ME, Myself, And I By; Jilly E.
My Sister I love my sister to death And I know she loves me too But when we have a disagreement, It seems like I am in a boxing ring with a bull
I never win the fight‌ My mother usually has to settle it, Like a referee in, black and white; She listens to both sides, Yelling and screaming Pulled hair and scratches Occasionally some bruises
I wish we could always get along, I know we both don't want to fight; But we do it anyway‌
I always seem to start it I know I steal her belonging And she doesn't deserve it But I like all of it, The curvy designs, The bright colors, I just can't help myself
My Closet Full of cloths All different colors Pinks and Purples Greens and Blues
Yellow and Orange All colors of the Rainbows
So Tiny and packed tight, But oversized and too much room All at the same time I never know what to wear Do I want to wear a skirt, Or a pair of shorts, Or maybe some Jeans; I just have so many cloths to pick from I always have a dilemma in the morning
My Doll Rag clothes, with dirt spots; From tea parties, and play time Yarn hair as yellow as the sun Hanging out of the pigtail A crooked smile; that is no longer a smile More of a frown, and tears dripping down Out in a green patch of grass Where little Molly left her there 3 months ago Then all of a sudden, a breeze blows by A little kid sees the misplaced doll She starts to scream and shout The driver stops, and the littler girl gets out The doll is picked up, gently like a feather The little girl holds her tight to her cheek She then whispers something in her torn ear As if to say, "I am sorry"
Picture URLs
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