My Small Blue Fish My fish He had blue fins Small eyes And a blue tail as small as a pebble He was smaller than a rock. My fish He had a small bowl There was lots of coal. That was his home. My fish It has flake food It was very rude whenever he pood. My fish He died on that Thursday Right when I came from the bay. His blue fins on the coal Now he’s gone like a dead soul. My fish We buried him in a soil bed Where he can rest in his dead.
The Excitement of Candy on a Halloween Night!!! Kids are going crazy Mom and dads are being lazy It’s Halloween! Kids are running down the street Bags with candy and a sweet that looks like meat! Costumes everywhere A haunted house that’s from the fair. Mummy, vampire, and a witch that’s a bit of a scare Outside was a fake scary man. Kids look at all their candy Someone gave them raisin bran Then when no one is looking poof it’s all gone like money that gets dropped in the fountain. Kids are so hyper running around Now all the kids have gained about 50 more pounds. That’s what's best about Halloween all the candy that’s been found.
I Can’t Take the Heat It’s like a frying pan You don’t have a fan Running so fast. No more water Now you’re getting hotter Heat is so exhausting. It makes me want to puke This makes me look like a kook But then again I hate heat. Heat is something that makes you want to sweat Now you are all so wet Now, run outside you are going to sweat I bet We are all so tired. Heat is worse than winter In winter you don’t get hot. During winter you can do a lot In summer I always rot This is the reason I hate heat.
Picture Sources Sun- clipart White and blue fish- clipart Pumpkin basket- clipart Sweat- my drawing Blue fish in water – clipart Purple trick or treat basket- clipart Sun with thermometer- clipart