime
Enhancements – Reactions & Apple TV
New Emoji Stickers & Live Stickers from Photos
AirDrop & NameDrop for Easier Sharing
Smarter Autocorrect & Dictation
StandBy Glanceable Screen Mode
New Mental Health Features in the Health App
Bing AI is getting a ‘no search’ feature
Microsoft’s Bing AI is going to become even more sophisticated with the addition of a new ‘no search’ feature. This will let the Bing chatbot generate answers independently, without needing to search the internet for data.
That should speed up responses. It’s another feature to add to the growing suite of Bing capabilities that Microsoft has been steadily developing.
2. 3.
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Some cybercriminals are getting physically close enough to a company ' s Wi-Fi network to gain access to the system. In one particular incident, the cybercriminal had access to an employee's exposed credentials and was able to log in by using a drone to connect to the company Wi-Fi.
Some cybercriminals are getting physically close enough to a company ' s Wi-Fi network to gain access to the system In one particular incident, the cybercriminal had access to an employee's exposed credentials and was able to log in by using a drone to connect to the company Wi-Fi.
There is an increasing variety of devices connected to the internet. If the devices used by critical infrastructure plants or medical practices are compromised, there could be serious impacts on the public. One case of unauthorized physical access or compromised credentials is often all it takes for many important devices to be compromised.
Do not share information with an AI chatbot that you would not post openly to everyone on the internet.
Lock office doors, shred confidential documents before disposing of them, and get familiar with your company ' s breach response protocol
Keep keys and badges in a safe place. Do not share Wi-Fi passwords or leave log-in information out in the open.
6 CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)
Each month we highlight a scam that demonstrates tactics criminals are using RIGHT NOW, to better prepare you when the next scam hits.
Felipe and Charlotte work together at a bustling financial firm. One Friday morning, Charlotte was running late. She was fumbling through her bag, looking for her key card but couldn’t find it. Just as Charlotte was about to give up, she saw Felipe scanning his card at the entrance.
Charlotte called out to Felipe, and he held the door open for her. She thanked him and explained that she must have left her key card at home or in the car. Charlotte made it into the office just in time for her big meeting The rest of the day went by like normal. She never found her key card but decided to figure it out the following week.
Unfortunately, the key card had been taken from Charlotte’s unlocked car by a criminal. Later that night, the criminal was able to get into the office. Once they were in, the attacker used log-in credentials left on a sticky note at another employee's desk and gained access to all the company files and employee information
Felipe let Charlotte "tailgate" by following him into the building without her own key card. This allowed Charlotte to forget about hermissingkeycardinsteadofresolvingtheissueimmediately. Charlottelefthercarunlockedandanotheremployeeleftaccount credentials out for everyone to see This allowed for company informationtofallintothewronghands.
If you lose a key or any physical credential, notify your company immediately and follow the necessary steps to ensure physical security.
Keep work spaces clean to avoid misplacing important items or documents. Do not keep passwords on sticky notes or in visible places.
In addition to coworkers, tailgaters could be visitors or criminals. Criminals use our tendency to be polite and give people the benefit of the doubt to carry out their attacks If you do not recognize someone who is trying to tailgate, direct them to the proper sign-in location, or depending on the circumstance, consider asking who or what they are looking for.
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You know how sometimes you find a shirt in your closet with the tags still on? You think, “I’ve paid for this, but haven’t worn it even once!”
Well, consider Microsoft 365 as your digital closet. It’s packed with applications that you pay for, but perhaps haven’t ever used.
365 is essential software for
millions of businesses. And it’s easy to forget it’s so much more than Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. It’s a comprehensive platform designed to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and ultimately, boost your business’s productivity.
In this guide we’re going to dive into 10 productivity-boosting apps that are part of your Microsoft 365 subscription. We’ll
look at the benefits of each one and suggest some ways your business might use them.
So, let’s roll up our (new) shirt sleeves, and see if we can help your business boost your productivity to new heights.
Read more here...
8 CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)
you 'realreadypayingfor (butmightnotbebenefittingfrom)
Outlook for Windows to replace Mail and Calendar apps
Microsoft is shaking things up again, this time with Outlook. By this time next year, the Mail and Calendar apps will have been replaced with a brand new Outlook for Windows.
Ifyou’resubscribedto Microsoft365you’reallset. Butevenwithouta subscription,youcanuseit withyourpersonalemail accountslikeGmail.It’s alreadygotsomecool features,butheadsup,
30% of techies lie about their jobs to friends and family to avoid giving technical support for free… we would never do this!
