By: Charlotte W. 1
Hide and Seek
You are hiding, In closets, cabinets, And classrooms.
I am seeking, In hallways, doorways, And walkways.
I walk around furiously, You always seem to win. Ducking behind people, Or just turning away.
It seems so easy for you, To completely forget about me.
Why do you win? Why? And why won't this game end? Why?
When I Watch
When I watch you play, Moving your feet at lightning speed, I feel awed, Amazed, And astounded by your talent.
When I watch you play, I wonder how much you practice each day, Repeating each exercise, And I feel shocked, Stunned, And surprised by your determination.
When I watch you play, Scoring goals left and right, I feel ecstatic, elated, exultant. Because your playing makes everyone turn their eyes.
You are the spark that lights my fire. My inspiration, You made me what I am, And without you, I might not have turned out to be this way.
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The lights intensify, The sun brightens. And I find myself staring at a certain apple. The color, so much paler than all the others, With an odd shape, Makes the fruit stand out, in a bad way.
I wonder if the apple worries what others think, And if he has trouble making friends. He looks so different, so lonely, So out of place, with all the red ones around him. How does he feel, I wonder?
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Citations Dimity McDowell. “Mia is peerless in her popularity”. 2000. CNN/Sports Illustrated. October 10, 2011. <>. Oseland. “Red Apples on Plate”. February 24th, 2010. Dreamstime. October 10, 2011. <>. Chad Stinner. “Colored Swirls”. 2011. Raige. October 10, 2011. <>. Ann Landman. “Playing Hide and Seek with Oil. August 26, 2010. PR Watch. October 10, 2011. <>.
** All of the pictures- except the cover page- were slightly edited using Adobe Photoshop.