Slam Games October Issue by Anthony

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Assassin Creed Unity vs

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Are you trying to decide which game to buy in November as you sit an eat that turkey? I can help you waste‌..I mean spend your money. The top 2 games for November are Assassin Creed Unity and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. The game I would pick is Assassin Creed Unity because it has better combat. I like how the do stealth mode in Assassin Creed UNITY and I like the weapons. I will compare and contrast both games and let you pick the best one for you.

Both COD and ACU are all about war. The other similanty is that both are trying to stop catastrophes and both are fighting for their own country.

The different between the 2 games is that AC Unity uses pistols and swords and COD uses guns, bombs, and soldiers. The other difference is that AC Unity takes place in the past and COD is in the future. Another difference is that COD fights with other countries and AC fights with the Templar. Lastly, COD has zombies and Ac doesn’t.

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