Ari K

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Ari K’s Poem Collection n

Wh hite aand Flufffy It looked d like froste ed flakes w with extra ssugar The taste w T was weird, like reallyy super cold d water It fell onto the gground, ligght and pufffy uld land when dropp ped Just ass a cat wou The ground turned white Just overn J ight Kid ds were ou utside Movin ng swiftly tthrough it So o happy thaat it’s officially winter now Cause its o C omes nly winter once it co e So wintter comes pretty late When you live in No orth Caroliina Summer is S fun Itts nice and d hot The little bit of sprin ng is nice ttoo You u never quite know w what weath her you aree goingg to get http://bit.lyy/nSiL3n e longest m month Fall is the Just b because it takes awhhile to get tto Winter, when it finally


Word ds

Word ds are big Words W s are small Words W s are short Word ds are tall W Words aare hard W Words aare eassy TThey are coo ol Words W s makee me q queasyy Wo ords are useful Wo ords are weiird Words W s can h have a beard d O Or a mu ustach he Or be sm meareed But most of aall Word ds are fun

The e Gam me e player is rreally gettiing excited d The Beccause of him m, his team m is united d He e is still run nning downn the field His frien nds around d him actinng like a sh hield One playyer breaks away I just thought, "For that you’rre going to o pay." The maain kid passsed the ball I knew w I could ge et there, th he passee was kinda small I got in tthe middle e of the pass And I hit th A e gas I slamme ed the ball out our zo one It wentt rite to myy teammatte who was all alone He took it aro ound the o other team It felt like a dreaam He took a shot and ssank it Frrom that go oal, well all benefit With my ass W sist we takee the win We were so haappy, my ccoach couldn’t talk o over the din n

The New W Way tto Wrrite The world T d has been n taken u up by com mputers eople havve made aa new pro oduct forr consumeers But a group off smart pe Apparentlyy there is new thin ng called a pencil Appare ently it wo orks well with a steencil They come witth a batte ery that n never neeeds chargiing But there B e is no enllarging Yo ou wont h have to w wait for it tto boot u up And ccan fit it iinto your cup The pencil w wont go to o sleep wh hen you n not usin ng it And d there arre no sign nals for it to transm mit

So it doesn’t n need internet o problem ms conneccting So no 7Nd

There aaren't any confusing prograams So you'll have no problem ms accep pting There are no upd dates And therre is no sccreen Just you a J and your pencil Is alll you neeed

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