More than 570 new websites are created every minute
A single Google query uses 1,000 computers in 0.2 seconds to retrieve an answer
Techn logy update
Introducing ‘People view’ in OneDrive
Microsoft is at it again with more innovative features. This time it’s releasing ‘People view’ in OneDrive Web. It’s designed to make it easier to access shared files, and is integrated directly into OneDrive. This is perfect if you regularly receive files from different people and need an easier way to locate them.
The best part?
Using People view is a breezejust select a file or folder like you would with any other item in OneDrive. It’s designed to keep you organized by grouping shared files. We believe it’s both user-friendly and intuitive.
“It’sfinetocelebratesuccessbut itismoreimportanttoheed thelessonsoffailure.”
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support isn’t available yet
Despite all the buzz about high-tech threats like ransomware and malware, good old phishing has held on to its title as the number one trick in a cyber criminal’s toolkit.
Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into giving them your personal information, like your password or credit card number. They do this by sending you emails or text messages that look like they’re from a real company.
According to the latest annual cyber breaches survey, 79% of businesses were targeted with a phishing attempt in the past year. And if your employees aren’t trained in cyber security awareness, 1 in 3 of them are likely to fall for a phishing attack.
You might be thinking, “Sure, it’s bad, but it can’t be that bad, right?” Well, let’s break down the consequences of a successful phishing attack
The impact on your business
Let’s set the scene: one of your employees clicks on a bad link in an email. Next thing you
know, sensitive company data is in the hands of cyber criminals
You’re looking at potential financial loss, damage to your reputation, and one giant headache.
The impact on your employees
There’s more… it’s not just your business that takes a hit. The employee who clicked that link? They’re probably feeling as
guilty as a dog caught stealing a steak from the dinner table This can lead to stress, decreased productivity, and even increased employee turnover.
Turn lemons into lemonade
As a business owner, how you handle these incidents can make a big difference. Pointing fingers and placing blame? That’s a one-way ticket to a toxic work environment.
Instead, why not turn these incidents into learning opportunities? This way, you’re fostering a culture of understanding and open communication. Remember, everyone makes mistakes –it’s how we learn from them that counts.
How can we show phishing who’s boss? One word: training. Regular cyber security awareness training can significantly reduce the risk of phishing attacks being successful. And it can help protect you from a whole host of other cyber security risks too. It feels like a no-brainer.
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The first version of the Windows NT Operating System was released in 1993.
What does the GPT stand for in ChatGPT?
What name was Windows known by in its earliest days of development?
What computer is the bestselling single model personal computer of all time?
Why don't programmers like nature? Because it has too many bugs!
What was the Mac’s first web browser called? ‘Confinity’ was the former name of which well-known company?
How do I back up my data?
A: Backing up data can save your business from a catastrophe, so make sure you do it! Basic backup can be as simple as connecting an external drive and copying important files. However, you must then remember to do it. The most robust solution is using software that updates all your files securely to the cloud, all the time. We can suggest a service if you want.
Our network is slow… can we speed it up?
A: A slow network is frustrating and can halt productivity. To speed it up, you can upgrade your hardware, optimize router settings, limit bandwidth-hungry apps, and regularly update network drivers. Again… we can help!
Businessgadgetofthemonth Thelaptopcoolingpad
Who invented the World Wide Web in 1989?
Logitech MXM 3S Wireless Performance Mouse
When you’re working so hard your fingers are smoking, it’s a good idea to make sure your laptop isn’t at risk of smoking too. Not only is it bad for your battery, but it can slow performance too. And that could damage the long term health of your device
Enter the laptop cooling pad. These clever little gadgets cool your laptop down with fans and of course, they’re as port as your laptop is. This Liangstar one is our favorite, becau its got quiet fans and an adjustable stand!
$18.99 from Amazon.
Feel every moment of your workflow with even more precision, tactility, and performance, thanks to quiet clicks and an 8,000 DPI track-on-glass 134 mm minimum glass thickness sensor
5. The answers are below
1) Generative Pre-trained Transformer
2) Interface Manager, back in 1981
3) Commodore 64, selling 30 million units between 1982 and 1993
4) Samba, in the early 90s
5) PayPal
"Tim Berners-Lee" CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)
The Logitech MXM 3S Wireless Performance Mouse is like the secret agent of computer mice – sleek, efficient, and always on target. It’s wireless, so it’s got the freedom to move without any strings (or wires) attached
Instead, they guarantee outstanding service and comfort, with private treatment rooms – and manual therapy, and one-on-one therapy provided by Physiotherapists only (not unqualified healthcare assistants).
community who want to stay fit, community who want to stay fit, healthy, and active for almost healthy, and active for almost two decades. two decades
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