When One Door Closes Another One Opens
The Easy Way Out Death is like an escape, It is easy to die but it is hard to live. Death follows you your whole life, Waiting for the right moment to strike.
When it does strike you feel a quick moment of pain Then slowly slip away like soap. Death is an endless pit to nowhere Or a guide leading you on your way to the afterlife It's like a shadow emerging from the dark Or a tiger stalking its' prey. Death is like a surprise attack, or an ambush It could be quick and painless Or it could be slow and painful Death surrounds us.
Watching from the Shadows When I watch you, I see that you only have one purpose in life. It is to help others. All you do is open and close to the users’ desire. With ease and satisfaction. When I watch you, I see that people use you with no real appreciation. Without thinking. Some people kick you open too roughly and violently And I wonder how you feel. When I watch you, I observe that you are a one way opening to another room. An amazing invention yet so looked over. Yet you do it anyways, without being stubborn. So I wonder, why?
Where True Beauty Lies Some people may think that peasants are trash, Or that they're like a painful rash. And they only count on how they look Just like the cover of a book. Everything can be seen negatively, So you must see what's on the inside. For that is where there is true beauty, And the heart is close beside Some people think homeless people are rotten But they may not know the true story. Maybe they got disowned and forgotten And they’re not being seen too clearly. But they must see what they are from within Not if they’re over-weight or paper thin For everyone has true beauty inside And the heart lies close beside.
URL’s Opening door: http://www.lisatownsendpmt.blogspot.com/
Closing door: http://familydads.com/blog/when-god-closes-the-door-on-your-work/
Grave: http://insan0.newgrounds.com/news/post/394254
Book: http://www.futurefiction.com/