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A Random Selection of Poems
Damon B.
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Day after day On a pair of feet Going to school, Going home Feeling the texture of the carpet Feeling the coolness of the tile Day after day Getting worn and torn Going here Going there Feeling the texture of the car floor Feeling the sadness of the shoe store A good pair of shoes
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Is the glass half full, or half empty? If the glass is half empty Every turn in life is another hassle For there is more good than bad Is the glass half full or half empty? What's your answer
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I am a musician I wonder what I will do for a living I hear the sound of music I see the audience in front of my eyes I want to be in a big band I am a musician I pretend that I am in front of a big audience while I am practicing I feel anxious I touch my saxophone I worry about what will happen next I am a musician I understand what I have to do I say thank you I dream about of being on top of a stage like this I am a musician
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Citations: http://www.flickr.com/photos/photo645a/5015710360/ http://www.wallpapercenter.net/colors__neon‐desktop‐wallpapers/page/6 http://www.flickr.com/photos/photo645a/5015710360/ http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/RandomWalk360