In My Way of Seeing By: Ryan Janssen
To S T ave a Raainbow
This m morningg I woke e up and saw aa rainbo ow. I saat glued d to myy bed ad dmiring how beeautifull it was.. If on nly I cou uld save e this rainbow I thought Keep p it tuckked in m my pockket for aa bad daay. If people cou uld savee a rainb bow It might help them m see ligght in th he world. might wipe awaay a tear. It m If the w world co ould savve a rain nbow There m T might no ot be any more wars. No morre terro orists. If yo ou could d save aa rainbo ow What would d you saave it fo or?
An Old Creepyy House
There's an n old creepy housee deep p in thee woods Wherre no o one go oes insside Forr that is where thee witch hes livee, Where g W ghostss and ggoblinss hide.. On H Hallow ween th hey haave theeir parrty, All the liights aare burrning b bright,, ut oh n no onee daress goes insidee Bu The ha T aunted d housse toniight.
Witches, bats, and black cats Ghouls, zombies and huge rats! Trust me when I say … stay away! By this house you don’t want to play Witches flying past on broomsticks, Black cats leaping here and there, Demons spice up their fire Ghosts whisper in the air. So then we run on Halloween And we run with all our might. We promised ourselves we will not go inside The haunted house tonight.
When I Loo W ok Into yo our Eyes
When I watch yyou, ndle of joyy disguiseed as a fatt beagle I ssee a bun Who o waddles up to m me with hiis belly saagging low w Sniffing aro ound like a detectivve trying to locatee a hidden n cookie. Wh hen I watch you, I see your ears flop p around. It remin nds me off a girl weearing piggtails. In th he sun you ur silky eaars sparkle Like th he shine iin the water refleccting from m the moon. When I w W watch you u sleep You lookk as peace eful as a n newborn baby. You ur snoringg makes m me laugh h Because it B t remindss me of Grandpa at night.
When I watch you, I see happiness. When I touch you, I feel unconditional love. When I pet you, I feel joy And I watch as your tail goes so fast I think you might fly away. When I watch you, see you jump at me Always wanting be the center of attention Trying with all his might to please Having enough spirit to run the world.
All ab bout me e nd good d at sporrts. I am ffunny an I wonder whaat the fu uture ho olds in store forr me? I hearr tappingg from aa dog's llong toeenails ass they hit the hardw wood flo oors. I see aa darken ned TV w waiting to be tu urned on. I wantt some w warm co ookies aaccompaanied byy a glasss of milkk . I am ffunny an nd good d at sporrts. m a baskketball ssuperstaar with aall the faame. I pretend I am omach b because of a fatt dog I feel fur laid against my sto wled on my lap. spraw I toucch keys tthat make letters appear like m magic on n a blinding scree en in fro ont of m me. do some ething I will reggret for tthe rest of I worrry that I might d my liffe. I cry o once I am m in paiin. I am ffunny an nd good d at sporrts. erstand why I caan't make any ccookies right no ow. I unde I say tthat there should be co ookies eeverywhere. I dreaam abou ut living in a nice e housee. I try to o work hard in sports aand in scchool. I hope e that I ccan have cookie es soon. I am ffunny an nd good d at sporrts.
The scarry shot!!!!
Do you want to go get ice cream my mom says to me Yes! Yes! I want to! I shout out with glee. I put on my buzz light year jacket and start to walk down the block. We take a sharp left though then I begin to stop I look up with my eyes open wide My smile turns upside down I realized that my mom had lied It was the new doctors shop in town I meet a new guy named doctor Joe He had a weird voice which was ever so low He says he’ll be right back I being to pout saying “I really wanted that snack” He comes back in with a sharp thing And he says to me this might sting I feel a poke and then pain “Ouch!!!!” I burst out saying