Regular Meeting of the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) Board of Managers, for Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 6:00 p.m. (Regular Meeting). Until further notice Board meetings will only be available via telephone and/or the web-based application Go To Meeting. You will not be able to attend meetings in person. You can join the meeting electronically by clinking on this link and following the directions or dial in using your phone: 1 (646) 7493112 Access Code: 933-905-837 Please visit to get additional CRWD COVID-19 information. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA
Call to Order of Regular Meeting (President Joe Collins) A) Attendance B) Review, Amendments, and Approval of the Agenda
Public Comment A) Public Comment For Items not on the Agenda (Please observe a limit of three minutes per person.)
Permit Applications and Program Updates (Permit Process: 1) Staff Review/Recommendation, 2) Applicant Response, 3) Public Comment, and 4) Board Discussion and Action.)
A) 19-020 Harambee Elementary Addition and Remodel – Closure (Martinkosky) IV.
Special Reports – Como Lake Management Plan Implementation Update (Belden)
Action Items A) AR: Approve Minutes of the November 4, 2020 Workshop and Regular Meeting (Sylvander) B) AR: Approve Accounts Payable/Receivables for October (Sylvander) C) AR: Approve Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application for the TBI Flood Modeling and Mitigation Feasibility Study (Zwonitzer) D) AR: Authorize CRWD Annual Meeting Delegates to vote on MAWD Resolutions consistent with Resolutions Committee Recommendations (Doneux) E) AR: Approve new date and time for reschedule December 2nd Board Meeting (Doneux)
Unfinished Business A) Science Museum of Minnesota Update (Zwonitzer) B) Willow Reserve Update (Zwonitzer) C) Midway Peace Park Update (Eleria) D) Seminary Pond Update (Eleria) E) Board Bylaws and Committee Update (Doneux)
General Information A) Board of Manager’s Updates
Our mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District