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Wishes, Wonders, And Rainy weekends

The love bird The birth of love coming out of its egg The chirp and the noise going on in your head Slowly and surely getting up to stand in your nest It takes time and patience but out of the nest you fall slowly flapping your wings Then you’re on your wings your flying high And love can never fall out of the sky 9OiKDA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=171&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4, s:0&tx=47&ty=106

Autumn and Me The crisp of the cool The aroma in the air To be free from school Not having a care The leaves trickle down above my head "Like birds flying home" my father once said So soon it’s time for a pumpkin to be shed "Like a yearly conspiracy" my mother once said Candy is fun its brings out some laughter Eating candy is great until the day after

Missed, not forgotten A man in an army uniform knocks on her door He asks the woman her name with a voice low and sore She asks him what happened and below his hat She sees reddened cheeks where his tears must have sat The man hands her a letter and slowly cried The woman finds out her husband had been shot and died For 3 years her husband and her were married A baby girl in her stomach she carried The baby was due in 2 months but the mother was sad She didn’t want to describe to her daughter why she didn’t have a dad She cried every night her heart was torn All she could do was lie in bed and mourn And love had to come to an end, Because on that December she lost her best friend en-us:IESearchBox&rlz=1I7ADSA_enUS419&biw=1229&bih=550&tbm=isch&tbnid=j4vk1l1Ajaa6uM :&imgrefurl= &tbnh=148&tbnw=112&start=32&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:32&tx=32&ty=136

The secret The secret shows no pity for the helpless It gives power to the man with nothing A secret is a silent whisper... a blind conscience A secret will not end until it is told The sensation behind closed lips The need for secret is overwhelming Once it’s told it pierces and stabs The secret shows no pity for the helpless

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